“I feel that this needs to be put out for the public to see”
Mikael Thalen
April 20, 2014
A new photo released by the Bundy family Sunday provided more evidence to the claim that the Bureau of Land Management was illegally killing and burying confiscated cattle.
Posted to the official Bundy Ranch Facebook page, the gruesome image shows several dead cattle being removed from a makeshift grave discovered just this weekend.
“Digging up 1 of the HUGE holes where they threw the cows that they had ran to death or shot,” the picture’s description reads. “I feel that this NEEDS to be put out for the public to see.”
The picture backs up reports by several people including Nevada assemblywoman Michele Fiore, who commented on the BLM’s cattle graves last Tuesday.
“Near their compound, right off the highway, they were digging holes,” Fiore said. “They tried to bury some cows on the compound, but I guess they didn’t dig the hole deep enough, so they throw a cow in and they put dirt over him and you have cows’ legs sticking up out of the dirt.”
Although the BLM’s court order only permitted the agency to seize Bundy’s cattle, federal agents have thus far already admitted to shooting and killing two prized bulls, claiming the animals were a “safety hazard.”
Video from the area also revealed holes in water tanks, a smashed tortoise burrow, as well as destroyed fences and water lines.
“They had total control of this land for one week, and look at the destruction they did in one week,” Corey Houston, family friend of Cliven Bundy, told Fox News last week. “Nowhere in the court order that I saw does it say that they can destroy infrastructure, destroy corrals, tanks … desert environment, shoot cattle.”
Separate images taken from an airplane also uncovered hundreds of cattle stuffed into small pens on a BLM compound, prompting the FAA to order a no-fly zone over the area.
Despite a clear and violent overreach by the BLM, Nevada Senator Harry Reid has responded to the incident by calling Bundy and his supporters “domestic terrorists.”
“There were hundreds, hundreds of people from around the country that came there,” Reid said at an event in Las Vegas. “They had sniper rifles in the freeway. They had weapons, automatic weapons. They had children lined up. They wanted to make sure they got hurt first … What if others tried the same thing?”
Unsurprisingly, proof of automatic weapons being present during the stand off between peaceful protesters and the BLM was not provided by Reid. Video of the incident also clearly shows only men and woman, most of whom were unarmed, lined up peacefully.
Whether it be assaulting a cancer survivor, attacking a pregnant woman, tasereing protesters, killing animals or unleashing an attack dog, all extreme behavior has exclusively come from the BLM. Infowars.com
It appears that the BLM did a lot of damage in a week. Ranchers would never threat them in such a way. I hope the Bundy’s bill for the cattle deaths and destruction. I’ve been looking for PETA in all this but not a word.