2012: Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands (R) speaks with Serbian-born artist Marina Abramovic (L-R) British singer and composer Antony Hegarty and US director Robert Wilson
2015: Wikileaks, Spirit Cooking, Satanic Rituals...
The internet was ablaze with speculation Friday morning following Wikileaks’ publication of a potentially disturbing email thread between John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, and his brother Tony, an influential Democratic lobbyist.
In the email, Tony asks his brother if he is able to attend a “Spirit Cooking dinner.” He says the artist hosting the dinner, Marina Abramovic, “wants [him] there,” and a previous email in the thread shows the artist requesting John’s presence at her New York City home.
Abramovic, a Serbian performance artist, has apparently conducted these dinners since the 1990s. While the title “Spirit Cooking dinner” suggests they constitute a harmless – if not spiritual — practice, some components of the “recipes” are raising alarm.
The Podestas’ “Spirit Cooking” dinner?
It’s not what you think.
It’s blood, sperm and breastmilk.
But mostly blood.http://wearechange.org/spirit-cooking-disturbing-podesta-email-yet-warning-graphic-content/ …
The #Podestas‘ dinner “cook” Marina Abramovic on #SpiritCooking
reddit – Context: https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/794450623404113920 …
“With a sharp knife, cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand. Eat the pain,” one of the recipes reads.
Another calls for breast milk and semen to be mixed together and consumed on “earthquake nights.”
Still another reads, “Fresh morning urine. Sprinkle on nightmare dreams.”
The vulgarity of these statements and others has convinced some that Abramovic and the Podestas engaged in satanic rituals. At the very least, some recipes appear to be highly ritualistic. One advocates holding a python on one’s lap while sitting on a block of ice to fight high blood pressure.
Another says to “[t]ake 13 leaves of uncut cabbage, 13,000 grams of jealousy. Steam for a long time in a deep iron pot until all water evaporates. Eat just before attack.”
On the other hand, other phrases and sentences included in Spirit dinners appear to be fanciful, mystical activities — and less morbid:
“7 days without eating. 7 days without talking. 7 days without sleeping. 7 days without sexual intercourse. 7 days not reading or writing. 7 days not watching television. 7 days not answering telephone or fax.
“On the 7th day, take a bath in almond oil. Eat one coriander seed. One almond. One tablespoon of honey mixed with royal jelly.”
The recipes make frequent reference to crystals.
One recipe calls for “3 glass of water that a ruby has been soaking in for 3 days. 1 pomegranate.”
Another involves brushing one’s hair with a quartz brush until memories are released. Others reference tourmaline and meteorite, among other crystals.
On one hand, Abramovic is a provocative performance artist, and the extremeness of her work could easily be attributed to her offbeat take on art. She has claimed to be a mystic and that she predicted an earthquake in Italy, as well as the Pope being shot.
The New York Times described her recent memoir:
“You will need to be able to withstand a great deal of conversation about clairvoyants and tarot cards and didgeridoos and kundalini life forces and monks and gurus and ‘how the soul can leave the body through the center of the fontanel of the head’ to make it very far in this memoir.”
The Times also observed that “[s]he likes to say things like, ‘I’m only interested in an art which can change the ideology of a society.’ Her art, judged on that scale, shrinks further in size.”
While the rituals she suggests performing with the Podestas are undoubtedly unsettling, they are not secretive. The Museum of Modern Art called the recipes “evocative instructions for actions or thoughts,” and prints of her work are featured on their website.
However, just because the displays are in plain sight does not mean they are inherently innocent. Considering Anti-Media does not have a satanic or occult specialist on staff, however, we are unable to provide insight into whether the “recipes” constitute actual satanic behavior or are simply the highly unusual expressions of an established Eastern European artist.
One thing is clear: the Clinton campaign is attempting to distance itself from the emails and Spirit Cooking dinners.
“This is not the first or last time that WikiLeaks has tweeted propaganda while doing Putin’s bidding,” CNET reported the campaign said in an email, evidently continuing to invoke Cold War rhetoric to detract from Wikileaks’ publications.
For her part, Abramovic tweeted Friday she is not a satanist (despite her Twitter handle being AbramovicM666) and asked people to enjoy art and stop asking her about politics.
I’m not satanist!Stop it!
— Marina Abramovic (@AbramovicM666) November 4, 2016
My friends, please stop twittering me with tag spiritcooking! Just enjoy art and stop asking me about politics.
— Marina Abramovic (@AbramovicM666) November 4, 2016
This is puzzling considering she was the one who reached out to the Podestas to invite them to her dinner, though it’s unlikely she ever assumed those emails would make it into the public eye.
Did Clinton’s campaign manager engage in satanic rituals? Were they simply spiritual? Were they the jumbled musings of an aging artist? What do you think?
This is the start of an open source investigation into the Pizza Gate Pedophile Rings being run by Comet Ping Pong Pizza. This ring of Pedophiles is directly exposed by the emails from John Podesta and Tony Podesta. Also directly connected to this is DOJ Andrew Kline. The links I have compiled are below. I uploaded this video to the Steemit Block Chain so it will forever be on the internet, uncensorable in the block chain.
Links for Further Investigation, please leave more in the comment field!
DC Leaks Pizza Gate: https://dcpizzagate.wordpress.com/
Wikileaks Podesta Emails: Wikileaks
Andrew Kline owns Besta Pizza: steemit
Beyond Borders: http://beyondborders.net/
Comet Ping Pong: http://www.cometpingpong.com/
Comet Ping Pong Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/comet-ping-pong-washington
Comet Ping Pong FB: https://www.facebook.com/cometpingpong/
Besta Pizza Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/besta-pizza-washington
FBI Known Pedophilia Symbolism: https://sli.mg/00qA8D
Jimmy Comet Insta: https://www.instagram.com/jimmycomet/?hl=en
Julian Treger Insta: https://www.instagram.com/juliantreger/
Charlotte Insta: https://www.instagram.com/charlottedicarcaci/
Brian Bakers Insta: https://www.instagram.com/brianbakers/
TransformerDC Insta: https://www.instagram.com/transformerdc/
CBoutlier Insta: https://www.instagram.com/cboutlier/
Victoria Reis Insta: https://www.instagram.com/victorialynnreis/
Comet Ping Pong Insta: https://www.instagram.com/cometpingpong/
Halien Witch Trials : https://www.instagram.com/witchtrials/
Wild Torus: https://www.instagram.com/wildtorus/
At the root of all of this is blackmail for control of our world. In the case of PIZZAGATE, it is Belgium, Saudi Arabia, and Israel blackmailing top American politicians, military and intelligence personnel, businessmen, and media into following their globalization agenda and aggression against Russia, China, and their allies.
They spend a lot of time and money putting people into power they can control. The more heinous and twisted their selected people are, the easier it is to blackmail and control them. The program is called the CARROT AND STICK. As long as you follow the agenda, you can commit what ever crimes you want to and they will protect you. If you do not follow their agenda, they expose you and pull their protection. Very simple… and very effective.
Many people are asking “why isn’t anything being done about this? “. Trump cannot act on this until he takes office in January and replace the corrupt heads of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other cabinet posts. Be patient. The NYPD and military also have copies of Weiner’s hard drive. There’s no hiding this now. It has gotten too big.
Here is the evidence.
The Elite Globalist Method of Maintaining Power:
Blackmail of deviant elite politicians and businessman involved in child trafficking, pedophilia, satanic ritual, sacrifice, and life extension science. Intelligence operative Steve Pieczenik on the Clintons – Podesta, Pizza, and Pedos. Who is John Pedestal? gunban
FBI exposes Clinton Pedophile Satanic Network: investmentwatchblog
BELGIUM IS THE NEXUS OF EVIL: biblioticapley theatlantic independent google newnationalist
ISRAEL INVOLVED google worldwidechat.
PEDOPHILIA RAMPANT IN THE MIDDLEEAST: 30 U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies. zionistreport
Pizza Gate tweeted @ 16 Nov 2016 – 15:16 UTC
Turkey is familiar with David Brock. He is the originator of Zaman News’ TV commercial heralding the coup attempt o… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…