by Steven Ertelt | Dublin, Ireland | | 5/3/14
Thousands of pro-life people lined the streets of Dublin on Saturday to protest abortion and tell the government the pro-life movement in Ireland still strongly opposes its bill that was the first step to legalizing abortions.
The Fine Gael party promised voters it would not legalize abortion and the party broke that promise, speakers lamented. The pro-life movement gave a commitment not to sit back and accept the new law and the National Vigil for Life was a clear sign that millions of pro-life people in Ireland will not be breaking that promise, they said.
Pro Life Campaign vice president Cora Sherlock complained that the abortion bill the government pushed, saying the limited cases when abortions are allowed are allowed up to birth and that it refused to listen to information showing abortion hurts women.
“There is no evidence to show abortion helps women who feel suicidal. Why did the government ignore this fact last year?” Sherlock asked. “We are sick and tired of this government breaking promises it makes to voters. Crowds have taken to the streets yet again to show the government their opposition to this abortion law. It’s time they started listening.”
Below are some of the pictures from the event (courtesy Pro Life Campaign and attendees)