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Child Killing by Royalty, Soros: Eyewitness


This organization, described below, tried to murder Mehran Keshe and his wife some years ago.  Keshe is an Iranian born nuclear physicist/engineer, who has developed free energy technology.

These child murders have gone on long enough.  To find those responsible, we suggest authorities look online, they practically confess, in fact some like Sterling David Allen, actually did on YouTube and is now in prison.  This is his group.

They kidnap and murder children, particularly of prominent European business and scientific leaders.  This “leverage” has led them to control key technologies, and Keshe is a prime target for obvious reasons.

They include the royal families of Netherlands and Belgium, key police officials in those countries and this gang operates across the US and Britain as well, as we all know too well.

Transcript of Anne Marie van Blijenburgh’s testimony about child murders in Belgium

From 2014, submitted to VT

Issued by The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels

Copyright ITCCS 2014. All rights reserved.


My name is Anne Marie van Blijenburgh. I have been married for twenty four years to Kees van Korlaar. Together with his three brothers, Kees van Korlaar forms a criminal organization known as the Octopus Syndicate (ed. Note: This is a slang term in Holland for Ndrangheta, the modern Italian -based Mafia).

They have worked from 1960 up to  today. By order of Queen Beatrix they have organized the murder, torture, rape and killing of children in a public setting. They organized that through youth detention centers in the Netherlands.


Image result for queen beatrix
Beatrix of the Netherlands – Former Queen of the Netherlands (2013)


The youth detention centers were told by the criminals that they were asking for the Dutch court for children who could work for the Dutch Queen for a certain period. The detention centers were very happy, they thought that Queen Beatrix was a very social person, and they gladly volunteered in giving files of certain children to the criminals. When they wanted to verify what the criminals told them, they were given a name and a phone number of a high ranking officer in the court of Queen Beatrix, and that high ranking officer would tell them that indeed the criminals were seeking children to work for a certain period at the Dutch court.

After receiving files of approximately three children every time, the criminals selected a child that had no relative or family. They told the youth detention center that those are the ones we want, the youth detention center would give clothes to the child and put the child on the train to Zwolle. In Zwolle, the criminals fetched the child from the station and brought it to a building that was equipped like a hotel but was not working as a hotel, although there were people in the lobby as if the hotel was working. The child was put on a table and was given something to drink and with that drink the child was drugged. Beside that hotel was a building where the performance took place.

In that building there were people were sitting down and at a certain moment the child was brought into that building by the criminals, was tortured, raped and brutally murdered in front of those people.

The audience was around Prince Johann Friso, the second son of Queen Beatrix. I was told that Johann Friso was quite insane and had an unhealthy interest in young children and had a psychiatrist with him every day of his life. That psychiatrist’s name was Guus Pareau Dumont. The criminals organized those killings in accordance with Queen Beatrix, she paid for the killings. And the criminals asked Johann Friso to bring his relatives and friends with him, so the whole building was filled with very important people from the Netherlands: ministers, high ranking officers and all kinds of people that the criminals could photograph so they could blackmail those people and get criminal advantages from that.


Question: Could you name some of the people who were present?

Image result for Prince Friso
Prince Friso of Orange-Nassau (died 6yr ago in ski accident) – Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau
Prince Friso of Orange-Nassau was a younger brother of King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands. Prince Friso was a member of the Dutch Royal Family, but because of his marriage without an Ac

The people who I recognized there were Prince Johann Friso, his psychiatrist Guus Pareau Dumont , I recognized Johann’s wife Mabel Wisse Smit, she was there with an old man, I think it was George Soros, I recognized a Herr Donner, a former minister of the law department, the vice roy of the Netherlands, I recognized Ernst Hirsch Ballin, a very important former Minister of Justice, I recognized a Mr. van den Emster, he was for years the head of all judges in the Netherlands, I recognized Dick Berlijn, he’s a former head of the military department in the Netherlands. I recognized a very important journalist. I recognized Carla Eradus, the wife of Friso’s psychiatrist Guus Pareau Dumont, Carla is the President of the Court in Amsterdam, a judge. I recognized Mark Rutte, he’s at this moment the President of the Netherlands. I recognized Geert Wilders, he is at this moment the head of the political party PVV and head of the Dutch Parliament.

There were about fifty people every time I was taken there. I have been taken there three times. I have seen every time that they killed a child, I have seen two boys killed and one girl killed. I presume they were children from the Netherlands, I presume they came from detention centers and were recruited in the way I have told.


Question: You said that officials at the detention center thought that the children had been eaten?

I asked a journalist of the paper De Telegraff in 2005 or 2006 to look that up for me and to publish in the newspaper what was happening. The journalist told me he had checked my story with all the youth detention centers in the Netherlands and had spoken to people who had indeed given those files to the criminals and they thought that the children they put on the train were going to be solicited to work in the court of Queen Beatrix. And some of those detention center people told the journalist that they thought that Queen Beatrix was eating those children up because they were putting them on the train to Zwolle and they never saw those children again or ever heard about them anymore.


Question: Do you know what happened to the remains of the children who died, where they were buried or what they did with them?

Yes unfortunately I know, yes. They were first thrown in a container behind the building where they were murdered, a cooling container. After certain performances the container was brought to Belgium where they had a piece of land where they put the children in a hole.


Question: What is the name of the place in Belgium, do you know?

I must look it up, I found it but I must look it up.


Question: What is it that you’d like to see happen about all of this?

I want to see those criminals forever locked up.


Question: You haven’t received any help in the Netherlands, you said.

Not one thing, no, it’s terrible, from 2004 to today. I have spoken with every policeman I could find, and every law official, I’ve talked to INTERPOL about this, I’ve been to court to try to get a the prosecutor to convict this and investigate the matter. The court told me it wasn’t my problem, it was a problem of society, and the court didn’t want to give an order to the prosecutor to investigate. I have done literally everything to clear this up. I have the idea that everything is stopped because Queen Beatrix is involved and the Dutch court is involved. And every time somebody wants to investigate they slap him on the shoulders and say don’t do that because Queen Beatrix doesn’t want it.


Question: Are you willing to give this testimony in another court, say a Common Law Court?

Yes. I have no objection about that. I am very very angry, if you’ve seen what I’ve seen, it always stay with me. I can’t put it aside because it’s one of the cruelest things I have seen, it’s horrible, it’s really horrible. The idiots. One time when I was going back to my home, my husband who took me there, he drugged and he let me see that and he brought me back to my home a hundred kilometers away. And during that ride I suddenly came to my senses, I suddenly discovered that it was a child that I had seen killed. I burst out into tears. My husband was driving and he put his arm to me and he said, “Don’t bother, they’re children of a minor family, they’re orphans, they’re just trash, it doesn’t matter they were killed.” It’s horrible. I can’t describe it. It’s horrible those people were sitting there and looking and not doing anything.


Question: And your husband is still alive.

He’s still alive and he’s still killing people. If you just think how many people since 2004 have been killed, it’s been ten years, they kill perhaps ten or twenty people a year if not more, it’s horrible. I have shown the police four places in the Netherlands they use as grave yards for people they killed. Never, never, has any policeman ever taken the trouble to look.


Question: Can you name those four places?

Yes I can name them, I can show them, but I will put them to you by email. But the criminals know I have told the police, they’ve had every opportunity to let the bodies disappear, I know two places where it is difficult for them to disappear …  But normally in the Netherlands when you find a body in a house with blood, the police go with 20 or 30 people to investigate. But when I say to the police I know four places in the Netherlands they use as a graveyard, and every graveyard perhaps 20 or 50 perhaps 100 bodies are buried there, nobody is looking, nobody goes to those places.


Question: Can you tell us your name please and the date today?

Today is the fifth of June 2014 and my name is Anne Marie van Blijenburgh.

Copyright ITCCS 2014. All rights reserved.     itcces veteranstodaymediachecker



Allegations – Octopus Syndicate


Annemarie van Blijenburgh claims that her husband Kees van Korlaar and his three brothers are the leaders of a criminal enterprise known as the Octopus Syndicate. A translator adds that this is a slang term in Holland for the ‘Ndrangheta. [1]


The Korlaar family:


The old mafia:

  • Klaas Bruinsma – gave a shipping fleet to the Korlaar brothers in 1985
  • John Mieremet – Allegedly killed by Evert van Korlaar on November 2, 2005
  • Kees Houtman – Allegedly killed by Adelbert van Korlaar on November 2, 2005
  • Evert Hingst – Allegedly killed by Adelbert van Korlaar on October 31, 2005
  • André Brilleman – Allegedly killed by the Korlaar brothers in 1985


Child Murder

Annemarie van Blijenburgh claims to have witnessed three child murders, alleging that these events are organized by the mafia with the collusion of a high ranking member of Queen Beatrix’s staff. Friends of Prince Friso were encouraged to attend so that the mafia could collect blackmail material on them, and one of these events took place in a hotel in the city of Zwolle.

According to her allegations, the attendees included:


Felix Przedborski is a Belgian diplomat and businessman who was accused by two Belgian policemen of being “one of the secret leaders of many countries, including ours” and one of the leaders of The Nebula, an organization controlling half of the world’s economy.

As of 1994, his net worth was estimated at $7 billion USD


The Nebula

Hody and Deck describe the Nebula: [1]

To understand this nebula, it is necessary to abandon traditional financial or political logic; this is not merely a question of nation, political party, or of coherent economics.Our conclusion would be that at least over the last twenty years, the economic powers, some of which mafia types, have allied themselves with political forces and organized criminal structures, and have reached the 4th stage of money laundering, namely, Absolute Power.

It has been specified to us that at the present moment these characters control 50% of the world economy.


See also:

  • The Dutroux Affair
  • Danny Casolaro and the Octopus
  • Claire Sterling’s Thieves’ World
  • Peter Dale Scott’s The Global Drug Meta-Group
  • Other alleged members Edit
  • Pierre Salik and his son-in-law Michel Dwek


Other persons of interest

  • Mr. Stockman, Limbourg regional director of the Belgian tax inspector service, said to have assisted Przedborski in designing business structures to facilitate tax evasion.
  • Allan Bond, Australian, associate of Albert Frère, owner of 4.8% of Groupe Bruxelles Lambert, said to have “carried out gigantic tender offers in the USA”
  • Joseph Kaszirer, AKA Josef “Mendy” Kaszirer, owner of Kaszirer Diamonds, said to have ordered the death of a witness in a lawsuit involving [[ABN AMRO] Bank.


Personal Life

Felix Przedborski was born December 12, 1930 and married Helene Krygier, born July 5, 1931. Both reside in Tuvoren, Belgium. Przedborski obtained Belgian citizenship in September 1978 and departed for Costa Rica that same month. [1]

Przedborski owns the property Bellavista at a country club in Escazu, Costa Rica, a suburb of San Jose. [1]

Przedborski is Grand Master of the Jewish Lodge of Mason



Przedborski has a brother in New York who is not involved in the Nebula


His sons include:



Przedborski is said to be a personal friend of:


Przedborski is said to own almost all land in Antibes. Visitors to his property in Antibes are said to have included André Cools, Baron Empain, and Didier Pineau-Valencienne.



Przedborski was rescued from Auschwitz by the Russian military and became a black marketeer in Russia after the war. [1]

By the early 1950s, Przedborski had established contacts with the Russian military, the CIA Vienna and Rome bureaus, the Vatican, the Italian mafia, the “roi du Kassai” (King of Kassai, a river in the then-Belgian Congo), and the father of Belgian Socialist Party leader André Cools.


Diplomatic work

Hody and Deck report that Przedborski was appointed honorary Consul of Costa Rica by President Carlos Monge (deceased). [1] Costa Rica has had no President by that name. The closest match, Luis Alberto Monge Álvarez, is still living as of 2014.

As of 1994, Przedborski was the ambassador of Costa Rica to the International Atomic Energy Agency.


Arms trading

In 1956, Przedborski was arrested in Germany for selling nuclear materials to China. West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer ordered his release. The Bundeskriminalamt dossier on the subject is code-named SPRINGER. [1]

In the 1970s and 1980s, Przedborski is said to have sold weapons from Belgium to Costa Rica in exchange for heroin. Weapons were produced at FN Herstal and flown from Nantes to the Santa Elena region of Costa Rica. Persons involved included: [1]


Belgian Foreign Minister Henri Simonet would have been aware of the arrangement


Przedborski supplied some of the arms for the Nicaraguan Contras.


Mossad connection

In 1983, Przedborski hired a Israel Colonel from the Mossad to provide security for his organization. This Colonel’s activities included:

  • assisting in the 1987 rescue of Mélodie Nakachian, daughter of Lebanese arms dealer Raymond Nakachian, from kidnappers
  • moving a PLO financier named Ketib el Ketib to Belgium. (The name sounds suspiciously like Katib el Kitab, suggesting disinformation or a false name.)
  • installing the PLO bureau in Brussels
  • Training Contras
  • Training the Cali Cartel


Money laundering

Hody and Deck accuse Przedborski and many others of money laundering.

Their report alleges:

As early as 1984. Przedborski began working with Arthur Fogel, Bruno Goldberger, and Joseph Kaszirer to launder funds through diamond trades and real estate investments. Charles Dilley of Luxembourg was involved, and the funds were moved through the ABN-AMRO bank and the National Republic Bank of New York.

In 1989, Przedborski began laundering money for Leon Deferm of Trident Ventures, which was involved in the Agusta scandal. The two of them were introduced by Marc Kadaner, head of the Belgian Friends of the University of Tel Aviv and founder of the Solvay Business School, who controlled the affairs of Waloon Minister-President Bernard Anselme.

Hody and Deck note that Deferm is a friend of Guy Mathot, former Prime Minister Edmond Leburton, and Michael Daerdenne (possibly Senator Michel Daerden).

Helena Kohlbruner is said to be the mistress of both Przedborski and Deferm.

Counselor Afschrift is lawyer named in this context as part of the Nebula and as a lawyer used by the Russians. This might refer to Thierry Afschrift whose website uses the logo of a bear and the color red, and is in the languages of English, Dutch, French, Hebrew, and Spanish.

Banana trade

Przedborski is said to have interfered with a 1993 European Economic Commission regulation on banana imports to exempt Germany from import quotas.

This was done at a meeting Przedborski held with:

In addition to establishing favorable trade rules for their businesses, Przedborski and his associates laundered 150,000,000 Belgian francs (circa $3,750,000 USD) through the companies Eurocomer and Electrorail using a Bank Brussel Lambert account in the Cayman Islands. Key figures included Alain de Rouck of Ghent and Jean-Pierre van Rossem. Others involved included:

  • The two Bercovitch brothers, a diamond dealer and the Berco art gallery owner.
  • Madame Roggen, attorney for the Bercovitch brothers
  • Ivan Roggen, former Governor of Brabant, Przedborski’s private secretary, Honorary Consul of Costa Rica, and part of the Masonic Grand Lodge
  • The Kirwin banking family
  • The Scheyven family, a father and son holding one of the richest fortunes in Belgium, possibly the family of Raymond Scheyven; Active members of CEPIC, funded the Christian Social Party through the company Amelinckx.
  • Pierre Salik, a great importer of funds for Przedborski. He is said to be another highly important figure in the Nebula, as is his son-in-law Michel Dwek, and to use “companies whose name starts with JA or JU”.
  • Segre Borenstein, nephew of Pierre Salik, resident of Prague, related to Chinese criminal activity involving the City of the Dragon restaurants in Brussels and Liege, recorded in the YANG Dossier.
  • The New Republic company of Miami, Florida, USA, which had an account at Belgian bank CGER managed by Przedborski and Farouk Khan of the Khan Clan.
  • The company S.A. Comuele, “recently taken over by Russians” as of 1994, which transferred 6 billion Bfr ($150 million USD) to Serge Borenstein.
  • Bruno Goldberger of the Globus Group, son-in-law of diamond merchant Joseph Kaszirer, linked to Russian Mafia figures Mike Brandwain of M & S International and an Adic in Antwerp who invested $100 million of Israeli funds in Comuele. Goldberger was introduced to the Russians by Maurice Tempelsman, the widower of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
  • Michael Wolf of Liege, an owner of parking lots and ticket machines
  • Arthur Fogel, president of Sogepa company
  • Daniel Weeckers of the DEFI Group, a relation of Max Teret of PNAC and CANAL+ which laundered enormous amounts of money through Lyonnaise Des Eaux for Przedborski and other Credit Lyonnais customers.
  • Shilo Miller, possibly related to Comuele

Diamond trade

Przedborski’s diamond operation was run by Maurice Tempelsman, “a certain Goldfinger” identified by IGSP as Mike Brandwain, and a Leo Simon of Antwerp.


Others involved include:

  • Sylvain Linker, notary
  • Richard Davidovitch, diamond cutter
  • Michael Konig,
  • the Tache brothers
  • the Goldberg brothers. The wife of one brother is a “judge” in Antwerp, in quotes in the original.
  • The head of the French National Air Force Association
  • Ben Ari, the head of the Israeli National Air Force Association, who is also involved in the company that runs the Bierset airport.
  • Charles Bornet, lawyer from Brussels, member of same Masonic lodge as Przedborski
  • Xavier Magnee, lawyer from Brussels, former Bâtonnier (head of the Bar Association)
  • The Jackian family, father and son, both lawyers from Brussels, the father a former Bâtonnier, possibly Edouard Jakhian
  • “A certain Safra” at the Republic National Bank, which could be anyone in the Safra banking family


Banks used by this group include:

  • The Luxembourg and Geneva branches of Banque Colbert, named for the former French minister
  • The Luxembourg and Geneva branches of Banque Discount
  • The Luxembourg and New York branches of Banque National Republic
  • The Dusseldorf branch of Banque Globale

The Republic New York bank is also used by Paul Vanden Boeynants, Roger Boas, Abraham Shavit, and the Mossad.


Associates of the operation include:

  • Bruno Goldberger
  • Pierre Salik
  • Ronald Bruckner, who was worked in Germany for Soviet Bloc countries on behalf of Michel Dwek
  • The Caluwe-Putseys law firm, which defeneded Salik and Bruckner when they were caught trading with Eastern Europe
  • Raymond Vanderelst, personal lawyer to Felix Przedborski, King Albert II, and the Masonic Grand Orient, and his son Michel Vanderelst, who stopped practicing law after the Haemers Gang held Paul Vanden Boeynants for ransom
  • Koen Blijweert, son of Amelinckx director Renaat Blijweert. Koen is described as “very active in money laundering.”
  • Jacques Maison, the contact of a mafia Godfather in Luxembourg, responsible for structuring 3-4 billion Bfr ($75-100 million USD) for Eastern European countries, “intervened in the Titres Affair” (Titres=Securities)
  • Lionel Perl, “would work in Antwerp to launder Russian money”
  • Cardinal Bellini of Belgium, “in charge of the Vatican’s real estate business outside of Italy”, possibly Giovanni Benelli of Florence.
  • Patrick Focquet, employee of Tubemeuse, Socofin, and Nagelmackers
  • David Pinsent, manager of Plantation Trust, possibly David Hume Pinsent (b. 1943) of Crowhurst Securities


Costa Rica Project

As of 1994, Przedborski’s group was in the process of building a $2 billion tourist real estate project in 1,800 square kilometers of land in the Santa Elena region of Costa Rica. Others involved in the project included:

  • The Gonrad Network
  • Romi Baron, a former member of the Monitor Group and the Rogier Center
  • “Gaone” of Geneva


Herrera-Ulloa Defamation Case

La Nación reporter Mauricio Herrera-Ulloa was convicted in 1999 of defaming Felix Przedborski by reporting on allegations that had been made in the Belgian press. The Supreme Court of Costa Rica had overturned his acquittal and imposed a looser standard of defamation to allow him to be convicted.



  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 Jean-Marie Hody and Didier Deck, Confidential report, no. 37 /Ciel/M, 1994 November 21, http://web.archive.org/web/20111227214720/https://wikispooks.com/ISGP/dutroux_and_nebula/1994_11_21_Gendarmerie_Liege_ATLAS_Dossier_doc_on_Nebula.rar
  2. http://www.companydirectorcheck.com/david-hume-pinsent-2
  3. Herrera Ulloa v. Costa Rica, Open Society Foundations <- George Soros


Note: Princess Mabel was romantically involved with a Muslim Mafioso and a War Child Charity in the Balkans…more here later or on another post. (have something on her here – International Crisis Group).

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