by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 5/2/14
President Barack Obama has a laundry list of a pro-abortion record. He has promoted and supported abortion at every turn. He’s stacked his administration with abortion advocates, including former employees of top abortion advocacy groups.
Obama asked God to bless the Planned Parenthood abortion business and celebrated the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which has resulted in the deaths of 57 million unborn children. It’s no shock that a pro-life advocate like James Dobson would refer to him as The Abortion President.
But, apparently, that was too much for a Democratic lawmaker — who stormed out of a prayer event with Dobson after he referred to Obama as such.
As the Washington Times reports:
Rep. Janice Hahn stormed from the event shortly after Mr. Dobson spoke, the Huffington Post reported.
Mr. Dobson’s remarks: “President Obama, before he was elected, made it very clear that he wanted to be the abortion president. He didn’t make any bones about it. This is something that he really was going to promote and support and he has done that, and in a sense he is the abortion president.”
Ms. Hahn told the Huffington Post the speech was “inappropriate” and a direct conflict to what was supposed to be a day of unity and national faith.
“He goes on about health care and … providing abortions and at that point, I stood up and I pointed my finger at Dr. Dobson and I said, ‘This is inappropriate,’ and I walked out,” she told the Post. “James Dobson hijacked the National Day of Prayer — the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National Day of Prayer — to promote his own distorted political agenda.”
The Huffington Post reported Mr. Dobson also read from a letter that his group recently mailed that spoke of “the Creator” not holding America “guiltless if we turn a deaf ear to the cries of innocent babies. So come and get me, Mr. President, if you must. I will not yield to your wicked regulations.” Source
It wouldn’t surprise me in the least, if she didn’t go there intentionally, in order to make a scene by walking out. It did get her some attention in the MSM – mission accomplished. Calling Obama the “Abortion President” or a part of the “Culture of Death” isn’t off the mark when one looks at his record. He want’s a no to death row (which we can agree on) but continues to fund and promote abortions. One is either a part of a Culture of Death (population control) or a Culture of Life.