Crucem Sanctam Subiit
Chorus: Da pacem, Domine, in diebus nostris
Quia non est alius
Chant of the Templars – Salve Regina
Century 2 – Le chant des premiers chrétiens – La musique ancienne. De l’Antiquité à la Renaissance
Mix of Old Roman Chants – Kyrie eleison
King Alfred – “King of the Saxons” soource
Chants in honour of anglo saxon saints
Alleluia – Chant of the mozarabic tradition combined with an islamic mauritanian Samaa marocain.
Note: Dissatisfaction with the term “Mozarabic chant” has led to the use of several competing names for the music to which it refers. The term Mozarabic refers to the Mozarabs, that is, the Christians of Hispania (modern Spain and Portugal) living under Muslim rule. However, the chant existed before the Muslim occupation began in 711. Visigothic refers to the Visigoths who dominated the Iberian peninsula in the centuries prior to the Muslim invasion and converted from Arian Christianity to Roman Catholic Christianity in 587. However, this Catholic rite existed in Hispania prior to their conversion, and the chant was not limited to the Visigoths, so Old Spanish has been used as an inaccurate alternative. Because the chant was found in Portugal as well as Spain, the terms Hispanic and Old Hispanic have also been used by scholars. Because of the ambiguity and vagueness of the term “Hispanic”, “Mozarabic” is preferred despite its inaccuracy and the confusion it can cause.
The Mozarabic-Hispania Rite is celebrated in the Corpus Christi Chapel of Toledo Cathedral. daily.