By John D. Christian
January 2008
The movie ‘Amerika’-
In the middle of February 1987, over twenty years ago, the most controversial British propaganda film ever broadcast throughout the United States was a $40 million, ABC-TV, 14½ hour mini-series called Amerika, which was beamed over seven nights, 9-11pm, between 15 February – 22 February to the naïve, gullible American public.
This incredible film, although largely forgotten about now, enacted in great detail, the long-held British Fabian Society’s Anglo/Soviet communist plot to ruthlessly destroy the United States of America and convert it into a “leper colony” of the City of London Corporation, headed by the British Sovereign.
The film forecast that this would happen during a national, and probably a global, state of emergency and period of financial and political chaos in which the US dollar specifically would not only be targeted by British bankers to become almost totally valueless – Americans would actually be seen burning their worthless currency in the streets in protest – while the nation as a whole would be turned into a war zone, the stock market and financial system would be deliberately crashed, the country would be severely plagued by dire food shortages and fuel rationing, riots, lawlessness, mass unemployment and everything else that goes with it.
In the film, under the imposition of strict martial law, led by a specialist UN appointed Russian general and colonel, under directions from a Central Committee in Moscow, (who want to nuke the Americans to teach them a lesson) – leading American political traitors secretly prostitute themselves to these foreign, Russian socialist powers (who are really secret British agents) and assist them in destroying the country and setting up the new administration.
The Russians brutally remove the president from power and replace him with a British “governor general” (Peter Bradford played by Robert Urich) [alias Bill Clinton?] and a woman deputy governor general (Marion Milford/Andrews played by Wendy Hughes) [alias Hillary Clinton?] – then divide the United States up into twelve soviet-styled “administrative areas” under a “North American Union.” A map in the film shows what these administrative areas are going to be. As the symbolic gesture of the destruction of America, most of the members of Congress are brutally murdered in the House of Representatives during a terrorist attack led by the Russians after they refuse to disband their legislative body before the U.S. Capitol building is burnt.
Rhodes and Fulbright Scholars: Secret British Fabian Society agents -
Two of the leading characters in the film are Colonel Andrei Denisov (played by New Zealand actor, Sam Neill) and Devin Milford (played by Kris Kristofferson) – both these actors are former Rhodes Scholars.
All Rhodes Scholars are indoctrinated under the British Rhodes Trust secret society program at Oxford University to bring in a New World Order government with London and the British aristocracy at the head.
All Rhodes Scholars are in fact secret British agents. The American sub-branch of the Rhodes Scholarship program at Oxford is the Fulbright Scholarship program, founded in 1946 by J. William Fulbright, himself a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford 1928-31. The Rhodes Trust was established in the early 1900′s following the death of Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) with money from his estate. Rhodes was taught at Oxford University by a Christian Socialist professor called John Ruskin (1819-1900), a Freemason and fascist. Nazi swastikas may still today be seen carved into his gravestone at Coniston in England.
Currently, for example, two of the present Trustees of the Rhodes Trust are: Lord Ashburton (Sir John Baring) who heads the giant Baring Bros. Bank and who is also a member of the Order of the Garter. Another is Lord Armstrong (Baron, Sir Robert Temple Armstrong) who has served as Private Secretary to the British PM. Many of the British Freemasons that were intimately involved in setting up the Fabian Society in 1884 were also involved in setting up the Rhodes Trust, principally the British Rothschilds.
In his 1888 revised will, Rhodes said, “… In considering question suggested take Constitution of the Jesuits if obtainable, and insert English Empire for Roman Catholic Religion…” (ref. The World’s Banker by Niall Fergusson p.881-890). And that is what Nathaniel (Natty) de Rothschild (1814-1915) did in setting up the Rhodes Trust with Milner. Before he became British Prime Minister in 1997, Tony Blair was chairman of the Fabian Society. He is now also a secret leading member of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) – more about this following. Apostate Protestantism is a thousand times more subtle and insidious than Roman Catholicism!
Members of the Fabian Society created, (and still do control) the world’s Labor Parties, Soviet Communism, German, Italian, and American fascism. Rhodes and Fulbright scholars now dominate virtually all of the world’s largest business corporations, governments, the UN and the control and running of the Roman Catholic Church including the Jesuits. Rhodes and Fulbright scholarships now provide the most prestigious awards and honors of all the leading Jesuit universities around the world, the United States being no exception. Bill Clinton was awarded his Rhodes Scholarship at America’s leading Jesuit University, Georgetown.
People like…
- Leo J. Donovon – a leading Jesuit and President of Georgetown University 1989-2001,
- Kul Chandra Gautam – UN Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF,
- Boutros Boutros Ghali – UN Secretary General 1992-96,
- Han Seung-Soo – President UN General Assembly 2001-2002,
- Ingvar G. Carlsson – Prime Minister of Sweden 1986-91, 1994-96,
- Lamberto Dini – Prime Minister of Italy 1995-96,
- Bay Fang – National Correspondent US News and World Report,
- Nina Gershon – US Federal Judge,
- Valery Giscard d’Estaing – Prime Minister of France 1974-81 and who, incidentally, as part of London’s control of the European Union, co-drafted the EU Constitution with Sir John Kerr (Baron Kerr of Kinlochard) assisted by British Labour MP and member of the Fabian Society Gisela Stuart – Kerr was also Secretary General of the European Convention until July 2003, Deputy Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell since 2005, Director of Rio Tinto, and he just happens to also be a Trustee of the Rhodes Trust, Fulbright Commission and Carnegie Trust as well,
- Thomas R. Pickering – Senior Vice President, The Boeing Company, Ambassador US to UN 1989-92, Ambassador to Russia, India, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria, and Jordan,
- Lawrence R. Riccardi – Senior VP & General Counsel, IBM (1995-present),
- Margaret Snyder – Founding Executive Director of the UN Fund for Women,
- Javier Solano – Secretary General of NATO 1995-99,
- Garrick Utly – Chief Foreign Correspondent NBC News, – to quote just a few examples – are all former Fulbright Scholars! This level of conspiracy or subtle infiltration of major global organizations has never ever been achieved on such a massive scale before – not even by the Vatican.
The Fabian Society Connection:
Two of the Mitford Sisters – Unity and Diana.
“Henriette Hoffman, the daughter of Heinrich Hoffmann, Hitler’s official photographer, got to know Unity during this period. She claimed that Hitler “raved over Unity’s personification of perfect German womanhood”. She believes that Hitler had good reasons to encourage his relationship with Unity: “He was aware of the value, for propaganda purposes, of Unity and her blind devotion to him… with every fibre of her being she yearned to see Britain and Germany closely united. She often said to me, she dreamed of an impregnable and invincible alliance between the Ruler of the Seas and the Lord of the Earth; the land of her birth with the country of her hero could, she was convinced, achieve a world domination.””
Donald Wrye, Jessica Mitford, Gordon Brown, J. K. Rowling and Harry Potter…
Donald Wrye, the executive producer, director, and sole writer of Amerika is also, like Tony Blair, a Fabian Socialist and Marxist. He filmed most of Amerika in Toronto, Ontario, and at Tecumseh in Nebraska.
One of the co-founders of the Fabian Society in 1884 was Sydney Webb. His wife was Beatrice Potter, whose father, Richard Potter, wrote a number of occult children’s books which were later resurrected by the Tavistock Institute (Britain’s global mind-control center) and given to J. K. Rowling to write their Fabian socialist propaganda books called Harry Potter.
Sidney and Beatrice Webb wrote a book entitled, Soviet Communism – A New Civilization. Col. I. M. Bogolepov, a former Red Army officer attached to the Soviet Foreign Office 1930-36, appeared before the US Senate Committee on the Judiciary on 7th April 1952 and stated that the entire text had been written by himself in the Soviet Foreign Office.
J. K. Rowling is not the person the media would have us believe. Rowling is a long-time close personal friend of Fabian British PM Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah with whom she collaborated on a book of children’s stories to aid the charity One Parent Families. In July 2006, at the time of the birth of Gordon and Sarah Brown’s son John, J. K. Rowling was one of the first people to visit the couple at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Indeed, Rowling named her first son born on 23 March 2003 (from her current marriage), David Gordon Rowling-Murray – after Gordon Brown.
J. K. Rowling has quite openly and publicly stated that since age 14 her greatest heroine and most influential writer has been the Communist, British-born American writer, Jessica Mitford. Rowling says that she has read everything Mitford ever wrote. She has even named her daughter Jessica Rowling-Arantes after her. Several of Rowling’s characters in the Harry Potter series are named after characters in Mitford’s book, A Fine Old Conflict. The Fabian socialist influence of Mitford on Rowling’s writings is immense. Dobby the House-Elf, the one who insists on negotiating fair compensation for his labour is named after the woman who introduced Mitford to the Communist Party USA and gave her a copy of Howard Fast’s Citizen Tom Paine for a wedding present when Mitford married civil rights lawyer Bob Treuhaft.
Mitford and Treuhaft became active members of the Communist Party during the ‘Red Scare’ and, in 1953, they were both summoned to testify in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee. Mitford also wrote a book published in 1963 called, The American Way of Death. Mitford’s sisters, Unity and Diana, were well-known British supporters of Hitler and her father was described as being “one of nature’s fascists.” The character, Harry Potter, in Rowling’s books is a young socialist, Hitler/Stalin type hero figure. J. K. Rowling is a rabid socialist and her writings, like Mitford’s, are designed to destroy the Christian faith and family structure, bring about the death of America, and seduce all of the children of the world to worship this soon-coming British “National Socialist” leader. Beatrice and Sidney Webb’s ashes were ceremoniously interred in Westminster Abbey on December 12, 1947, so the present Queen Elizabeth II clearly knows all about it..
The RIIA and Chatham House Rule
Another co-founder of the Fabian Society was George Bernard Shaw. He created the coat of arms of the society – a wolf in sheep’s clothing! The major Fabian Socialist training school in the world is the London School of Economics(LSE). Its major policy think-tank unit is the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), founded in 1920, now called Chatham House, of which all of the world’s ‘institutes of international affairs’ are secretly sub-branches and a part, including the US Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission. Apart from a few public meetings, almost all of their important meetings now are held under what they call the Chatham House Rule, which binds all of the participants under oath of strict secrecy, based on British Freemasonry’s United Grand Lodge of England motto, ‘avi vide tace,’ which translated means, ‘hear see be silent.’
Moscow State Institute Of International Relations (MGIMO)
Chatham House’s Russian sub-branch is called the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), founded on October 14, 1944. Sergy Krylov, one of the communist founding fathers of the MGIMO was also one of the leading authors of the UN Charter.
In the movie Amerika, do you know that Colonel Andrei Denisov (played by Sam Neill) the Soviet administrator for the American Central Administrative Area – is a real person! In the movie Andrei’s immediate superior and mentor is General Petya Samanov (played by Armin Muelller-Stahl), the soviet military leader in charge of the occupation – is also another real person! His real name is Vladimir Samanov, a Russian general!
Do you know that Donald Wrye’s utter contempt of the American public’s apathy, ignorance, and gullibility was so great when he created the movie, he even (like Hitler wrote down his devilish plans in Mein Kampf long before the event) had the sheer audacity to write real, living, Communist, Russian characters into the plot of his movie to precondition the brainless American public to accept what is soon-coming?
Do you know that Andrey I. Denisov is not only a real, living person? He actually graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1974, (the Russian sub-branch of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London), and in December 2001 – July 2004 he was Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations 2004-2006.
Do you know that more recently Mr Denisov has actually been chairing the UN’s “Counter-Terrorism Committee” based in New York City – and he is now working closely with the Organization of American States (OAS) that is soon to be used to destroy the United States of America by merging Canada, USA, and Mexico into a federation of states, (similar to the Russian Federation or the European Union), called the North American Union.
Ultimately, all of the South American countries will join as well to form one global region, all to be governed as “administrative areas” or regions in a world government United Soviet Socialist Republic – just exactly as Donald Wrye had Colonel Andrei Denisov (played by Sam Neill) doing in his movie Amerika played in 1987.
The soon-coming British burning of a sleeping America
Do you know that according to, – the New Zealand actor Sam Neill’s great-great grandfather actually aided in burning down the White House in the War of 1812?
In spite of the film’s blatant, anti-patriotic American plot, and the fact 19% of all TV households throughout the United States viewed the program in 1987, ABC research indicated 96% of the entire US population over 18 years of age did not object to the brazen, controversial content! Talk about blatant, impending national judgment coming upon this once great Christian nation, America, that is now almost sound asleep, having turned away from God!
Bill and Hillary Clinton already chosen to destroy the Presidency of America
If the central characters in the plot of Amerika and other key British propaganda movies like Gladiator or Harry Potter are reenacted in the real-life individuals they represent, then it seems that President George Bush Junior will be the last full-term serving United States president, who will soon lead America, and indeed the entire world, into a period of widespread chaos triggered by a major war in the Middle East, be assassinated, and be succeeded by Bill Clinton, a Rhodes Scholar, and his wife Hillary, who have already been chosen – secretly – not to lead the nation under any new presidency – but to treacherously destroy it, and make the nation “a leper colony” of the British Sovereign – while temporarily, during the reforms, give it a new Russian name Amerika – led by a Governor General or Deputy Governor General-type transitional administrator – who, in case you don’t know, in Commonwealth countries – is literally the Queen’s personal representative!
Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)
Now if you don’t believe America is very soon to become effectively a new “leper colony” of Great Britain, or more correctly, the City of London Corporation, as the apostate Protestant British Sovereign cunningly takes over the world, or you don’t believe that Hillary and Bill have not “already been chosen” to lead Amerika into a New World Order dictatorial Fabian Socialist, fascist police state of tyranny and terror, then why not take a small peek at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), List of 2007 Members? – Membership is by invitation only and until relatively recently the membership list was kept largely secret and confidential – but not now!
Here you will see the incredible power behind Bill and Hillary Clinton on this extensive 49 page list. For example, on the list are many of the world’s most powerful media representatives, bankers, the Rothschilds etc.
There are well over a thousand leading individuals on the list that are secretly funding and supporting the Clintons. On the list are people like Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, former recent chairman of N.M. Rothschild & Sons in London, and his American-born wife, Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, who are secretly funding Bill and Hillary Clinton, including Senator Hillary Clinton’s campaign for President.
Sir Evelyn and his wife spent their honeymoon in the White House with Bill and Hillary when Clinton was President. One of Forester’s two sons from her previous marriage to Andrew Stein, Ben Stein, actually secretly works for Hillary Clinton, and the other, Jake Stein, for Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg, who is also, naturally, a member of the CGI.
Also on the list, for example, is perhaps a much less well-known personality, Jane Nelson. Who is she? – not only is she another former Rhodes Scholar, she is CEO of The Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum (now called the Business Leaders Forum) through which Prince Charles indirectly controls almost every major corporation in the world.
Media Moguls Behind the Clinton’s CGI
Gail Asper, president of the Asper Foundation, is another on the CGI list. Who is she? Her father, the late Izzy (Israel) Asper, a Canadian Jew, founded the giant Canadian media company, CanWest Global Communications Corp. The multi-billion dollar company owns a big proportion of newspapers and television stations in Canada, and until mid-2007, two of the four major public TV stations and all of the 142 radio stations in New Zealand apart from two. It owns media assets in Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Turkey, and the UK.
When you’ve got all of the world’s media controlled by despots like Asper who are at the same time members of the Clinton Global Initiative, and Hillary Clinton running for president, there is not much point in voting at all in any election. On October 20, 2007, New Star Books published a book written by Marc Edge entitled, Asper Nation: Canada’s Most Dangerous Media Company. The book exposes how the Aspers wickedly manipulate, censor and control through their media empire important information against the public interest, against democracy, and push their British globalist, socialist political agenda.
After Gail Asper’s father’s death in 2003, she and her two brothers, David and Leonard, took over the company. Her brother David is a former trustee of the Fraser Institute in Canada. One of the leading publications of the Fraser Institute is a book called, The Case for the Amero: The Economics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union (1999). This is one of the key commonwealth agencies responsible for the Fabian plan to abolish the United States of America and create the North American Union, abolish the US dollar and replace it with a new regional currency called the Amero. Like her father previously, she was awarded the Order of Manitoba by the Queen in 2007.
In the Canadian province of Manitoba, when a Lieutenant Governor (the Queen’s representative) is sworn in, by virtue of his office, he automatically becomes a member of the Order and Chancellor of the Order. The pervasive power of the Queen is insidious.
Other powerful global media controllers who are secretly members of CGI are:
- Larry Brilliant – Executive Director Google,
- Larry Page – Co-Founder & President Google,
- Gabrielle Fitzgerald – Program Officer Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
- Tom Brokaw – Special Correspondent NBC News,
- Diane Cardwell – City Hall Bureau Chief The New York Times,
- Steve Chen – CTO & Co-Founder YouTube,
- Peter Chernin – President News Corporation,
- Anderson Cooper – Anchor CNN,
- Stephen Howe – President The Americas Financial Times,
- Chad Hurley – Co-Founder & CEO YouTube,
- Larry King – Host CNN,
- Dick Parsons – Chairman & CEO Time Warner,
- Richard Sambrook – Director BBC Global News,
- Marva Smalls – Executive Vice President MTV Networks,
- George Stephanopoulos – (Rhodes Scholar) Chief Washington Correspondent ABC News,
- Martha Stewart – Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia,
- Ted Turner – Chairman Turner Enterprises,
- Greta Van Susteren – Anchor/Host Fox News Channel,
- Dr. Fareed Zakaria – Editor Newsweek International.
Fascism has often been described as “the merger of Socialism with Corporatism.” Unlike Hitler’s devilish cohorts, these people do not parade around with Nazi swastikas openly emblazoned on their clothing, but the truth is they are no less fascist. With a hidden CGI membership supporting the Clintons like this, who do you think the manipulative media are planning to become the next leader of Amer-ika?
Other Secret British Fascist Supporters of the Clintons you may have missed
Now there are a full 49 pages of names of key people around the world like these who are members of the Clinton Global Initiative who are, in reality, secret British agents working for the Queen and British Monarchy behind the scenes, funding and supporting Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Here are a few more examples that might be of interest:
- Rev Jim Ball – President and CEO Evangelical Environmental Network,
- Tammy Aupperle – Director Heinz Company Foundation,
- Maria Blair – Associate Vice President & Managing Director The Rockefeller Philanthropy Foundation,
- Tony Blair – Former British PM,
- Carol Browner – Principal The Albright Group,
- Edgar M. Bronfman – Bronfman Associates,
- Wesley Clark – Senior Fellow UCLA’s Burkle Center for International Relations (Wesley, a Rhodes Scholar, led the military op on the Branch Davidians at Waco),
- Abbey Joseph Cohen – Managing Director Goldman Sachs,
- William Daley – Vice Chairman J.P. Morgan Chase & Co,
- Leslie Dach – EVP, Corporate Affairs & Government Relations Wal-Mart Stores,
- Baroness Ariane de Rothschild – Edmund & Benjamin de Rothschild Foundations,
- David de Rothschild,
- John DeGioia – President Georgetown University,
- Jim Donald – President & CEO Starbucks Coffee Company,
- Alex Ehrlich – Managing Director UBS AG (Europe’s biggest Bank),
- Dr. Mahomed El-Ashry – Senior Fellow United Nations Foundation,
- Deborah Grossman – Vice President Public Policy Monsanto Company,
- Gary Hattem – President Deutsche Bank Americas,
- Rev Bill Hybels – Senior Pastor Willow Creek Community Church,
- Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza – The Secretary General Organization of American States (remember? – the agency that is to be used to soon destroy and break up the United States),
- Lew Kaden – Vice Chairman Citigroup,
- Paul Martin – Former PM of Canada,
- Andrew Mitchell – Senior Advisor The Prince of Wales Rainsforests Project,
- Secretary General Amre Moussa – Secretary General The League of Arab States,
- Secretary General Markku Niskala – Secretary General International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Society,
- Jonathan Oppenheimer – Head of Chairman’s Office De Beers Family of Companies,
- riel Pablos-Mendez – Managing Director The Rockefeller Foundation,
- Carter Roberts -President World Wildlife Fund,
- Klaus Schwab – Founder & Executive Chairman World Economic Forum USA,
- George Soros – Chairman Soros Fund Management,
- Rick Warren – Pastor Saddleback Church,
- James Lee Witt- Chief Executive Officer James Lee Witt Associates,
- Jim Wilkinson – Chief of Staff for Treasury Secretary US Department of the Treasury,
- Robert B. Zoellick – President The World Bank Group, and on and on and on.
All this may sound like a ridiculous absurdity – but the truth is, it is nothing less than global fascism!
Take a look at the full list, and if it hasn’t already, it soon will become plain that the coming next US presidential election is nothing less than a Hollywood farce and a charade, orchestrated only for the ignorant public masses – with actors as candidates playing out their pre-ordained roles in a modern colonial plot of subterfuge and deceit to transfer the United States of America back to the control of an apostate Protestant British Sovereign who is not now only intent on reclaiming the US as her possession – but on owning the entire world.
Plato’s Republic
The ancient pagan Greek philosopher Plato (427-347 BC) has long been recognized by scholars as the father of the religion of modern socialism, including Fabian Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Fascism, and Nazism, which are all the same thing, only with different labels.
Three principal pagan deities worshipped by Plato, and subsequently also in socialism are,
- firstly, the Sun, as the father, (in Greece personified as father Zeus and in Rome as Jupiter).
- Secondly, the Earth, as mother-earth, (in ancient Greece personified as Athena or Demeter and in Rome as Ceres) In Rome, Ceres’ feast was called the Cerialia and her sacrifice was called the Holocaust, held on April 19th every year – Hitler’s Holocaust of the Jews was the result of German National Socialists [Nazis] worshipping the goddess Ceres. Hence, this is why Hitler changed the traditional birthday of National Socialism in Germany from May 1st to April 19th. That is why he commenced to burn the Jews in Warsaw on April 19th, 1943. There is a price to pay for turning away from God. The UN Food & Agriculture Organization’s patron now is the Roman goddess Ceres, and a statue of Zeus resides in the main lobby of the UN Headquarters in New York.
- Thirdly, socialism is a religion about the worship of “Man as a god” - or hero worship. The socialist dictators, Hitler in Nazi Germany, Mao in Communist China, Stalin and Lenin in Communist Russia, were all worshipped by their followers as heroes, fathers and gods. Lenin’s Tomb (mausoleum) in Red Square, Moscow, was made as a perfect replica of the Pergamon Altar, now residing in the Pergamon Museum, Berlin, that was originally the Altar of Zeus in the Temple of Zeus in Pergamos, Turkey.
Between them, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and Mao literally murdered hundreds of millions. They were all great students of Plato. This is the fruit of socialism: Madness.
Plato wrote in his book, The Republic, about a dream World Republican State – a type of godless ‘paradise on earth’ or ‘kingdom of god on earth’ in which he believed one day it would be ruled not by a president, nor even by a hereditary constitutional monarch, but by a royal “philosopher king” or “philosopher prince” in an ‘honorary role’ who was a philosopher like himself, and who would be elected to rule by the will of the people – not by hereditary right. That is why Prince Charles will never be king of England. He has a much greater role and destiny.
Because the British monarchy and aristocracy have now completely turned away from the early faith of their forefathers in the God of the Protestant King James Bible published in 1611, (interestingly, the 400th anniversary of this event will be held in 2011) they outwardly still appear to be Christian, but in reality they are totally pagan and are now entirely following the teachings of Plato. If you listen carefully enough to Prince Charles, it will be clearly observed that he often uses phrases in his speeches taken directly from the writings of Plato. Hitler also extensively used Platonic phrases in his speeches. Oxford University is not only the home of the Rhodes Trust, it has long been the global center of the study of Plato, and indeed, with London, the epicenter of modern global socialism. That’s why Karl Marx is buried not in Russia as one might normally expect, but in Highgate Cemetery in London.
Over the last two thousand years or so, there really have been only two great “Christian” nations, Britain and America, founded on four or five unique documents, the Bible, Magna Carta, US Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights that have given the democratic nations their unparalleled prosperity, freedoms and liberties from tyrant kings, political despots and socialists. The reason why the apostate Protestant British Queen in her lust for world power in collusion with leading members of the socialist Fabian Society, paradoxically, is so determined to abolish these five unique documents, abolish even her own country, Britain, and divide it up into separate regions of the European Union, abolish her own British hereditary constitutional monarchy in its present form with its Christian-based Westminster parliamentary system of government, abolish the American Republic and divide it up into the North American Union – is that she is now become a Communist Sovereign!
In short, what is happening is that the “British king” is reverting back to his dictatorial reign of tyranny and terror that persisted in his kingdom before the Magna Carta was first signed in England in 1215AD, and in respect of America, in more modern times, his reign of tyranny which existed in America before the Declaration of Independence (from him) was signed in 1776AD by the American fathers. That is why, to the mystification of many, both Britain and the United States as nations must quickly soon be abolished, divided up and merged into the European and North American Unions respectively, before the Monarchy transfers their role to become ‘honorary patrons’ of a new, final world socialist empire and fascist dictatorship, ultimately headed by their leading representative, HRH The Prince of Wales.
And just for the record. Do you know? – that in the movie Amerika, the role of Devin Milford (played by Rhodes Scholar, Kris Kristofferson), the maverick politician, hero and socialist philosopher, who was exiled in a prison camp for daring to speak the truth about the Soviet occupation in the transition while America was destroyed (the office of the President abolished and replaced with that of a “Governor General and Deputy Governor General”) – who was later freed, and finally arose to save his people from Soviet domination and the tyranny of fascist wealthy corporations and individuals, and who was then heroically worshipped as a god, then sacrificed for his people for what he believed in and stood for, like Jesus Christ – actually, in the finest detail, represented the god-like role of this soon-coming world “philosopher prince” – that the Greek heathen philosopher Plato over 2400 years wrote about in his classic book The Republic.
America’s imminent judgment is about to commence: “God Bless America” is gone and the nation is soon to become a laughing stock, her Congress a derision, her elections a mockery. The chaotic plot is complete. The Royal fanfare of trumpeters are ready. The stage is now set. The cheering crowds are in the Colosseum. Let the first act begin – arise now and applaud Her Majesty’s coming new President of Amer-ika – three cheers for Governor General and Deputy Governor General – Bill and Hillary Clinton!
An interesting take on things…
The Fabian Society
The Fabians, the Round Table, and the Rhodes Scholars
Fabian Socialists: Keynes was a life-long sexual deviate
John Maynard Keynes: Keynes at Harvard
The Crimes of The Fabian Socialist NWO
H. G. Wells – Fabian Utopia
Edward Irving (Thomas Carlyle’ mentor)
Thomas Carlyle (John Ruskin’ Mentor)
John Ruskin (1819-1900) (mentored Cecil Rhodes)
Revolution of the Mind: The Dreams of Aldous Huxley (mentor – D.H. Lawrence)
Private: RELIGION AND WORLD GOVERNMENT - Both Lord Waldorf Astor and Lady Nancy Astor were Christian Scientists who were members of Cecil Rhodes’ secret Circle of Initiates, as was Philip Kerr (also known as Lord Lothian), who wrote editorial columns for the MONITOR.
Privately Owned Federal Reserve: “Banking Institutions are More Dangerous Than Standing Armies”…
One World Religion-The Aspen Institute and the Club of Rome