The ultimate objective is taking down all contenders and reconfiguring the world order.. [MC-> New World Government]
The Salafist horde currently making its way to Baghdad from northern Iraq is a secret and specialized army of terrorists funded, armed and supported by Saudi Arabia, [Qatar] the Sunni caliphate of Iraq, the Levant, and NATO.
Otherwise known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the caliphate and its partners in Riyadh and Doha have transplanted tens of thousands of murderous paramilitary jihadists from the battlefields of Syria to the killing fields of Iraq. For the fossilized monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar the objective is to spread a pernicious version of Sunni Islam and thus defeat their longtime Shia Islam rivals, while in the West the financial and global elite are playing a long-running game of conquer and divide, a technique long used by the British Empire.
British Empire Conquers the Middle East
F. William Engdahl and other historians have shown how the British Empire ruthlessly conquered the Arab Middle East, an effort spurred on when it realized oil would eclipse coal as the dominant energy source in the 20th century. As World War I raged in Europe, the British worked with France, Italy and Russia to wrestle the region away from the Ottoman Turks, who had enjoyed uncontested control for centuries.
The borders imposed after the war created the artificial states of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Kuwait. The British had fomented and directed a revolt against the Ottomans during the war. One of the leaders selected by the British was Ibn Saud, the leader of a tribal Wahhabi sect in central Arabia who bought the support of the Bedouins with British money. In 1925, with British blessing and money, Saud overthrew the ruling monarch Prince Hijaz and by 1932 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was established. Following the Second World War and a massive influx of money from Western oil corporations, the House of Saud began to proselytize and export Wahhabism, an austere and puritanical version of Sunni Islam founded by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. By 2013 governments around the world, including the European Parliament, considered Wahhabism the primary source of Islamic terrorism.
The British and the global elite understood Islam could be effectively exploited to control Muslims. “All political leadership of the time depended on Islam for legitimacy and all political leaders were pro-British. Islam was a tool to legitimize the rule, tyranny and corruption of Arab leaders. To the West, Islam was acceptable; it could be and was used,” writes Said K. Aburish, the author of A Brutal Friendship: The West and the Arab Elite.
Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda
By the late 1970s, following an effort to crush Arab nationalism in response to European colonization, the United States and the Pakistani military and intelligence used – with the bankster front, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, working in the shadows – Sunni radicals to eject the Soviet Union from Afghanistan. “Today it is generally understood that radical Islam received its biggest boost as a result of the mujahedin’s successful jihad against Soviet forces, and when the Soviets retreated from Afghan territory in early 1989 the country was left with tens of thousands of unemployed Islamic mercenaries who then turned their attention to the West,” writes Peter D. Goodgame in his book, The Globalists and the Islamists: Fomenting the “Clash of Civilizations” for a New World Order.
The CIA [MI5-6], in collaboration with Pakistan’s ISI, organized the Afghan Mujahideen, a loose coalition of tribal fighters, to go up against the Soviets. The “Afghan Arabs” and Osama bin Laden were instrumental in this effort. Following the ejection of the Soviets from Afghanistan, Bin Laden and “al-Qaeda,” the terror group named after a database of Mujahideen mercenaries, would establish a foothold in Afghanistan and declare jihad against the Great Satan, the United States. Along with al-Qaeda, the CIA-ISI collaboration produced the Taliban, a group consisting of Afghan civil war veterans who embraced a regional version of Wahhabism imported by Pakistani intelligence and Saudi Arabia.
As has documented for more than a decade, the United States and its European NATO partner have used al-Qaeda terror for a number of political objectives, most notably undermining disfavored governments and destabilizing Islamic states along the former Soviet periphery, the most notable being Chechnya. During the U.S. occupation of Iraq various al-Qaeda aligned and inspired groups contributed the required pretext for U.S. involvement and the establishment of military bases and facilities. U.S. and British collaboration in the “insurgency” led by al-Qaeda and other Sunni groups became obvious when British soldiers were caught posing as Arabs shooting Iraqis in the occupied city of Basra in southern Iraq in 2005.
Award-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh wrote in 2007 that the Bush administration had aligned itself with radical Sunni elements in Iraq. In order to institute what then Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described as a new policy, “clandestine operations [were] kept secret, in some cases, by leaving the execution or the funding to the Saudis, or by finding other ways to work around the normal congressional appropriations process,” Hersh explained, citing government sources.
Libya and al-Qaeda Magnified
During the effort to overthrow Libya and its leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 it became obvious the United States and NATO were supporting, funding and arming paramilitaries swearing allegiance to al-Qaeda and the radical Wahhabist agenda of sharia law.
“The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known al-Qaeda militias and figures,” Clare Lopez, a CIA officer, told the British newspaper The Daily Mail in April, three years after the fall of Libya and the death of more than 30,000 Libyans. The country is now a classic failed state, as planned, with rival factions engaged in open street battles and jihadist groups attacking the Parliament in Tripoli.
Syria: U.S. Directly Collaborates with al-Qaeda
The best kept secret of the Benghazi scandal, at least as far as Congress is concerned, is the CIA gun-running operation out of Benghazi, Libya, to the CIA’s latest al-Qaeda affiliates fighting to overthrow Bashar al-Assad in Syria. The U.S. support of various al-Qaeda affiliated and inspired groups, including al-Nusra and ISIL, either directly or through proxies, is well-known.
“The New York Times reports that a 50 man cell of ‘rebels’ trained and armed by the CIA and US special forces is to sneak over the border from Jordan into Syria this week to begin fighting government forces there, a move that should prompt concern given that moderate rebel forces are now fully infiltrated by extremist al Qaeda linked terrorists,” Steve Watson wrote in September, 2013.
The same month, the U.S. brazenly announced it was arming al-Qaeda. “The United States has officially announced it is now delivering ‘lethal aid’ to the ‘rebels’ engaged in attacks against the Syrian government. In addition to sophisticated communications equipment and advanced combat medical kits sent by the CIA, the State Department is sending vehicles and other munitions, according to the Washington Post,” we reported.
“We’ve come full circle from going after al-Qaeda to indirectly backing al-Qaeda,” Bill Gertz quoted a U.S. official as stating following a promise in June by the Obama administration to increase arm shipments.
Globalist Game Plan: Conquer and Divide through Failed States
Tony Cartalucci documents how the al-Qaeda inspired, although supposedly no longer aligned, ISIL is the product of a NATO and Saudi conspiracy stretching back as far as 2007 [when] US-Saudi policymakers sought to ignite a region-wide sectarian war to purge the Middle East of Iran’s arch of influence stretching from its borders, across Syria and Iraq, and as far west as Lebanon and the coast of the Mediterranean. ISIS has been harbored, trained, armed, and extensively funded by a coalition of NATO and Persian Gulf states within Turkey’s (NATO territory) borders and has launched invasions into northern Syria with, at times, both Turkish artillery and air cover. The most recent example of this was the cross-border invasion by Al Qaeda into Kasab village, Latikia province in northwest Syria.
Cartalucci cites Hersh who wrote in the above mentioned article:
To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.
According to Cartalucci, the Sunni rampage in Iraq is about providing a pretext to introduce NATO into Syria and finalize the current stalemate there. “Through Iraq, NATO has used its terrorist proxies to create a pretext to put this ‘buffer zone’ strategy back into motion,” he writes. “The prospect of the US, NATO, or the Persian Gulf states delivering Iraq from ISIS is an ironic tragedy – as definitive evidence reveals ISIS’ brutal incursion was of this collective coalition’s own doing to begin with, and for its own insidious ends. Instead, a joint Iranian-Iraqi-Syrian anti-terror campaign should be conducted to corner and crush NATO’s terrorist mercenary expeditionary force once and for all.”
Iran, Iraq and Syria may indeed unite to rid Iraq of the current Wahhabist scourge threatening to take over the country and destabilize the region. However, as we have learned since the CIA, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia built and unleashed the terror group and its surrogates, al-Qaeda is tenacious and in the past has experienced miraculous resurgence.
The globalists are primarily interested in fomenting chaos and disorder. Iraq was invaded in 2003 because it was a relatively strong contender in the neighborhood – and this is, as well, why it was coaxed into attacking Iran and, fatefully, Kuwait. Bush’s” Mission Accomplished” was not a tribute to the defeat of Saddam Hussein. It was an acknowledgement that Iraq had been reduced to a failed state on par with Yemen and countries in sub-Sahara Africa.
ISIL and other Saudi-financed and supported terrorist groups may desire a caliphate in the Middle East. However, for the global elite, such a prospect comes in a distant second to its primary objective – taking down all contenders and reconfiguring the world order for its ultimate end: the establishment of a one world totalitarian government.