by TheEditor • September 2, 2011
You might think that the I.R.S. is owned by our government. A branch that collects taxes from the citizens in order to fund our government. If you think that, you would be wrong.
The I.R.S. is owned by entities outside our country, and by its operation is a collection agency for the Federal Reserve and the C.I.A. As you may know, the Federal Reserve is not a governmental agency, but it is a private bank that lends our government money. Our tax money is collected by the I.R.S. and sent directly to the Federal Reserve banking system.
Our government is financed much in the same way as you might finance your home. The politicians spend so much money that there is no way that the taxes collected would be enough to pay for all their activities. So, they borrow money from the banking cartels, and they tell the banking cartels that they can go get the money from the citizens. We the people, our labors, our person, is then owned by the banking cartels just as your home is actually owned by the mortgage company. Don’t pay your mortgage payment and you’ll quickly see who really owns your home. Don’t pay your taxes and the I.R.S. has the “right” to garnish your wages and freeze your accounts.
- That is because our government sold us to the banking cartels as collateral many years ago.
- We are property used as collateral for the loans that our politicians take out against us.
- We are slaves – literally.
When you see how things actually operate, you can begin to see how these enterprises operate much like organized crime.
- The government is the enforcement division,
- the I.R.S. is the collection division,
- and the big banks are for money laundering.
Unfortunately all of the money collected goes only to interest payments against the HUGE debt (loans) that our politicians have taken out against us. They keep spending and we keep paying. Illegal as it is, they have the bigger guns.
Illegal scams like our government have come and gone throughout the ages. Just before we won our independence from Great Britain, we were subjects that were required to pay exorbitant taxes to the monarchy. We were not represented, and so “taxation without representation” was the phrase of the day. That led to the Boston tea party, and the rest is history.
Recently the revival of the core ideals of our country have been addressed by the Tea Party, which has enjoyed great success up until the time that the Republican party made attempts to infiltrate and take it over. I have the sense that most people that are true believers in the movement will want to regroup, especially after seeing what the old Republicans did yet AGAIN after they were reelected. Same tired old tax and spending with no cuts in anything. Republicans are truly the other flavor of Socialism.
What these Republicans and Democrats don’t realize, is that the Tea Party is a fluid entity. There is no “leader” in the sense that they are accustomed to, and that is why they do not understand it. The leader of the movement is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The independence that all the “members” have, is that they will not be led by any one man, but only by their ideals and morals. This is so completely opposed to the status quo that politicians are used to, that they will never get it. In the Tea Party we are all sovereign citizens in control of our own destiny. We have no need for the petty little morons that are currently in power to lead us, and will stand for it no more.
Our Taxes go to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to pay back the massive interest on the loans the government takes to pay its so-called “bills”. They are forcing all countries into this system which is the reason for all the so-called “people revolutions” that have been popping up in Eastern Europe, Arab Spring, Thailand, etc. Nations borrow Special Drawing Right (SDR) from the IMF in order to pay interest on their mounting debts to the World Bank. With these SDR’s which are produced at no cost, the IMF charges huge interest rates. This system, contrary to bold claims, doesn’t alleviate poverty or further any development. It just creates a steady flow of wealth from borrowing nations to the money changers who control the IMF and the World Bank.
The IRS is the collection division of the Federal Reserve. They have armed agents dressed in black combat gear just like the BLM. These armed agents really represent the Iinternational Globalist Bankster-Gangsters.