Nevada state assemblywoman Michele Fiore over exactly what the objection is. Fiore told Hayes that the BLM went way out-of-bounds by sending in armed federal agents, declaring, “We will not allow governance by gunpoint.”
Hayes repeatedly tried to get Fiore to admit that the Bundys are in violation of the law, but Fiore stuck to arguing that the government was engaging in outrageous tactics and “suspicious activity.” Hayes insisted the government’s tactics is a different issue from whether or not Bundy is in the wrong and his rejection of the federal government’s authority.
Fiore asked, “If you owed the federal government money, Chris, do you want them coming to your house pointing guns at your wife and children? Is that okay with you?” Hayes shot back, “But is is okay with you if every rancher in the country stops paying their grazing fees?”…
I don’t know who Chris Hayes it but he reminded me of “pajama boy”.