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New HHS Secretary’– first campaign at age 7 stumping for pro-abortion Sen. Jay Rockefeller


by Ben Johnson Fri Apr 11, 2014 15:53 EST

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 11, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The woman who will oversee the Obama administration’s implementation of the HHS mandate, requiring employers to give “free” contraception to all American women, spent a decade leading the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s population control efforts in the Third World.

President Obama has named Sylvia Mathews Burwell to succeed Kathleen Sebelius as secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Sylvia Mathews Burwell

Burwell served the Gates Foundation in a variety of capacities from 2001 until December 2011, including executive vice president, chief operating officer (COO), and president of its Global Development Program.

Its Global Development Program coordinates the Microsoft billionaires’ “family planning” efforts around the world, much of it funding Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion “philanthropies.”

Between 1998 and 2012, the Gates Foundation gave:

During Burwell’s tenure the Gates Foundation became a corporate partner of Pathfinder International, which “believes access to abortion services is not only a public health imperative, it is also every woman’s right,” according to its website. Its population reduction efforts are concentrated exclusively in the Global South.

In 2010, the Gates Foundation pledged $1.5 billion over five years to improving “maternal health,” much of it dedicated to “family planning.” Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute, told LifeSiteNews at the time the program was “clearly a push for population control.”

In July 2012, Gates raised $2.6 billion for population control measures at a London-based summit, offering more than half-a-billion of the foundation’s own dollars. Gates insists her agenda “is not abortion. It is not population control.”

But she says promoting “family planning” is “my life’s work.”

For a decade, it was Burwell’s life’s work, as well. When she left the foundation in 2011 after being passed over to become CEO, Bill Gates said the future HHS nominee “put our global development work on a path to success, and we look forward to building on it.” Melinda Gates said Burwell’s “dedication to the world’s most vulnerable will be her lasting legacy at the foundation.”

Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan also saluted her accomplishments.

The 48-year-old Burwell has amassed a resume heavy on experience in the most elite centers of power in government and the non-profit sector.

Hailing from Hinton, West Virginia, the granddaughter of Greek immigrants served on her first campaign at age seven, stumping for pro-abortion Sen. Jay Rockefeller. She graduated from Harvard and became a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford.

She sits on the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)’s board of directors and is a member of the Trilateral Commission and the Aspen Strategy Group.

She worked as an aide to Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis before serving on his 1988 presidential campaign.

She served on President Clinton’s transition team in 1992, ultimately holding some post for all eight years of the Clinton administration. Although she worked in an economic capacity, she rose to become deputy chief of staff to the president alongside John Podesta.

After spending a decade with the Gates Foundation, she became president of the Walmart Foundation in January 2012.

Last February she was named to the President’s Global Development Council, which Obama established by executive order in 2012.

Finally, President Obama named her director of White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in March 2013.

Her appointment to lead HHS comes just as the Obama administration’s CDC issued a new report suggesting Medicaid pay for underage girls to get abortifacient contraceptives without their parents’ knowledge or consent.



Billionaires for Population Control: Bill Gates, Sr. (2nd from left), co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and father of the Microsoft founder, is pictured next to Ted Turner, George Soros and David Rockefeller who've all heavily donated to depopulation efforts.

Billionaires for Population Control: Bill Gates, Sr. (2nd from left), co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and father of the Microsoft founder, is pictured next to Ted Turner, George Soros and David Rockefeller who’ve all heavily donated to depopulation efforts.


Pro-abortionists and overpopulation believers – Bill Gates and Melinda Gates along with Kofi Annan think she’s going to be just dandy. If she’s so great why didn’t he give her the CEO job at his foundation in 2011?

Stumping for a Rockefeller certainly didn’t do her any harm. A Rhodes scholar…hmmm


Also see:

Sebelius Replacement-Sylvia Burwell: Bill Gates Vaccines, Common Core, GMOs in Africa



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