Andrew Tahmooressi has been held by Mexican authorities since March 31, 2014 (Photo via WSVN-TV)
Mexican authorities arrested U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi on March 31st, 2014, after he accidentally drove across the border with three legally owned guns. Tahmooressi immediately disclosed that he had his guns in his vehicle, and was cooperative with authorities at the border. Mexican prosecutors originally charged Tahmooressi with gun trafficking and he was taken to a Tijuana prison where he was stripped of his clothes and shackled to his bed. He was threatened to be raped and killed and was brutally beaten by prison guards to the point where he felt his jaw come out of place.
Because of increased coverage in the conservative media, Tahmooressi has since been moved to a “safer” prison in Tecate, but he still has no idea when he will be released. Despite nationwide uproar, the U.S. administration has failed to take action. Our President has given lip service countless times about how much he cares about our troops and veterans and that he will stand up for each and every member of our military.
We need less talk, and more action.
Please join us at the Mexican Embassy to DEMAND the SAFE Return of our Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi.
Conservative Victory PAC, Special Operations Speaks and other prominent organizations and leaders are organizing a rally in front of the Mexican Embassy at 1911 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC on Thursday, June 12th, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
The message is clear. RELEASE U.S. Marine, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi by June 15th.
If our demand is not met for the release of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi…We will escalate immediately:
First, we will organize a rally at the San Diego border where he crossed and will stop all foot and vehicle traffic.
Second, we will organize a rally at all border crossings from Texas to California.
Next we will pressure banks, Wal-Mart, and other companies that transfer money to and from Mexico and ask them to cease business until our Marine is released.
Then we will boycott all travel (Airlines, Hotels, Events etc.) to Mexico until our Marine is released.
Finally we will lobby and pressure Congress, the White House and the Pentagon to take swift and appropriate action against the Mexican Government.
Please join us in sending a message to Mexico that we Demand our Marine back on U.S. soil. Thank you for your support..
Speakers, Sign Petition…
I’m sure Obama’s been working around the clock to make a deal for a soldier who actually did serve with “Honor and Distinction”, right?