Posted on Jun 12, 2014
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the alleged ‘Coptic Christian’ who made the infamous Muhammad video that the Obama administration blamed the Benghazi attack on — well it turns out Nakoula is really a Muslim, not a Coptic Christian. And that’s been confirmed.
It also turns out that the official terms of Nakoula’s parole in 2009 was bogus, and that the administration used his parole as leverage to help him with their agenda: To create a climate for non-Muslim governments to enact laws that make criticism of Islam a criminal offense.
Sound far fetched? Well then I guess you haven’t heard about the ‘Istanbul Process’ meetings Hillary went to in Turkey as Secretary of State that were designed to help facilitate the creation of a “climate for non-Muslim governments to enact laws that make criticism of Islam a criminal offense.”
But before Nakoula could get the video finished, Benghazi happened and the administration quickly blamed it on that video.
One more compelling note: Nakoula called Walid on his private home number, a number he should have never been able to get through non-government channels, and asked Walid not to expose this. Seriously.
Walid Shoebat has done a lot of work to dig up the evidence for this article and, as always, he’s quite thorough.
I encourage you to read Walid’s full article on this before you discount the above as some conspiracy theory. Walid doesn’t do conspiracy theories. He only goes where the evidence leads.
Click the image to read Walid’s article:
Exposed: The Muslim Brotherhood/Al-Qaeda Connection
Behind Benghazi: Muslim Brotherhood and Obama Administration (Reblog)