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Tea Party VS Rhino in ME Primary. (Pro-lifer leads Olympia Snow’s Pro-abortion chief of staff)



On the GOP side, Bruce Poliquin, a former state treasurer and pension fund manager, says he’s the only candidate in the race who is not a “career politician.”

He points to his life story — including the tragic loss of his wife at a young age and his deep belief in his Roman Catholic faith — as the reason he can claim to be the only “pro-life” candidate in the race. Poliquin made an unsuccessful run for governor in 2010 and for the U.S. Senate in 2012.

Poliquin’s primary opponent is former state Senate President Kevin Raye, a Republican from the Washington County town of Perry who is the former chief of staff for retired U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe. Raye has supported abortion rights and says he doesn’t believe the government has a role to play in the relationship between a woman and her doctor.

http://maineelections.bangordailynews.com/ via freerepublic

Another big upset! Thanks Maine!

Note: my politics center on a Culture of Life.

World War III, Class Conflict and the History of Warfare. The Global Corporate Elites against The World’s People

Global Research, June 09, 2014

Most pundits of historical developments tend to perceive another global war, often called WW III, in a manner similar to World Wars I and II; that is, large scale deployment of military means in pursuit of defeat, destruction or subjugation of contending opponents.

While prospects of such an ominous scenario certainly cannot be ruled out, there is reason to believe, however, that the much talked-about WW III may be of a different type: more interclass than international. Viewed in this light, WW III is already here; it has indeed been raging on for years: the unilateral, cross-border neoliberal war of austerity economics that is waged by the transnational class of financial oligarchy against the overwhelming majority of world citizens, the global 99%.

Globalization of capital and interdependence of world markets has reached a point where large scale military clashes of the magnitude of World Wars I & II could lead to financial catastrophe for all. Not surprisingly, the network of transnational financial elites, who often elect politicians and run governments from behind the scenes, seem to be averse to another wholesale international war that could paralyze worldwide financial markets.

This explains why imperialistic aggressions of late have often taken the form of “soft-power” interventions: color-coded revolutions, “democratic” coup d’états, manufactured civil wars, economic sanctions, and the like. Of course, military option always lurks in the background to be employed when/if “soft-power” strategies of regime change fail or prove insufficient. Even then, however, all efforts are made (by the major capitalist powers) to make such military interventions “controlled” or “manageable,” that is, limited to local or national levels. While “controlled” wars tend to safeguard the fortunes of war profiteers and beneficiaries of military spending (mainly the military-security-industrial complex and major banks), they would not cause paralysis of international financial markets.

This also explains why major world powers such as China, Russia, India, and Brazil tend to shy away from standing up more robustly to the bullying policies of the United States. Wealthy oligarchic circles in these countries have more in common with their elite counterparts in the U.S. and other core capitalist countries than their fellow countrymen at home. “Whether they maintain primary residences in New York or Hong Kong, Moscow or Mumbai, today’s super-rich are increasingly a nation unto themselves,” points out Chrystia Freeland, Global Editor of Reuters, who travels with the elites to many parts of the world. It is therefore only logical to believe that a de facto alliance exists between members of this global “nation” of the super-rich, which helps facilitate the operations of imperialist schemes of regime change. For example, when/if Russia is threatened by the U.S. and its European allies, Russian oligarchs tend to clandestinely collaborate with their class counterparts in the West, thereby undermining Russia’s resistance to such interferences from Western powers.

A brief look at recent schemes of regime change in countries like Iraq and Libya, on the one hand, and Ukraine and Iran, on the other, can help an understanding of when or where the imperialist powers resort to direct military action to bring about regime change (as in Iraq and Libya), and where or when they resort to “soft-power” tactics to achieve the same goal, as in Ukraine and Iran. Two major reasons or considerations can be identified in this context, that is, in regard with the imperialist choice of the means or tactics of regime change.

The first is related to the level of class differentiation within countries targeted for regime change. Due to extensive (and often scandalous) privatization of public property in both Ukraine and Iran, there have emerged quite wealthy circles of financial oligarchs in both of these countries. These Western-oriented money magnates tend to collaborate with the interventionist forces of regime change from abroad; they are essentially agents of regime change from within, in collaboration with imperialist forces from without. This explains (at least partially) why schemes of regime change in these two countries have relied primarily on “soft-power” and color revolutions instead of direct military intervention.

By contrast, Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and Qaddafi’s Libya lacked such influential and internationally connected wealthy classes. While neither Saddam nor Qaddafi were paragons of virtue or champions of democracy, they did played the role what is sometimes called “enlightened dictators”:

  • they implemented extensive welfare state programs,
  • maintained strong public-sector economies,
  • opposed privatization of public services such as health and education, and
  • kept major or “strategic” industries such as energy and banking/financial system under state ownership and control.

Combined, these policies prevented the rise of powerful financial elites such as those emerged and developed in Iran or Ukraine. This meant, among other things, that “soft-power” and/or color revolution tactics of regime change, which heavily rely on native or local allies, the so-called comprador bourgeoisie, did not have a good chance of success in these countries—hence the use of “hard-power” or direct military intervention/occupation of both Iraq and Libya.

The second imperialist consideration in the choice of soft- versus hard-power tactics of regime change is related to whether a war to be waged in pursuit of regime change can be controlled and managed at the local or national level, or whether it may spin out of control and become regional and/or global. In the case of Ukraine, for example, a direct military aggression would certainly have involved Russia, very likely become global, with disastrous economic/financial consequences beyond the control of imperialist powers—hence the choice of soft-power and/or “democratic” coup d’état in Ukraine. A similar concern that an all-out war against Iran may get out of control likewise explains why schemes of regime change in that country too have (so far) focused primarily on economic sanctions and other soft-power tactics, including the color-coded “green revolution” of 2009.

By contrast, “hard power” or sheer military force was used for regime change in Iraq and Libya out of near-certain knowledge that the wars of regime change against these countries could be controlled fairly successfully, that is, prevented from becoming regional or global.

The Case of Ukraine

The recent and ongoing crisis in Ukraine serves as a clear case of how transnational financial elites tend to avoid cataclysmic international wars of the scale of World War I or II in favor of controllable and often interclass wars by means of economic sanctions and other types of “soft-power” tactics.

In the immediate aftermath of the February 22 (2014) putsch in Kiev, which ousted the duly elected President Viktor Yanukovych and brought to power the U.S.-backed coup regime, tensions between Russia and Western powers ran so high that many observers warned of “the impending WW III.” While those earlier tensions and the concomitant danger of major military clashes between the two sides still exist, they have subsided considerably since the early May when President Putin of Russia effectively blinked in the standoff with Western powers and announced (on May 7th) that Russia would respect the presidential election in Ukraine, and work with whomever is elected—which turned out to be the billionaire oligarch Petro Proshenko.

Despite the fact that the brutal crackdown on the autonomy-seeking activists in Ukraine’s eastern/south-eastern provinces continues unabated, diplomatic maneuvers spearheaded by the representatives of the financial elites from the U.S., Europe, Ukraine and Russia have nonetheless succeeded in averting a military clash between the U.S. and Russian sides.

So, what changed all the earlier threats of wholesale sanctions and/or military actions against Russia to the somewhat diffused tensions and “diplomatic solutions” of today?

The answer, in a nutshell, is that the powerful economic interests vested in international finance, trade and investment (that is, the financial elites in Russia, Ukraine and the core capitalist countries) simply could not risk another uncontrollable world war. Surely, big banks and the influential military-security-industrial complexes tend to flourish on perpetual wars and international tensions. But they also tend to prefer “manageable” or “controllable” wars at the local or national levels (such those waged against Iraq or Libya, for example) to cataclysmic large scale wars on a regional or global level.

It is no secret that as Russia’s economy has become increasingly intertwined with Western economies (largely due to economic power and behavior of its transnational oligarchs), it has also become increasingly vulnerable to global market fluctuations and threats of economic sanctions. This explains, to a large extent, President Putin’s conciliatory gestures and accommodating policies to diffuse hostilities over Ukraine crisis diplomatically.

What is less known, however, is that Western economies too are vulnerable to sanctions from Russia, should Russia decide to retaliate. In fact, Russia has at its possession some powerful economic weapons with which to retaliate, if necessary. Economic wounds from such reciprocal sanctions could be very painful to a number of European countries. Due to interconnection of most economies and financial markets, tit-for-tat sanctions could significantly exacerbate the already fragile European and, indeed, world economy:

Sanctions on Russian exports would greatly expose the EU. Europe imports 30 percent of its gas from the Russian state-owned company Gazprom. Russia is also Europe’s biggest customer. The EU is, by far, Russia’s leading trade partner and accounts for about 50 percent of all Russian exports and imports. In 2014, EU-Russia overall trade stands at around 360 billion Euros per year. Russia’s total export to the EU, which is principally raw materials such as gas and oil, stands at around 230 billion Euros, while Russia’s imports from the EU amount to around 130 billion Euros of mainly manufactured products as well as foodstuff. The EU is also the largest investor in the Russian economy and accounts for 75 percent of all foreign investments in Russia” [1].

Russia could also retaliate against Western powers’ policies and threats of freezing the assets of Russian individuals and companies by freezing the assets of Western companies and investors:

In case of Western economic sanctions, Russian lawmakers have announced that they would pass a bill to freeze the assets of European and American companies that operate in Russia. On the other side, more than 100 Russian businessmen and politicians are allegedly targeted by the EU for a freeze of their European assets. Besides Alexey Miller, head of the state-owned Gazprom, the CEO of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, is also apparently on the sanction hit list. Rosneft is the largest listed oil company in the world and, as such, has partners worldwide, including in the West. For example, the U.S.-based company Exxon-Mobil has a $500 million oil-exploration project with Rosneft in Siberia, and Exxon-Mobil is already in partnership with the Russian giant oil company to exploit Black Sea oil reserves” [2].

Russia has at its disposal additional economic weapons to inflict damage to the U.S. and European economies. For example, in reaction to threats to its assets being frozen by the U.S. and its European allies, Russia liquidated (in late February and early March 2014) more than $100 billion of its holdings in U.S. Treasury Bonds. Escalation of such reckless threats of freezing the assets of “unfriendly” governments could well involve China with disastrous consequences for the U.S. dollar, as “China owns an estimated $1.3 trillion in U.S. Treasury Bonds and is the number one investor amongst foreign governments” [3].

This high degree of economic/financial interconnection explains why—with the backing of Washington and the nodding of Moscow—European diplomats from Berlin and Brussels rushed to Kiev, engineered the establishment of the so-called Round Table Discussions and paved the way for the bogus May 25th presidential election, thereby giving legitimacy to the regime of coup d’état and averting the prospect of a mutually destructive escalation of economic sanctions and/or military actions.

Comparison with Iraq and Libya

Regime change in Libya (2011) and Iraq (2003) by means of “hard-power” military interventions (as opposed to “soft-power” schemes of regime change) tend to support the main argument of this essay that, in pursuit of regime change, imperialist powers resort to direct military action where

  • (a) such military involvements can be controlled or restricted to the targeted country, and
  • (b) there is an absence of significant or powerful local allies in the targeted country, that is, local forces of wealthy oligarchs with ties to global markets and, therefore, to external forces of regime change.

Although both Qaddafi and Saddam ruled their countries heavy handedly, they maintained strong public-sector economies and widely nationalized industries and services. This was especially true in the case of strategic industries such as energy, banking, transportation and communications, as well as vital social services such as health, education and utilities. They did this not so much out of socialist convictions (although they occasionally claimed to be champions of “Arab Socialism”), but because, in their struggles against earlier rival regimes of tribal and landed aristocracies, they had learned that control of national economies through bureaucratic state management, along with a strong welfare state, was more beneficial to the cause of stability and continuity of their rule than allowing the development of unbridled market forces and/or the emergence of powerful industrialists and financiers in the private sector.

Whatever the motivation, the fact remains that neither Saddam nor Qaddafi countenanced the rise of powerful financial elites with significant ties to global markets or Western powers. Not surprisingly, opposition figures and forces that collaborated with the imperialist schemes of regime change in these two countries consisted largely of either the remnants of the royal/tribal days, or petty intellectual expats and military nemeses of Saddam and Qaddafi who were forced to live in exile. Unlike the financial elites in Ukraine, for example, opposition forces in Iraq and Libya lacked either the economic means to finance the forces of regime change, or an extensive social base/support in their native countries. They also lacked strong or reliable financial and political ties with Western markets and political establishments.

This explains why economic sanctions and other “soft-power” tactics (such as mobilizing, training and funding opposition forces) proved insufficient to change the regimes of Saddam and Qaddafi; and why U.S. imperialism and its allies had to deploy the “hard-power” of military action/occupation to achieve this nefarious goal. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, interventionist imperial powers were certain that (contrary to the cases of Ukraine or Iran, for instance) such military invasions could be controlled and prevented from going beyond the borders of Libya or Iraq.

The Case of Iran

The U.S. policy of regime change in Iran seems to resemble more the pattern that has been followed in Ukraine than those pursued in Iraq or Libya. This is largely because

  • (a) it is feared that direct military intervention in Iran could not be controlled or limited to that country alone, and
  • (b) Iran has a relatively well-developed, Western-oriented financial oligarchy on whom the U.S. and its allies can rely to bring about reform and/or regime change from within.

It is, of course, not an either-or policy: either military power or “soft power.” It is rather a matter of more or less reliance on one or the other policy, depending on specific circumstances. Indeed, the imperialist agenda of regime change in Iran since the 1979 revolution in that country has included a number of (often concurrent) tactics. They range from instigating and supporting Saddam Hussein to invade Iran (in 1980), to training and funding destabilizing anti-Iran terrorist organizations, to constant war and military threats, to efforts to sabotage the 2009 presidential election through the so-called “green revolution,” and to systematic escalation of economic sanctions.

Having failed (so far) at its nefarious plots of “regime change” from without, the U.S. seems to have shifted emphasis in recent years to regime change (or reform) from within; that is, through political and economic collaboration with the Western-oriented currents within the ruling circles of Iran. What seems to have made this option more attractive to the U.S. and its allies is the rise of an ambitious capitalist class in Iran whose chief priority seems to be the ability to do business with their counterparts in the West. These are largely the wealthy Iranian oligarchs who literally mean business, so to speak; for them, issues such as nuclear technology or national sovereignty are of secondary importance. Having methodically (and often scandalously) enriched themselves in the shadow of the public sector of the Iranian economy, or by virtue of political/bureaucratic positions they held (or still hold) in various stations in the government apparatus, these folks have by now lost all appetite they once had for radical economic measures required for economic self-reliance in order to resist or withstand the brunt of the brutal economic sanctions. Instead, they now seem eager to strike business and investment deals with their transnational class allies abroad.

More than any other social strata, President Rouhani and his administration represent the interests and aspirations of this rising capitalist–financier class in Iran. Representatives of this class of financial oligarchy wield economic and political power mainly through the highly influential Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture (ICCIMA). Ideological and/or philosophical affinity between President Rouhani and the power-brokers residing within ICCIMA is reflected in the fact that, immediately upon his election, the president appointed the former head of the Chamber of Commerce Mohammad Nahavandian, a U.S.-educated neoliberal economist and an advisor to former president Hashemi Rafsanjani, as his chief of staff.

It was through the Iran Chamber of Commerce that, in September 2013, an Iranian economic delegation accompanied President Rouhani to the United Nations in New York to negotiate potential business/investment deals with their American counterparts. The Iran Chamber of Commerce has also organized a number of economic delegations that have accompanied Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif to Europe in pursuit of similar objectives.

Many observers of the U.S.-Iran relations tend to think that the recently initiated diplomatic dialogue between the two countries, including regular contacts within the framework of Iran’s nuclear negotiations, started with the election of Mr. Rouhani as President. Evidence shows, however, that behind-the-scene contacts between representatives of the financial elites in and around the U.S. and Iranian governments started long before Mr. Rouhani was elected as president. For example, a relatively well-researched report by the Wall Street Journal recently revealed that

“Top [U.S.] National Security Council officials began planting the seeds for such an exchange months earlier—holding a series of secret meetings and telephone calls and convening an assortment of Arab monarchs, Iranian exiles and former U.S. diplomats to clandestinely ferry messages between Washington and Tehran, according to current and former U.S., Middle Eastern and European officials briefed on the effort” [4].

The report, showing how the “intricate communications network helped propel the recent steps toward U.S.-Iran rapprochement,” indicated that the often behind-the-scene “meetings were held in Europe, primarily the Swedish capital of Stockholm.” Using international diplomatic conduits such as the Asia Society, the United Nations Association and the Council on Foreign Relations, “The American and Iranian sides gathered in hotels and conference halls, seeking formulas to defuse the crisis over Iran’s nuclear program and avert a war,” the report further pointed out. The authors of the report, Jay Solomon and Carol E. Lee, also wrote:

“The Asia Society and the nongovernmental Council on Foreign Relations hosted roundtables for Messrs. Rouhani and Zarif on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meeting in September. The two men used them to explain Tehran’s plans to American businessmen, former government officials, academics and journalists.

“Mr. Obama personally reached out to Mr. Rouhani last summer soon after Rouhani’s election). The U.S. president penned a letter to the new Iranian leader, stressing Washington’s desire to end the nuclear dispute peacefully. Mr. Rouhani responded with similar sentiments.

“Mr. Zarif, meanwhile, reconnected with prominent American foreign-policy officials he met while serving as Iran’s ambassador to the U.N. in the 2000s.

“Ms. DiMaggio of the Asia Society says she was among those in New York who contacted Mr. Zarif shortly after he was brought in to the Rouhani government. A veteran facilitator of informal contacts between Iranian and American officials, she held numerous meetings over the past decade with the U.S.-educated diplomat on ways to end the nuclear impasse” [5].

This explains why President Rouhani (and his circle of outward-looking, Western-oriented advisors) chose Mr. Zarif as foreign minister; and why they have, perhaps unwisely, pinned all their hopes of an economic recovery in Iran on political and economic rapprochement with the West, that is, on free trade and unrestricted investment from the U.S. and other major capitalist countries. (Incidentally, this also explains why President Rouhani’s team of nuclear negotiators has, willy nilly, been condemned to a weak bargaining position in their discussions with the group of P5+1 countries; and why the Iranian negotiators have given up so much for so little.)

Conclusion and Implications

While powerful beneficiaries of war and military spending—Major banks (as primary lenders to governments) and the military-security-industrial complex— thrive on war and international tensions, they nonetheless tend to prefer local, national, limited, or “manageable” wars to large scale regional or global wars that, in a cataclysmic fashion, could paralyze global markets altogether. This goes some way to explain why in pursuit of regime change in Iraq and Libya, for example, the United States and its allies relied on direct military action/occupation; whereas in cases like Ukraine and Iran they have (so far) avoided direct military intervention and relied, instead, on “soft-power” tactics and color-coded revolutions. As noted earlier, this is largely because, for one thing, it is feared that war and military intervention in Ukraine or Iran may not be “controllable”; for another, there are large and sufficiently influential pro-Western financial elites in both Iran and Ukraine who could be relied upon in pursuit of reform and/or regime change from within, that is, without risking another catastrophic world war that could destroy the fortunes of the transnational capitalist class along with everything else.

Interventionist powers have almost always been keen on the utility of the age-old divide and rule tactics. What is relatively new in the context of this discussion is that, in addition to older patterns of utilization of this tactic (which have often relied on divisive issues such as nationality, ethnicity, race, religion and the like), recent instances of the use of this scheme are increasingly relying on class divisions. The calculation seems to be that, when/if a country like Iran or Ukraine can be divided across the class lines, and alliances can be built with the wealthy oligarchs of the countries targeted for regime change, why embark on a wholesale military attack that could in an undiscriminating fashion hurt your own and your local allies’ interests along with those of your foes. When economic sanctions along with alliances and collaborations with the economically powerful native oligarchs can be used to carry out “democratic coup d’états or color-coded revolutions (often through bogus elections) why risk an indiscriminate military attack with uncertain and potentially catastrophic consequences.

This shows (among other things) how imperial policies of aggression have evolved over time—from the earlier stages of “crude” military occupation of the colonial days to today’s subtle, multipronged and stealthy tactics of intervention. In terms or in the context of recent U.S. foreign policy adventures, it can be argued that while the former pattern of blatantly imperialistic aggressions finds relevance to President George W. Bush’s unabashedly militaristic foreign policies, the latter pattern finds parallels in President Barack Obama’s insidiously “sophisticated” and stealthily interventionist policies. While champions of the blatantly militaristic faction of the U.S. ruling elite criticize Mr. Obama as a “gun-shy” or “weak” president, the fact is that his relatively low-key but sneaky policy of methodically building coalitions—both with traditional allies of the United States and the oligarchic or comprador forces in countries targeted for regime change—has proven more effective (in terms of regime change) than the Bush-Cheney-type policy of unilateral military action. This is neither speculation nor simply theoretical: Secretary of State John Kerry recently made this point quite clear in the context of the Obama administration’s policy toward Ukraine and Iran. When he was asked on May 30, 2014, by Gwen Ifill of Public Broadcasting System (PBS): “Does the president get a bad rap, in your opinion, for being weak or not taking the long homer runs instead of the base hits?” Mr. Kerry replied:

I don’t think the president, frankly, takes enough credit for the successes that are on the table right now. . . . I mean, if you look at what has happened in Ukraine, the president led an effort to try to keep Europe unified with the United States, to put difficult sanctions on the table. Europe wasn’t thrilled with that but they came along. That was leadership. And the president succeeded in having an impact ultimately, together with the Europeans, on the choices that face President Putin.

In addition, the president has engaged with Iran. We were on a course to absolute collision where they were building a nuclear system and the world was standing opposed to that. But the president put in place a series of sanctions, a capacity to be able to bring Iran to the table. We are now in the middle of negotiations. Everyone will agree the sanctions regime has held together. The weapon – the nuclear program has been frozen and rolled backwards. And we now have expanded the amount of time that Iran might have for a breakout. That’s a success.

So I think we are as engaged, more engaged than in any time in American history, and I think that case is there to be fully proven and laid out.

And that is the essence of the foxy imperialism characteristic of the Obama administration, versus the adolescent imperialism of Bush (Jr.) administration.

Ismael Hossein-zadeh is Professor Emeritus of Economics (Drake University). He is the author of Beyond Mainstream Explanations of the Financial Crisis (Routledge 2014), The Political Economy of U.S. Militarism (Palgrave–Macmillan 2007), and the Soviet Non-capitalist Development: The Case of Nasser’s Egypt (Praeger Publishers 1989). He is also a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press 2012]


[1] Gilbert Mercier, “Ukraine’s Crisis: Economic Sanctions Could Trigger a Global Depression,” <http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/03/28/ukraines-crisis/>.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Wall Street Journal, “U.S.-Iran Thaw Grew From Years Of Behind-the-Scenes Talks,” <http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303309504579181710805094376>.

[5] Ibid.


A very insightful summation of the International Oligarchs power over governments and their strategies of war, banking, corporations, money, resources…though couldn’t disagree more with most of his conclusions on Obama and Bush for that matter. All these wars started to occur when this country okayed the Private Central Bank aka Federal Bank.

Note: yours truly supports the Culture of Life thus is anti-war and feel we need to work on getting rid of the career politicans. Clean house and elect candidates who’ll actually listen to the people and not the bankster-gangsters. Wall Street vs Main Street.

We DEMAND Mexico RELEASE U.S. Marine Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi by June 15th


By http://freeourmarine.com/

Andrew Tahmooressi has been held by Mexican authorities since March 31, 2014 (Photo via WSVN-TV)

Mexican authorities arrested U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi on March 31st, 2014, after he accidentally drove across the border with three legally owned guns. Tahmooressi immediately disclosed that he had his guns in his vehicle, and was cooperative with authorities at the border. Mexican prosecutors originally charged Tahmooressi with gun trafficking and he was taken to a Tijuana prison where he was stripped of his clothes and shackled to his bed. He was threatened to be raped and killed and was brutally beaten by prison guards to the point where he felt his jaw come out of place.

Because of increased coverage in the conservative media, Tahmooressi has since been moved to a “safer” prison in Tecate, but he still has no idea when he will be released. Despite nationwide uproar, the U.S. administration has failed to take action. Our President has given lip service countless times about how much he cares about our troops and veterans and that he will stand up for each and every member of our military.

We need less talk, and more action.

Please join us at the Mexican Embassy to DEMAND the SAFE Return of our Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi.

Conservative Victory PAC, Special Operations Speaks and other prominent organizations and leaders are organizing a rally in front of the Mexican Embassy at 1911 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC on Thursday, June 12th, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

The message is clear. RELEASE U.S. Marine, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi by June 15th.

If our demand is not met for the release of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi…We will escalate immediately:

First, we will organize a rally at the San Diego border where he crossed and will stop all foot and vehicle traffic.

Second, we will organize a rally at all border crossings from Texas to California.

Next we will pressure banks, Wal-Mart, and other companies that transfer money to and from Mexico and ask them to cease business until our Marine is released.

Then we will boycott all travel (Airlines, Hotels, Events etc.) to Mexico until our Marine is released.

Finally we will lobby and pressure Congress, the White House and the Pentagon to take swift and appropriate action against the Mexican Government.

Please join us in sending a message to Mexico that we Demand our Marine back on U.S. soil. Thank you for your support..
Speakers, Sign Petition… http://freeourmarine.com/#sthash.Nf3x7KZ6.dpuf


I’m sure Obama’s been working around the clock to make a deal for a soldier who actually did serve with “Honor and Distinction”, right?

Israel Committee Approves Measure to Legalize Assisted Suicide


by Alex Schadenberg | Jerusalem, Israel | LifeNews.com | 6/9/14

The assisted suicide debate has heated up in Israel, where, on Sunday, the Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved a bill that would allow assisted suicide.

Uri Orbach, the Minister for Senior Citizens, submitted an appeal to the assisted suicide bill saying that he would work to:

“save the legal system from this pill of death.”

picassistedsuicide8bAccording to the The Times of Isreal, The Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved a bill that would provide legal immunity to physicians who prescribe a lethal dose to patients who are defined as terminal.

Orbach stated on Facebook that the bill commodified death.

“Death is becoming a commodity or service granted to citizens. The poor doctors now have to supply death for terminally ill patients as well [as medical care]. This is a false liberalism which claims that everything is negotiable as long as it is the free will of the customer. Any other value: social, religious, legal is rejected in the face of the individual’s choice,”

“My heart goes out to the terminally ill, but this is also a discussion about what is should be allowed within the legal statutes, what is the role of doctors and family, and whether ‘individual rights’ are the only determining factor in the eyes of the law.”

Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi David Lau expressed his opposition, in the Israel National News by saying:

“a doctor can be a healer, but when he is unable to heal he does not have the authority to kill. He may give pain medication, even in heavy doses, as death nears, but cannot kill.”

Israel has debated assisted suicide in the past and has rejected it. Israel must remember its history and reject assisted suicide again.

LifeNews.com Note: Alex Schadenberg is the executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and you can read his blog here



Population Control info:




Infamous ‘Muhammad-video’ filmmaker actually a Muslim agent for Obama admin


Posted on Jun 12, 2014

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the alleged ‘Coptic Christian’ who made the infamous Muhammad video that the Obama administration blamed the Benghazi attack on — well it turns out Nakoula is really a Muslim, not a Coptic Christian. And that’s been confirmed.

It also turns out that the official terms of Nakoula’s parole in 2009 was bogus, and that the administration used his parole as leverage to help him with their agenda: To create a climate for non-Muslim governments to enact laws that make criticism of Islam a criminal offense.

Sound far fetched? Well then I guess you haven’t heard about the ‘Istanbul Process’ meetings Hillary went to in Turkey as Secretary of State that were designed to help facilitate the creation of a “climate for non-Muslim governments to enact laws that make criticism of Islam a criminal offense.”

But before Nakoula could get the video finished, Benghazi happened and the administration quickly blamed it on that video.

One more compelling note: Nakoula called Walid on his private home number, a number he should have never been able to get through non-government channels, and asked Walid not to expose this. Seriously.

Walid Shoebat has done a lot of work to dig up the evidence for this article and, as always, he’s quite thorough.

I encourage you to read Walid’s full article on this before you discount the above as some conspiracy theory. Walid doesn’t do conspiracy theories. He only goes where the evidence leads.


Click the image to read Walid’s article:




Exposed: The Muslim Brotherhood/Al-Qaeda Connection

Behind Benghazi: Muslim Brotherhood and Obama Administration (Reblog)

Australia: Government grabs $360 million from idle household bank accounts


Herald Sun June 10, 2014

THE federal government has seized a record $360 million from household bank accounts that have been dormant for just three years, prompting outrage in some quarters amid complaints that pensioners and retirees have lost deposits. Figures from the Australian Security and Investments Commission (ASIC) show almost $360 million was collected from 80,000 inactive accounts in the year to May under new rules introduced by Labor. The new rules lowered the threshold at which the government is allowed to snatch funds from accounts that remain idle from seven years to three years.

The rule change has delivered the government a massive bonanza with the money collected in the year to May more than the total collected in the past five decades combined. Between 1959 and 2012, the total collected was $330 million. While the purpose of the laws is actually to reunite people with lost accounts before funds are eroded by fees and other charges, the lower threshold has been criticised as a budget cash-grab which affected accounts that were neither lost or forgotten.

Leaving your money untouched for just three years could see it snatched back by the government. Source: News Limited

Australian Bankers’ Association chief executive Steven Munchenberg said the legislation was a “rushed” budget-boosting exercise which had transferred money set aside by people for their grandchildren’s future to the government’s coffers.

“We have grandparents who put money aside for their grandkids’ future and farmers who have set aside money for a rainy day, but it was transferred to the government,” Mr Munchenberg told Fairfax Media.

Connie Franze, 68, and her son Vince, 45, told Fairfax Media they were trying to reclaim life savings of more than $12,000 that was taken by the government last June.

Ninety per cent of the accounts seized by the government had balances of less than $5000, although some were worth millions.



Anything that’s happening overseas will happen here – if it hasn’t already in all countries led, hook line and sinker, into the IMF/WB/BCCI scheme. Anything that happens here is or will happen overseas - think they call it uniform standardization – everyone equally poor and dependent on the royals and gentry. Consider the Police State in the USA following 911 – one meets these men in black in most countries today. It’s a New World Government which isn’t nnew at all – read Plato’s Republic – it’s called the feudal system (yes, they will have their fiefdoms which will be called Sections…read CFR documents) which had a name around the “enlightenment” - a rose by any other name.  IF one knows the history of Ireland (occupied by the Imperial Empire – Great Britain for 800 years) one can find the rule book - at least since Elizabeth I… and her financial guys whose decendents are still around).

Melinda Gates Says Gates Foundation Won’t Fund Abortions, But it Will Promote Them


by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/11/14 2:32

The Gates Foundation has a long history of pushing abortion on an international scale and funding pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood. Seeking to push educational and health initiatives, the Foundation is facing criticism over its abortion advocacy.

Melinda Gates seems put off by the constant drumbeat of questions about his abortion advocacy, so today, in an effort to take the spotlight off of it, she says the Gates Foundation will not fund abortions. But it will still promote them…

As CNS News reports:

melindagates4bMelinda Gates, wife of Microsoft founder and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates, said the international family planning and anti-poverty group founded by them, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, “has decided not to fund abortion.”

In a June 2 statement on the website of the foundation, Melinda Gates explains that she recently sat down for interviews in Toronto, Canada, and while reporters asked about the newborn and child health initiatives of the foundation, “every journalist also focused on Canada’s policy on abortion.”

“Let me tell you why this worries me,” she said.

Gates then explained that spacing “pregnancies in a safe and healthy way” is an approach that works and “saves lives,” but “the question of abortion should be dealt with separately.”

“[I]n the United States and around the world the emotional and personal debate about abortion is threatening to get in the way of the lifesaving consensus regarding basic family planning,” she said.

“I understand why there is so much emotion, but conflating these issues will slow down progress for tens of millions of women.”

She continued, “That is why when I get asked about my views on abortion, I say that, like everyone, I struggle with the issue, but I’ve decided not to engage on it publicly—and the Gates Foundation has decided not to fund abortion.”

While Gates seeks to deflect criticism, keep this in mind:

The Gates Foundation supports abortion and the Planned Parenthood abortion business. The Gates Foundation has given the Planned Parenthood Federation of America abortion business almost $12.5 million since 1998, including funds to persuade teenagers to support abortion and to lobby the United Nations to advance pro-abortion proposals.

The Gates foundation has also given nearly $21 million to the International Planned Parenthood abortion business over the last seven years. The funds have gone to promote abortions in third-world nations and to set up pro-abortion family planning centers in South America, Africa and eastern European nations.

The Gates Foundation’s “No Controversy” campaign quickly became controversial because of its links to abortion. Critics pointed out the organizations chosen to implement the efforts were primarily abortion promoters. Among them are abortion giant Planned Parenthood and the United Nations Population Fund, which are linked with coercive population control programs in China and elsewhere.

In 2012, Melinda Gates was criticized for promoting abortion and population control at an international meeting.

The same year, she was criticized for hosting a Family Planning Summit in London with two of the biggest pro-abortion groups in the world, the UN Population Fund and International Planned Parenthood Federation.



William Henry Gates, Sr.
Gates, Sr., visits the Naz Foundation’s care centre for HIV Positive children, during his visit to India

They’ll simply laundry the money via a brance of the Tides Nonprofit Foundation which is already set-up for this kind of issue. The Gates have been funding abortions for decades, if not longer, Gates father was on the board of Planned Parenthood World Population (PPWP) when it was called American Birth Control League (ABCL).  The Gates used to discuss population control over dinner.


Please note Planned Parenthoods full name – Planned Parenthood World Population. The Gates wouldn’t be involved in anything unless it wasn’t attached to population control.


More info on Bill Gates (pop. control):


Bowe Bergdahl being flown from Germany to US (facebook page)


He left his helmet behind. Where did he get this one?


June 16, 2014


Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. Army sergeant who spent five years as a captive in Afghanistan before being traded for five high-profile Taliban leaders, is coming back to the United States early Friday morning, the Pentagon said Thursday.

Bergdahl, who was undergoing unspecified treatment at a U.S. facility in Landstuhl, Germany, since he was turned over to the U.S. on May 31, was en route to the United States via a U.S. military aircraft Thursday afternoon, Pentagon press secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby said in a statement.

He will continue the “reintegration” process at Brooke Army Medical Center at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio. It is not known how long he will remain there or if and when he will be questioned about the circumstances behind his apparently voluntary departure from an Army base in Afghanistan in 2009.

“As (Defense) Secretary (Chuck) Hagel has made clear, our first priority is making sure that Sgt. Bergdahl continues to get the care and support he needs,” Kirby said.

Word of his pending arrival came a day after Hagel underwent tough questioning on Capitol Hill from members of the House Armed Services Committee. Among other queries, lawmakers wanted to know why Bergdahl was still in Germany.

“You’re trying to tell me that he’s being held at Landstuhl, Germany, because of his medical condition?” asked an incredulous Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla.

“Congressman, I hope you’re not implying anything other than that,” Hagel responded.

Defense officials have said that Bergdahl’s case will undergo a full investigation. It is not known whether his mental state is currently an issue, but a journal he kept as well as Facebook posts written in the weeks leading up to his disappearance, have revealed a portrait of a young man frustrated with authority and attempting to deal with mental instability.

He criticized unnamed military commanders and government leaders and mused about whether it was the place of the artist, the soldier or the general to stop violence and “change the minds of fools.”

In his personal writings, he seemed to focus his frustrations on himself and his personal struggles.

Bergdahl’s Facebook page was found by The Associated Press Wednesday, and it was suspended by Facebook for a violation of its terms a short time later. Bergdahl opened the page under the name “Wandering Monk.” His last post was made May 22, 2009, a few weeks before he was taken prisoner.

Bergdahl, the only U.S. soldier held captive in Afghanistan, was released in exchange for five detainees from a detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The circumstances surrounding the prisoner swap and Bergdahl’s capture in 2009 have raised a national debate, with Bergdahl’s supporters and friends joyous at his rescue, and some members of Congress — and some of his own platoon members — calling him a deserter.

Mary Robinson, a Facebook friend of Bergdahl, worked with him in a massage center and tea house near his home when Bergdahl was in high school. Robinson said she didn’t know why Bergdahl chose the Wandering Monk moniker.

“He was really, really grounded. He was curious. He wasn’t one who was partying as some kids do,” Robinson said while verifying it was Bergdahl’s Facebook page. “He was going over there with all the good intentions of serving his country.”

In his May 22 post, Bergdahl described what was supposed to be an eight-hour mission in the mountains of Afghanistan. The mission instead took five days after vehicles in the convoy became disabled from roadside bombs. The group had to camp outside a small mountain town, Bergdahl wrote in the frequently misspelled posting.

When the convoy finally started back to the base, they traveled along a creek bed in a long, deep valley lined with trees and boulders. Again, one of the vehicles hit an improvised explosive device, according to Bergdahl’s post, and as the soldiers tried to hook the vehicle to a tow strap, they began taking fire from people hidden on the hillside.

Enemy combatants “begain [sic] to splatter bullets on us, and all around us, the gunners where [sic] only able to see a few of them, and so where [sic] firing blindly the rest of the time, up into the trees and rocks,” Bergdahl wrote.

When a machine gun mounted on the truck carrying Bergdahl quit working, he had to hand over his own weapon to the gunner.

“I sat there and watched, there was nothing else i was allowed to do,” he wrote.

No one was killed in the encounter, but Bergdahl was frustrated by the danger and the situation.

“Because command where [sic] too stupid to make up there [sic] minds of what to do, we where [sic] left to sit out in the middle of no where [sic] with no sopport [sic] to come till late mourning [sic] the next day. … But Afghanistan mountains are really beautiful!” he wrote.

About two and a half weeks after his last Facebook post, Bergdahl sent a partially coded email to Kim Harrison, a longtime friend, suggesting he had concerns about his privacy and so couldn’t share his plans.

Harrison shared that email and other personal writings of Bergdahl with the Washington Post because she said she’s concerned about the way he’s being portrayed, as a calculating deserter.

Two weeks after the coded email, Bergdahl vanished from his base. A box containing his journal, laptop computer and other items arrived at Harrison’s home several days after that.

The writings she found were more disturbing than the ones Bergdahl put on Facebook.

“It’s about my concern for Bowe and others and that’s why I talked,” she told the AP. “I’m not talking anymore.”

Bergdahl’s journal appeared to detail his struggle to maintain his mental stability during basic training and his deployment to Afghanistan.

“I’m worried,” he wrote in an entry before deployment. “The lcoser [sic] I get to ship day, the calmer the voices are. I’m reverting. I’m getting colder. My feelings are being flushed with the frozen logic and the training, all the unfeeling cold judgment of the darkness.”

Later, he wrote, “I will not lose this mind, this world I have deep inside. I will not lose this passion of beauty.”

The writings weren’t the first time Bergdahl’s friends were worried about his emotional health, Harrison told the Post. In 2006, he left the U.S. Coast Guard after 26 days in basic training in an “uncharacterized discharge,” according to Coast Guard records, the Post reported. Harrison said it was for psychological reasons.

But when he joined the Army in 2008, the military was dealing with wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and was regularly issuing waivers that allowed people with criminal records, health conditions and other problems to enlist. The military declined to say whether Bergdahl was given such a waiver.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


“…circumstances behind his apparently voluntary departure from an Army base in Afghanistan in 2009….”.  Question: What happened to the word “desertion”?  A rose by any other name…

Note: One of his friends from his  hometown believed that Bowe should have joined the peace corp rather than the army. From what I can gather from his persona – would’ve been a much better fit.

PFC  Joey Cox with his best friend (laying on the tire) SSG Mike Murprhey. They had been out for 10 days looking for Bergdahl.

PFC Joey Cox with his best friend (laying on the tire) SSG Mike Murprhey. They had been out for 10 days looking for Bergdahl [over 60 days - 24x7 total]. Source

Bottomline: the real issue is not Bergdahl’s being free from captivity rather more about releasing the Obama5 terrorists, killers and drug lords. Theyre known to have murdered thousands of Shi’ites in 2001 and they will kill again. The other uproar was about Obama and his regime raising him to the level of hero – like he did something great. He deserted his post at a time of war leaving his fellow soldiers behind, his fellow soldiers hunted for him for months. Soldiers were killed and wounded because of his desertion. He must be brought to justice.

***One of the five let go in this deal was involved in Michael Spann’s death in Mazar-I-Sharif in 2001 but the Obama regime doesn’t get bogged down with details.

Haqqani Network



For the most current information on the Haqqani Network, please read Afghanistan Report 6- The Haqqani Network: From Pakistan to Afghanistan by Jeffrey Dressler.

Named after its leader Jalaluddin Haqqani, the Haqqani Network is a group within the insurgency in Afghanistan that is based out of North Wazirstan in the Pakistani Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The group has been active mainly in the east of Afghanistan—in Paktia, Paktika, Khost, Ghazni Wardak and even Kabul provinces.


The group is still believed to be led by the old (estimated over sixty years) and ailing Mawlawi Jalaluddin Haqqani. Mawlawi Haqqani is a former anti-Soviet resistance commander known for ruthless effectiveness as a fighter. His ties to Pakistan, and his base in and around Miram Shah, go as far back as his exile during the Republican government of Sardar Daud in early 1970s. He was initially a part of the many mujahideen leaders that formed Hizb-e-Islami. When Hezb-e Islami fractured in the late 1970s, Haqqani followed Yunis Khalis rather than Hekmatyar, and became one of the most important commanders in the Hezb-e Islami (Khalis) or HIK. When Soviet forces invaded Afghanistan, Haqqani was in Pakistan with the other key mujahideen leaders. Haqqani later became a field commander in Mawlawi Yunis Khalis’s Hizb-e-Islami. He received significant support from the CIA and from Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI), and built up a sizable and competent militia force by the mid-1980s. Haqqani is believed to be influenced by radical Islamist principles drawn from the early Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which were prevalent among many of the religiously-motivated Afghan mujahideen of that time. Mawlawi Haqqani and his son Sirajuddin Haqqani run a number of madrassas and training camps in North Wazirstan.1 Due to his father’s ill health, Sirajuddin Haqqani is reported to be in charge of the day-to-day operations of the movement.

The Haqqanis hail from the Zadran qaum (tribe), who are mostly based in Paktia and Khost provinces in the east of Afghanistan. Their support base has always been in that area with a base in the FATA’s North Wazirstan.

The Battles for Khost, 1985-1987

The mujahideen had isolated the Soviet/Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) garrison at Khost early in the war, taking advantage of the fact that there is only one major road linking Khost with the rest of Afghanistan—the Khost-Gardez road that runs through the Satekandav Pass. In summer 1985, Haqqani gathered several thousand fighters and assaulted the city of Khost itself, overrunning Soviet and DRA outposts and requiring a significant Soviet counter-attack to save the city.2 Heavy fighting continued in 1986, including operations during which Haqqani was reportedly burned by napalm while leading his soldiers.3 On each occasion, Haqqani and other key leaders in his group withdrew to Waziristan when it became clear that the temporary Soviet firepower would overwhelm them if they continued to resist. The Soviets lacked any overall operational concept for their efforts in the Greater Paktia area (and, generally, in the war), and never attempted to maintain military dominance in the area over the long term.

In 1987, the Soviet leadership decided to undertake a major effort to open the Khost-Gardez road long enough to get supplies in to the town and its garrison. Operation MAGISTRAL (MAINLINE), as it was called, was the major Soviet military effort of that year, overseen directly by Colonel General Boris Gromov, commander of Soviet forces in Afghanistan. Gromov made numerous attempts to negotiate with Haqqani and Zadran tribal elders to secure safe passage for supplies to Khost without fighting. It is not clear whether or not Haqqani himself participated in negotiations, but Zadran tribal elders certainly did and they drew out the discussions intentionally to allow time for their forces to react. Two weeks of hard fighting allowed the Soviet forces to secure the Satekandav Pass. The arrival of Soviet reinforcements and the elimination of a key insurgent base convinced Haqqani to withdraw his forces temporarily. The Soviets resupplied the garrison and then withdrew from the area.4 By 1989, all Soviet forces had withdrawn from the country.

Haqqani had consolidated his military position in Greater Paktia, establishing a Shura (Council) to coordinate military operations in the area, but he did not attempt to establish political control as Ismail Khan did in western Afghanistan. Nor was he able to extend his reach by forming regional coalitions, as Ahmad Shah Masood did in the north.5 His forces were, however, able to capture Khost in 1991 from the communist government of Dr. Mohammad Najibullah—becoming the first mujahideen commander to seize and hold a major Afghan city after the Soviet withdrawal. (The final assault on the city was led by his brother Ibrahim Haqqani. Jalaluddin was in Miram Shah at that point.) Haqqani received a ministry in the new government of Burhanuddin Rabbani, but defected to the Taliban in 1995.6

The relationship between Haqqani and the Taliban government was not smooth. Haqqani is a member of the Ghilzai tribe of Pashtuns, whose lands lie generally east of Kandahar, whereas the Taliban leadership was largely from the Durrani tribe and particularly from sub-tribes around Kandahar itself. Ghilzais prided themselves on the role they had played in defeating the Soviets, and Haqqani and other Ghilzais resented the primacy of the Kandahari Taliban. Haqqani received a large sum of money to recruit soldiers after the Taliban’s massive 1997 defeat in Mazar-e Sharif, but tensions with the Kandahari officers he was assigned, among other things, led to mass desertions from among his forces.7 He nevertheless remained loyal to the Taliban government, becoming Minister of Tribal Affairs. In late September 2001, Mullah Omar appointed Haqqani the commander-in-chief of the Taliban armed forces.9

 Arab/al-Qaida ties

Haqqani speaks fluent Arabic and one of his two wives is from the United Arab Emirates10 – assets that have helped him raise a great deal of money from Saudi Arabia and individuals in the Persian Gulf. He also frequently travels to Gulf Arab states, where he is highly respected and has key contacts from the times of the anti-Soviet war.11 Haqqani established a close relationship with Osama Bin Laden in the 1980s and: “It’s not a coincidence that the first camps that bin Laden created in Afghanistan, Lion’s Den and some related infrastructure that he started to build, were in Haqqani’s territory.”12 The Haqqanis currently run a network of religious seminaries and training bases of Afghan and foreign fighters in North and South Waziristan.13 A U.S. military spokesman in eastern Afghanistan, Maj. Chris Belcher, has accused the Haqqanis of inviting foreign fighters from Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Chechnya, Turkey and Middle Eastern countries into Afghanistan.14

Pakistan Connection

Haqqani’s connection with the ISI dates back to the times of the Soviet jihad. According to U.S. Special Envoy and Ambassador to Afghanistan (1989-1992), Peter Tomsen, the ISI has maintained its Jihad era ties with Haqqani.15 Right after the U.S. invasion in October 2001, Haqqani was invited to Islamabad for talks about a post-Taliban government.16 In a transcript passed to Mike McConnell, the Director of National Intelligence in May 2008, Pakistan’s army chief General Ashfaq Kayani was heard referring to Haqqani as “a strategic asset.”17

A top ISI official was reported to have held talks with Sirajuddin Haqqani, one of Jalaluddin’s sons who has replaced him as the leader of the movement due to his father’s ill-health, in Miranshah of North Waziristan in early March 2009.18 In a prisoner exchange with Pakistani Taliban led by Baitullah Mehsud, the Pakistani government released three family members of the Haqqani family in November 2007 – Haqqani’s brother Khalil Ahmad, son Dr. Fazl-i-Haqqani and brother-in-law Ghazi Khan.19 Haqqani is said to have mediated peace deals between the Pakistani government and Waziri and Mehsudi commanders of the Pakistani Taliban in North and South Waziristan.20

War Strategies/Tactics

U.S. military officials says the Haqqanis were behind most of attacks in eastern Afghanistan in 2008.21 Sirajuddin has been working to expand his father’s traditional operational base of Khost, Paktia and Paktika to other provinces in the east, such as Ghazni, Logar, Wardak and Kabul.22 He has also sought closer ties with foreign terrorist groups and adopted far more brutal tactics. “Siraj Haqqani is the one who is training, influencing, commanding and leading,” said U.S. Army Lt. Col. Dave Anders, Combined Joint Task Force-82 director of operations. “Kidnappings, assassinations, beheading women, indiscriminate killings and suicide bombers – Siraj is the one dictating the new parameters of brutality associated with Taliban senior leadership.”23

The Haqqanis, with the help of ISI, are alleged by Afghan and American intelligence officials to have been behind the recent simultaneous attacks on government buildings in Kabul,24 a suicide attack on the Indian Embassy on July 7, 2008,25 and an assassination attempt against President Hamid Karzai in April, 2008.26 The Afghan National Security Directorate said it had destroyed a terrorist network involved in at least six suicide bombings in the capital, Kabul, which was run jointly by the Haqqanis, Harakat-al-Mujahedin, and ISI.27

The Haqqanis collaborate with the Mullah Omar-led Taliban forces, but try to keep their leadership in the east. A letter reportedly issued by the Haqqanis in 2008 grieving about the loss of Taliban commander Mullah Dadullah Lang called on the Taliban forces to replace Mullah Omar and other Taliban leaders in Quetta.28 While the letter praised Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud, Siraj Haqqani has repeatedly voiced loyalty to Mullah Omar.



1 Carlotta Gall, “Old-Line Taliban Commander Is Face of Rising Afghan Threat,” The New York Times, June 17, 2008.
2 US DoS, Bureau of Public Affairs, “Afghanistan: Six Years of Soviet Occupation,” Special Report no. 135, December 1985.
3 US DoS, Bureau of Public Affairs, “Afghanistan: Seven Years of Soviet Occupation,” Special Report no. 155, December 1986. (Available from the Digital National Security Archive).
4 Boris Gromov, Ogranichennyi contingent [The Limited Contingent], Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1994, pp. 298-304. Tactical vignettes of the fight for the Satekandav Pass (now called the K-G Pass by US forces), are available in Lester Grau, ed., The Bear Went Over the Mountain, and Grau and Ali Jalali, eds., The Other Side of the Mountain.
5 Neamatollah Nojumi, The Rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan: Mass Mobilization, Civil War, and the Future of the Region, (New York: Palgrave, 2002), 94.
6 Marc W. Herold, “The Failing Campaign to Kill Jalaluddin Haqqani,” Cursor, January 18, 2002.
7 Ahmed Rashid, Taliban, p. 60; William Maley, ed., “Fundamentalism Reborn? Afghanistan and the Taliban,” p. 60; Neamatollah Nojumi, “The Rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan,” p. 146.
8 Rashid, p. 60.
9 “Haqqani Appointed Taliban Commander,” Dawn , September 29, 2001.
10 “Rebel chief Haqqani loses his son in battle,” Quqnoos, July 13, 2008.
11 “Return of the Taliban: Jaluluddin Haqqani,” Frontline, PBS.
12 “Interview with Steve Coll,” Frontline, PBS.
13 Shaiq Hussain, “U.S. Missiles Said To Kill 20 in Pakistan Near Afghan Border,” The Washington Post, September 9, 2008, A14.
14 Carlotta Gall, “Old-Line Taliban Commander Is Face of Rising Afghan Threat,” The New York Times, June 17, 2008.
15 “Interview with Steve Coll,” Frontline, PBS.
16 John F. Burns, “A Nation Challenged: The Aftermath; Taliban Army Chief Scoffs At Report of Peace Talks,” The New York Times, October 21, 2001.
17 Catherine Philp, “Pervez Musharraf was playing ‘double game’ with US,” The Times (London), February 17, 2009.
18 “ISI officer met Haqqani: Indian media,” The News (India), March 02, 2009.
19 “Pakistan frees Haqqani relatives under swap deal,” Pajhwok Afghan News, November 13, 2007.
20 M Ilyas Khan, “The Afghan-Pakistan militant nexus,” BBC News, September 10, 2008.
21 Jim Garamone and David Mays, “Afghan, Coalition Forces Battle Taliban, Narcotics, Emphasize Training,” American Forces Press Service, October 19, 2007.
22 U.S. Army Sgt. Timothy Dinneen, “ANSF, Coalition Forces Focus on Haqqani Network,” Combined Joint Task Force-82 Public Affairs Office.
23 U.S. Army Sgt. Timothy Dinneen, “ANSF, Coalition Forces Focus on Haqqani Network,” Combined Joint Task Force-82 Public Affairs Office.
24 Richard A. Oppel Jr., Abdul Waheed Wafa, and Sangar Rahimi, “20 Dead as Taliban Attackers Storm Kabul Offices,” The New York Times, February 11, 2009.
25 Mark Mazzetti and Eric Schmitt, “Pakistanis Aided Attack in Kabul, U.S. Officials Say,” The New York Times, August 1, 2008.
26 “US arrests ‘Haqqani terror commanders’,” Quqnoos, September 24, 2008.
27 “Afghan Security Services Capture Terrorist Cell in the Capital,” Quqnoos, February 3, 2009.
28 See a copy of the letter in Farsi at http://www.azmoone-melli.com/index.php?number=3676.



Egyptian Lawyers Charge Obama With Crimes Against Humanity; Accessory to Muslim Brotherhood Violence

More info here: http://mediachecker.wordpress.com/?s=muslim+brotherhood+obama


Goodbye, Haqqani network?

Published: August 6, 2012

The Americans want to take the Haqqanis out because of their ability to kill in large areas of Afghanistan. PHOTO: FILE

‘Diplomatic sources’ in Pakistan say, “The US and Pakistan have reached an understanding on joint operations against the Haqqani network but no final decision has been taken yet”. Outside, ‘leaks’ have appeared in the press indicating that “understanding for joint operations against the Haqqani network was reached at a meeting between senior US and Pakistani military commanders in Islamabad”. More clearly, The Wall Street Journal reported “that plans for joint operations” against the Haqqanis and Maulavi Fazlullah “were discussed in meetings between ISI chief Lt Gen Zaheerul Islam and top CIA, State Department and Pentagon officials in Washington”. Pakistan’s Interior Minister Rehman Malik used to throw broad hints at Americans for helping the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) assist in carrying out attacks inside Pakistan from the Afghan provinces, Kunar and Nuristan. Now, he says the Afghan government and its secret agency are doing the dastardly deed, not the Americans.

Apparently, our ISI chief General Islam got nowhere with the drones and an understanding on the subject was deferred. He is believed to have offered a proposal which urges the US to identify targets and let Pakistani F16s carry out the attacks. If there is no agreement on the drones, it could derail the whole process, not so much because the Pakistan Army hates the drones but because the Pakistani people and the media have been subjected to a hype about them by the concerned quarters, which may not be speaking with one voice.

Another question must bother the Pakistani side — if not the Americans — because they have more information about Pakistan’s real capacity to control events on its soil. The Haqqanis have a close relationship with al Qaeda and Admiral Michael Mullen, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, accused the Haqqani network of being “one of several extremist organisations serving as proxies of the Government of Pakistan”. The Haqqanis are lodged safely in North Waziristan, which the Pakistan Army says it cannot attack just yet for various reasons, in order to flush them out. But the network has extended itself to other areas, too, including the Kurram tribal agency. The Americans want to take the Haqqanis out because of their ability to kill in large areas of Afghanistan. They operate in the Afghan provinces of Khost, Paktia and Paktika and have an extensive presence in Kabul, Logar, Wardak, Ghazni, Zabul, Kandahar and Kunduz. Their outreach also includes the distant Afghan provinces of Badakhshan and Faryab.

If Pakistan gives up the Haqqani network, it gives up its trump card in the Afghan endgame. But the new line in Pakistan is that the doctrine of strategic depth is no longer the embraced philosophy and a new approach has been adopted. As far as the drones are concerned, the world sees pressure rather than conviction behind the Pakistani stand. Every time the Taliban attack and kill innocent Pakistanis, the clearly enunciated message is ‘get the Americans to stop their drones’. There is yet more lack of clarity. Is Pakistan able to deliver on the commitment it is vaguely making to the Americans through its ‘understanding’ on the Haqqanis? This is the question most analysts in the US will ask.

The question about the capacity of the state to control its territory is being asked in Pakistan but it is diverted to other emotive aspects of the sovereignty of the state vis-à-vis an intrusive strategy of the Americans to tackle terrorists that Pakistan cannot handle. If the Taliban were not obliged to own up to their acts of terrorism to make their presence felt, Pakistan is inclined to link all terror on its soil to America and India, as it is doing with respect to Balochistan. The problem here is that Pakistan is alone in the world in this thinking and its economy is in the process of a meltdown that cannot be halted without international help.

It is time to make a comprehensive policy shift. It is going to be difficult but as long as the international community understands that it is taking place, Pakistan’s chances of surviving remain bright.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 7th, 2012



(Failed) War on Terror: The Haqqani Terror Network has built its reputation on drug smuggling, extortion and kidnapping in cooperation with the Taliban, Al Qaeda and their numerous offshoots are terrorist wings of the Muslim Brotherhood which is supported by the Obama regime.

(Failed) War on Drugs: The Drug Lords in Latin America continue to reign supreme. One can’t foresee that the money-making Drug Lords in Afghanistan being banished anytime soon.

The Muslim Brotherhood represents the nexus where fanatical Islamists, deviant elites, and the criminalized elements in government and the Intelligence Community meet.

A UN report said, “the global drug trade generated an estimated US $321.6 billion in 2003 – today $400 billion.

Does anyone believe that the International Bankster-Gangsters aren’t getting a cut of this very lucrative drug (kidnapping/slave trade–sex slave trade…) trafficking enterprise? So why would they stop it? There are rogue factions working for the international bankster-gangsters within the  ISI, MI5, MI6, FBI, CIA, KGB, NSA, DIA, DEA and loads of other alphabet organizations in countries around the world involved.


Banks Are “Where the Money Is” In The Drug War

Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase & Co., Wachovia (acquired by Wells Fargo in 2009), HSBC Holdings, ING Bank, Standard Chartered, American Express Bank International, and not a few others, have a common bond beyond ranking among the largest banks in the world.

All have been accused within the past five years (and several this year) of failing to comply with US anti-money laundering laws — thereby enabling, collectively, hundreds of billions of dollars worth of suspicious transactions to move through the banking system absent adequate monitoring or oversight.

Yet not one these banks, nor any of their top executives, has been hit with criminal sanctions….


 Money Laundering and The Drug Trade: The Role of the Banks

…In March 2010 Wachovia cut a deal with the US government which involved the bank being given fines of $160 million under a ”deferred prosecution” agreement. This was due to Wachovia’s heavy involvement in money laundering moving up to $378.4 billion over several years. Not one banker was prosecuted for illegal involvement in the drugs trade. Meanwhile small time drug dealers and users go to prison.

If any member of the public is caught in possession of a few grammes of coke or heroin you can bet your bottom dollar they will be going down to serve some hard time. However, if you are a bankster caught laundering billions of dollars for some of the most murderous people on the planet you get off with a slap on the wrist in the form of some puny fine and a deferred prosecution deal…


I normally post on matters going on in the USA. In the comment section on tens of articles that I’ve read at various sites yours truly has noticed Europeans etc., point the finger at scapegoat USA on all things negative, while being totally oblivious of their own countries trangressions. It’s easy to finger point – not as easy to weed ones own garden first. Dunno the reason but this outrageous corruption isn’t only happening in the USA – perhaps we just write and post about it more…

Read Quotes in Order. They Tell a Story. You must understand the past before you will understand the present.



Read the following quotes in order, they tell a story…

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” – Plato

“Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you.” – Pericles

“Only fools mistake politicians for messiahs.” – Kevin Barrett

“If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” – Abraham Lincoln, Lyceum Address, January 27, 1838

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Author Unknown

“What constitutes the bulwark of our own liberty and independence? It is not our frowning battlements, our bristling seacoasts, the guns of our war steamers, or the strength of our gallant and disciplined army. These are not our reliance against a resumption of tyranny in our fair land. All of them may be turned against our liberties, without making us stronger or weaker for the struggle. Our reliance is in the love of liberty which God has planted in our bosoms. Our defense is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty as the heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere. Destroy this spirit, and you have planted the seeds of despotism around your own doors. Familiarize yourselves with the chains of bondage, and you are preparing your own limbs to wear them. Accustomed to trample on the rights of those around you, you become the fit subjects of the first cunning tyrant who rises.” – Abraham Lincoln

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Government is not reason. Government is not eloquence. It is force. And, like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” – George Washington

“Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.” – Davy Crockett

“That government is best which governs least.” – Henry David Thoreau

“Government can do something for the people only in proportion as it can do something to the people.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Government is an association of men who do violence to the rest of us.” – Leo Tolstoy

“Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.” – P.J. O’Rourke

“Every step we take towards making the State our Caretaker of our lives, by that much we move toward making the State our Master.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.” – Thomas Jefferson

“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet it was planned that way.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day. But a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (administrations), too plainly proves a deliberate systematic plan of reducing us to slavery.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.” – Patrick Henry

“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” – Thomas Jefferson

“All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, so much as downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.” – John Adams

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” – Henry Ford

“History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” – James Madison

“I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Mischief springs from the power which the moneyed interest derives from a paper currency which they are able to control, from the multitude of corporations with exclusive privileges… which are employed altogether for their benefit.” – Andrew Jackson

“If Congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to use themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations.” – Andrew Jackson

“The bold effort the present (central) bank had made to control the government … are but premonitions of the fate that await the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it.” – Andrew Jackson

“You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.” – Andrew Jackson, 1828

“A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various powerful interests, combined in one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in banks.” – John C. Calhoun, Vice President June 27, 1836

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” – Author Unknown

“Bank-paper must be suppressed, and the circulating medium must be restored to the nation to whom it belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson

“And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The dominion which the banking institutions have obtained over the minds of our citizens…must be broken, or it will break us.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Money power denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes.” – William Jennings Bryan – US Congressman (1891-1895), US Secretary of State (1913-1915)

“Thus, our national circulating medium is now at the mercy of loan transactions of banks, which lend, not money, but promises to supply money they do not possess.” – Irving Fisher

“Commercial banks create checkbook money whenever they grant a loan, simply by adding new deposit dollars in accounts on their books in exchange for a borrower’s IOU.” – Federal Reserve Bank of New York

“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.” – Lord Acton

“But if in the pursuit of the means we should unfortunately stumble again on unfunded paper money or any similar species of fraud, we shall assuredly give a fatal stab to our national credit in its infancy. Paper money will invariably operate in the body of politics as spirit liquors on the human body. They prey on the vitals and ultimately destroy them. Paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice.” – George Washington

“We are in danger of being overwhelmed with irredeemable paper, mere paper, representing not gold nor silver; no sir, representing nothing but broken promises, bad faith, bankrupt corporations, cheated creditors and a ruined people.” – Daniel Webster

“Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value — zero.” – Voltaire

“With the exception only of the period of the gold standard, practically all governments of history have used their exclusive power to issue money to defraud and plunder the people.” – Fredrich August von Hayek

“The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing.” – William Paterson – (1658-1719) ***Founder of the privately owned Bank of England in 1694

“Banks lend by creating credit. They create the means of payment out of nothing.” – Ralph M. Hawtrey, Former Secretary of the British Treasury

“The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it.” – John Kenneth Galbraith

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes such as mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control credit.” – Sir Josiah Stamp 1920 – Director of Bank of England

“Issue of currency should be lodged with the government and be protected from domination by Wall Street. We are opposed to…provisions [which] would place our currency and credit system in private hands.” – Theodore Roosevelt

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” – Mayer Amschel Rothschild

“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, …The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.” – Nathan Rothschild

“There is but one power in Europe, and that is Rothschild.” – Werner Sombart 1841, French Journalist

“Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet.” – Heinrich Heine

“The Rothschilds have conquered the world more thoroughly, more cunningly, and much more lastingly than all the Caesars before…” – Author Frederic Morton

“Who controls money controls the world.” – Henry Kissinger

“Those who create and issue money and credit direct the policies of government and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.” – Reginald McKenna (1863-1943) British Chancellor of Exchequer

“The refusal of King George III to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators was probably the prime cause of the revolution.” – Benjamin Franklin

“The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction. The inability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III was the prime reason for the Revolutionary War.” – Benjamin Franklin

“This Act (the Federal Reserve Act, Dec. 23rd 1913) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Woodrow Wilson) signs the Bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalized… The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency Bill.” – Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr.

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.” – Woodrow Wilson, reflecting on passage of the Federal Reserve Act

“A little group of willful men, representing no opinion but their own, have rendered the great government of the United States helpless and contemptible.” – Woodrow Wilson

“Most Americans have no real understanding of the operation of the international money lenders. The accounts of the Federal Reserve System have never been audited. It operates outside the control of Congress and manipulates the credit of the United States.” – Barry Goldwater

“While boasting of our noble deeds we’re careful to conceal the ugly fact that by an iniquitous money system we have nationalized a system of oppression which, though more refined, is not less cruel than the old system of chattel slavery.” – Horace Greeley

“The Federal Reserve is one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever seen. There is not a man within the sound of my voice who does not know that this nation is run by the international bankers.” – Congressman Louis T. McFadden

“I refer to the Federal Reserve Board…. This evil institution has impoverished the people of the United States and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.” – Congressman Louis T. McFadden

“Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government Institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers.” – Congressman Louis T. McFadden

“When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is – The Fed has usurped the government!!” – Congressman Louis T. McFadden

“The financial system has been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board. That Board administers the finance system by authority of a purely profiteering group. The system is Private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people’s money.” – Charles A. Lindbergh Sr

“Those not favorable to the money trust could be squeezed out of business and the people frightened into demanding changes in the banking and currency laws which the Money Trust would frame.” – Charles A. Lindbergh Sr.

“I was as secretive – indeed, as furtive – as any conspirator. Discovery, we knew, simply must not happen, or else all our time and effort would be wasted. If it were to be exposed that our particular group had got together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance whatever of passage by Congress.” – Frank Vanderlip (referring to the Federal Reserve Act)

“Before passage of this [Federal Reserve] Act, the New York Bankers could only dominate the reserves of New York. Now, we are able to dominate the bank reserves of the entire country.” – Senator Nelson Aldrich

“The Aldrich Plan is the Wall Street Plan. It means another panic, if necessary, to intimidate the people. Aldrich, paid by the government to represent the people, proposes a plan for the trusts instead.” – Charles A. Lindbergh Sr.

“The Aldrich bill was condemned in the platform when Woodrow Wilson was nominated. The men who ruled the Democratic party promised the people that if they were returned to power there would be no central bank established here while they held the reins of government. Thirteen months later that promise was broken, and the Wilson administration, under the tutelage of those sinister Wall Street figures who stood behind Colonel House, established here in our free country the worm-eaten monarchical institution of the ‘king’s bank’ to control us from the top downward, and to shackle us from the cradle to the grave.” – Louis T. McFadden

“The bill [Federal Reserve Act] grants just what Wall Street and the big banks for twenty-five years have been striving for – private instead of public control of currency. It robs the government and the people of all effective control over the public’s money, and vests in the banks exclusively the dangerous power to make money among the people scarce or plenty.” – Alfred Crozier

“The dollar represents a one dollar debt to the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve Banks create money out of thin air to buy Government Bonds from the U.S. Treasury…and has created out of nothing a … debt which the American people are obliged to pay with interest.” – Congressman Wright Patman

“The Federal Reserve Bank is nothing but a banking fraud and an unlawful crime against civilization. Why? Because they “create” the money made out of nothing, and our Uncle Sap Government issues their “Federal Reserve Notes” and stamps our Government approval with NO obligation whatever from these Federal Reserve Banks, Individual Banks or National Banks, etc.” – H. L. Birum Sr.

“To cause high prices, all the Federal Reserve Board will do will be to lower the rediscount rate, producing an expansion of credit and a rising stock market; then when business men are adjusted to these conditions, it can check prosperity in mid-career by arbitrarily raising the rate of interest. It can cause the pendulum of a rising and falling market to swing gently back and forth by slight changes in the discount rate, or cause violent fluctuations by a greater rate variation, and in either case it will possess inside information as to financial conditions and advance knowledge of the coming change, either up or down. This is the strangest, most dangerous advantage ever placed in the hands of a special privilege class by any government that ever existed. They know in advance when to create panics to their advantage. They also know when to stop panic. Inflation and deflation work equally well for them when they control finance.” – Charles A. Lindbergh Sr

“If, as it appears, the experiment that was called ‘America’ is at an end… then perhaps a fitting epitaph would be … ‘here lies America the greatest nation that might have been had it not been for the Edomite bankers who first stole their money, used their stolen money to buy their politicians and press and lastly deprived them of their constitutional freedom by the most evil device yet created — The Federal Reserve Banking System.’ ” – G. D. McDaniel

“In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. … This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists’ tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists’ antagonism toward the gold standard.” – Alan Greenspan

“In the United States today we have in effect two governments. We have the duly constituted government….. Then we have an independent, uncontrolled and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve System, operating the money powers which are reserved to Congress by the Constitution.” – Congressman Wright Patman

“The Federal Reserve System is nothing more than legalized counterfeit.” – Ron Paul

“The New York Federal Reserve is a tool of the big banks.” – Congressman Collin Peterson

“Federal Reserve Notes are not Dollars.” – Russell Munk Assistant General Counsel, Dept. of the Treasury 1977

“Paper is poverty…it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Of all contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effective than that which deludes them with paper money.” – Daniel Webster

“The few who could understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” – John Sherman – referring to the National Banking Act, a precursor to the Federal Reserve Act

“This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon.” – Robert Hemphill

“It [the depression] was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence worked out as one works out a mathematical equation. The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as the rulers of us all.” – Louis T. McFadden

“The Federal Reserve definitely caused the Great Depression by contracting the amount of currency in circulation by one-third from 1929 to 1933.” – Milton Friedman

“Whosoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce. And when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.” – James A. Garfield

“To be controlled in our economic pursuits means to be controlled in everything.” – F A Hayek

“In the general course of human nature, a power over a man’s subsistence amounts to a power over his will.” – Alexander Hamilton

“I am afraid that the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can and do create and destroy money. And they who control the credit of a nation direct the policy of governments, and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.” – Richard McKenna

“So you think that money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?” – Ayn Rand

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight-of-hand that was ever invented.” – Sir Josiah Stamp 1920, Director of the Bank of England

“There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.” – John Maynard Keynes

“…for the loan of $30,000,000 of their own money the people of the United States should be compelled to pay $66,000,000 — that is what it amounts to, with interest. People who will not turn a shovelful of dirt nor contribute a pound of material will collect more money from the United States than will the people who supply the material and do the work. That is the terrible thing about interest. In all our great bond issues the interest is always greater than the principal. All of the great public works cost more than twice the actual cost, on that account. Under the present system of doing business we simply add 120 to 150 per cent, to the stated cost.” – Thomas Edison

“But here is the point: If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good. The difference between the bond and the bill is that the bond lets the money brokers collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20 per cent, whereas the currency pays nobody but those who directly contribute to Muscle Shoals (referring to a public works project in Alabama) in some useful way.” – Thomas Edison

“It is absurd to say that our country can issue $30,000,000 in bonds and not $30,000,000 in currency. Both are promises to pay; but one promise fattens the usurer (banker), and the other helps the people. If the currency issued by the Government were no good, then the bonds issued would be no good either. It is a terrible situation when the Government, to increase the national wealth, must go into debt and submit to ruinous interest charges at the hands of men who control the fictitious values of gold.” – Thomas Edison

“The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debts.” – Henry Ford

“We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.” – Thomas Jefferson, letter to Samuel Kercheval, 1816

“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

“I place the economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers.” – Thomas Jefferson

“We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debt, as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our calling and our creeds… [we will] have no time to think, no means of calling our mis-managers to account but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow sufferers… And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for [another ]… til the bulk of society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery… And the fore-horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression.” – Thomas Jefferson

“I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution — taking from the federal government their power of borrowing.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.” – Abraham Lincoln

“The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, (and) more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe.” – Abraham Lincoln

“The only winner today is big business.” – Stonewall Jackson, said the day of concession to the north

“The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained as one block, and as one nation, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world.” – Otto von Bismark

“If this mischievious financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains, and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.” – Times of London (article referring to Lincoln issuing debt-free currency.)

“The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his boots…. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America, and use it systematically to corrupt modern civilization. They will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos in order that the earth should become their inheritance.” – Otto von Bismarck

“Right after the Civil War there was considerable talk about reviving Lincoln’s brief experiment with the Constitutional monetary system. Had not the European money-trust intervened, it would have no doubt become an established institution.” – W. Cleon Skousen

“On Sept. 1st, 1894, we will not renew our loans under any consideration. On Sept. 1st we will demand our money. We will foreclose and become mortgagees in possession. We can take two-thirds of the farms west of the Mississippi, and thousands of them east of the Mississippi as well, at our own price…. Then the farmers will become tenants as in England.” – 1891 American Bankers Association as printed in the Congressional Record of April 29, 1913

“The stock of money, prices and output was decidedly more unstable after the establishment of the Federal Reserve System than before. The most dramatic period of instability in output was, of course, the period between the two wars, which includes the severe [monetary] contractions of 1920-21, 1929-33, and 1937-38. No other 20-year period in American history contains as many as three such severe contractions. This evidence persuades me that at least a third of the price rise during and just after World War I is attributable to the establishment of the Federal Reserve System… and that the severity of each of the major contractions is directly attributable to acts of commission and omission by the Reserve authorities. Any system which gives so much power and so much discretion to a few men, so that mistakes – excusable or not – can have such a far reaching effect, is a bad system. It is a bad system to believers in freedom just because it gives a few men such power without any effective check by the body politic – this is the key political argument against an independent central bank. To paraphrase Clemenceau, money is much too serious a matter to be left to the central bankers.” – Milton Friedman

“The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans.” – British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, 1876 – First Prime Minister of England

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” – Woodrow Wilson

“The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy.” – Woodrow Wilson

“If monopoly persists, monopoly will always sit at the helm of government. I do not expect monopoly to restrain itself. If there are men in this country big enough to own the government of the United States, they are going to own it.” – Woodrow Wilson

“The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen. It seizes in its long and powerful tentacles our executive officers, our legislative bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers, and every agency created for the public protection. At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties, write political platforms, make catspaws of party leaders, use the leading men of private organizations, and resort to every device to place in nomination for high public office only such candidates as will be amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business. These international bankers and Rockefeller Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and magazines in this country.” – John F. Hylan, New York City Mayor 1922

“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” – J. Edgar Hoover

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.” – Theodore Roosevelt

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

“The real rulers of Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.” – Felix Frankfurter – Supreme Court Justice

“But, you know, there’s another group that really runs the show. It’s very shadowy, just as you’ve described… Those of us in the Congress of the United States are window dressing.” – Congressman Virgil Goode

“There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” – Senator Daniel Inouye

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” – Benjamin Disraeli

“There is something behind the throne greater than the king himself.” – William Pitt 1770, British House of Lords

“Great nations are simply the operating fronts of behind-the-scenes, vastly ambitious individuals who had become so effectively powerful because of their ability to remain invisible while operating behind the national scenery.” – Buckminster Fuller

“Those who formally rule take their signals and commands not from the electorate as a body, but from a small group of men. This group will be called the Establishment. It exists even though that existence is stoutly denied. It is one of the secrets of the American social order… A second secret is the fact that the existence of the Establishment – the ruling class – is not supposed to be discussed.” – Arthur S. Miller

“You know, by the time you become the leader of a country, someone else makes all the decisions. … You may find you can get away with virtual presidents, virtual prime ministers, virtual everything.” – Bill Clinton

“Sarah, there’s a government inside the government and I don’t control it.” – Bill Clinton

“And the banks — hard to believe in a time when we’re facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created — are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place.” – Senator Dick Durbin, April 2009

“Today the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government – a bureaucratic elite.” – Senator William Jenner

“The banks run the place.” – Congressman Collin Peterson, referring to the US Congress

“Fifty men have run America, and that’s a high figure.” – Joseph Kennedy, father of JFK

“I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.” – General Douglas MacArthur

“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and secret conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversions instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine, that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no secret is revealed. It conducts the cold war, in short, with a wartime discipline no democracy would ever hope to wish to match.” – John F. Kennedy

“The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American’s freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight.” – John F. Kennedy

“For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But, he didn’t. Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advance by the Council on Foreign Relations – One World Money group. Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared “ammunition” in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people, and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support.” – Curtis Dall, FDR’s son-in-law as quoted in his book, My Exploited Father-in-Law

“The UN is but a long-range, international banking apparatus clearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One-World revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power.” – Curtis Dall

“A global economy requires a global currency.” – Paul Volcker, Former Chairman, Federal Reserve

“The depression was the calculated ‘shearing’ of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market….The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.” – Curtis Dall

“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control…. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.” – Congressman Larry P. McDonald, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets

“After WWI, Germany fell into the hands of the German international bankers. Those bankers bought her and they now own her, lock, stock, and barrel. They have purchased her industries, they have mortgages on her soil, they control her production, they control all her public utilites. The international German bankers have subsidized the present government of Germany and they have also supplied every dollar of the money Adolph Hitler has used in his lavish campaign to build up a threat to the government of Bruening. When Bruening fails to obey the orders of the German International Bankers, Hitler is brought forth to scare the Germans into submission. Through the Federal Reserve Board over $30 billion of American money has been pumped into Germany. You have all heard of the spending that has taken place in Germany, modernistic dwellings, her great planetariums, her gymnasiums, her swimming pools, her fine public highways, her perfect factories. All this was done on our money. All this was given to Germany through the Federal Reserve Board. The Federal Reserve Board has pumped so many billions into Germany that they dare not name the total.” – Louis T. McFadden

“The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite.” – Thomas Jefferson

“It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.” – George Washington

“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” – James Paul Warburg

“The American Communists worked energetically and tirelessly to lay the foundations for the United Nations, which we were sure would come into existence.” – Earl Brower – former President of Communist Party USA

“The age of nations must end. The governments of nations have decided to order their separate sovereignties into one government to which they will surrender their arms.” – U.N. World Constitution

“We must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a World Government, patterned after our Own Government with a legislature, executive and judiciary and police.” – Walter Cronkite

“The United Nations is the greatest fraud in history. Its purpose is to destroy the United States.” – Congressman John E. Rankin

“It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance.” – George Bush Sr.

“The planning of the UN can be traced to the ‘secret steering committee’ established by Secretary [of State Cordell] Hull in January 1943. All of the members of this secret committee, with the exception of Hull, a Tennessee politician, were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. They saw Hull regularly to plan, select, and guide the labors of the [State] Department’s Advisory Committee. It was, in effect, the coordinating agency for all the State Department’s postwar planning.” – Professors Laurence H. Shoup and William Minter, writing in their study of the CFR, “Imperial Brain Trust: The CFR and United States Foreign Policy.”

“I would support a Presidential candidate who pledged to take the following steps: … At the end of the war in the Persian Gulf, press for a comprehensive Middle East settlement and for a ‘new world order’ based not on Pax Americana but on peace through law with a stronger U.N. and World Court.” – George McGovern

“I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the last 49 years, they would move on Washington; they would not wait for an election….It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States!” – Senator George W. Malone 1957

“We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. All the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands.” – Professor Arnold Toynbee, in a June l931 speech before the Institute for the Study of International Affairs in Copenhagen.

“To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification.” – Brock Chisolm, when director of UN World Health Organization

“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.” – Strobe Talbot, President Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State

“The ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.” – Richard Gardner – article in Foreign Affairs, the publication of the Council on Foreign Relations

“A system of world order–preferably a system of world government –is mandatory… The proud nations someday will see the light and, for the common good and their own survival, yield up their precious sovereignty…” – Walter Cronkite

“It is difficult to re-educate people who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishing part of their sovereignty to a supra-national body.” – Prince Bernhard – The Netherlands

“[The task is to] covertly lower the standard of living, the whole social structure, of America so that we can be merged with all other nations.” – Rowan Gaither – President of the Ford Foundation (1953-1956)

“Divide the world into regional groups as a transitional stage to world government. Populations will more readily abandon their national loyalty to a vague regional loyalty than they will for a world authority. Later the regions can be brought together all the way into a single world dictatorship.” – Josef Stalin

“But it became clear as time went on that in Mr. Bush’s mind the New World Order was founded on a convergence of goals and interests between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, so strong and permanent that they would work as a team through the U.N. Security Council.” – A. M. Rosenthal

“We are giving away the country so a few very rich people can get richer.” – Congressman Virgil Goode

“By the end of this decade we will live under the first One World Government that has ever existed in the society of nations … a government with absolute authority to decide the basic issues of human survival. One world government is inevitable.” – Pope John Paul II

“Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a New World Order. A world where the United Nations, freed from cold war stalemate, is poised to fulfil the historic vision of its founders.” – George Bush Sr.

“And this is the best chance to begin to establish the New World Order.” – Dan Quayle – referring to the Persian Gulf Crisis

“A colossal event is upon us, the birth of a New World Order.” – Brent Scowcroft, George Bush’s National Security Advisor

“A careful examination of what is happening behind the scenes reveals that all of these interests are working in concert with the masters of the Kremlin in order to create what some refer to as a “New World Order.” Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Dartmouth Conference, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the Atlantic Institute, and the Bilderberg Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order in powerful business, financial, academic, and official circles.” – Senator Jesse Helms

“In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade.” – Karl Marx

“NAFTA is a major stepping stone to the New World Order.” – Henry Kissinger

“The new European Soviet.” – Mikhail Gorbachev describing the European Union in 2000

“In this new world economy, national boundaries are increasingly becoming obsolete.” – Ronald Reagan

“Further global progress is now possible only through a quest for universal consensus in the movement towards a new world order.” – Mikhail Gorbachev

“The New World Order is a world that has a supernational authority to regulate world commerce and industry; an international organization that would control the production and consumption of oil; an international currency that would replace the dollar; a World Development Fund that would make funds available to free and Communist nations alike; and an international police force to enforce the edicts of the New World Order.” – Willy Brandt, former West German Chancellor

“The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power; political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nationstates involved. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future.” – Barry Goldwater

“…This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of “one world government’….National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept…” – Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama’s chief foreign policy advisor

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.” – Zbigniew Brzezinski

“The Final Act of the Uruguay Round, marking the conclusion of the most ambitious trade negotiation of our century, will give birth – in Morocco – to the World Trade Organization, the third pillar of the New World Order, along with the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund.” – Statement by the Moroccan government

“The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress are irrelevant. … America’s domestic policy is now being run by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve, and America’s foreign policy is now being run by the International Monetary Fund [IMF]. …when the president decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress.” – Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton

“In a small Swiss city sits an international organization so obscure and secretive…. Control of the institution, the Bank for International Settlements, lies with some of the world’s most powerful and least visible men: the heads of 32 central banks, officials able to shift billions of dollars and alter the course of economies at the stroke of a pen.” – Keith Bradsher – New York Times bureau chief

“The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds’ central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups.” – Carroll Quigley (Bill Clinton said Quigley was his mentor during 1993 Inaugural Address)

“The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which originated in England … [and] … believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established.” – Carroll Quigley

“There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years in the early 1960s to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies … but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.” – Carroll Quigley

“The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies [marxism/fascism/socialism v. democracy/capitalism] to enable them [the Illuminati] to divide larger and larger portions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other.” – Myron Fagan

“For the first time in its history, Western Civilization is in danger of being destroyed internally by a corrupt, criminal ruling cabal which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include elements from the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, Du Pont, Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, and other groupings as well. This junta took control of the political, financial, and cultural life of America in the first two decades of the twentieth century.” – Carroll Quigley

“The Council on Foreign Relations is “the establishment.” Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also announces and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into a servile member state of a one-world dictatorship.” – Congressman John Rarick 1971

“The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all powerful, one world government.” – Admiral Chester Ward – Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Navy

“The most powerful clique in these (CFR) groups have one objective in common: they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the U.S. They want to end national boundaries and racial and ethnic loyalties supposedly to increase business and ensure world peace. What they strive for would inevitably lead to dictatorship and loss of freedoms by the people. The CFR was founded for the purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government.” – Harpers, July l958

“I am delighted to be here in these new [Council on Foreign Relations] headquarters. I have been often to, I guess, the mother ship in New York City, but it’s good to have an outpost of the Council right here down the street from the State Department. We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future.” – Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, 7/15/2009

“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or *promulgated*, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.” – Henry Kissinger

“We are not going to achieve a New World Order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.” – Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

“To defend the New World Order, US soldiers will have to kill and die.” – Arthur Schlesinger

“Thus, in setting an American agenda for a New World Order, we must begin with a profound alteration in traditional thought.” – Joe Biden

“The world can therefore seize the opportunity [Persian Gulf crisis] to fulfill the long-held promise of a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind.” – George Bush Sr.

“But this present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for long. Already there are powerful forces at work that threaten to destroy all of our hopes and efforts to erect an enduring structure of global interdependence.” – David Rockefeller

“The developing coherence of Asian regional thinking is reflected in a disposition to consider problems and loyalties in regional terms, and to evolve regional approaches to development needs and to the evolution of a New World Order.” – Richard Nixon

“… when the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people … will hate the New World Order and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people.” – H. G. Wells

“The threat of environmental crisis is the ‘international disaster key’ to unlock the New World Order.” – Mikhail Gorbachev

“We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination… So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts… Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.” – Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology, lead author of many UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports

“Unless we announce disasters no one will listen.” – Sir John Houghton, first chairman of IPCC

“It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.” – Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace

“Climate change is being used to impose an anti-human utopia as deadly as anything conceived by Stalin or Mao..” – Nick Griffin (EU Representative)

“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” – Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation

“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” – Christine Stewart, fmr Canadian Minister of the Environment

“The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe.” – emeritus professor Daniel Botkin

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsiblity to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme

“Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it.” – Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute

“Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.” – Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University

“Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing.” – David Brower, first Executive Director of the Sierra Club

“In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press….They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.” – Congressman Oscar Callaway

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” – David Rockefeller

“For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” – David Rockefeller

“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” – William Colby – Former CIA Director

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William Casey, CIA Director 1981

“Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State.” – James Angleton – Head of CIA Counter Intelligence 1954-1974

“I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo.” – Harry S. Truman

“The American people should be made aware of the trend toward monopolization of the great public information vehicles and the concentration of more and more power over public opinion in fewer and fewer hands.” – Spiro Agnew

“By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.” – Adolph Hitler

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” – Adolph Hitler

“The greater the lie, the greater the chance that it will be believed.” – Adolf Hitler

“The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any other force.” – Adolf Hitler

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge — even to ourselves — that we’ve been so credulous. (So the old bamboozles tend to persist as the new bamboozles rise.)” – Carl Sagan

“The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses.” – Albert Einstein

“Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment nothing can fail. Without it nothing can succeed. He who molds public opinion is greater than he who enacts laws.” – Abraham Lincoln

“Behind the division of humanity stand those Enlightened Ones whose right and privilege it is to watch over human evolution and to guide the destinies of men… This they do through the implanting of ideas in the minds of the world thinkers, so that these ideas in due time receive recognition and eventually become controlling factors in human life. They train the members of the New Group of World Servers in the task of changing these ideas into ideals. These in turn become the desired objectives of the thinkers and are then taught to the powerful middle-class and worked up into world forms of governments or religion, thus forming the basis of the New World Order.” – Alice Bailey, Fabian Society, Head of Lucis Trust

“There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar weekly salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities, and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.” – John Swinton, former New York Times Chief of Staff

“These international bankers and Rockefeller Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government.” – Theodore Roosevelt

“Perhaps the most obvious political effect of controlled news is the advantage it gives powerful people in getting their issues on the political agenda and defining those issues in ways likely to influence their resolution.” – W. Lance Bennett

“A newspaper has three things to do. One is to amuse, another is to entertain and the rest is to mislead.” – Ernest Bevin – British Foreign Minister

“There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know.” – Harry S. Truman

“The advertisement is the most truthful part of a newspaper.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Whoever controls the media, controls your mind.” – Jim Morrison

“I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.” – John D. Rockefeller

“How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.” – Adolf Hitler

“Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” – Josef Stalin

“The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions at state expense.” – Karl Marx

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” – Vladimir Lenin

“Our schools have been scientifically designed to prevent over-education from happening. The average American [should be] content with their humble role in life, because they’re not tempted to think about any other role.” – William T. Harris – Former U.S. Commissioner of Education

“Academies that are founded at public expense are instituted not so much to cultivate men’s natural abilities as to restrain them.” – Baruch Spinoza

“Ninety-nine [students] out of a hundred are automata, careful to walk in prescribed paths, careful to follow the prescribed custom. This is not an accident but the result of substantial education, which, scientifically defined, is the subsumption of the individual.” – William Torrey Harris, US Commissioner of Education from 1889 to 1906

“Together we have come to realize that for most men the right to learn is curtailed by the obligation to attend school.” – Ivan Illich

“A tax supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.” – Isabel Paterson

“Men had better be without education than be educated by their rulers; for their education is but the mere breaking in of the steer to the yoke; the mere discipline of the hunting dog, which, by dint of severity, is made to forego the strongest impulse of his nature, and instead of devouring his prey, to hasten with it to the feet of his master.” – Thomas Hodgskin

“The more subsidized it is, the less free it is. What is known as ‘free education’ is the least free of all, for it is a state-owned institution; it is socialized education – just like socialized medicine or the socialized post office – and cannot possibly be separated from political control.” – Frank Chodorov

“The first goal and primary function of the U.S. public school is not to educate good people, but good citizens. It is the function which we call – in enemy nations – ‘state indoctrination.’ ” – Jonathan Kozol

“Government will not fail to employ education to strengthen its hands and perpetuate its institutions.” – William Godwin

“This subject [mass psychology] will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship… Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.” – Bertrand Russell

“Governments have ever been known to hold a high hand over the education of the people. They know, better than anyone else, that their power is based almost entirely on the school. Hence, they monopolize it more and more.” – Francisco Ferrer – (1857-1909) founder of ‘The Modern School’ in Barcelona, Spain, arrested and executed without trial by firing squad following the declaration of martial law in 1909 during the ‘Tragic Week’

“In all countries, in all centuries, the primary reason for government to set up schools is to undermine the politically weak by convincing their children that the leaders are good and their policies are wise. A common second reason is to prepare the boys to go to war and the girls to cheer them on.” – Marshall Fritz

“To play those millions of minds, to watch them slowly respond to an unseen stimulus, to guide their aspirations without their knowledge – all this whether in high capacitites or in humble, is a big and endless game of chess of ever extraordinary excitement.” – Sydney West, Leader of the Fabian Society

“By establishing reading societies, and subscription libraries, and taking these under our direction, and supplying them through our labors, we may turn the public mind which way we will.” – Adam Weishaupt, founded The Order of the Illuminati

“School is the advertising agency which makes you believe that you need the society as it is.” – Ivan Illich

“The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.” – Steven Biko

“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” – Joseph Stalin

“The trouble with free elections is, you never know who is going to win.” – Leonid Brezhnev

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.” – Carroll Quigley

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.” – Noam Chomsky

“There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties.” – George Wallace – Governor of Alabama and 1968 Republican Presidential candidate

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it.” – Vladimir Lenin

“Free election of masters does not abolish the masters or the slaves.” – Herbert Marcuse

“A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years.” – Lysander Spooner

“Apparently, a democracy is a place where numerous elections are held at great cost without issues and with interchangeable candidates.” – Gore Vidal

“It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.” – George Washington

“Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.” – Thomas Jefferson

“To avoid entangling alliances has been a maxim of our policy ever since the days of Washington, and its wisdom no one will attempt to dispute.” – James Buchanan

“The governments of the Western nations, whether monarchical or republican, had passed into the invisible hands of a plutocracy, international in power and grasp. It was, I venture to suggest, this semi-occult power which….pushed the mass of the American people into the cauldron of World War I.” – British military historian Major General J.F.C. Fuller, l941

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” – Voltaire

“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” – Sinclair Lewis

“A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side.” – Aristotle

“No protracted war can fail to endanger the freedom of a democratic country.” – Alexis de Tocqueville

“Of all the enemies of true liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few…. No nation can preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” – James Madison

“Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.” – George Washington – From his 1796 Farewell Address

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” – H. L. Mencken

“Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death.” – Adolph Hitler

“Naturally the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” – Hermann Goerring

“The easiest way to gain control of the population is to carry out acts of terror. The public will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened.” – Joseph Stalin

“In order to bring a nation to support the burdens of maintaining great military establishments, it is necessary to create an emotional state akin to war psychology. There must be the portrayal of an external menace. This involves the development to a high degree of the nation-hero, nation-villain ideology and the arousing of the population to a sense of sacrifice. Once these exist, we have gone a long way on the path to war.” – Senator John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State 1950′s

“It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear.” – General Douglas MacArthur

“The powers in charge keep us in a perpetual state of fear and a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant sums demanded. Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened, seem never to have been quite real.” – Douglas MacArthur

“Powerful dictatorships that make their leaders powerful need to stage wars to get ordinary people to march in lockstep like mindless Nazi robots. That is the road to Greatness.” – Michael Ledeen, Special Advisor to Reagan’s Secretary of State Alexander Haig

“Paradoxically, preserving liberty may require the rule of a single leader—a dictator—willing to use those dreaded ‘extraordinary measures, which few know how, or are willing, to employ.’” – Michael Ledeen

“We need a common enemy to unite us.” – Condoleezza Rice, 2000

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” – David Rockefeller

“It means the potential of a weapon of mass destruction and a terrorist, massive, casualty-producing event somewhere in the Western world – it may be in the United States of America – that causes our population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass, casualty-producing event.” – General Tommy Franks 2003

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaeda. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity…. The country behind this propaganda is the US.” – Robin Cook – Former British Foreign Secretary

“What we in America call terrorists are really groups of people that reject the international system.” – Henry Kissinger 2007

“If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” – James Madison

“The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become instruments of tyranny at home.” – James Madison

“A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad.” – James Madison

“We’ve witnessed a fire sale of American liberties at bargain basement prices, in return for the false promise of more security… The America being designed right now won’t resemble the America we’ve been defending… The danger isn’t that Big Brother may storm the castle gates. The danger is that Americans don’t realize that he is already inside the castle walls.” – Wayne LaPierre

“There are now 17,000 local American police forces that are armed with rocket launchers, bazookas, heavy machine guns, all kinds of chemical sprays, in fact some of them have tanks. You now have local police departments that are equipped beyond the standard of American heavy infantry.” – Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during Reagan Administration

“‘Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.” – FA Hayek

“The most important element of a free society, where individual rights are held in the highest esteem, is the rejection of the initiation of violence.” – Ron Paul

“Preventive war was an invention of Hitler. Frankly, I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

“If we have reason to believe someone is preparing an attack against the U.S., has developed that capability, harbours those aspirations, then I think the U.S. is justified in dealing with that, if necessary, by military force.” – Dick Cheney

“Not as tyrants have we come, but as liberators.” – Adolph Hitler

“We will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.” – Dick Cheney

“No one has ever succeeded in keeping nations at war except by lies.” – Salvador de Madariaga

“Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose—and you allow him to make war at pleasure.” – Abraham Lincoln

“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” – Gutle Schnaper, wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild

“Overgrown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty.” – George Washington

“In Haig’s presence, Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as ‘dumb, stupid animals to be used’ as pawns for foreign policy.” – Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein in their book The Final Days

“I will begin to remove our troops from Iraq immediately.” – Barack Obama – Promise made during 2008 campaign speech

“I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank.” – Barack Obama, October 27, 2007

“In the counsels of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

“War is never economically beneficial except for those in position to profit from war expenditures.” – Ron Paul

“America was founded by men who understood that the threat of domestic tyranny is as great as any threat from abroad. If we want to be worthy of their legacy, we must resist the rush toward ever-increasing state control of our society. Otherwise, our own government will become a greater threat to our freedoms than any foreign terrorist.” – Ron Paul

“He who marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.” – Albert Einstein

“The tragedy of modern war is that the young men die fighting each other—instead of their real enemies back home in the capitals.” – Edward Abbey

“The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that refuse military service.” – Albert Einstein

“Belief means not wanting to know what is true.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.” – H. L. Mencken

“We do not want to lead or be led. We want to be free.” – Karl Hess

“Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.” – Daniel Webster (1782-1852), US Senator

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom…crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!” – Samuel Adams

“The spirit of the times may alter, will alter. Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless. A single zealot may commence persecutor, and better men be his victims. It can never be too often repeated that the time for fixing every essential right on a legal basis is while our rulers are honest and ourselves united. From the conclusion of [their] war [for independence, a nation begins] going down hill. It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for support. They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded. They will forget themselves but in the sole faculty of making money, and will never think of uniting to effect a due respect for their rights. The shackles, therefore, which shall not be knocked off at the conclusion of [that] war will remain on [them] long, will be made heavier and heavier, till [their] rights shall revive or expire in a convulsion.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of their arms.” – Aristotle

“Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty’s teeth.” – George Washington

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” – Thomas Jefferson

“A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims.” – Ayn Rand

“Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal.” – Janet Reno

“There is no reason for anyone in this country, anyone except a police officer or a military person, to buy, to own, to have, to use a handgun….And the only way to do that is to change the Constitution.” – Michael Gartner, former President of NBC News

“Those who suppress freedom always do so in the name of law and order.” – John V. Lindsay

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Benjamin Franklin

“A people armed and free forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition and is a bulwark for the nation against foreign invasion and domestic oppression.” – James Madison

“When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans… and so a lot of people say there’s too much personal freedom. When personal freedom’s being abused, you have to move to limit it. That’s what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the public housing projects, about how we’re going to have weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make people safer in their communities.” – Bill Clinton

“A Republic, if you can keep it.” – Benjamin Franklin – When asked by a woman while he was leaving the Constitutional Convention what kind of government they had given us.

“To live under the American Constitution is the greatest political privilege that was ever accorded to the human race.” – Calvin Coolidge

“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.” – Daniel Webster

“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government — lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.” – Patrick Henry

“The purpose of the Bill of Rights was to limit what the federal government could do. Any interpretation of a provision of the Bill of Rights as a grant of federal power is ipso facto wrong.” – L. A. Powe, Jr. Centennial Professor of Law at The University of Texas

“The republican is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Happiness is more effectually dispensed to mankind under a republican form of government than any other.” – George Washington

“We are a Republican Government. Real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of Democracy.” – Alexander Hamilton

“[the framers of the Constitution] intended our government should be a republic, which differs more widely from a democracy than a democracy from a despotism.” – Congressman Fisher Ames

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government.” – from the US Constitution

“I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the Republic, for which it stands.” – from the Pledge of Allegiance

“The honest and serious student of American history will recall that our Founding Fathers managed to write both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution without using the term ‘democracy’ even once. No part of any of the existing state Constitutions contains any reference to the word. [The men] who were most influential in the institution and formulation of our government refer to ‘democracy’ only to distinguish it sharply from the republican form of our American Constitutional system.” – Clarence Manion – Dean of Notre Dame Law School 1950′s

“Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.” – John Marshall – US Supreme Court Chief Justice

“In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Our country’s founders cherished liberty, not democracy.” – Ron Paul

“Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms.” – Aristotle

“Monarchy degenerates into tyranny, aristocracy into oligarchy, and democracy into savage violence and chaos.” – Polybius 200-118 BCE

“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” – Thomas Jefferson

“If our fathers, in 1776, had acknowledged the principle that a majority had the right to rule the minority, we should never have become a nation; for they were in a small minority, as compared with those who claimed the right to rule over them.” – Lysander Spooner

“When a legislature decides to steal some of our rights and plans to use police force to accomplish it, what’s the real difference between them and the thief? Darn little! They hide behind the excuse that they’re legislating democratically. The fact they do it by a majority vote has no moral significance whatsoever. Numerical might does not constitute right, no more than a lynch mob can justify its act because a majority participated.” – H. L. Richardson

“Democracy, in its best state, is but the politics of Bedlam; while kept chained, its thoughts are frantic, but when it breaks loose, it kills the keeper, fires the building, and perishes.” – Fisher Ames

“Liberty has never lasted long in a democracy, nor has it ever ended in anything better than despotism.” – Fisher Ames

“Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.” – Oscar Wilde

“Democracy is morose, and runs to anarchy.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The world is weary of statesmen whom democracy has degraded into politicians.” – Benjamin Disraeli

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” – John Adams

“The one prevailing evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections.” – Lord Acton

“The evils we experience flow from the excess of democracy. The people do not want virtue, but are the dupes of pretended patriots.” – Elbridge Gerry – Massachusetts, Signer of the Declaration of Independence and Member of the Constitutional Convention

“It has been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity.” – Alexander Hamilton

“The Greeks… labored under the delusion that their democracy was a guarantee of peace and plenty, not realizing that unrestrained majority rule always destroys freedom, puts the minority at the mercy of the mob, and works at cross-purposes to the effective use of human energy and individual initiative.” – Henry Grady Weaver

“Democracies have been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” – James Madison

“Democracy gives every man the right to be his own oppressor.” – James Russell Lowell

“As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy.” – Abraham Lincoln

“Democracy passes into despotism.” – Plato

“Tyranny naturally arises out of democracy.” – Plato

“Democracy is more cruel than wars or tyrants.” – Seneca

“Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.” – James Bovard

“Democracy becomes a government of bullies tempered by editors.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Democracy is, by the nature of it, a self-canceling business: and gives in the long run a net result of zero.” – Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) Scottish Philosopher and Author

“to provide a cure for the evils under which the United States labored; that in tracing these evils to their origin every man had found it in the turbulence and trials of democracy….” – Edmund Randolph – participant in Contstitutional Convention

“I have long been convinced that institutions purely democratic must, sooner or later, destroy liberty or civilization, or both.” – Thomas Babington Macaulay

“The government of the absolute majority is but the government of the strongest interests; and when not effectively checked, is the most tyrannical and oppressive that can be devised… [To read the Constitution is to realize that] no free system was ever farther removed from the principle that the absolute majority, without check or limitation, ought to govern.” – John C. Calhoun (1782-1850) American statesman, US Senator from South Carolina

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship.” – Alexander Tyler

“Democracy is a form of government that cannot long survive, for as soon as the people learn that they have a voice in the fiscal policies of the government, they will move to vote for themselves all the money in the treasury, and bankrupt the nation.” – Karl Marx

“The average age of the world’s great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage.” – Alexander Tyler

“Democracy – A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of “direct expression.” Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic — negating property rights. Attitude of the law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy. [the framers of the Constitution] made a very marked distinction between a republic and a democracy … and said repeatedly and emphatically that they had formed a republic.” – US Army Training Manual 1928

“Because the United States is a democracy, the majority of the people decide how our Government will be organized and run….” – US Army Training Manual 1952

“You can never have a revolution in order to establish a democracy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution.” – G.K. Chesterton

“Democracy is the road to socialism.” – Karl Marx

“The first step in the revolution by the working class to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class, is to win the battle of democracy.” – Karl Marx

“Democracy is indispensable to socialism.” – Vladimir Lenin

“The goal of socialism is communism.” – Vladimir Lenin

“Taken as a whole, the Chinese revolutionary movement led by the Communist Party embraces the two stages, i.e., the democratic and the socialist revolutions, which are essentially different revolutionary processes, and the second process can be carried through only after the first has been completed. The democratic revolution is the necessary preparation for the socialist revolution, and the socialist revolution is the inevitable sequel to the democratic revolution. The ultimate aim for which all communists strive is to bring about a socialist and communist society.” – Mao Tse-tung

“Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.” – David Rockefeller

“World dictatorship can be established only when the victory of socialism has been achieved in certain countries or groups of countries … [and] when these federation of republics have finally grown into a world union of Soviet Socialist Republics uniting the whole of mankind under the hegemony of the international proletariat organized as a state.” – Josef Stalin

“…to make the world safe for democracy.” – Woodrow Wilson

“[America] must be the great arsenal of democracy.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

“The experience of democracy is like the experience of life itself-always changing, infinite in its variety, sometimes turbulent and all the more valuable for having been tested by adversity.” – Jimmy Carter

“Democracy is worth dying for, because it’s the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man.” – Ronald Reagan

“Great nations of the world are moving toward democracy.” – George Bush Sr.

“We must fortify African democracy and peace by launching Radio Democracy for Africa, supporting the transition to democracy now beginning to take place in Nigeria.” – Bill Clinton

“We must continue to deepen our ties to the Americas and the Caribbean, our common work to educate children, fight drugs, strengthen democracy, and increase trade.” – Bill Clinton

“And I’d like to say to the Senate, I hope you will say yes to a stronger American democracy in the year 2000.” – Bill Clinton

“As the 20th century ended, there were around 120 democracies in the world — and I can assure you more are on the way.” – George W. Bush

“It is no accident that the rise of so many democracies took place in a time when the world’s most influential nation was itself a democracy.” – George W. Bush

“We must help the reformers of the Middle East as they work for freedom, and strive to build a community of peaceful, democratic nations.” – George W. Bush

“Our aim is a democratic peace.” – George W. Bush

“The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism.” – Karl Marx

“I think the important thing is to realize that the establishment of a democracy is sometimes a messy thing and it takes time. Yeah, we’ve been at it 240 years.” – Mike Huckabee

“Now the question is, now that we are there, what should we do in the best interest of the U.S., not only from a standpoint of the necessity of some stable democracy in the Middle East….” – Mike Huckabee

“That does not mean we won’t experience the tragedy of the loss of some American lives. We will have an opportunity to instill a democracy in Iraq which will be an example and perhaps force other nations in that region to move in the same direction.” – John McCain

“But we have a war of ideals and ideas, and that is to sell democracy…” – John McCain

“There cannot be true democracy unless all citizens are able to participate fully in the lives of their country.” – Hillary Clinton

“We are here to advance the cause of women and to advance the cause of democracy and to make it absolutely clear that the two are inseparable.” – Hillary Clinton

“I would say to the new leadership the American people are ready to meet you if you move forward toward the path of democracy.” – Hillary Clinton

“We should be more modest in our belief that we can impose democracy on a country through military force.” – Barack Obama

“This doesn’t mean abandoning our values and ideals; wherever we can, it’s in our interest to help foster democracy through the diplomatic and economic resources at our disposal.” – Barack Obama

“The New World Order that is in the making must focus on the creation of a world of democracy, peace and prosperity for all.” – Nelson Mandela

“In October 1917 we parted with the Old World, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a new world, the world of Communism. We shall never turn off that road.” – Mikhail Gorbachev

“I am a Communist, a convinced Communist! For some that may be a fantasy. But to me it is my main goal.” – Mikhail Gorbachev

“Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years. They are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep.” – Mikhail Gorbachev

“according to Lenin, socialism and democracy are indivisible…. The essence of perestroika lies in the fact that it unites socialism with democracy and revives the Leninist concept of socialist construction both in theory and in practice. We want more socialism and, therefore, more democracy.” – Mikhail Gorbachev

“Every part of our program of perestroika — and the program as a whole, for that matter — is fully based on the principle of more socialism and more democracy.” – Mikhail Gorbachev

“There is no greater advocate of perestroika than the president of the United States.” – George Bush Sr.

“Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism as it is a merge of state and corporate power.” – Benito Mussolini

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” – Norman Thomas, former U.S. Socialist Presidential Candidate

“We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism.” – Nikita Khrushchev 1959

“This manual of the Communist Party should be in the hands of every loyal American, that they may be alerted to the fact that it is not always by armies and guns that a nation is conquered.” – Kenneth Goff, Author and a one time dues-paying member of the Communist Party

“Socialism in America will come through the ballot box.” – Gus Hall (1910-2000) leader of the Communist Party USA and its four-time U.S. presidential candidate

“If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead, it becomes logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite.” – Gary Allen

“From the days of Sparticus, Wieskhopf, Karl Marx, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemberg, and Emma Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.” – Winston Churchill 1922

“The state does not function as we desired. A man is at the wheel and seems to lead it, but the car does not drive in the desired direction. It moves as another force wishes.” – Vladimir Lenin

“Power from any source tends to create an appetite for additional power. It was almost inevitable that the super-rich would one day aspire to control not only their own wealth, but the wealth of the whole world. To achieve this, they were perfectly willing to feed the ambitions of the power-hungry political conspirators who were committed to the overthrow of all existing governments and the establishment of a central worldwide dictatorship.” – W. Cleon Skousen

“There also exists another alliance — at first glance a strange one, a surprising one — but if you think about it, in fact, one which is well grounded and easy to understand. This is the alliance between our Communist leaders and your capitalists. This alliance is not new. … We observe continuous and steady support by the businessmen of the West of the Soviet Communist leaders.” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

“I want to scare the hell out of the rest of the world.” – General Colin Powell

“In early times, it was easier to control a million people than to kill a million. Today, it is infinitely easier to to kill a million people than to control a million.” – Zbigniew Brzezinski

“Why should we hear about body bags, and deaths…I mean, it’s not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?” – Barbara Bush

“We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans…” – Bill Clinton

“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.” – Henry Kissinger

“Claim everything. Explain nothing. Deny everything.” – Senator Prescott Bush, grandfather of President George W. Bush

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!” – George W. Bush

“If this were a dictatorship, it’d be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator.” – George W. Bush

“…if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched.” – George Bush Sr. – speaking in an interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992

“You can’t get rich in politics unless you’re a crook.”- Harry S. Truman

“In war, truth is the first casualty.” – Aeschylus

“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” – Albert Einstein

“It is the first responsiblity of every citizen to question authority.” – Benjamin Franklin

“The important thing is never to stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein

“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” – George Orwell

“Truth is treason in the empire of lies.” – Ron Paul

“Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the State becomes lawless and corrupt.” – Gandhi

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” – Gandhi

“They must find it difficult……those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority.” – Gerald Massey

“This much is true: you have been lied to.” – Ron Paul

“The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.” – Ayn Rand

“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.” – Winston Churchill

“That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.” – Aldous Huxley

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.” – Aldous Huxley

“We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. … The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.” – Dr. Jose Delgado (1915-) Spanish professor of physiology, Director of Neuropsychiatry at Yale Medical School, famed for his research into mind control through electrical stimulation of regions in the brain

“You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for independence.” – Charles Austin Beard

“The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the greatest liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.” – H.L. Mencken

“Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that.” – John Lennon

“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” – Ayn Rand

“The illusion of freedom [in America] will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” – Frank Zappa

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” – Goethe

“The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves.” – Dresden James

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.” – George Orwell

“Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – Lord Acton

“Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.” – Denis Diderot

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” – Albert Einstein

“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

“Evil requires the sanction of the victim.” – Ayn Rand

“He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

“If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” – Samuel Adams

“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.” – Edward Abbey

“[T]he people as ultimate sovereigns, retain the ultimate power — and even the duty — to overthrow any government that fails to respect their authority.” – Glenn Harlan Reynolds, Professor of Law – University of Tennessee

“It does not take a majority to prevail … but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” – Samuel Adams

“The moment the slave resolves that he will no longer be a slave, his fetters fall. He frees himself and shows the way to others. Freedom and slavery are mental states.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.” – Henry David Thoreau

“That is why the Aethenian law makers so decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. Confident that with your help, man will be what he was born to be, free and independent.” – John F. Kennedy

“There are thousands hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” – Henry David Thoreau

“An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any army or any government.” – Ron Paul

“The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty records. They are written, as with a sun beam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.” – Alexander Hamilton

“I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it.” — Dwight D. Eisenhower

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” – Jimi Hendrix

“Those who have the privilege to know, have the duty to act.” – Albert Einstein



Fabian Socialist Movement Logo

Fabianism focused on the advancement of socialist ideas through gradual influence and patiently insinuating socialist ideology into intellectual circles and groups with power.

The society laid many of the foundations of the British Labour Party in this time-period and is still in existence today.

The society was founded on January 4, 1884 in London, England as an offshoot of a society founded in 1883 called The Fellowship of the New Life.

The Fabian group, which favoured gradual rather than revolutionary change, was named in honour of the Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator (nicknamed “the Delayer”), who advocated tactics involving harassment and attrition rather than head-on battles against the Carthaginian army under the renowned general Hannibal Barca.




Jesus Christ: “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. (Matt 7:15)


Jesus Christ in the last year of his life uses physical force to throw the money changers out of the temple. This was the only time during the the life of his ministry in which he used physical force against anyone.

When Jews came to Jerusalem to pay their Temple tax, they could only pay it with a special coin, the half-shekel. This was a half-ounce of pure silver, about the size of a quarter. It was the only coin at that time which was pure silver and of assured weight, without the image of a pagan Emperor, and therefore to the Jews it was the only coin acceptable to God.

Unfortunately these coins were not plentiful, the money changers had cornered the market on them, and so they raised the price of them to whatever the market could bear. They used the monopoly they had on these coins to make exorbitant profits, forcing the Jews to pay whatever these money changers demanded.

Jesus threw the money changers out as their monopoly on these coins totally violated the sanctity of God’s house. These money changers called for his death days later.


Usury leads to compound interest, compound interest leads to economic collapse, and economic collapse leads to massive suffering (something proven by history and the recent economic collapse around us.

As Mooney put it, usury revolves around “gain to the usurer for which he did not labor, and is that for which the borrower did labor, but does not enjoy the benefit.”

The Problem of Usury in Western Culture (Part I)

The History of the Money Changers (follow the money)

Bergdahl Held In Solidary Confinement for Two Years (per Bergdahl)


Officials say Bergdahl [stated], during that period, only talked to his captors through the wall of a six-foot by six-foot metal box, which he was kept in….

(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com

I’ve visited a number of military sites. They’re happy Bergdahl is back in the US but continue to demand justice for leaving his post at a time of war. Meanwhile his $300,000 back pay and any future pay is on hold along with his designation of Sgt. since he was a Private when he reached out to the ISI or a faction, Muslim Brotherhood-Al-Qaeda-Taliban-Haqqani Network.

VIDEO at link.

Ukraine – Luhansk: “Soft Invasion” (just over an hour ago)


Facebook 6 June, 2014

The Luhansk arrived “reinforcements” from the gunmen on the night of June 14 in Glasgow included a convoy of trucks and UAZìv with terrorists and headed into the center of the city.

As reported by us svit24, about 1:30 in Glasgow included a convoy of ten UAZìv and trucks and headed into the center of the city. According to the local edition of informator.lg.ua, an hour in the same side drove three buses. About 3: 00 column procession toward agricultural University through the solution of the quarter Gaêvogo.

The arrival of the column recorded by surveillance cameras.

Facebook via freerepublic

Map of Ukraine with Luhansk hi-lighted.


49 dead as rebels down plane in Ukraine

Updated: June 14, 2014 17:44 IST

Remnants of a downed Ukrainian Army aircraft Il-76 on the ground at the airport near Luhansk, Ukraine, on Saturday.
APRemnants of a downed Ukrainian Army aircraft Il-76 on the ground at the airport near Luhansk, Ukraine, on Saturday.

Pro-Russian separatists shot down a military transport plane on Saturday in the country’s restive east, killing all 49 service personnel on board, Ukrainian officials said.

It was a bitter setback for Ukrainian forces, which have struggled to suppress an armed insurgency by foes of the new government.

Nine crew and 40 troops were aboard the Il-76 when it went down early on Saturday as it approached the airport at the city of Luhansk, the Ukrainian Prosecutor-General’s Office said in a statement.

The plane’s tail section lay with other pieces of scorched wreckage in a farm field near the village of Novohannivka, about 20 kilometres (12 miles) south of Luhansk. An AP reporter saw a dozen or more armed separatists inspecting the crash site.

The death toll exceeded the loss of 12 soldiers including a general on May 29 when rebels shot down a troop helicopter near the eastern city of Slovyansk.

The incident underlines questions about rebel access to military gear. Ukraine has accused Russia of permitting three tanks to cross the border where they were used by rebels. Russia denies supplying the separatists.

NATO released images on Saturday, said to show recent Russian tank movements near the border which “raise significant questions” on Russia’s role.

The tanks seen in Ukraine, NATO said, “do not bear markings or camouflage paint like those used by the Ukrainian military. In fact, they do not have markings at all, which is reminiscent of tactics used by Russian elements that were involved in destabilizing Crimea”.

Denis Pushilin, a leader of the separatist Donetsk People’s Republic, told Russian state television on Friday that rebels had the tanks but it was “improper to ask” where they got them.

The Defence Ministry’s statement said that the rebels “cynically and treacherously” downed the transport plane using anti-aircraft guns and heavy machine guns. It expressed sympathy to the families of those killed “for their tragic and irreparable loss”.

Alexei Toporov, Defence spokesman for the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic, said the aircraft was shot down after what he termed Ukrainian “occupiers” refused an ultimatum to abandon the Luhansk airport.

Luhansk is in Ukraine’s east near the border with Russia, an area that has seen separatists seize government buildings and declare independence after holding disputed referendums.

Ukraine had claimed a success on Friday when troops retook some rebel-occupied buildings in the port city of Mariupol. No deaths were reported.

Before Saturday’s incident, the Ukrainian Health Ministry had said at least 270 people had died in clashes between government forces and armed separatists.

Tensions between Ukraine and Russia escalated in February after pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych was driven from office by a massive protest movement made up of people who want closer ties with the European Union.

Another official, counter-terrorism spokesman Vladislav Seleznyov, was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying the death toll was preliminary and was being verified by investigators.

The Russian-built Il-76 is a four-engine jet that can be used to transport heavy gear and people.

The prosecutor’s office said a criminal investigation had been opened under anti-terrorism laws.



James Farro ‏@JF991 2h RT @MaximEristavi: Rebels in #Horlivka shoot down Ukraine fighter jet, pilot detained – local rebel HQ via RIA news


The Independent ‏@Independent 23m ‘Powerful’ bomb discovered outside Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s headquarters http://ind.pn/TVHj1V pic.twitter.com/qp0sQv6HTt


U.S. confirms Russia sent tanks, rocket launchers into Ukraine

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Sunni Caliphate, NATO Run Secret Terror Army in Iraq and Syria


The ultimate objective is taking down all contenders and reconfiguring the world order.. [MC-> New World Government]

Saudi Arabia, Sunni Caliphate, NATO Run Secret Terror Army in Iraq and Syria

by Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones | Infowars.com | June 13, 2014

The Salafist horde currently making its way to Baghdad from northern Iraq is a secret and specialized army of terrorists funded, armed and supported by Saudi Arabia, [Qatar] the Sunni caliphate of Iraq, the Levant, and NATO.

Otherwise known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the caliphate and its partners in Riyadh and Doha have transplanted tens of thousands of murderous paramilitary jihadists from the battlefields of Syria to the killing fields of Iraq. For the fossilized monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar the objective is to spread a pernicious version of Sunni Islam and thus defeat their longtime Shia Islam rivals, while in the West the financial and global elite are playing a long-running game of conquer and divide, a technique long used by the British Empire.

British Empire Conquers the Middle East

F. William Engdahl and other historians have shown how the British Empire ruthlessly conquered the Arab Middle East, an effort spurred on when it realized oil would eclipse coal as the dominant energy source in the 20th century. As World War I raged in Europe, the British worked with France, Italy and Russia to wrestle the region away from the Ottoman Turks, who had enjoyed uncontested control for centuries.

The borders imposed after the war created the artificial states of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Kuwait. The British had fomented and directed a revolt against the Ottomans during the war. One of the leaders selected by the British was Ibn Saud, the leader of a tribal Wahhabi sect in central Arabia who bought the support of the Bedouins with British money. In 1925, with British blessing and money, Saud overthrew the ruling monarch Prince Hijaz and by 1932 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was established. Following the Second World War and a massive influx of money from Western oil corporations, the House of Saud began to proselytize and export Wahhabism, an austere and puritanical version of Sunni Islam founded by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. By 2013 governments around the world, including the European Parliament, considered Wahhabism the primary source of Islamic terrorism.

The British and the global elite understood Islam could be effectively exploited to control Muslims. “All political leadership of the time depended on Islam for legitimacy and all political leaders were pro-British. Islam was a tool to legitimize the rule, tyranny and corruption of Arab leaders. To the West, Islam was acceptable; it could be and was used,” writes Said K. Aburish, the author of A Brutal Friendship: The West and the Arab Elite.

Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda

By the late 1970s, following an effort to crush Arab nationalism in response to European colonization, the United States and the Pakistani military and intelligence used – with the bankster front, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, working in the shadows – Sunni radicals to eject the Soviet Union from Afghanistan. “Today it is generally understood that radical Islam received its biggest boost as a result of the mujahedin’s successful jihad against Soviet forces, and when the Soviets retreated from Afghan territory in early 1989 the country was left with tens of thousands of unemployed Islamic mercenaries who then turned their attention to the West,” writes Peter D. Goodgame in his book, The Globalists and the Islamists: Fomenting the “Clash of Civilizations” for a New World Order.

The CIA [MI5-6], in collaboration with Pakistan’s ISI, organized the Afghan Mujahideen, a loose coalition of tribal fighters, to go up against the Soviets. The “Afghan Arabs” and Osama bin Laden were instrumental in this effort. Following the ejection of the Soviets from Afghanistan, Bin Laden and “al-Qaeda,” the terror group named after a database of Mujahideen mercenaries, would establish a foothold in Afghanistan and declare jihad against the Great Satan, the United States. Along with al-Qaeda, the CIA-ISI collaboration produced the Taliban, a group consisting of Afghan civil war veterans who embraced a regional version of Wahhabism imported by Pakistani intelligence and Saudi Arabia.

As Infowars.com has documented for more than a decade, the United States and its European NATO partner have used al-Qaeda terror for a number of political objectives, most notably undermining disfavored governments and destabilizing Islamic states along the former Soviet periphery, the most notable being Chechnya. During the U.S. occupation of Iraq various al-Qaeda aligned and inspired groups contributed the required pretext for U.S. involvement and the establishment of military bases and facilities. U.S. and British collaboration in the “insurgency” led by al-Qaeda and other Sunni groups became obvious when British soldiers were caught posing as Arabs shooting Iraqis in the occupied city of Basra in southern Iraq in 2005.

Award-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh wrote in 2007 that the Bush administration had aligned itself with radical Sunni elements in Iraq. In order to institute what then Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described as a new policy, “clandestine operations [were] kept secret, in some cases, by leaving the execution or the funding to the Saudis, or by finding other ways to work around the normal congressional appropriations process,” Hersh explained, citing government sources.

Libya and al-Qaeda Magnified

During the effort to overthrow Libya and its leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 it became obvious the United States and NATO were supporting, funding and arming paramilitaries swearing allegiance to al-Qaeda and the radical Wahhabist agenda of sharia law.

“The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known al-Qaeda militias and figures,” Clare Lopez, a CIA officer, told the British newspaper The Daily Mail in April, three years after the fall of Libya and the death of more than 30,000 Libyans. The country is now a classic failed state, as planned, with rival factions engaged in open street battles and jihadist groups attacking the Parliament in Tripoli.

Syria: U.S. Directly Collaborates with al-Qaeda

The best kept secret of the Benghazi scandal, at least as far as Congress is concerned, is the CIA gun-running operation out of Benghazi, Libya, to the CIA’s latest al-Qaeda affiliates fighting to overthrow Bashar al-Assad in Syria. The U.S. support of various al-Qaeda affiliated and inspired groups, including al-Nusra and ISIL, either directly or through proxies, is well-known.

“The New York Times reports that a 50 man cell of ‘rebels’ trained and armed by the CIA and US special forces is to sneak over the border from Jordan into Syria this week to begin fighting government forces there, a move that should prompt concern given that moderate rebel forces are now fully infiltrated by extremist al Qaeda linked terrorists,” Steve Watson wrote in September, 2013.

The same month, the U.S. brazenly announced it was arming al-Qaeda. “The United States has officially announced it is now delivering ‘lethal aid’ to the ‘rebels’ engaged in attacks against the Syrian government. In addition to sophisticated communications equipment and advanced combat medical kits sent by the CIA, the State Department is sending vehicles and other munitions, according to the Washington Post,” we reported.

“We’ve come full circle from going after al-Qaeda to indirectly backing al-Qaeda,” Bill Gertz quoted a U.S. official as stating following a promise in June by the Obama administration to increase arm shipments.

Globalist Game Plan: Conquer and Divide through Failed States

Tony Cartalucci documents how the al-Qaeda inspired, although supposedly no longer aligned, ISIL is the product of a NATO and Saudi conspiracy stretching back as far as 2007 [when] US-Saudi policymakers sought to ignite a region-wide sectarian war to purge the Middle East of Iran’s arch of influence stretching from its borders, across Syria and Iraq, and as far west as Lebanon and the coast of the Mediterranean. ISIS has been harbored, trained, armed, and extensively funded by a coalition of NATO and Persian Gulf states within Turkey’s (NATO territory) borders and has launched invasions into northern Syria with, at times, both Turkish artillery and air cover. The most recent example of this was the cross-border invasion by Al Qaeda into Kasab village, Latikia province in northwest Syria.

Cartalucci cites Hersh who wrote in the above mentioned article:

To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.

According to Cartalucci, the Sunni rampage in Iraq is about providing a pretext to introduce NATO into Syria and finalize the current stalemate there. “Through Iraq, NATO has used its terrorist proxies to create a pretext to put this ‘buffer zone’ strategy back into motion,” he writes. “The prospect of the US, NATO, or the Persian Gulf states delivering Iraq from ISIS is an ironic tragedy – as definitive evidence reveals ISIS’ brutal incursion was of this collective coalition’s own doing to begin with, and for its own insidious ends. Instead, a joint Iranian-Iraqi-Syrian anti-terror campaign should be conducted to corner and crush NATO’s terrorist mercenary expeditionary force once and for all.”

Iran, Iraq and Syria may indeed unite to rid Iraq of the current Wahhabist scourge threatening to take over the country and destabilize the region. However, as we have learned since the CIA, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia built and unleashed the terror group and its surrogates, al-Qaeda is tenacious and in the past has experienced miraculous resurgence.

The globalists are primarily interested in fomenting chaos and disorder. Iraq was invaded in 2003 because it was a relatively strong contender in the neighborhood – and this is, as well, why it was coaxed into attacking Iran and, fatefully, Kuwait. Bush’s” Mission Accomplished” was not a tribute to the defeat of Saddam Hussein. It was an acknowledgement that Iraq had been reduced to a failed state on par with Yemen and countries in sub-Sahara Africa.

ISIL and other Saudi-financed and supported terrorist groups may desire a caliphate in the Middle East. However, for the global elite, such a prospect comes in a distant second to its primary objective – taking down all contenders and reconfiguring the world order for its ultimate end: the establishment of a one world totalitarian government.


America’s Covert Re-Invasion of Iraq

Image: ISIS clearly did not materialize spontaneously within Iraq, it has
clearly redeployed from its NATO-sponsored destruction of Syria to
northern Iraq, perhaps in an attempt to justify a NATO incursion and the
creation of a buffer zone straddling Syrian, Iraqi, and even possibly
Iranian territory with the goal of targeting Iran directly with ISIS.

June 13, 2014 (Tony Cartalucci – LD) – Heavily armed, well funded, and organized as a professional, standing army, the forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) swept southward into Iraq from Turkey and northeastern Syria, taking the cities of Mosul and Tikrit, and now threaten the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad itself. The United States was sure to prop up two unfounded narratives – the first being that US intelligence agencies, despite assets in Iraq and above it in the form of surveillance drones, failed to give warning of the invasion, and that ISIS is some sort of self-sustaining terror organization carving out a “state” by “robbing banks” and collecting “donations” on Twitter.


The Wall Street Journal in its report, “Iraqi Drama Catches U.S. Off Guard,” stated:

The quickly unfolding drama prompted a White House meeting Wednesday of top policy makers and military leaders who were caught off guard by the swift collapse of Iraqi security forces, officials acknowledged.


In another WSJ post, “U.S. Secretly Flying Drones Over Iraq,” it claimed:

A senior U.S. official said the intelligence collected under the small [secret US drone] program was shared with Iraqi forces, but added: “It’s not like it did any good.” The rapid territorial gains by the Islamist forces loyal to Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS, an al Qaeda offshoot, caught the U.S. by surprise, the officials said.

Image: ISIS has convoys of brand new matching Toyota’s the same
vehicles seen among admittedly NATO-armed terrorists operating
everywhere from Libya to Syria, and now Iraq. It is a synthetic, state-
sponsored regional mercenary expeditionary force.

Despite drone flights collecting intelligence, and a 3-year ongoing CIA program (here, here, and here) all along the Turkish-Syrian border to “monitor” and “arm” “moderate” militants fighting the Syrian government, the US claims it was caught “by surprise.” If drones and CIA operatives operating in ISIS territory weren’t enough to detect the impending invasion, perhaps the CIA should have just picked up a newspaper.

Indeed, the Lebanon Daily Start in March 2014 reported that ISIS openly withdrew its forces from Latakia and Idlib provinces in western Syria, and redeployed them in Syria’s east – along the Syrian-Iraqi border. The article titled, “Al-Qaeda splinter group in Syria leaves two provinces: activists,” stated explicitly that:

On Friday, ISIS – which alienated many rebels by seizing territory and killing rival commanders – finished withdrawing from the Idlib and Latakia provinces and moved its forces toward the eastern Raqqa province and the eastern outskirts of the northern city of Aleppo, activists said.

The question remains, if a Lebanese newspaper knew ISIS was on the move eastward, why didn’t the CIA? The obvious answer is the CIA did know, and is simply feigning ignorance at the expense of their reputation to bait its enemies into suspecting the agency of incompetency rather than complicity in the horrific terroristic swath ISIS is now carving through northern Iraq.

Described extensively in the full New Eastern Outlook Journal (NEO) report, “NATO’s Terror Hordes in Iraq a Pretext for Syria Invasion,” the United States, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, have funded and armed terrorists operating in Syria for the past 3 years to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars – coincidentally the same amount that ISIS would require to gain primacy among militant groups fighting in Syria and to mobilize forces capable of crossing into Iraq and overwhelming Baghdad’s national defenses.

Image: The most prominent routes into Syria for foreign fighters is depicted, with the inset graph describing the most widely used routes by foreign fighters on their way to Iraq, as determined by West Point’s 2007 Combating Terrorism Center report Al-Qa’ida’s Foreign Fighters in Iraq” (page 20). These same networks were then used to invade and attempt to overthrow the Syrian government itself in 2011, with the addition of a more prominent role for Turkey, and today in 2014, to re-invade Iraq once again.

The NEO report includes links to the US Army’s West Point Countering Terrorism Center reports, “Bombers, Bank Accounts and Bleedout: al-Qa’ida’s Road In and Out of Iraq,” and “Al-Qa’ida’s Foreign Fighters in Iraq,” which detail extensively the terror network used to flood Iraq with foreign terrorists, weapons, and cash to fuel an artificial “sectarian war” during the US occupation, and then turned over to flood Syria with terrorists in the West’s bid to overthrow the government in Damascus.

What’s ISIS Doing in Iraq?

The NEO report would also post Seymour Hersh’s 2007 article, “The Redirection,” documenting over the course of 9 pages US, Saudi, and Israeli intentions to create and deploy sectarian extremists region-wide to confront Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hersh would note that these “sectarian extremists” were either tied to Al Qaeda, or Al Qaeda itself. The ISIS army moving toward Baghdad is the final manifestation of this conspiracy, a standing army operating with impunity, threatening to topple the Syrian government, purge pro-Iranian forces in Iraq, and even threatening Iran itself by building a bridge from Al Qaeda’s NATO safe havens in Turkey, across northern Iraq, and up to Iran’s borders directly. Labeled “terrorists” by the West, grants the West plausible deniability in its creation, deployment, and across the broad spectrum of atrocities it is now carrying out.
Image: ISIS’s alleged territory spans across both Iraqi and Syrian
territory. If it is able to establish a NATO-backed buffer zone, it will be
able to launch attacks with impunity into Syria, Iraq, and Iran – in a
region-wide sectarian war the West has been engineering for years.

It is a defacto re-invasion of Iraq by Western interests – but this time without Western forces directly participating – rather a proxy force the West is desperately attempting to disavow any knowledge of or any connection to. However, no other explanation can account for the size and prowess of ISIS beyond state sponsorship. And since ISIS is the clear benefactor of state sponsorship, the question is, which states are sponsoring it? With Iraq, Syria, and Iran along with Lebanese-based Hezbollah locked in armed struggle with ISIS and other Al Qaeda franchises across the region, the only blocs left are NATO and the GCC (Saudi Arabia and Qatar in particular).

With the West declaring ISIS fully villainous in an attempt to intervene more directly in northern Iraq and eastern Syria, creating a long desired “buffer zone” within which to harbor, arm, and fund an even larger terrorist expeditionary force, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and others are offered an opportunity to preempt Western involvement and to crush the ISIS – cornering and eliminating NATO-GCC’s expeditionary force while scoring geopolitical points of vanquishing Washington’s latest “villain.” Joint Iraq-Iranian operations in the north and south of ISIS’s locations, and just along Turkey’s borders could envelop and trap ISIS to then be whittled down and destroyed – just as Syria has been doing to NATO’s proxy terrorist forces within its own borders.

Whatever the regional outcome may be, the fact is the West has re-invaded Iraq, with a force as brutal, if not worse than the “shock and awe” doctrine of 2003. Iraq faces another difficult occupation if it cannot summon a response from within, and among its allies abroad, to counter and crush this threat with utmost expediency.

Obama is a law onto himself. I’m so angry I could spit nails! What the hell is Congress (or the people’s media – ha!) doing permitting this jerk to usurp the Constitution…I wasn’t a Bush advocate, most particularly his wars and the Patriot Act, but at least he passed his plans through Congress.
Again, these groups are the militant wings of the Muslim Brotherhood…

“An Islamic extremist group called Dawlat al-Islam has…”

Dawlat al-Islam (Nation of Islam), al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc. are different names of the same terrorist organization called the Muslim Brotherhood.

Egypt declared the MB a terrorist group, these thugs were defeated and their leaders brought to justice. Yet, the Obama administration still refuses to do the same. Why? because the MB is actually running the WH.

“If the decision of the interim government of Egypt is to consider the organisation of the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation, then the United States should follow.” (Congresswoman – Michele Bachmann)

Carroll Quigley Book: The Anglo-American Establishment


The Anglo-American Establishment

By Carroll Quigley (RIP)

Professor of Foreign Service

Georgetown University

New York: Books in Focus


Table of Contents

Chapter 1—Introduction

Chapter 2—The Cecil Bloc

Chapter 3—The Secret Society of Cecil Rhodes (1)

Chapter 4—Milner’s Kindergarten, 1897-1910

Chapter 5—Milner Group, Rhodes, and Oxford, 1901-1925

Chapter 6—The Times

Chapter 7—The Round Table

Chapter 8—War and Peace, 1915-1920

Chapter 9—Creation of the Commonwealth

Chapter 10—The Royal Institute of International Affairs

Chapter 11—India, 1911-1945

Chapter 12—Foreign Policy, 1919-1940

Chapter 13—The Second World War, 1939-1945

Appendix—A Tentative Roster of the Milner Group

Chapter 1—Introduction

One wintry afternoon in February 1891, three men were engaged in earnest

conversation in London. From that conversation were to flow consequences of the

greatest importance to the British Empire and to the world as a whole. For these men

were organizing a secret society that was, for more than fifty years, to be one of the most

important forces in the formulation and execution of British imperial and foreign policy.

The three men who were thus engaged were already well known in England. The

leader was Cecil Rhodes, fabulously wealthy empire-builder and the most important

person in South Africa. The second was William T. Stead, the most famous, and probably also the most sensational, journalist of the day.

The third was Reginald Baliol Brett, later known as Lord Esher, friend and confidant of

Queen Victoria, and later to be the most influential adviser of King Edward VII and King George V.

The details of this important conversation will be examined later. At present we need

only point out that the three drew up a plan of organization for their secret society and a

list of original members. The plan of organization provided for an inner circle, to be

known as “The Society of the Elect,” and an outer circle, to be known as “The

Association of Helpers.” Within The Society of the Elect, the real power was to be

exercised by the leader, and a “Junta of Three.”

The leader was to be Rhodes, and the Junta was to be Stead, Brett, and Alfred Milner.

In accordance with this decision, Milner was added to the society by Stead shortly after the

meeting we have described.(1)

The creation of this secret society was not a matter of a moment. As we shall see,

Rhodes had been planning for this event for more than seventeen years. Stead had been

introduced to the plan on 4 April 1889, and Brett had been told of it on 3 February 1890.

Nor was the society thus founded an ephemeral thing, for, in modified form, it exists to

this day. From 1891 to 1902, it was known to only a score of persons. During this period,

Rhodes was leader, and Stead was the most influential member. From 1902 to 1925,

Milner was leader, while Philip Kerr (Lord Lothian) and Lionel Curtis were probably

the most important members. From 1925 to 1940, Kerr was leader, and since his death in

1940 this role has probably been played by Robert Henry Brand (now Lord Brand).

During this period of almost sixty years, this society has been called by various


  • During the first decade or so it was called “the secret society of Cecil Rhodes” or

“the dream of Cecil Rhodes.”

  • In the second and third decades of its existence it was known as “Milner’s Kindergarten” (1901-1910) and as “the Round Table Group” (1910-1920).
  • Since 1920 it has been called by various names, depending on which phase of its

activities was being examined. It has been called ” The Times crowd,” “the Rhodes

crowd,” the “Chatham House crowd,” the “All Souls group,” and the “Cliveden set.”


All of these terms were more or less inadequate, because they focused attention on only

part of the society or on only one of its activities. The Milner Kindergarten and the Round

Table Group, for example, were two different names for The Association of Helpers and

were thus only part of the society, since the real center of the organization, The Society

of the Elect, continued to exist and recruited new members from the outer

circle as seemed necessary. Since 1920, this Group has been increasingly dominated by

the associates of Viscount Astor. In the 1930s, the misnamed “Cliveden set” was close to

the center of the society, but it would be entirely unfair to believe that the connotations of

superficiality and conspiracy popularly associated with the expression “Cliveden set” are a

just description of the Milner Group as a whole. In fact, Viscount Astor was, relatively

speaking, a late addition to the society, and the society should rather be pictured as

utilizing the Astor money to further their own ideals rather than as being used for any

purpose by the master of Cliveden.

Even the expression “Rhodes secret society,” which would be perfectly accurate in

reference to the period 1891-1899, would hardly be accurate for the period after 1899.

The organization was so modified and so expanded by Milner after the eclipse of Stead in

1899, and especially after the death of Rhodes in 1902, that it took on quite a different

organization and character, although it continued to pursue the same goals. To avoid this

difficulty, we shall generally call the organization the”Rhodes secret society”

before 1901 and “the Milner Group” after this date, but it must be understood

that both terms refer to the same organization. This organization has been able to

conceal its existence quite successfully, and many of its most influential members,

satisfied to possess the reality rather than the appearance of power, are unknown even to

close students of British history. This is the more surprising when we learn that one of the

chief methods by which this Group works has been through propaganda.

“Rhodes secret society” – “the Milner Group”:

  • It plotted the Jameson Raid of 1895;
  • it caused the Boer War of 1899-1902;
  • it set up and controls the Rhodes Trust;
  • it created the Union of South Africa in 1906-1910;
  • it established the South African periodical The State in 1908; it founded the British Empire periodical The Round Table in 1910, and this remains the mouthpiece of the Group;
  • it has been the most powerful single influence in All Souls, Balliol, and New Colleges at Oxford for more than a generation;
  • it has controlled The Times for more than fifty years, with the exception of the three years 1919-1922, it publicized the idea of and the name “British Commonwealth of Nations” in the period 1908-1918, it was the chief influence in Lloyd George’s war administration in 1917-1919 and dominated the British delegation to the Peace Conference of 1919; it had a great deal to do with the formation and management of the League of Nations and of the system of mandates;
  • it founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1919 and still controls it;
  • it was one of the chief influences on British policy toward Ireland, Palestine, and India in the period 1917-1945;
  • it was a very important influence on the policy of appeasement of Germany during the years 1920-1940;
  • and it controlled and still controls, to a very considerable extent, the sources and the writing of the history of British Imperial and foreign policy since the Boer War.

It would be expected that a Group which could number among its achievements such

accomplishments as these would be a familiar subject for discussion among students of

history and public affairs. In this case, the expectation is not realized, partly because of

the deliberate policy of secrecy which this Group has adopted, partly because the

Group itself is not closely integrated but rather appears as a series of overlapping circles or

rings partly concealed by being hidden behind formally organized groups of no obvious

political significance.

Book continued: http://www.papelesdesociedad.info/IMG/pdf/quigley.pdf


From Tragedy and Hope

“The hope for the twentieth century rests on recognition that war and depression are man-made, and needless. They can be avoided in the future by turning from the nineteenth-century characteristics just mentioned (materialism, selfishness, false values, hypocrisy, and secret vices) and going back to other characteristics that our Western Society has always regarded as virtues: generosity, compassion, cooperation, rationality, and foresight, and finding a increased role in human life for love, spirituality, charity, and self discipline.”

Carroll Quigley. Tragedy and Hope. 1st ed. 1966. p. 1310-1311



About The Public Administration of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy

“My doctoral dissertation on The Public Administration of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy was never published because over-specialized experts who read the version revised for publication persisted in rejecting the aspects of the book in which they were not specialists. The only man who read it and had the slightest idea what it was all about was Salvemini, the great historian from the University of Florence, who was a refugee in this country at the time.

The book’s message could be understood only by an historian who knew the history of Italy, France, and Austria, and was equally familiar with events before the French Revolution and afterwards. But these national and chronological boundaries are exactly the ones recent historians hesitate to cross…”
Carroll Quigley. The Oscar Iden Lectures. 1976.



“There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the Radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other group, and frequently does so. I know of the operation of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records.”

According to Quigley, the leaders of this group were Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner from 1891 until Rhodes’ death in 1902, Milner alone until his own death in 1925, Lionel Curtis from 1925 to 1955, Robert H. (Baron) Brand from 1955 to 1963, and Adam D. Marris from 1963 until the time Quigley wrote his book. This organization also functioned through certain loosely affiliated “front groups”, including the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Institute of Pacific Relations, and the Council on Foreign Relations.[23]:132, 950–952

In addition, other secret societies are briefly discussed in Tragedy and Hope, including a consortium of the leaders of the central banks of several countries, who formed the Bank for International Settlements.[23]:323–324



“In his freshman year in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown, future U.S. President Bill Clinton took Quigley’s course, receiving a ‘B’ as his final grade in both semesters (an excellent grade in a course where nearly half the students received D or lower).[2]:94, 96

Clinton named Quigley as an important influence on his aspirations and political philosophy in 1991, when launching his presidential campaign in a speech at Georgetown.[2]:96 He also mentioned Quigley again during his acceptance speech to the 1992 Democratic National Convention, as follows:


War Industry Stands to Make Billions Off ISIS Threat


Good chance military hardware will end up in the hands of Islamic terror group

War Industry Stands to Make Billions Off ISIS Threat

Image Credits: Aerostat radar system, Wikimedia Commons

by Kurt NimMO June 16, 2014

In the war business, timing is everything.

For instance, timing appears to be a factor in the ISIS advance in Iraq and the dysfunctional Iraqi government’s response to it, at least for the war industry.

Last month it was announced a few outstanding members of the military-industrial complex would stand to rake in around a billion dollars if an arms sale to the Iraqi government was approved by Congress.

Considering the current situation in Iraq and alarm bells echoing through the halls of Congress, the sale will undoubtedly go through without a hitch.

On Monday AllGov.com posted details of the sale to the floundering Shia regime in Baghdad:

  • Beechcraft Defense Co. and eight other contractors are selling 24 AT-6C Texan II aircraft, plus spares and other equipment to Iraq. That deal is worth about $790 million. The plane is used for “light attack and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.”
  • AM General has a deal to send 200 of its venerable Humvees to help guard oil installations. The contract, which includes spares and equipment such as radios and machine gun mounts, is worth $101 million.
  • Raytheon has a $90-million deal for seven aerostats along with 14 Rapid Aerostat Initial Deployment (RAID) Tower systems to be used for command and control by the Iraqi military.

“These are just the latest in a string of sales of military equipment to the Iraqi government. Others have included Stinger missiles, C-130J cargo planes, drones and patrol boats,” the web site reports.

The Pentagon has invested around $15 billion in training, weapons and equipment for the fledgling Iraq government.

In November, the Obama announced he would “increase intelligence support and provide new weaponry to Baghdad” in response to advances by al-Qaeda, a move described “a notable shift for his administration.”

In December, The New York Times reported the Obama administration had provided the Iraqi military with three sensor-laden Aerostat balloons, given three additional reconnaissance helicopters to the Iraqi military and said it planned to send 48 Raven reconnaissance drones before the end of this year. In addition, the U.S. said it planned to deliver this fall F-16 fighters Iraq has bought.

If delivered ahead of schedule in response to the current situation, there is a distinct possibility this military hardware will fall into the hands of ISIS.



The State Department just answered a reporters question. Yes, Obama is very involved in Iraq - he just requested another $5 billion from Congress for more arms!

Iraqi Christians Flee Homes as Militants Seize Land (Christians Under Kurdish Military Protection)


By DIAA HADID – Associated Press

“People are afraid of what’s coming next,” says Friar Gabriel Tooma, at the Chaldean Church of the Virgin Mary of the Harvest in Alqosh, northern Iraq.

“People are afraid of what’s coming next,” says Friar Gabriel Tooma, at the seventh century Chaldean Church of the Virgin Mary of the Harvest in Alqosh, northern Iraq. Dozens of Christian families that fled to this ancient Iraqi village have taken a much-traversed route — many from their minority community have escaped to Alqosh before, in fear for their lives. This time, few say they want to go back to their homes, seeking safety under the Kurdish forces known as the peshmerga. AP Photo

Over the past decade, Iraqi Christians have fled repeatedly to this ancient mountainside village, seeking refuge from violence, then returning home when the danger eased. Now they are doing it again as Islamic militants rampage across northern Iraq, but this time few say they ever want to go back to their homes.

The flight is a new blow to Iraq’s dwindling Christian community, which is almost as old as the religion itself but which has already been devastated since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion. During the past 11 years, at least half of the country’s Christian population has fled the country, according to some estimates, to escape frequent attacks by Sunni Muslim militants targeting them and their churches.

Now many of those who held out and remained may be giving up completely after fighters belonging to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant swept over the city of Mosul and a broad swath of the country the past week.

“I’m not going back,” said Lina, who fled Mosul with her family as the militants swept in and came to Alqosh, about 50 kilometers (31 miles) to the north.

“Each day we went to bed in fear,” the 57-year-old woman said, sitting in a house for displaced people. “In our own houses we knew no rest.” Like other Christians who fled here, she spoke on condition she be identified only by her first name for fear for her safety.

In leaving, the Christians are emptying out communities that date back to the first centuries of the religion, including Chaldean, Assyrian and Armenian churches. The past week, some 160 Christian families — mostly from Mosul — have fled to Alqosh, mayor Sabri Boutani told The Associated Press, consulting first on the number with his wife by speaking in Chaldean, the ancient language spoken by many residents.

Alqosh, dating back at least to the 1st century BC, is a jumble of pastel-painted homes nestled at the base of a high craggy hill among rolling plains of wheat fields. The village’s population of 6,000 is about half Christian and half ethnic Kurds. Located just outside the autonomous Kurdish zone of northern Iraq, Kurdish fighters known as peshmerga have moved into the town to protect it.

Many Christians are deciding that the comparatively liberal and prosperous Kurdish regions are their safest bet.

“Every Christian prefers to stay in Kurdistan,” said Abu Zeid, an engineer. He too said he wouldn’t be going back to Mosul.

“It’s a shame because Mosul is the most important city in Iraq for Christians,” he added. Mosul is said to be the site of the burial of Jonah, the prophet who tradition says was swallowed by a whale.

Iraq was estimated to have more than 1 million Christians before the 2003 invasion and topping of Saddam Hussein. Now church officials estimate only 450,000 remain within Iraq borders. Militants have targeted Christians in repeated waves in Baghdad and the north. The Chaldean Catholic cardinal was kidnapped in 2008 by extremists and killed. Churches around the country have been bombed repeatedly.

The exodus from Mosul — a Sunni-majority city that during the American presence in Iraq was an al-Qaida stronghold — has been even more dramatic. From a pre-2003 population of around 130,000 Christians, there were only about 10,000 left before the Islamic State fighters overran the city a week ago.

Abu Zeid estimated that now only 2,000 Christians remain in the city.

Christians who have not left Iraq completely often flee their homes to other parts of Iraq when the danger is highest in hopes of returning later.

Boutani, the mayor, said this was the sixth time in 11 years that Christians from other areas have flocked to Alqosh for refuge. He himself fled here from Baghdad in 2009 after a church bombing in the capital.

This is the third time that Adnan, a 60-year-old Mosul shoe shop owner, has sought shelter in Alqosh. He came in 2008 after a priest in Mosul was killed, then again in 2010 after rumors spread of an imminent attack on Christians. Each time, he and his family returned after Iraqi security officials guaranteed Christians’ safety.

“They said, we will protect you,” he recalled. “But now — where’s the government?”

The Vatican for years has voiced concern about the flight of Christians from the Middle East, driven out by war, poverty and discrimination.

During his recent trip to Jordan, Pope Francis met with Iraqi and Syrian Christians and denounced the wars, weapons and conflicts that have forced them from their homes.

“All of us want peace!” Francis told a gathering of refugees near the River Jordan. “I ask myself: who is selling arms to these people to make war?”

In Alqosh, the newcomers and the residents united in prayer at Sunday Mass in the Chaldean Church of the Virgin Mary of the Harvest, held by Friar Gabriel Tooma.

On the church floor was spread a mosaic made of beans, lentils, wheat and other produce from the area, assembled to commemorate the upcoming harvest. Before the service, volunteers hurried to finish the images of Jesus and Mary, and were filling out the details of Pope Francis’ face, sketched out with white beans.

“People are afraid of what’s coming next,” Tooma said. “I fear there will be a day when people will say: ‘There were once Christians in Iraq.’”

As he walked with his wife and daughter into the 7th century St Hormoz monastery, built into the hill overlooking Alqosh, Abu Zeid said he went back to Mosul on Friday to see if his house was still standing.

Some of the militants in control of the city tried to show that Christians were welcome.

Gunmen stopped him and asked if he was a Christian, Abu Zeid said. When he nodded back, a gunman told him:

“Welcome to your home.”

The Chaldean church in Mosul was looted, he said, and he saw gunmen drag the accused thieves to the church and order them to return stolen property.

He and other displaced Christians highly doubt the shows of goodwill. Still, some said they have no choice but to eventually return.

“I’m 60 years old,” said Adnan, the shoe salesman. “It would be hard to start over again.”

AP correspondent Nicole Winfield in Rome contributed to this report.


UNCREDITED / AP. Friar Gabriel Tooma leads Celebrates Holy Mass at the Chaldean Church of the Virgin Mary of the Harvest, in al-Qoush.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/06/16/4181431/iraqi-christians-flee-homesCelebrating Holy Mass in the Seventh Century Saint Hormoz Monastry build into the Virgin Mary Chaldean Church.-amid.html#storylink=cpy
In this Sunday, June 15, 2014 photo, an Iraqi works on a temporary mosaic of Christian symbols made from the area’s produce, including wheat, beans and lentils to commemorate an upcoming harvest feast, at the Chaldean Church of the Virgin Mary of the Harvest, in Alqosh, a village of some 6,000 inhabitants about 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of Mosul, northern Iraq. Dozens of Christian families that fled to this ancient Iraqi village have taken a much-traversed route — many from their minority community have escaped to Alqosh before, in fear for their lives. This time, few say they want to go back to their homes, seeking safety under the Kurdish forces known as the peshmerga. AP Photo
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/06/16/4181431/iraqi-christians-flee-homes-amIn In this Sunday, June 15, 2014 photo, an Iraqi child works on In this Sunday, June 15, 2014 photo, an Iraqi child works on a temporary mosaic of Pope Francis’ face made In this Sunday, June 15, 2014 photo, an Iraqi child works on a temporary mosaic of Pope Francis’ face made from the area’s produce, including wheat, beans and lentils to commemorate an upcoming harvest feast, at the Chaldean Church of the Virgin Mary of the Harvest, in Alqosh, a village of some 6,000 inhabitants about 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of Mosul, northern Iraq. Dozens of Christian families that fled to this ancient Iraqi village have taken a much-traversed route — many from their minority community have escaped to Alqosh before, in fear for their lives. This time, few say they want to go back to their homes, seeking safety under the Kurdish forces known as the peshmerga. AP Photo

from the area’s produce, including wheat, beans and lentils to commemorate an upcoming harvest feast, at the Chaldean Church of the Virgin Mary of the Harvest, in Alqosh, a village of some 6,000 inhabitants about 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of Mosul, northern Iraq. Dozens of Christian families that fled to this ancient Iraqi village have taken a much-traversed route — many from their minority community have escaped to Alqosh before, in fear for their lives. This time, few say they want to go back to their homes, seeking safety under the Kurdish forces known as the peshmerga. AP Photo

a temporary mosaic of Pope Francis’ face made from the area’s produce, including wheat, beans and lentils to commemorate an upcoming harvest feast, at the Chaldean Church of the Virgin Mary of the Harvest, in Alqosh, a village of some 6,000 inhabitants about 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of Mosul, northern Iraq. Dozens of Christian families that fled to this ancient Iraqi village have taken a much-traversed route — many from their minority community have escaped to Alqosh before, in fear for their lives. This time, few say they want to go back to their homes, seeking safety under the Kurdish forces known as the peshmerga. AP Photo

this Sunday, June 15, 2014 photo, Friar Gabriel Tooma enters the Chaldean Church of the Virgin Mary of the Harvest, set in the seventh century Saint Hormoz monastery built into a hill overlooking Alqosh, a village of some 6,000 inhabitants about 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of Mosul, northern Iraq. Dozens of Christian families that fled to this ancient Iraqi village have taken a much-traversed route — many from their minority community have escaped to Alqosh before, in fear for their lives. This time, few say they want to go back to their homes, seeking safety under the Kurdish forces known as the peshmerga. AP Photoid.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/06/16/4181431/iraqi-christians-flee-ho
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/06/16/4181431/iraqi-christians-flee-homes-amIn this Sunday, June 15, 2014 photo, Friar Gabriel Tooma enters the Chaldean Church of the Virgin Mary of the Harvest, set in the seventh century Saint Hormoz monastery built into a hill overlooking Alqosh, a village of some 6,000 inhabitants about 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of Mosul, northern Iraq. Dozens of Christian families that fled to this ancient Iraqi village have taken a much-traversed route — many from their minority community have escaped to Alqosh before, in fear for their lives. This time, few say they want to go back to their homes, seeking safety under the Kurdish forces known as the peshmerga. AP Photoid.html#storylink=cpy
In this Sunday, June 15, 2014 photo, an Iraqi works on a temporary mosaic of Christian symbols made from the area’s produce, including wheat, beans and lentils to commemorate an upcoming harvest feast, at the Chaldean Church of the Virgin Mary of the Harvest, in Alqosh, a village of some 6,000 inhabitants about 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of Mosul, northern Iraq. Dozens of Christian families that fled to this ancient Iraqi village have taken a much-traversed route — many from their minority community have escaped to Alqosh before, in fear for their lives. This time, few say they want to go back to their homes, seeking safety under the Kurdish forces known as the peshmerga. AP Photo


   In this Sunday, June 15, 2014 photo, an Iraqi child works on a temporary mosaic of Pope Francis’ face made from the area’s produce, including wheat, beans and lentils to commemorate an upcoming harvest feast, at the Chaldean Church of the Virgin Mary of the Harvest, in Alqosh, a village of some 6,000 inhabitants about 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of Mosul, northern Iraq. Dozens of Christian families that fled to this ancient Iraqi village have taken a much-traversed route — many from their minority community have escaped to Alqosh before, in fear for their lives. This time, few say they want to go back to their homes, seeking safety under the Kurdish forces known as the peshmerga. AP Photo
Read more here: htt


In this Sunday, June 15, 2014 photo, Friar Gabriel Tooma checks the IDs of internally displaced Iraqis to give them permission to stay in Alqosh, a village of some 6,000 inhabitants about 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of Mosul, northern Iraq. Dozens of Christian families that fled to this ancient Iraqi village have taken a much-traversed route — many from their minority community have escaped to Alqosh before, in fear for their lives. This time, few say they want to go back to their homes, seeking safety under the KURDISH (my emphasis)  forces known as the peshmerga. AP Photo
In this Sunday, June 15, 2014 photo, Friar Gabriel Tooma enters the Chaldean Church of the Virgin Mary of the Harvest, set in the seventh century Saint Hormoz monastery built into a hill overlooking Alqosh, a village of some 6,000 inhabitants about 50
These beautiful Churches are being regularly burnt to ashes as we speak – not before being looted. The land on which these ancient Church buildings are sitting are PRICELESS. This land will be sold for pennies to the Sauds, Qataris, and International Bankster Gangsters due to their deliberately engineered destabilization tactics.
First they came for the Christians, then they came for the Shiites, and then they came for me -> the regular Sunni people (and then these murdering terrorist groups)!!!  That’s the long range plan – only those who claim “divine right” will survive – overpopulation. Thanks to the protection of the Kurdish Military many Christians have a protected area to go…
Note: The Assyrians have been living in the Mosul area for thousands of years.

Obama-medium: The New York Times Defends Al-Qaeda


Gatestone Institute

Why are some of the biggest Western mainstream media outlets—especially the New York Times (NYT)—often apologetic, not only for radical Islamists, but for al-Qaeda, an organization responsible for, among other atrocities, killing nearly 3000 Americans on September 11, 2001?

A recent NYT report titled “Abduction of Girls an Act Not Even Al Qaeda Can Condone” tries to exonerate al-Qaeda of the actions of another jihadi organization, Nigeria’s Boko Haram—when both groups are not only affiliated but remarkably similar in outlook and method. The report’s opening sentence summarizes its thesis: “As word spread like wildfire on Twitter and Facebook that Nigerian militants were preparing to auction off more than 200 kidnapped schoolgirls in the name of Islam, a very different Internet network started quietly buzzing too,” one which, according to the NYT, reflects “the dismay of fellow jihadists at the innocent targets of Boko Haram’s violence”:

“Such news [abduction of Nigerian schoolgirls] is spread to taint the image of the Mujahedeen,” wrote one dubious poster on a web forum used by Islamic militants whose administrator uses a picture of Osama bin Laden. “I have brothers from Africa who are in this group,” attested another, insisting that they were like “the Quran walking the earth [i.e., righteous and just].”

Boko Haram, the cultlike Nigerian group that carried out the kidnappings, was rejected long ago by mainstream Muslim scholars and Islamist parties around the world for its seemingly senseless cruelty and capricious violence against civilians. But this week its stunning abduction appeared too much even for fellow militants normally eager to condone terrorist acts against the West and its allies.

“There is news that they attacked a girls’ school!” another astonished poster wrote on the same jihadi forum …

The NYT’s assertion that Boko Haram’s “stunning abduction appeared too much even for fellow militants” is strange indeed.

The fact is, this “stunning abduction” pales in comparison to the many other atrocities Boko Haram has committed, and as documented in Gatestone Institute’s Muslim Persecution of Christians series, where not a month goes by without numerous atrocities committed by the Nigerian jihadis, including the bombing or burning of hundreds of churches, especially on Christmas Day and Easter Day, which have left hundreds of worshippers dead or dismembered in the last few years.

Indeed, Boko Haram’s jihad has resulted in more Christians killed than in the rest of the world combined.

As for the recent abduction, there is certainly nothing “stunning” about it. In fact, back in 2012, Boko Haram warned that it would do just this, declaring that it was preparing to “strike fear into the Christians of the power of Islam by kidnapping their women.” Before and since then it, has kidnapped, raped, and/or converted countless Christian girls.

Perhaps the only thing “stunning” is that this latest raid on schoolgirls, the majority of whom are Christian, was widely reported and managed to reach the Western mainstream.

Thus it’s not the act of abduction itself that, as the NYT puts it, is “too much even for fellow militants”—but rather that the world heard about it. Hence why Muslim clerics and the NYT had to respond—the former with formal disavowals of Boko Haram, the latter with articles like this.

Next the NYT quotes a supposed al-Qaeda expert saying, “The violence most of the African rebel groups practice makes Al Qaeda look like a bunch of schoolgirls.”

This is strange indeed. Is the incineration of nearly 3,000 Americans on 9/11 the act of a “bunch of schoolgirls”? (For a long list of atrocities committed by al-Qaeda and the Taliban before September 11, 2001—many which make the recent Nigerian abduction seem like child play—click here.)

The NYT also fails to mention that most African Islamic groups waging jihad to enforce Islamic law—from Nigeria’s Boko Haram to Somalia’s al-Shabaab—are closely affiliated to al-Qaeda, often seen as regional branches of the terrorist organization.

The NYT is never the first to report on atrocities committed by jihadis against Christians and other minorities, but it is always first to try to whitewash and apologize for the jihadis’ role whenever news of jihadi atrocities appears from other media outlets. The article, by Adam Nossiter and David Kirkpatrick, continues with information that is simply false:

Its [Boko Haram’s] violence is broader and more casual than Al Qaeda or other jihadist groups. Indeed, its reputation for the mass murder of innocent civilians is strikingly inconsistent with a current push by Al Qaeda’s leaders to avoid such deaths for fear of alienating potential supporters (emphasis added).

All this is nonsense. For example, in 2012—after it had decapitated countless Christian men and women on the accusation of apostasy as well as any number of other atrocities—far from being ostracized, Somalia’s al-Shabaab was heartily welcomed into the al-Qaeda fold by Ayman Zawahiri.

As for Boko Haram, it too has deep connections to al-Qaeda. According to the United Nations Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee, Boko Haram is affiliated with the core leadership of al-Qaeda as well as its nearby Maghrebi branch.

Next the NYT declares that Boko Haram’s extreme violence “was the subject of the dispute that led to Al Qaeda’s recent break with its former affiliate, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.”

This invention seems meant to distance al-Qaeda from yet another brutal savage Islamic organization, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria [ISIS], which has also been committing any number of atrocities—including crucifying people, bombing churches, and raping non-Muslims. In reality, “atrocities” are hardly the reason for the conflict between ISIS and al-Qaeda. ISIS was committing atrocities even when it was connected to al-Qaeda. The dispute was about power politics.

Why is the NYT trying so hard to make al-Qaeda and other Islamists look better—to exonerate them of the widely exposed crimes of Boko Haram and ISIS?

If people started to connect the dots and understand that all Islamists (al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, ISIS, al-Shabaab, al-Nusra Front, etc.), when they commit atrocities against non-Muslims, do it simply out of religious hate, the narrative that Western governments and mainstream media so stubbornly uphold—that al-Qaeda’s terrorism, including 9/11, is based on “grievances against the West and Israel,” and not Islamic supremacism and religious hate—would quickly unravel.

The NYT article even manages to invoke the grievance paradigm when discussing Boko Haram’s terror: “Boko Haram tapped into growing anger among northern Nigerians at their poverty and lack of opportunity as well as the humiliating abuses of the government’s security forces.” Boko Haram may well have tapped into a poverty level— most people in “developing countries,” including southern Nigeria, are poor—but the NYT totally disregards that many noted jihadis are doctors, engineers, well-educated and often affluent, including al-Qaeda leader Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Mohammed Atta, and Major Nidal Hasan.

A recent Danish statistical study of immigrant families even finds that “Muslims [are] 218 percent more criminal in second generation than first,” despite the fact that the second generation are more prosperous and educated than their first generation parents.

Yet the NYT insists on portraying terrorists as victims.

Al-Qaeda itself already put this question of grievances to rest. The late Osama bin Laden, in a private letter to Saudi Muslims, rhetorically asked:

Our talks with the infidel West and our conflict with them ultimately revolve around one issue…

Does Islam, or does it not, force people by the power of the sword to submit to its authority corporeally if not spiritually? Yes.

There are only three choices in Islam…

Either submit, or live under the suzerainty of Islam, or die.




Remember the Anglo-American Walter Duranty – “Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for a series of stories on the Soviet Union. Duranty has been criticized for his denial of widespread famine, most particularly the Ukraine mass starvation (1932–33). Years later, there were calls to revoke his Pulitzer; even The Times acknowledged his articles constituted “some of the worst reporting to appear in this newspaper.””: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Duranty


There are better info sites on the net but wiki is a quickie - most of us know they’re not to be trusted either – since they way heavily in favor of their wealthy donors as does the NY Slimes. I think there’s a “watch” site on this obama-medium.

Obama-medium: Is The New York Times Trying to Paint Bergdahl as a Victim/Hero?


By Cheri Jacobus | June 10, 2014

The New York Times has sunk, yet again, to a new low. Only this time, they may have created an even bigger conundrum for President Obama.

In a clear and desperate attempt to whitewash Obama’s ill-fated swap of what is increasingly appearing to be an army deserter for five unrepentant deadly dangerous terror leaders (two of whom have been named war criminals by the United Nations) for a U.S. soldier, The Times has gone into overdrive, now seemingly blaming those with whom Bowe Bergdahl served for his apparent desertion.

Richard Oppel Jr. and Eric Schmitt of the Times suggest that Bergdahl should somehow be exonerated for his crime because he was a victim of sorts, being a member of what the paper describes as “a misfit platoon that stumbled through its first months in Afghanistan and might have made it too easy for him to walk away.” Yet, even if we are to buy into this weak defense, we are still left wondering how this justifies the trading of five Taliban leaders for Bergdahl.

As a means to quell the voices of members of his “raggedy” platoon speaking out about Bergdahl, the leftist newspaper is joining other Obama apologists in slamming and smearing soldiers who have the courage to tell the truth. What is also startling is that even if true and a soldier is serving in a less than stellar platoon, the Times deems this an acceptable reason to go permanently AWOL. That the deserter is who makes a platoon weak seems to be lost on the defenders of a dangerously flawed and incompetent Commander-in-Chief.

Oppel and Schmitt go on to describe the precarious situation this platoon found itself in, hoping readers will believe that most others who serve overseas, do so in safe, comfortable surroundings, again suggesting that being in danger of being harmed by enemy combatants is a justifiable reason to desert. “Indeed, an internal Army investigation into the episode concluded that the platoon suffered from lapses in discipline and security in the period before Sergeant Bergdahl — a private first class at the time who was promoted while in captivity — disappeared into Paktika Province.”

The single firefight Bergdahl was involved in resulted in no injuries or death among the soldiers in the platoon — a fact that would seem to call into question the assertion that the platoon was substandard and chock full of “misfits.” In fact, the platoon has never lost a soldier, but the battalion did — several while on a mission to find Bergdahl.

That soldiers face danger is a fact that seems to be lost on The New York Times.

In the face of overwhelming evidence that Bowe Bergdahl was not captured, but instead, deserted, the Times seems to be easing into the inevitable position of admitting and acknowledging this unfortunate fact. That they are also laying the groundwork for justifying possible treason is indefensible.

The problem for President Obama is how to justify the release of five Taliban leaders who are certain to return to the jihad mission, for a traitor. The only option would seem to be a court martial for Bergdahl as a means for Obama to save face, politically. Unless, of course, his minions on the Left can successfully market Bergdahl as a victim/hero. The New York Times is obviously attempting to create an opportunity for the latter.

Cheri Jacobus is president of Capitol Strategies PR. She worked on Capitol Hill, managed congressional campaigns, was an RNC spokesperson and was an adjunct professor at the GWU Graduate School of Political Management. She also has a BS in Journalism.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/cheri-jacobus/2014/06/10/new-york-times-trying-paint-bergdahl-victimhero#ixzz34rHdA5ST


The NYT will paint Bergdahl any color or shade that Obama wants. They’ll soon be recommending Bergdahl or the Medal of Honor. I live in a location where their “news” headlines are on stands on almost every block, and don’t even glance in its direction.

Meanwhile there’s an investigation going on by a General – normally these investigations are performed by Captains or Lieutenants…will expect Bergdahl placed on trial.

Hillary Clinton Supplied Stinger Missiles that Taliban Used to Attack US Chopper


Taliban Islamic militia commandos pass by the nose

June 8, 2014 by

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century.

Obama Inc. keeps insisting that Qatar could be trusted when it was already concluded by the 9/11 Commission that the Islamist tyranny had ties to the attack on the United States.

Since then Qatar has become so out of control in its backing of Jihadists that it has been disavowed by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, but that just made Obama embrace it even harder.

Consider this. Obama is hugging a regime that the Saudis think is too extreme. That’s how bad things are. This latest revelation is no surprise at all.

The New York Times had already let slip that even Obama Inc. was uncomfortable with whom the Qataris were arming.

Within weeks of endorsing Qatar’s plan to send weapons there in spring 2011, the White House began receiving reports that they were going to Islamic militant groups. They were “more antidemocratic, more hard-line, closer to an extreme version of Islam” than the main rebel alliance in Libya, said a former Defense Department official.

It’s called plausible deniability. Now we know what was being denied.

The Obama administration isn’t only giving the Taliban back its commanders — it’s giving them weapons.

Miliary records and sources reveal that on July 25, 2012, Taliban fighters in Kunar province successfully targeted a US Army CH-47 helicopter with a new generation Stinger missile.

The next day, an explosive ordnance disposal team arrived to pick through the wreckage and found unexploded pieces of a missile casing that could only belong to a Stinger missile.

 Lodged in the right nacelle, they found one fragment that contained an entire serial number.

“What difference does it make”

My sources in the US Special Operations community believe the Stinger fired against the Chinook was part of the same lot the CIA turned over to the ­Qataris in early 2011, weapons Hillary Rodham Clinton’s State Department intended for anti-Khadafy forces in Libya.

They believe the Qataris delivered between 50 and 60 of those same Stingers to the Taliban in early 2012, and an additional 200 SA-24 Igla-S surface-to-air missiles.

Qatar now is expected to hold five Taliban commanders released from Guantanamo for a year before allowing them to go to Afghanistan.

Just to give you a sense of Kenneth Timmerman’s qualifications for writing about the subject…

In the early 1980s, Timmerman became a Middle East correspondent for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and developed an expertise in the Middle East and the arms trade.

From 1985 to 1987, Timmerman was a correspondent for Defense and Armament Newsweek and Military Technology, covering the Iran–Iraq War and the arms industry in the Middle East.

From 1987 to 1993, Timmerman published the Middle East Defense News and was international correspondent for Defense Electronics.

In 1991, Timmerman published The Death Lobby: How the West Armed Iraq after the Gulf War. Timmerman advised the United Nations Special Commission for the Disarmament of Iraq on the location of weapons plants.

In 1998, he wrote a piece on Osama Bin Laden and his training camps in Afghanistan just before Al-Qaeda attacked two US embassies in Africa.



No wonder Egypt wants Obama and Hillary on criminal charges.


What weaponry took down the Chinook which resulted in 25 SEAL Team 6 deaths? It was reportedly shot down by a shoulder-fired missile!!!!!!!


Germany and Turkey make them:

FIM-92 Stingerhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stinger_missile#Operators

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