March 24, 2014 – telephone call has been verified.
This monster also stole tens of millions from the Ukrainian people!
Source: One of Soros’ Kiev Ukraine News Blog from the “Orange Revolution”
“A leaked report, seen by The Independent, claims that 85 bank accounts containing millions of pounds were linked to Ms Tymoshenko and relatives.”
“The Yanukovich regime previously hired Lawrence Graham to trace more than $200 million which the former Ukrainian government alleged was siphoned off by Tymoshenko and another former Ukrainian Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko, among others. The funds allegedly disappeared from the mid-1990s onwards at a time when Tymoshenko ran United Energy Systems”
“But her supporters hail Tymoshenko as a hero for her role in the Orange revolution of 2004 and regarded her as a political prisoner when she was jailed during Yanukovych’s rule over a gas deal with Russia which she arranged while she was prime minister.”
Read it all here:
Anyone who supports this creature are either total morons or being paid to support her since no one in their right mind would want this women anywhere close to any government decisions.