by Dave Andrusko | London, England | | 5/2/14
Back in February British Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said he would investigate allegations by a retired doctor that sick children were being euthanized. That charge by Michael Irwin came literally hours after the Belgian legislature voted to make the country became the first nation in the world to legalize euthanizing children. (The King subsequently signed the bill into law.)
Appearing on LBC Radio this week, Mr. Hunt said, “An investigation is now under way by my department.” He added, “The police are not involved at the moment. I’m afraid I am not in a position to comment because it is highly sensitive.”
There was considerable skepticism about Dr. Irwin’s motives in making his allegations, which came during a debate on LBC radio. The 82-year-old Irwin has claimed to have helped multiple people die at the Dignitas clinic in Zurich, Switzerland.
According to The Mirror newspaper, Irwin said, “It has happened in this country, very quietly. I know of one or two children over the last few years.” He explained, “It has been done under the pretext of what we call Double Effect where the child has been given huge doses of painkillers and so on, in order to relieve discomfort, pain and other symptoms.”
Back in February, the Mirror’s Andrew Gregory wrote
“Pressed by host Nick Ferrari whether the parents consented, Dr Irwin said: ‘That’s what I’m told, yes.’ Stunned Ferrari replied: ‘Right. Good lord.’”
Another comment Irwin made to Gregory only added to questions about his motives. Gregory wrote, “Dr. Irwin admitted he was ‘not completely happy’ about the move in Belgium as he said some children could be pressured into it by their parents.
”Having made that semi-qualifying statement, Irwin added, “Many children do develop great maturity about their illness and have perhaps a really genuine request that if nothing more can be done, they would receive euthanasia.
”Bioethicist Wesley Smith wrote that Irwin’s “hope, of course, is to normalize euthanasia in all its manifestations.” Smith added,
“The way things are going with Brits flying to Switzerland for assisted suicide, if the answer to the probe is yes, the call will not be to punish the child-killing doctors, but rather, to legalize their dark practice so it can be done in the light of day.” Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. This post originally appeared at National Right to Life News Today.
King Phillip of Belgium – Honory Member of the Club of Rome-
“…the predictive systems and models of the Club of Rome were used by the Chinese to set up their brutal one-child policy. In 1978, a group of Chinese scientists visited several scientific conferences in Europe, and readily picked up on the ideas distributed by the Club of Rome. At the head of this Chinese delegation was a man credited for introducing China’s notorious one-child policies, source of so much hardship suffered by the Chinese people in the last decades. Robert Zubrin, senior fellow with the center for security policy, published an op-ed in the Washington Times, reaffirming that Greenhalgh’s study is correct. Zubrin wrote:
“In June 1978, Song Jian, a top-level manager in charge of developing control systems for the Chinese guided-missile program, traveled to Helsinki for an international conference on control-system theory and design. While in Finland, he picked up copies of “The Limits to Growthand: Blueprint for Survival”- publications of the Club of Rome, a major source of Malthusian propaganda – and made the acquaintance of several Europeans who were promoting the report’s method of using computerized “systems analysis” to predict and design the human future.”
To illustrate that the Global Matrix was further developed, the 1991 publication The First Global Revolution: A Report to the Club of Rome shows us that early on the common denominator was invented around which the world could rally, thereby creating a common purpose:
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution,the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”
More info here: The Green Agenda: Club of Rome – Club of Budapest – Club of Madrid
The Club of Rome inspired the Chinese’ one child policy. The Western Countries Eugenic Practices inspired Hitler’s Eugenic System and the Aryan master race. The Great Irish Famine of 1740–1741 or Bliain an Áir – means Year of the Slaughter) was blamed on a potato blight. Ireland was/is a farming country – there were loads of other agricultural products but they were denied the Irish Catholic indigents since the food belonged to the thieves that stole the land from the Irish - land settled by Cromwell a century earlier (and before that by Elizabeth I). The Irish were only permitted to work on this English stolen land as serfs – if they were lucky. Bypassing the starving Irish, their abundance of food was sent from Irish docks to English under armed guards…much of it was then sent to feed their invading armies abroad. One wonders if it inspired famines in other countries….certainly an easy solution to a problem of an over abundance of the “wrong sort”.
Culture of Life vs Culture of Death