Bill Gertz – April 25, 2014
A Russian intelligence-gathering ship has been operating off the U.S. East Coast and near the Gulf of Mexico for the past month, the Pentagon said Thursday.
“We are aware that the Russian ships Viktor Leonov and Nikolay Chiker are currently operating in waters that are beyond U.S. territorial seas but near Cuba,” said Lt. Col. Tom Crosson, a Pentagon spokesman. “We respect the freedom of all nations, as reflected in international law, to operate military vessels beyond the territorial seas of other nations.”
The Leonov is an intelligence gathering ship outfitted with high-tech electronic spying gear. The Chiker is an ocean-going naval tug that has been accompanying the spy ship on its mission.
We financed a coup in Ukraine and deposed a legally elected President. Now the Russians are off the coast of Cuba, with a non-combatant ship, and there are war mongering idiots that want to sink it. This is immoral – not one shot needed or needs to be fired! Why don’t they just duke it out – Obama vs Putin. I know where I’d place my bet.
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