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Obama-media Coverup: ABC, NBC Continue to Ignore IRS Claim That It Lost 2 Years of Lois Lerner Emails



By Jeffrey Meyer | June 16, 2014

Despite the damning new revelations in the IRS scandal, ABC and NBC have failed to cover the story as of Monday June 16, and only CBS This Morning reported on the emails on Monday but their evening news program ignoring the IRS alongside ABC’s World News with Diane Sawyer and NBC Nightly News.

As Kyle Drennen of NewsBusters noted, “Neither NBC’s Today nor ABC’s Good Morning America bothered to cover the shocking development. However, both broadcasts did manage to find time for full reports on Britain’s baby Prince George learning to walk.”

Rather than continue with its IRS coverage on Monday evening,

  • CBS Evening News instead found time to do a full report on Starbucks helping its employees pay for college.
  • ABC’s World News with Diane Sawyer, gave a full report for Alex Trebek setting the world record for longest game show host and
  • NBC Nightly News found time once again to mention that Britain’s Prince George is learning to walk.




Here’s the story written Friday 13, the day of the dump, by the AP via

US News and World Report


IRS tells Congress it has lost trove of emails by central figure in tea party investigation


FILE – This May 22, 2013 file photo shows Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official Lois Lerner on Capitol Hill in Washington. The IRS says it has lost a trove of emails to and from a central figure in the agency’s tea party controversy. The IRS told congressional investigators Friday it cannot locate many of Lois Lerner’s emails prior to 2011 because her computer crashed that year. Lerner headed the IRS division that processed applications for tax-exempt status. The IRS acknowledged last year that agents had improperly scrutinized applications for tax-exempt status by tea party and other conservative groups. The IRS was able to generate 24,000 Lerner emails from 2009 to 2011 because Lerner had copied in other IRS employees. But an untold number are gone. (J. Scott Applewhite, File/Associated Press)

 By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER, Associated Press – June 13, 2014

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Internal Revenue Service said Friday it has lost a trove of emails to and from a central figure in the agency’s tea party controversy, sparking outrage from congressional investigators who have been probing the agency for more than a year.

The IRS told Congress Friday it cannot locate many of Lois Lerner’s emails prior to 2011 because her computer crashed during the summer of that year.

Lerner headed the IRS division that processed applications for tax-exempt status. The IRS acknowledged last year that agents had improperly scrutinized applications for tax-exempt status by tea party and other conservative groups.

“The fact that I am just learning about this, over a year into the investigation, is completely unacceptable and now calls into question the credibility of the IRS’ response to congressional inquiries,” said Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. “There needs to be an immediate investigation and forensic audit by Department of Justice as well as the inspector general.”

The Ways and Means Committee is one of three congressional committees investigating the IRS over its handling of tea party applications from 2010 to 2012. The Justice Department and the IRS inspector general are also investigating.

Congressional investigators have shown that IRS officials in Washington were closely involved in the handling of tea party applications, many of which languished for more than a year without action. But so far, they have not publicly produced evidence that anyone outside the agency directed the targeting or even knew about it.

If anyone outside the agency was involved, investigators were hoping for clues in Lerner’s emails.

The IRS said technicians went to great lengths trying to recover data from Lerner’s computer in 2011. In emails provided by the IRS, technicians said they sent the computer to a forensic lab run by the agency’s criminal investigations unit. But to no avail.

The IRS was able to generate 24,000 Lerner emails from the 2009 to 2011 because Lerner had copied in other IRS employees. The agency said it pieced together the emails from the computers of 82 other IRS employees.

But an untold number are gone. Camp’s office said the missing emails are mainly ones to and from people outside the IRS, “such as the White House, Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices.”

The IRS said in a statement that more than 250 IRS employees have been working to assist congressional investigations, spending nearly $10 million to produce more than 750,000 documents.

Overall, the IRS said it is producing a total of 67,000 emails to and from Lerner, covering the period from 2009 to 2013.

“The IRS is committed to working with Congress,” the IRS said in a statement. “The IRS has remained focused on being thorough and responding as quickly as possible to the wide-ranging requests from Congress while taking steps to protect underlying taxpayer information.”

Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, called Friday’s disclosure “an outrageous impediment” to the committee’s investigation.

“Even more egregious is the fact we are learning about this a full year after our initial request to provide the committee with any and all documents relating to our investigation,” Hatch said.

Lerner has emerged as a key figure in the tea party probe. In May 2013, she was the first IRS official to publicly acknowledge that agents had improperly scrutinized applications.

About two weeks later, Lerner was subpoenaed to testify at a congressional hearing. But after making a brief statement in which she said she had done nothing wrong, Lerner refused to answer questions, invoking her constitutional right against self-incrimination.

The IRS placed Lerner on administrative leave shortly after the congressional hearing. She retired last fall.

In May, the House voted to hold Lerner in contempt of Congress. Her case has been turned over to the U.S. attorney for the district of Columbia.

Follow Stephen Ohlemacher on Twitter: http://twitter.com/stephenatap

Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.



So, the IRS has a new kind of email system where the emails are kept on the person’s *personal* computer? So if it crashes, it not only deletes the emails on *that* computer, but also deletes the copies on all the other computers of all the other people with whom she was in correspondence?

You mean the IRS doesn’t use an email exchange server? And that server isn’t backed up, in compliance with Sarbanes Oxley? And it can be affected by a client PC crashing?

They really must think we’re idiots. How about we try it next Febuary? Tell them we took a sledge hammer to our drive and lost our online tax receipts because that’s what it would take to lose them.


WaPo reporters still haven’t written about it – the NYSlimes just reported on it a couple of hours ago – silence from the LATimes. Malaysia reported on it and the Daily Mail…(for what it’s worth PBS mentioned it).


Bottomline: This story isn’t going anywhere despite the attempts by the Obama-media to censor it. It’s High Crimes and Imprisonment Times for those involved – period!

Reporter: Editor Buried Story on Hillary Defending Child Rapist Because ‘It Might Have an Impact’


On Sunday evening, mainstream media reporter Glenn Thrush revealed that a former editor of his at Newsday in 2008 delayed and buried his story on Hillary Clinton’s defense of a child rapist because “it might have an impact.”

When Thrush wrote the story on February 24, 2008, Clinton was battling Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  1. Amy Chozick@amychozick
  2. @GlennThrush I remember that story well


@amychozick my then-editor appended a meaningless intro to the story, delayed and buried it because, in his words, ‘it might have an impact’

Invasion of Illegals tell Border Patrol: We come because we heard about a “new” U.S. law that lets minors stay


posted at 6:41 pm on June 16, 2014 by Allahpundit

WaPo had this story a few days ago but Byron York has a smart post today about its deeper significance, as an expose of the White House’s latest lie about illegal immigration. Why are illegals from Central America, many of them kids, now streaming across the southwest border at a rate of 35,000 per month? Ask an Obama spin doctor like Josh Earnest that question and he’ll tell you there’s a simple explanation: Violence. They’re fleeing into Mexico to get away from gang wars, then continuing north to the United States.

Ask the illegals themselves, though, and you get a different answer:

Recent days have been filled with anecdotal reports, from local news outlets in Central America to major American newspapers, citing immigrants who say they came because they believe U.S. law has been changed to allow them to stay. And now comes word that Border Patrol agents in the most heavily-trafficked area of the surge, the Rio Grande Valley sector of Texas, recently questioned 230 illegal immigrants about why they came. The results showed overwhelmingly that the immigrants, including those classified as UACs, or unaccompanied children, were motivated by the belief that they would be allowed to stay in the United States — and not by conditions in their homelands. From a report written by the agents, quoting from the interviews:

“The main reason the subjects chose this particular time to migrate to the United States was to take advantage of the ‘new’ U.S. ‘law’ that grants a ‘free pass’ or permit (referred to as “permisos”) being issued by the U.S. government to female adult OTMs traveling with minors and to UACs. (Comments: The ‘permisos’ are the Notice to Appear documents issued to undocumented aliens, when they are released on their own recognizance pending a hearing before an immigration judge.) The information is apparently common knowledge in Central America and is spread by word of mouth, and international and local media. A high percentage of the subjects interviewed stated their family members in the U.S. urged them to travel immediately, because the United States government was only issuing immigration ‘permisos’ until the end of June 2014…The issue of ‘permisos’ was the main reason provided by 95% of the interviewed subjects.”

There is no “new law” — yet — that grants illegals the right to stay provided they make it across the border by June 30th. Where that idea came from is unclear, but it’s probably related to DHS’s two-year extension earlier this month of DACA, the executive amnesty for DREAMers that Obama ordered in 2012 as an election gimmick aimed at Latino voters. If you applied for two years of deportation relief under DACA at the time, you just got another two years’ reprieve courtesy of Barack Obama’s DHS. That doesn’t mean you get two years if you cross the border now, but go figure that some foreign media might misunderstand given the administration’s cheerleading for amnesty. Case in point:

“Almost all agree that a child who crossed the border illegally with their parents, or in search of a father or a better life, was not making an adult choice to break our laws, and should be treated differently than adult violators of the law,” Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is quoted in a story about a new two-year extension of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy published by Diario El Mundo in El Salvador.

Between the media pushing bad facts and opportunistic traffickers in Central America trying to drum up business by amplifying the lie, no wonder you’ve got a surge of illegals trying to sneak in under the wire. In fact, some of them aren’t even sneaking: The LA Times says some illegals are surrendering to the Border Patrol immediately once they’ve made it inside the U.S. in the expectation that they have amnesty now that they’re here. Think O’s going to enforce the law and send those immigrant moms and kids back to Central America after they spent huge sums to try to make it here?

Here’s the best part of York’s post. Remember, any problem caused by a left-wing policy can only be solved by a more aggressive left-wing policy:

As some Democrats on the committee had already suggested, Johnson told Cornyn that, if there, in fact, are misperceptions about U.S. law among illegal immigrants, the way to clarify the situation is to pass comprehensive immigration reform. “If comprehensive immigration reform is passed, the uncertainty that may be existing in people’s minds about our law gets resolved,” Johnson said.

The only way to convince illegals that there’s no mass amnesty in effect is to … pass a mass amnesty. Not even Josh Earnest could float that argument with a straight face, so Biden’s headed to Central America this week to try to convince would-be illegals in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras that, technically, they aren’t allowed to stay even if they make it across to Texas. I’m skeptical that that’ll be true in practice: If Obama’s worried enough about his base to consider an executive order relaxing deportations, he’s surely worried enough to hold off on shipping eight-year-olds back to their home countries. He’s also worried about red-state Democrats being punished in November if it seems like he’s not trying to solve this problem, though, which is why he’s rolling out the vice president instead of some lesser diplomatic apparatchik. Biden’s audience is as much American voters as it is Central American migrants. Exit quotation via the Daily Caller: “Anytime the administration sends Joe Biden to solve a problem, it’s clear evidence that the administration doesn’t see it as a problem worth solving.”


This invasion has literally become a Humanitarian Crisis. And Obama gulfs!


Comment at the site: “I saw an interview with AZ Attorney General Tom Horne, in which he said that the hundreds of illegal aliens being dumped in AZ are arriving with “notice to appear” letters from ICE. But these are notices to appear (in 15 days) for processing.

Horne wasn’t asked and didn’t elaborate, but if ICE is dumping these illegals in other states without even doing the initial processing (e.g., photograph, fingerprints, date of pick-up, etc.), then there is no way any of these recently-arrived illegals will ever be deported, and here is why: there will be no documentation of their original date of entry into the U.S. (Because the illegals ignore the notices, and never show up, which of course, ICE knows).

What this means is that, in a couple of years, every single one of these illegals will be claiming that they arrived in the U.S. during the DACA eligibility period — and ICE will have no way to prove otherwise (because the illegals were never processed on arrival).

In a speech he gave over the weekend, Jeh Johnson assured the audience that the hordes of recently-arrived illegal aliens would not be eligible for DACA amnesty, having arrived after the eligibility cut-off date. He said they would therefore be “priorities for deportation.” But if ICE is actually failing to process the recent illegals before releasing them into other states, that will never happen, as Johnson knows full well. IOW, Johnson blatantly lied to the American public.

Americans need to know the full extent of this scam that is being perpetrated on them. We are being played for fools by both the illegal aliens, and our own government. When is some reporter going to start demanding answers from the administration about these issues? AZCoyote on June 16, 2014 at 7:30 PM


Note Latin Americans are some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet but this isn’t the way to go about controlling the amount of people a country can handle. It doesn’t help those entering nor the citizens. We’re supposed to be a country of laws – laws which are supposed to trump any would be dictator and his edicts.


Balkanization of the USA?

“Cluster Of Central Banks” Have Secretly Invested $29 Trillion In The Market (fiction to fact)


World Monarchs invited for a Jubilee lunch by Englands Elizabeth II – (Qn Sofia – Spain missing). John Stillwell / Pool via Getty Images

June 16, 2014

Another conspiracy “theory” becomes conspiracy “fact”.

The FT reports a cluster of central banking investors has become major players on world equity markets.” The report, to be published this week by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF), confirms $29.1tn in market investments, held by 400 public sector institutions in 162 countries, which “could potentially contribute to overheated asset prices.” China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange has become “the world’s largest public sector holder of equities”, according to officials, and we suspect the Fed is close behind (courtesy of more levered positions at Citadel), as the world’s banks try to diversify themselves and “counters the monopoly power of the dollar.”


Which leaves us wondering where are the central bank 13Fs?


While most have assumed that this is likely, the recent exuberance in stocks has largely been laid at the foot of another irrational un-economic actor – the corporate buyback machine. However, as The FT reports, what we have speculated as fact for many years now (given the death cross of irrationality, plunging volumes, lack of engagement, and of course dwindling credibility of central planners)… is now fact…

Central banks around the world, including China’s, have shifted decisively into investing in equities as low interest rates have hit their revenues, according to a global study of 400 public sector institutions.


“A cluster of central banking investors has become major players on world equity markets,” says a report to be published this week by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (Omfif), a central bank research and advisory group. The trend “could potentially contribute to overheated asset prices”, it warns.

The report, seen by the Financial Times, identifies $29.1tn in market investments, including gold, held by 400 public sector institutions in 162 countries.

China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange has become “the world’s largest public sector holder of equities”, as the report argues is “partly strategic” because it “counters the monopoly power of the dollar” and reflects Beijing’s global financial ambitions.

In Europe, the Swiss and Danish central banks are among those investing in equities. The Swiss National Bank has an equity quota of about 15 per cent. Omfif quotes Thomas Jordan, SNB’s chairman, as saying: “We are now invested in large, mid- and small-cap stocks in developed markets worldwide.” The Danish central bank’s equity portfolio was worth about $500m at the end of last year.

Read more here

So there it is… conspiracy fact – Central Banks around the world are buying stocks in increasing size.

To summarize, the global equity market is now one massive Ponzi scheme in which the dumb money are central banks themselves, the same banks who inject the liquidity to begin with.

That would explain this.



There’s numerous posts at this site on how the Central Bank Syndicate create money out of thin air which goes back centuries. The “money changers” and “merchants” have just become more hi-tech in their “adventurers” aka venturers. (Cromwell was one of many   Irish “adventurers” - he invested 600 pounds before he even landed. Then he started his very BLOODY campaign…little changes). Today they create “electronic bank notes”, trade them on the electronic exchange for “electronic stock certificates” which are created by companies. You just have to become one of them in order to get in on the scheme, and since you’re not a “blue blood”, or as they say, “one of us”, you will be forever denied access. Anyway the Central Bank Syndicate could care less about the value of stocks, they print cash. All they are interested in is owning real assets when it crashes - Stock prices are for the little people. If it bankrupts the 401K, state pensions, who cares… Ownership of assets is all that counts which is why they’re invading every country on earth, hooking them into their greedy and corrupt IMF-World Bank-BCCI scheme, while stealing their real assets – land (and all it’s resources) - for mere pennies due to destabilization strategy, which they themselves manufactured.

When the USSR crashed, the KGB mafia became Oligarchs overnight, it just kinda, accidently, happened that way….

During and after the Enlightenment aka Age of Reason, there was a push throughout the Western world to abolish the usury laws, and so of course, it happened as the money changers wished. The Enlightenment was a cultural movement of intellectuals beginning in the late 17th-century Europe around the time of the establishment of the Central Bankster-Gangsters. Intellectuals emphasized reason and individualism rather than tradition. Individuals? What’s that…was it ever so? The purpose was to reform society using reason and the sciences  in order to challege the status quo. One of the status quo, one might even say the most important, at least to some, was usuary. Usuary was made into old-hat tradition by the money sponsored intellectuals and eventually abolished, which made the Royal Houses with their lucrative Charters, financial advisors, and corporate venturers, quite content. The abolishment of usuary didn’t go down easily since the International Bankster-Gangsters pitted region against region and net debtor against net creditor until they got their way. And so, we “enlightened” – “individuals” sold ourselves into tax-slavery forever on earth. Our (ancient), current, and future Land Lords would likely say it was money well spent.

If you don’t own the property. You become the property. And since none of us own the property due to well enforced property tax law - we’re in debt to our Syndicate led Government which makes us their tax slaves or ye olde serfs as in the aristocratic Land Lord feudal times. Feudalism was perhaps just a name change for “Democracy” not to be confused with small “d” for “democracy” which in Latin means “rule of the people” or “rule by the people”. Big “D” means something else…

“In the political democracy only the votes cast for the majority candidate or the majority plan are effective in shaping the course of affairs. The votes polled by the minority do not directly influence policies. But on the market no vote is cast in vain. Every penny spent has the power to work upon the production processes. … The decision of a consumer is carried into effect with the full moments he gives it through his readiness to spend a definite amount of money.”
(Ludwig von Mises, Human Action) -  http://www.panarchy.org/anonymous/democracy.1962.html

Bottomline: There are very, very few self-made or outside the “family” billionaires…

‘Black flag of jihad will fly over London’: Alarm over UK-born Iraq fighters’ threat


Published time: June 16, 2014 11:42
Edited time: June 17, 2014 09:57

Terror alerts, 9/11-style bombings and murders of British citizens will soon come to London’s streets, according to chilling threats from UK citizens fighting alongside Islam’s most violent terrorist group operating in Syria and Iraq.

The threat comes from British nationals fighting for the Sunni militant group calling themselves the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS) in Syria. According to the Sunday Times, they promise that after they’re done there, Britain is next. The message comes from three such fighters, all youngsters in their teens and twenties.

According to the Times, these aren’t regular disenchanted youths at all: one is a 20-year-old hacker from Birmingham, who once stole Tony Blair’s details and posted them online, later serving time for an unrelated violence charge.

The “black flag of jihad” will fly over Downing Street, Junaid Hussain warned on June 4, spelling out the horrors to come. He’s been fighting in Syria for over a year now.

Another, 19-year-old Muhammad Hassan, from Portsmouth, was a student at a prestigious school. He warned on Twitter that if the US doesn’t cease threats over drone strikes on ISIS positions, 9/11-style attacks on America would follow.

The third, also from Portsmouth, promised a “killing spree” of British citizens if he were ever to return to Britain.

“Imagine if someone were to detonate a bomb at voting stations or ambushed the vans that carry the casted [sic] votes. It would mess the whole system up,” came another tweet from Junaid Hussain, before he re-tweeted a warning from a like-minded countryman for British people to “watch out,” because “we’ll come back to the UK and wreak havoc.”

Among his other offenses, Hussain has also been seen posting bomb-making advice on the internet, as well as tips on how to smuggle explosive devices through airport security.

Getting to Syria from Britain isn’t as difficult as some would think: the youths simply travel to Turkey, then crossed the border. One of them was caught by CCTV cameras at the time, traveling on a holiday flight from London Gatwick airport to Turkey’s Antalya. Hassan’s group (not including the aforementioned tweeters) had three other people, all in their mid-twenties. After reaching Turkey, they headed over to Syria by car.

A fighter from Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant in the city of Raqqa (Reuters)

A fighter from Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant in the city of Raqqa (Reuters)


This is nowhere near the first time the public has seen British nationals fighting alongside Middle-Eastern extremists. There have been numerous threats, government monitoring of scores of returnees and reports that British Sunni jihadists use Syria as a training ground before taking the battle to home soil.

What’s more striking is how news of their particular cruelty is widespread in Syria itself: Britons comprise an overwhelming majority of foreigners inside ISIS, an organization who are labeled ‘terrorists’ for their bloody campaign of ruthless executions and body mutilations even by other elements of the Syrian opposition.

One Free Syrian Army General spoke in horror of what some 400 British extremists fighting there were capable of doing. He pointed out that ISIS’s already dark record did not originate from actions by local fighters alone.

A picture taken on March 1, 2014 shows the wreckage of a Syrian army helicopter after al-Qaeda-linked group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)'s fighters allegedly destroyed it. (AFP Photo / Mohammed Al-Khatieb)

A picture taken on March 1, 2014 shows the wreckage of a Syrian army helicopter after al-Qaeda-linked group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)’s fighters allegedly destroyed it. (AFP Photo / Mohammed Al-Khatieb)


Further illustrating the scale of foreign involvement in ISIS operations, Mike Rogers, the US chairman of the Intelligence Committee, speaking to Fox News alleged that there are “thousands” of American and European volunteers and mercenaries fighting for ISIS, which “has the capability to tap people with Western passports to send them back to Europe and the United States for terrorist activity.”

“This is as dangerous as it gets,” said the Republican politician, who urged Barack Obama to use his influence with Sunni Arab states, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to rein in ISIS – which is likely partly funded by powerful sympathizers within those countries.

The current threats take place amid a fearsome escalation of violence in Iraq, which has been spiraling out of control the closer ISIS got to Baghdad. Army desertions abound as militants storm through the country, capturing hundreds of millions of dollars in American weapons and equipment and parading them in videos.

The rebels are currently storming through the major cities of Mosul and Tikrit, continuing to post videos of beheadings on their way to the capital.

Britain has been taking steps to curb the spread of extremism on its soil. Over the weekend, Twitter blocked all ISIS-related accounts and the accounts of its supporters at home in the UK. This is a sensible move, given most of the communication between worldwide supporters of the jihadist cause is done on social networks, where the above British-born terrorists all use new Islamic names.

An image made available by the jihadist Twitter account Al-Baraka news on June 9, 2014 allegedly shows Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants taking position at a Iraqi border post on the Syrian-Iraqi border between the Iraqi Nineveh province and the Syrian town of Al-Hasakah. (AFP Photo)

An image made available by the jihadist Twitter account Al-Baraka news on June 9, 2014 allegedly shows Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants taking position at a Iraqi border post on the Syrian-Iraqi border between the Iraqi Nineveh province and the Syrian town of Al-Hasakah. (AFP Photo)


Prime Minister David Cameron is also ringing alarm bells, asserting that Britain has become too tolerant for its own good, bringing about a rise in extremism. The PM has called on several occasions for the protection and promotion of “British values” as a counterweight to the perceived malignant Islamization of Britain. He now believes the government has been too soft in a number of ways, according to a recent public address.

“It isn’t enough simply to respect these values in schools. They’re not options, they’re the core of what it is to live in Britain,” Cameron told the public.

“In recent years we have been in danger of sending out a worrying message: that if you don’t want to believe in democracy, that’s fine; that if equality isn’t your bag, don’t worry about it; that if you’re completely intolerant of others, we will still tolerate you,” the PM asserted.

“That’s not just led to division; it has also allowed extremism – of both the violent and non-violent kind – to flourish. We need to be far more muscular in promoting British values and the institutions that uphold them,” he said, shortly after a major scare involving an alleged Trojan Horse plot to Islamicize certain British schools, which prompted an investigation and much bickering within the government.



And while our airports are poking and prodding us the borders are wide open. Come on in…


These mercenaries and terrorists are controlled, either by money or their mullahs and may even be over there for experience and training. The US has had wide open borders for 13 yrs yet no 911…because of our great security measures…heh. I have no doubt we’ve plenty of cells and we may have another but only when the powers want it.

Iraqi Forces Hold onto Baquba; Ex-VP Hashemi who was Convicted of Running Death Squads says ISIL Oppressed; UK Opening Embassy in Iran; ISIS vs Baath



Iraqi Shiite tribal fighters deploy with their weapons in the northwest Baghdad’s Shula neighborhood, Iraq, Monday, June 16, 2014. (Photo: AP, Karim Kadim)

June 17, 2014, Tuesday/ 15:59:45/ REUTERS / BAGHDAD

Scores of Iraqis were killed on Tuesday during a battle for a provincial capital, and fighting shut the main oil refinery, starving parts of the country of fuel and power as an uprising by Sunni insurgents threatens Iraq’s survival as a state.

Government forces said they repelled an attempt by insurgents to seize Baquba, capital of Diyala province north of Baghdad, in heavy fighting overnight.

Some residents and officials said the dead included scores of prisoners from the local jail, although there were conflicting accounts of how they had died.

ISIL fighters who aim to build a Caliphate based on mediaeval Sunni precepts across the Iraqi-Syrian frontier launched their revolt by seizing the north’s main city, Mosul, last week and have swept through the Tigris river valley north of Baghdad. They have boasted of massacring hundreds of troops captured in their advance.

The fighters have been joined by other Sunni factions, including former members of ousted dictator Saddam Hussein’s Baath Party and tribal figures, who share widespread anger among Iraq’s Sunni minority at perceived oppression by the Shi’ite-led government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

Western countries, including the United States, have urged Maliki to reach out to Sunnis to rebuild national unity as the only way of preventing the disintegration of Iraq.

But the long-serving prime minister, who won an election two months ago, seems instead to be veering in the opposite direction – relying more heavily than ever on his own majority sect and vowing to purge opposition politicians and military officers he has labelled “traitors”.

Hassan Suneid, a close Maliki ally, said on Tuesday the governing Shi’ite National Alliance should boycott all work with the largest Sunni political bloc, Mutahidoon.

“It is not possible for any bloc inside the National Alliance to work with Mutahidoon bloc due to its latest sectarian attitude,” he told a TV channel of Maliki’s party.

The sudden advance by Sunni insurgents is scrambling alliances in the Middle East, with the United States and Iran both saying they could cooperate against a common enemy, all but unprecedented since the 1979 Iranian revolution.

US President Barack Obama, under fire at home by critics who say he did too little to shore up Iraq since withdrawing troops in 2011, is considering options for military action such as air strikes. He has sent a small number of extra marines to guard the US embassy but has ruled out redeploying troops.

“The president will continue to consult with his national security team in the days to come,” the White House said, without elaborating. A senior US official said Obama had not yet decided on a course of action.

In a diplomatic rapprochement, Britain said it planned to reopen its embassy in Tehran, two and a half years after a mob ransacked the mission.

Refinery shut

Officials confirmed that the Baiji refinery north of Baghdad had shut down and foreign workers were evacuated, although they said government troops still held the vast compound. With the refinery shut, Iraq will have a harder time generating electricity and pumping water to sustain its cities in summer.

The refinery has been protected by elite troops, while the nearby town largely fell to ISIL fighters last week. Baiji’s refinery had stayed open despite years of civil war while US forces were in the country, and the threat to it shows how much more vulnerable Iraq is now to insurgents than it was before Washington pulled out troops in 2011.

Tens of thousands of Shi’ites have rallied at volunteer centres in recent days, answering a call by the top Shi’ite cleric to defend the nation. Many recruits have gone off to train at Iraqi military bases.

But with the million-strong regular army abandoning ground despite being armed and trained by the United States at a cost of $25 billion, the government is increasingly relying on extra-legal Shi’ite militia to fight on its behalf, re-establishing groups that fought during the 2006-2007 bloodletting.

According to one Shi’ite working in the government, well-trained fighters from the Shi’ite organisations Asaib Ahl Haq, Khetaeb Hezbollah and the Badr Organisation are being deployed as the main combat force, while new civilian volunteers will be used to hold ground after it is taken.

The Sunni militants have moved at lightning speed since seizing Mosul last Tuesday, slicing through northern and central Iraq, capturing the key towns of Hawija and Tikrit in the north before facing resistance in southern Salahuddin province, where there is a large Shi’ite population.

The battle lines are now formalising, with the insurgents held at bay about an hour’s drive north of Baghdad and just on the capital’s outskirts to the west.

State television said Iraqi security forces repelled attacks on three neighbourhoods overnight in Baquba, capital of Diyala, an ethnically and religiously mixed province that saw some of the worst violence of the 2003-2011 US occupation.

Militants also attacked a northern Iraqi village, called Basher, 15 km (9 miles) south of Kirkuk, inhabited by Shi’ite ethnic Turkmens. They were repelled, police said.

Kirkuk itself has been taken by forces from the autonomous Kurdish region. In a further sign of ethnic and sectarian polarisation, Maliki allies have accused the Kurds of colluding with Sunnis to dislodge government forces in the north.

The mainly Turkmen city of Tal Afar, west of Mosul, fell to Sunni militants late on Sunday, and the Iraqi military said it was sending reinforcement there. The Iraqi army said on state television it had killed a top militant, named Abu Abdul Rahman al-Muhajir, in Mosul in clashes.

But security officials seemed pessimistic about the situation in Mosul. One Iraqi security officer warned: “There is no clear strategy for the Iraqi government to retake Mosul. And without the US and international community support, the Iraqi government will never retake Mosul.”





Al Hashemi: Mosul’s capture a revolution of oppressed, not of al-Qaeda

(‘Et tu Brute’ to Iraq? From ex-VP Hashemi, convicted of running death squads, now living and one might assume working for the Muslim Brotherhood – Turkish Government)


Iraq’s former Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi says Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki for pursuing unjust policies targeting Sunnis. (Photo: Reuters)

[MC->Hashemi is living in Turkey after being convicted of running death squads in Iraq. As one might suspect he's working for the Turks - Oil]

June 13, 2014, Friday/ 17:33:34/ SERKAN SAĞLAM / ANKARA

Tariq al-Hashemi, the former Sunni Iraqi vice president sentenced to death in 2012 after an Iraqi court convicted him of running death squads, has said the insurgency in Iraq and the recent capture of Mosul should not be seen as a revolution by the militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) but by the oppressed and humiliated Sunnis of the country.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s Shiite government, which has been in power for three consecutive terms, has targeted the Sunni population in Iraq with laws to root out the Baathist political movement in the country, Hashemi told Today’s Zaman in an interview on Thursday.

“Sunni businessmen, students, doctors and civil servants are being closely monitored, their offices are confiscated, they are unfairly eliminated from positions in the public and private spheres and so on. Being Sunni has become tantamount to being a terrorist suspect in Iraq,” said Hashemi.

“Maliki’s unjust, unfair policies have driven them [the insurgents] to such groups [like ISIL]. The anti-terrorist laws have mercilessly targeted all Sunnis, the Sunni youth and the political and religious leaders of Sunni Arabs. This has radicalized especially the Iraqi youth and driven them to such groups,” he added.

Al-Qaeda flourished in Iraq from being almost nonexistent due to these discriminatory policies, the former Iraqi politician said, adding he will not allow al-Qaeda to seize power completely in Iraq. Living in exile in Turkey with the assurance that he will not be extradited, Hashemi still has some popular support in Iraq.

Maliki is now trying to manipulate international public opinion by blaming ISIL for the quagmire in the country, Hashemi claimed. He admitted however that ISIL retains power in Iraq, is a primary actor in Mosul and seems to be expanding its influence among fellow Sunni Iraqis. “But we will never allow al-Qaeda or similar groups to steal the revolution and implement their own agendas. We will establish a civilian and democratic administration in Iraq,” Hashemi told Today’s Zaman.

Recent reports by the United Nations Human Rights Watch (HRW) (MC->largely funded by Soros] have all pointed to the dire situation of the Iraqi population as a result of Maliki’s unfair treatment of selected groups in society, corruption in public services and even torture, Hashemi asserted, arguing that these allegations have not been sufficiently heeded especially by other Sunni Arabs in the Middle East.

Even the general elections are marred by gerrymandering in favor of the Shiite political movement, pushing Sunnis to think they are unable to seek their rights properly through politics, Hashemi asserted.

“No sanctions were employed against the deceit employed in the elections. Their [Sunni Arabs'] will was stolen and Iraqis had to make a choice between survival and changing their fates [negatively],” said Hashemi, noting that the current chaos in Iraq and ISIL’s rise should be perceived as the consequence of these derogatory and discriminatory policies.

War and division

Faced with a bomb in their laps, Iraqis are now standing in front of a very critical crossroad and all options, including even a civil war and division, are at stake, Hashemi underlined. No one is really able to see what lies ahead, he said.

For Hashemi, the Iraqi Parliament wanting Maliki to disband the government after it was found to be ineffective in managing the crisis was a pleasing development. He accused Maliki of establishing a dictatorship in Iraq during his eight-year term in power. “We want Iraqis to stay together since this is to the advantage of all groups in Iraq but this depends on [providing them with the conditions] to live in dignity,” said Hashemi.

Hashemi predicted that the revolution by Sunni Arabs will soon be mirrored in other Sunni-populated provinces of Iraq and Shiite dissidents in the South may also rise up against the central government.

ARABAŞLIK: Iran completes Shiite Crescent

Hashemi commented on the rising importance of Iran in the Middle East as well. He noted Jordanian King Abdullah’s remark in 2004 that Iran is pursuing a policy of creating a Shiite Crescent in the Middle East, adding that this policy seems to have been finalized successfully.

“Its influence is manifestly ubiquitous in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. In Lebanon, they are now able to even suspend the presidential election. Iran has managed a victory against its rivals in the Middle East and has become an unsolvable trouble for the region. [Iranian Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei’s deputy had said Iran’s borders now extend towards the Mediterranean and this remark alone shows Iran’s influence in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. The US is surely to be blamed for this but Arab states, as well as Iraq’s friends, have not stood up against Iran,” said Hashemi.

Northern Iraq may sell its oil

On the direct sale of oil by the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) by bypassing the central government through Turkey, Hashemi said he is keen to accept that northern Iraq should be able to market the hydrocarbon resources on its soil.

“I wish other provinces would do the same as well,” he said, adding that the revenues from the sale of oil extracted in Basra in the South are not ordinarily transferred to the state coffers. “Oil from Basra is secretly sold outside Iraq while Iraqis have no knowledge of this,” said Hashemi.





23 ISIL elements killed, 11 vehicles destroyed in Diyala

Date and Time:16 June 2014 – 20:05

Picture source could be any at the site referenced

23 elements of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Levant were killed and 11 of their vehicles were destroyed in Diyala.

Security source within Dijla Operations Command stated to IraqiNews.com “A security force within Dijla OC killed 23 ISIL elements in Tabaj village of southern Jalawlaa of Diyala and destroyed 11 of their vehicles.”


Related posts:





UK to re-open Iran embassy in diplomatic breakthrough

LONDON Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:00pm BST

Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague leaves following a cabinet meeting at Downing Street in London June 17, 2014.    REUTERS/Kieran Doherty

Britain’s Foreign Secretary William Hague leaves following a cabinet meeting at Downing Street in London June 17, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Kieran Doherty

(Reuters) – Britain said on Tuesday it would re-open its embassy in Iran “within months,” after a hiatus of more than two and a half years, a diplomatic breakthrough that underscores the West’s desire to secure Tehran’s help in Iraq and elsewhere.

The move came after the United States, a close British ally, said it may launch air strikes and act jointly with arch-enemy Iran to shore up the Iraqi government, after a rampage by Sunni Islamist insurgents that has scrambled alliances in the Middle East.

The announcement, by British Foreign Secretary William Hague, is likely to raise hopes of a breakthrough in talks with world powers about Iran’s disputed nuclear programme. It coincided with negotiations aimed at securing such a agreement.

Britain severed direct diplomatic relations with Iran after activists stormed its embassy in Tehran in late 2011. The 2013 election in Iran of a relative moderate, President Hassan Rouhani, who replaced hardliner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, paved the way for a thaw in ties.

Hague said that Britain would move quickly to re-establish a small initial presence at the Tehran embassy but said it wouldn’t be able to offer visa services to Iranians at first.

“Iran is an important country in a volatile region, and maintaining Embassies around the world, even under difficult conditions, is a central pillar of the UK’s global diplomatic approach,” Hague said in a written statement to parliament. “I have … now decided the circumstances are right to reopen our embassy in Tehran.”

Hague said he had discussed the matter with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Saturday and stressed the need for embassy staff to be able to work without hindrance in Tehran.

The decision did not mean Britain was “softening” any of its policies towards Iran, he said.

“We look to Iran to cease support for sectarian groups elsewhere in the Middle East, to reach a successful conclusion to nuclear negotiations. But I do believe it is important to discuss such issues with Iran and we need the ability to do so.”



Calling for Iran to take a “more realistic approach” to nuclear talks, Hague urged Iran to improve its ties with its neighbours including the Gulf states to try to defuse tensions in the region.

“Iran does have the capability to play a more positive role across the region,” Hague said. “It has played for many years a divisive and sectarian role through supporting divisive or often terrorist groups in other parts of the region.”

It was now time for it to change tack, Hague said.

Britain’s two diplomatic compounds in Tehran were overrun on an afternoon in November 2011 in what London said was a co-ordinated attack, after a rally against British sanctions escalated into violence and protesters scaled the walls.

Although the protesters withdrew after a rampage lasting several hours, Britain immediately withdrew all staff, closed the embassy, and ejected Iranian diplomats from London.

It was the worst crisis between Britain and Iran since full diplomatic relations were restored in 1999, a decade after Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s fatwa that British author Salman Rushdie should be killed for writing “The Satanic Verses.”

Indirect diplomatic ties were revived in November last year when Britain appointed a non-resident charge d’affaires.

Hague has ruled out any military involvement in Iraq by Britain, but he said a British “operational liaison and reconnaissance team” arrived in Baghdad at the weekend and that Britain would provide humanitarian assistance as needed.

He has said that as many as 400 British citizens may be fighting in Syria and that some may also be fighting in Iraq with ISIL, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

(Editing by Larry King)




Iraq: Signs of disagreement emerge between ISIS and the Baath


An image uploaded on June 14, 2014 on the jihadist website Welayat Salahuddin allegedly shows militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) driving on a street at unknown location in the Salaheddin province. (Photo: AFP-Welayat Salaheddin)

By: Mostafa Nasser

Published Monday, June 16, 2014

The mask has fallen. Mosul is governed by former officers of the old army and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) controls the top administrative positions in the city. Three days were sufficient to uncover the conspiracy facing Iraq. ISIS began calling around the city that it came to liberate, not to conquer, and on its way to the capital Baghdad, leaving the affairs of Mosul to “its people.” It appointed a retired former Iraqi army officer, Colonel Hashem al-Jammas as governor.

Three armed brigades took control of Mosul…. They are ISIS, the Revolutionaries Military Council, and the Naqshbandiyya movement.

Baghdad- Jammas, born in 1949, is an officer at al-Ghozlani academy in Mosul, which graduated hundreds of veteran Iraqi officers. He held several leadership positions in the disbanded former army and participated in the Iraq-Iran war and the invasion of Kuwait, becoming a pillar of the former regime.

According to several Mosul residents, three armed brigades took control of the city militarily, administratively, and socially. They are ISIS, the Revolutionaries Military Council, and the Naqshbandiyya movement.

The heavily armed ISIS, which includes Arab and foreign fighters, quickly took control of the city. It confiscated all medium and heavy arms, smuggling them towards Syria through the city of al-Sharkat in Salah ad-Din, close to Tikrit. Being the stronger side, ISIS imposed its decisions and type of administration on Mosul, applying “sharia” like it did previously in Syria. Its strongholds are in al-Anbar, Diyala, Salah ad-Din, and the belt around Baghdad.

The Military Council, based in Baghdad, al-Anbar, and Salah ad-Din, involves a large segment of former officers of the disbanded army. The majority had joined al-Qaeda in Mosul, al-Anbar, and other regions in 2005, 2006, and 2007. Later, several turned against al-Qaeda, joining the uprisings (al-Sahawat) against the organization. However, the most serious threat they imposed was in 2012, when they joined the protests in the Sunni regions. The Military Council hopes to establish a Sunni federation and several of its leaders are calling to break up Iraq into several small states.

On the other hand, al- Naqshbandiyya movement (MC->primarily Turkish), headed by Saddam Hussein’s former deputy, Izzat al-Douri, is the weakest of the three. It promotes the principles of the disbanded Baath party, although several of its members had joined successive Iraqi governments. Failing to rally real support in Anbar, Diyala, and Salah ad-Din, it found its base in Mosul and Arab areas of Kirkuk. The group calls for the overthrow of the new regime by any means and the return to the rule of the disbanded Baath party.

The three organizations agreed that the Mosul coup was a “Sunni revolution” to legitimize the occupation of other cities by ISIS. However, they disagreed on the management of resources and wealth, as well as the type of administration in the city.

In this regard, an informed source from Mosul who refused to disclose his name, said the three organizations disagreed at the beginning. ISIS wanted control of all state property, weapons, and equipment. The Military Council refused to empty the coffers of the state, in addition to a dispute over ISIS taking control of the banks and stealing US$ 340 million.

“The fighters are taking advantage of the corruption in the government and the local administration in Mosul” – Mosul municipality employee

ISIS also quarreled with the Naqshbandiyya movement over the posters of former President Saddam Hussein, which sprung up around the governorate after the fall of Mosul, giving them 24 hours for their removal. “A meeting was held last Tuesday between commanders of the armed groups,” he explained. “They quickly agreed on several important issues, particularly the appointment of the governor and the withdrawal of [non-Iraqi] Arab fighters, which indicates the existence of an done deal before ISIS enters the city.”

The unified terrorist groups in Mosul seem to have established a mechanism based on the demands of the population, to avoid clashing with them and remain in Mosul as long as possible, providing impetus for terrorist fighters based in Salah ad-Din and Diyala. However, ISIS began distributing flyers, which contradicted the deal between the armed groups. This led to speculations about an armed clash between the three groups, like what happened in several Syrian cities.

“The people of Mosul are relieved about the appointment of retired Colonel Hashem al-Jammas as governor,” an employee at Mosul municipality told Al-Akhbar in a phone call. He explained that they began providing electricity to the city 20 hours a day, up from the 2 or 3 hours provided earlier due to rampant corruption in the government. “The fighters are taking advantage of the corruption in the government and the local administration in Mosul,” he maintained.

In the meantime, ISIS distributed flyers during last Friday prayers, titled “City Charter” prohibiting civic displays and personal freedoms such as smoking and alcohol. They replaced the law with sharia and demanded the women of Mosul be “decent and refrain from going out,” as well as avoid loose or tight clothes.

Although the residents of Mosul maintained that all required services are available, there are rumors of sharia courts being held at the governorate building and UN reports point to incidents involving the killing of several civilians.

This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.



A dramatic, fear invoking, extremely well planned entrance by the death squads ISIS/ISIL, along with other Sunni al Qaeda factions, including former members of ousted dictator Saddam Hussein’s Baath Party and tribal figures leads not only to talks by Obama with Iran, the opening of an Anglo Embassy,  and an opening for the Gulf or Persian Arab States but let’s not forget the ethnic cleansing, destruction of buildings and neighborhoods, and the many, many deaths of human beings!


Now the International Mafia can get to work in Iran and let’s not forget the islands the Gulf countries have been hankering after for years in order to tap for oil. Let the Iranian/Gulf negotiations begin on who owns the oil-enriched islands. As for ISIS/ISIL? Who are those masked, fully covered men in black? The Taliban, Shiites, most of al Qaeda, don’t usually cover their faces. so why isn’t this legion proud of what they’re doing for Allah? Why not show their faces? Else they’re not who we’re led to believe – perhaps wolves in sheeps clothing (Fabian Socialist logo)? The Gulf countries have been training mercenaries for years. Could these well covered up, fear invoking killers, happen to be some of these well paid and well trained foreign mercenaries who are being paid by the Gulf states….And how about all those brand new Humvees and Toyota Pickups? We’ve been informed by the obamamedia that they’re rich because of kidnappings, robberies and so forth…did they also rob  a Toyota Dealership? :)


 The Muslim Brotherhood represents the nexus where fanatical Islamists, deviant elites, and the criminalized elements in government and the Intelligence Community meet. Erdogan is the de facto Obama in the region – ideological MB partners…


Bottomline: It’s all comes down to the land, and the resources within it…follow the money.

40 Obama Quotes on Islam and Christianity


Posted on April 18, 2014 by

Obama-stupid-looking-300x238Since his rise to power, a number of people have wondered whether Barack Obama is a Christian or a Muslim. A poll once showed that about 18 percent believe he is a Muslim, even though the Democrat-media complex tells us he is a Christian.

We haven’t received a press release from the Almighty telling us one way or the other, but a post at Now the End Begins pulled together a list of 40 quotes that are quite telling. 20 are Obama quotes on Islam and 20 are Obama quotes on Christianity.


We’ve put together a summary for you, but the original blog has all the quotes, along with links to each one for reference.

Here’s the summary –

Obama on Islam:

1. “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”

2. “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”

3. “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”

4. “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”

5. “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”

6. “Islam has always been part of America”

7. “we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities”

8. “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”

9. “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”

10. “I made it clear that America is not – and will never be – at war with Islam.”

11. “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”

12. “So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed”

13. “In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education.”

14. “Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”

15. “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality”

16. “The Holy Koran tells us, ‘O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.’”

17. “I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.”

18. “We’ve seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants – farmers and factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities, the Muslim innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped unlock the secrets of our universe.”

19. “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

20. “I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story.”


Obama quotes on Christianity:


1. “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation”

2. “We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.”

3. “Which passages of scripture should guide our public policy? Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests slavery is OK and that eating shellfish is an abomination? Or we could go with Deuteronomy, which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith?”

4. “Even those who claim the Bible’s inerrancy make distinctions between Scriptural edicts, sensing that some passages – the Ten Commandments, say, or a belief in Christ’s divinity – are central to Christian faith, while others are more culturally specific and may be modified to accommodate modern life.”

5. “The American people intuitively understand this, which is why the majority of Catholics practice birth control and some of those opposed to gay marriage nevertheless are opposed to a Constitutional amendment to ban it. Religious leadership need not accept such wisdom in counseling their flocks, but they should recognize this wisdom in their politics.”

6. From Obama’s book, The Audacity of Hope: “I am not willing to have the state deny American citizens a civil union that confers equivalent rights on such basic matters as hospital visitation or health insurance coverage simply because the people they love are of the same sex—nor am I willing to accept a reading of the Bible that considers an obscure line in Romans to be more defining of Christianity than the Sermon on the Mount.”

7. Obama’s response when asked what his definition of sin is: “Being out of alignment with my values.”

8. “If all it took was someone proclaiming I believe Jesus Christ and that he died for my sins, and that was all there was to it, people wouldn’t have to keep coming to church, would they.”

9. “This is something that I’m sure I’d have serious debates with my fellow Christians about. I think that the difficult thing about any religion, including Christianity, is that at some level there is a call to evangelize and prostelytize. There’s the belief, certainly in some quarters, that people haven’t embraced Jesus Christ as their personal savior that they’re going to hell.”

10. “I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell. I can’t imagine that my God would allow some little Hindu kid in India who never interacts with the Christian faith to somehow burn for all eternity. That’s just not part of my religious makeup.”

11. “I don’t presume to have knowledge of what happens after I die. But I feel very strongly that whether the reward is in the here and now or in the hereafter, the aligning myself to my faith and my values is a good thing.”

12. “I’ve said this before, and I know this raises questions in the minds of some evangelicals. I do not believe that my mother, who never formally embraced Christianity as far as I know … I do not believe she went to hell.”

13. “Those opposed to abortion cannot simply invoke God’s will–they have to explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths.”

14. On his support for civil unions for gay couples: “If people find that controversial then I would just refer them to the Sermon on the Mount.”

15. “You got into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

16. “In our household, the Bible, the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology”

17. “On Easter or Christmas Day, my mother might drag me to church, just as she dragged me to the Buddhist temple, the Chinese New Year celebration, the Shinto shrine, and ancient Hawaiian burial sites.”

18. “We have Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, and their own path to grace is one that we have to revere and respect as much as our own”

19. “All of us have a responsibility to work for the day when the mothers of Israelis and Palestinians can see their children grow up without fear; when the Holy Land of the three great faiths is the place of peace that God intended it to be; when Jerusalem is a secure and lasting home for Jews and Christians and Muslims, and a place for all of the children of Abraham to mingle peacefully together as in the story of Isra— (applause) — as in the story of Isra, when Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed, peace be upon them, joined in prayer. (Applause.)”

20. “I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.”

You can find this list, with links referencing each quote, here.



obama political christian clear religion subscribes

Crafty chameleon Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soreto

Important Anglo-American Strategic Asset


Crafty chameleon Jamal Eddine aka Jamal Eddine al-Afghani

Important Anglo-American Strategic Asset


I’ve always believed he was and continues to be member of the Muslim Brotherhood aka the nexus of jihadists, spooks, and deviant elites which also covers the robber barons. Obama reminds me of the chameleon Persian Jamal Eddine al-Afghani, the name implies he’s an Afghani, he actually adopted the name in order to create the impression that he was born in Afghanistan – by claiming Afghan origins, he could then disguise his identity as both a Persian and Shiite which gave him a broader appeal in the Sunni world. Barry and Jamal – two peas in a pod.

I never once thought Obama was a Christian though did think GW Bush was one for a while but changed my mind on both himself, and his pro-abortion wife. IMO, the Bush family are members of the Global Robber Barons Syndicate or Brotherhood (for want of a better name perhaps the illumati? free masons? mafia? NWO?). I think both these brotherhoods work together closely and are both part of  “the global family syndicate”. These operatives use and abuse the social utility of the religion in order to subvert that very religion.

One wonders what religion calmly states that we need to decrease the human population to “ecologically sustainable levels” (500 million people, according to their calculations) while making it sound reasonable, good and practical. And anyone who disgrees with them are considered the other – the fundamentalist crazies from the “organized religion” group.

Hillary Clinton: Al-Maliki Must Go…(who died and made her queen of the world)


Fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and and Syria (ISIS) celebrate on vehicles taken from Iraqi security forces, at a street in city of Mosul

Fighters [MC->people who terrorize people are called terrorists] of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) celebrate on vehicles taken from Iraqi  security forces, at a street in city of Mosul, June 12, 2014. The militants on Tuesday attacked Beiji refinery which accounts for a little more than a quarter of the country’s entire refining capacity.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to step aside from his country as it gallops furiously toward civil war.

In recent days, Sunni extremist fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria moved within 50 miles of Baghdad, an alarming escalation that, the former Secretary of State told Fox News on Tuesday, the Iraqi politician had only exacerbated. Clinton said al-Maliki showed weak leadership by exhibiting a preference for Iraqi Shi‘ites and purging senior military leaders of the rival religious sect group.

Clinton added that she is “not in favor of any formal relationships or agreements with Iran at this time.”

In a separate appearance at a CNN town hall Tuesday, Clinton aimed more harsh words at al-Maliki, saying that in retrospect the Prime Minister should not have rejected an extended “status-of-forces agreement” with the U.S., which would have kept American troops in the country beyond 2011.

“I think it’s imperative that the government of Iraq, currently led by Maliki, be much more inclusive, much more willing to share power, involve all the different segments of Iraq,” she said on CNN. And I believe strongly that, if Maliki is not the kind of leader who can do that, then the Iraqi people need to think seriously about the kind of leader they need to try to unite Iraqis against what is a terrible, imminent threat from these most extreme terrorists.”  time.com


It would be nice if her ladyship (and his lordship obama) would weed their own garden first before pointing fingers on inclusion…. Obama tells his minority to shut up because he says “I won”! Meanwhile I’m called a  “domestic terrorist” just because I’m pro-life and support the Constitution..

Maliki must be doing something right for his country otherwise they’d be singing his praises. Meanwhile Maliki’ ex-VP, who was convicted of running terrorist death sqads, is living in Turkey having gained asylum by the leader of the terrorists himself Erdogan, (obama’s ME stand-in). Erdogan who has never met a minority group he likes – ask the Christians, Kurds….

Yo, Hillary don’t you wonder why your book has bombed and your tour a disaster?

U.S. Trained ISIS at Secret Jordan Base

Global Research, June 18, 2014
WND 17 June 2014


Flag_of_Islamic_State_of_Iraq ISIS

JERUSALEM – Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to informed Jordanian officials.

The officials said dozens of ISIS members were trained at the time as part of covert aid to the insurgents targeting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Syria. The officials said the training was not meant to be used for any future campaign in Iraq.

The Jordanian officials said all ISIS members who received U.S. training to fight in Syria were first vetted for any links to extremist groups like al-Qaida.

In February 2012, WND was first to report the U.S., Turkey and Jordan were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region.

That report has since been corroborated by numerous other media accounts.

Last March, the German weekly Der Spiegel reported Americans were training Syrian rebels in Jordan.

Quoting what it said were training participants and organizers, Der Spiegel reported it was not clear whether the Americans worked for private firms or were with the U.S. Army, but the magazine said some organizers wore uniforms. The training in Jordan reportedly focused on use of anti-tank weaponry.

The German magazine reported some 200 men received the training over the previous three months amid U.S. plans to train a total of 1,200 members of the Free Syrian Army in two camps in the south and the east of Jordan.

Britain’s Guardian newspaper also reported last March that U.S. trainers were aiding Syrian rebels in Jordan along with British and French instructors.

Reuters reported a spokesman for the U.S. Defense Department declined immediate comment on the German magazine’s report. The French foreign ministry and Britain’s foreign and defense ministries also would not comment to Reuters.

The Jordanian officials spoke to WND amid concern the sectarian violence in Iraq will spill over into their own country as well as into Syria.

ISIS previously posted a video on YouTube threatening to move on Jordan and “slaughter” King Abdullah, whom they view as an enemy of Islam.

WND reported last week that, according to Jordanian and Syrian regime sources, Saudi Arabia has been arming the ISIS and that the Saudis are a driving force in supporting the al-Qaida-linked group.

WND further reported that, according to a Shiite source in contact with a high official in the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, the Obama administration has been aware for two months that the al-Qaida-inspired group that has taken over two Iraqi cities and now is threatening Baghdad also was training fighters in Turkey.

The source told WND that at least one of the training camps of the group Iraq of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Syria, the ISIS, is in the vicinity of Incirlik Air Base near Adana, Turkey, where American personnel and equipment are located.

He called Obama “an accomplice” in the attacks that are threatening the Maliki government the U.S. helped establish through the Iraq war.

The source said that after training in Turkey, thousands of ISIS fighters went to Iraq by way of Syria to join the effort to establish an Islamic caliphate subject to strict Islamic law, or Shariah.

http://www.globalresearch.ca/u-s-trained-isis-at-secret-jordan-base/5387532″; data-title=”U.S. Trained ISIS at Secret Jordan Base”>





“….all ISIS members who received U.S. training to fight in Syria were first vetted….”


 photo goodguys.png


“One does not really need to support the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies, eat their intestines in front of the public and cameras,” Putin said.

“Are these the people you want to support? Are they the ones you want to supply with weapons? Then this probably has little relation to the humanitarian values preached in Europe for hundreds of years.” – Putin… [MC-> I'm not a great fan of Putin but these words resonate. Putin also protects Christians which is more than one can say about Obama.]


Seymour Hersh 2007 article - (3 yrs before obama’s so-called “Arab Spring Revolution” -

“Redirect: Is the Administration’s new policy benefitting our enemies in the war on terrorism?”:

…”The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.”…



Image: ISIS has convoys of brand new matching Toyota’s the same
vehicles seen among admittedly NATO-armed terrorists operating
everywhere from Libya to Syria, and now Iraq. It is a synthetic, state-
sponsored regional mercenary expeditionary force.

“The US admits it has armed, funded, and equipped “moderates” to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. In a March 2013 Telegraph article titled, “US and Europe in ‘major airlift of arms to Syrian rebels through Zagreb’,” it was reported that a single program included 3,000 tons of weapons sent in 75 planeloads paid for by Saudi Arabia at the bidding of the United States. The New York Times in its article, “Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With C.I.A. Aid,” admits that the CIA assisted Arab governments and Turkey with military aid to terrorists fighting in Syria constituting hundreds of airlifts landing in both Jordan and Turkey.”


Even to the untrained eye it was obvious that ISIS/ISIL were heavily armed, well funded, well organized, well trained, well planned, with every appearance of a professional standing army except for the bells and whistles or arts of war, used by al-Qaeda and their alias’, such as, terrorizing the people with beheadings etc., lots of black flags everywhere, the immediate implementation of sharia, and so on…The matching black covering outfits from head to toe especially over the face was strange…what were they hiding – perhaps that they might not even be from the ME – perhaps some of the Columbians who were trained in the UAE…. who knows….

Former Obama Administration Official DESTROYS Obama’s Foreign Policy In One Tweet


12:01 AM 06/13/2014

U.S. President Barack Obama (R) meets with RussiaU.S. President Barack Obama (R) meets with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin in Los Cabos, Mexico, June 18, 2012. The leaders are in Los Cabos to attend the G20 summit. REUTERS/Jason Reed

That’s all Georgetown Law professor, Foreign Policy magazine columnist and former Obama administration official Rosa Brooks needed Thursday to dismantle the White House’s pathetic responses to the situations in Syria, Russia and Iraq….

 Rosa Brooks@brooks_rosa

US respnse 2 Syria,Russia,Iraq:


2)We’re watching this closely

3)With concern.

4)Hey, stop-

5)We won’t tolerate that!

6)Mmm. Whatever.

Short, concise, to the point.

Brooks served in the Defense Department from 2009 to 2011 as counselor to then-Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Michele Flournoy.

Follow Jamie on Twitterad more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/06/13/former-obama-administration-official-destroys-obamas-foreign-policy-in-one-tweet/#ixzz358ecAiTFis


She hit the nail on the head.

All New Android & Windows Phones Will Have ‘Kill Switch’


All New Android & Windows Phones Will Have 'Kill Switch'

by Paul Joseph Watson | June 20, 2014

Google and Microsoft have agreed to include kill switches in all new Android and Windows phones at the behest of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, a measure aimed at combating theft but one which will also raise alarm bells for privacy-oriented libertarians.

“Google, based in Mountain View, California, said in a statement today it will add a “factory reset protection solution” to its next version of Android,” reports Bloomberg. “Microsoft’s Vice President for U.S. Government Affairs Fred Humphries said the Redmond, Washington-based company will offer new theft-deterrence mechanisms in an update for phones running its software, including those made by Nokia Oyj.”

New Apple iPhones have had the kill switch installed since September last year, a factor NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has hailed as instrumental in lowering thefts.

However, the new measure is sure to cause consternation amongst libertarians and political activists given previous examples of governments using the power of the kill switch to stifle dissent, such as Turkey’s recent blackout of Twitter.

Although the ‘kill switch’ would ostensibly be included to discourage theft, a scenario where authorities could hijack the technology to shut down communications in a sensitive area in order to limit photo and streaming video coverage, such as at a demonstration or at the scene of unfolding police brutality, is easy to envisage.

Earlier this year, we reported on a Google patent for a system that would alert law enforcement authorities if a number of photos were taken in one specific location by smartphone users, raising questions as to what level of remote access companies like Google should have to people’s personal devices.

Back in 2012, Apple also filed a patent allowing it to wirelessly disable cameras on iPhones by “forcing certain electronic devices to enter “sleep mode” when entering a sensitive area.”

Protests, political gatherings and other events at which authorities wish to prevent communication, documentation or video streaming could be turned into dead zones by creating a “geofence” around designated locations.

The patent was registered in anticipation of giving police or government the power to impose a “blackout” on all communications during certain times because cellphones can “annoy, frustrate, and even threaten people in sensitive venues.” Source


Royal Charter – Royal Crown, Anglo-American US Naval Intelligence - MI5, corporations and bankers = BBC Radio. These same types of entities own technology to this day and have a “back door” into all technology.


 BBC Radio was founded by six private companies (Big Six) in 1923, the major driver being General Electric (USA) -a Rockefeller/JP Morgan’s company. The other major players were English/French subsidiaries – most of the original companies ended up in the big defense contracting industries, for example, Lockheed Martin UK Holdings Limited where Chris Patten is a non-Executive Director – Lockheed Martin/BAE merged w/ BAE. BAE was one of the original “Big Six” private companies via previous mergers).

Rockefeller’ Fiefdom –

“Rockefeller’s business’ are usually housed in one of his buildings at Rockefeller Plaza (British Intelligence was housed there in the 1920′s) – the International Building North. This subsequently became the primary location of the U.S. operations of British Intelligence, British Security Coordination (BSC) during the War, with Room 3603 becoming the principal operations center for Allied intelligence, organized by William Stephenson, as well as the office of the future head of what was later to become the Central Intelligence Agency, Allen Welsh Dulles.” -

“”the International Building North – This subsequently became the primary location of the U.S. operations of British Intelligence, British Security Coordination (BSC) during the War, with Room 3603 becoming the principal operations center for Allied intelligence, organized by William Stephenson, as well as the office of the future head of what was later to become the Central Intelligence Agency, Allen Welsh Dulles.”




The Big Government(s) have always held the power to the  “kill switch”.

Obama Inc: We Know The Whereabouts of Lost IRS Emails…


Mac Slavo
June 19th, 2014

A Congressional inquiry into the targeting of Tea Party and Conservative organizations by the IRS has revealed that thousands of emails from IRS head Lois Lerner and at least six of her subordinates have been lost to history after the hard drive which stored them was reportedly thrown away. The loss of the emails makes it nearly impossible to track down and verify what actually took place and whether or not the Obama administration was directly involved in the harassment of independent groups that didn’t agree with the President’s political platform.

Without the emails their is no accountability, despite the fact that the President Obama has repeatedly claimed that transparency and the rule of law would be touchstones of his Presidency. “Starting today every agency and department should know that this administration stands on the side not of those who seek to withhold information, but those who seek to make it known,” said President Obama at a press conference on the day he took office in January of 2009.

The President’s past statements run contrary to the events playing out on Capitol Hill today, where the IRS has claimed that the emails have been “lost forever.”

Congressman Darrell Issa pointed out the ridiculousness of the claims saying that such records could only disappear because of deliberate destruction.

“Official records, like the e-mails of a prominent official, don’t just disappear without a trace unless that was the intention.”

It turns out that Senator Darrell Issa is right. Records like these don’t just disappear without a trace.

We know the whereabouts of the lost IRS emails and they could likely be accessed and shown to the American public within 24 hours.

It turns out that there just so happens to be a redundant set of digital records available in a facility capable of holding some septillion pages of information (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pages of text) that has been actively aggregating and storing digital data for years.

Access to any of those records can be had with a simple directive from the President of the United States.

The facility where the records are stored, along with the private emails, text messages, google searches and 20 trillion domestic phone calls since 2001 is owned and operated by America’s National Security Agency which, among other things, is responsible for the monitoring of American citizens and storing any and all digital interactions captured on private and public telecommunications lines.

The NSA’s most advanced intelligence monitoring facility is located at Camp Williams and is called the “Utah Data Center.”


If the emails ever existed, whether they were deliberately wiped or accidentally lost, the National Security Agency undoubtedly has a digital record of them.

Intelligence officials and law enforcement refer to the phenomenon as “digital permanence” and what it means is that there exists a record of every digital interaction taking place over the internet somewhere. So, even if you happen to lose a hard drive or purposefully click that delete button, you’d be in luck. The National Security Agency has a copy of it because they have been effectively collecting all data sent over telecommunications lines in the United States since at least 2001.

The mind-boggling amount of data being collected at this and other facilities seems like something out of a science fiction movie, but according to award-winning mathematician and NSA whistleblower William Binney it is very real – and it’s been happening for quite some time. And just in case you think they’re collecting “meta-data” such the the sender, receiver and subject line of an email exclusively, according to Binney, they are also collecting the content of the communication as well. That means they know what you texted, said on a phone call, or wrote in an email.

Binney explained that the government is taking the position that it can gather and use any informationabout American citizens living on U.S. soil if it comes from:

Any service provider … any third party … any commercial company – like a telecom or internet service provider, libraries, medical companies – holding data about anyone, any U.S. citizen or anyone else.

The government is gathering everything, including content.

Binney explained – as he has many times before – that the government is storing everything, and creating a searchable database … to be used whenever it wants, for any purpose it wants (even just going after someone it doesn’t like).

Given this revelation from someone who understands the inner workings of NSA signals intelligence and how they collect data, it’s clear that despite the IRS losing the emails in question, there exist exact replicas of them at the NSA.

It should only be a matter of time now before President Obama officially requests that the NSA turn over these records so that he can prove to the American public once and for all that neither he or those in his administration had any knowledge or influence over the IRS targeting of political enemies. SHTFplan.com


Mac Slavo says:

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that these records exist. To suggest that the correspondence of a top level government official are stored on a single hard drive is laughable. Never mind the potentially hundreds of nodes such an email would travel when sent.

There is a 99.99% chance that these emails exist in NSA databanks, but there should be no reason to even have to go that far.” SHTFplan.com


Top IRS Official: I’m not good at Math!!!



Obama-media Coverup: ABC, NBC Continue to Ignore IRS Claim That It Lost 2 Years of Lois Lerner Emails


Video – Explosion of Rallies in Germany Protesting the US Federal Banking System


Published on Jun 19, 2014

In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to Ken Jebsen a former main stream media journalist in Germany and Lars Maehrholz a skydiver that became the main organizer of the massive Monday peace vigils in Berlin. The protests in Berlin are not a left or right movement but a social media movement against the establishment that have grown to over a 100 cities and 3 countries. They started with Lars 2 1/2 months ago and with the help of Ken fm have grown to a very large number which made the main stream media in Berlin slander and attack the movement.

For those interested in the historic background: The German Monday Demonstrations (Montagsdemonstrationen) helped to bring down the repressive surveillance state GDR regime 25 years ago: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monday_….


The German people are protesting the privately owned US Federal Bank (and other privately owned Central Financial Banking Systems) yet the German Corporate Media responded by attacking them personally - calling them nazi and anti-semites. Since they brought it up one might wonder where the MSM sees a connection between the Jewish people and the Banking Cartel Financial System? Greed is an “Idolatry of Self” which is the perfect description of most Bankers who come in all stripes.



These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America (the illusion of choice)


Note: I attended Ron Paul rallies against the Feds aka the Global-Corporate-Government Banking Cartel a few times. These Central Banks are behind most (if not all) of the wars around the globe today.

Paul Ryan to IRS Commissioner: Nobody Believes You!


Published June 20, 2014: Demanding an apology to the American taxpayers, Ryan asserted the IRS had abused its power, before suggesting that Koskinen was lying about the circumstances behind the IRS’ claim that Lois Lerner’s emails were lost as a result of hard drive crashes.

“I don’t believe it, that’s your problem, nobody believes you,” said Ryan, adding that everything the IRS has claimed about the scandal has since proven untrue and that the agency had hidden the hard drive crash until asked about it by lawmakers on Monday.

Things then began to get testy as Ryan asked why the IRS had promised to turn over the emails before trotting out the “hard drive crash” explanation.

“You are the Internal Revenue Service, you can reach into the lives of hard working taxpayers and with a phone call, an email or a letter you can turn their lives upside down. You ask taxpayers to have seven years of their personal tax information in case they’re ever audited and you can’t keep six months worth of employee emails,” charged Ryan.

Published June 14, 2014:  Short Version - GASPS as IRS Commissioner Admits Missing Lois Lerner Hard Drive was Recycled aka Melted Down aka Trashed (if you’re dumb enough to believe the smug SOB)

Published June 20, 2014: Dave Camp on questioning the IRS Commissioner:

“Can we have the Serial Number of that Hard Drive?” And when asked if he’d agree to a Special Presecutor the IRS Commissioner said NO!  heh

Camp: “The IRS in charge of hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ information. And you’re now saying your technology system was so poor that years’ worth of emails are forever unrecoverable?” Camp charged. “How does that put anyone at ease? How far would the excuse ‘I lost it’ get with the IRS for an average American trying to file their yearly taxes who may have lost a few receipts.”


Note the arrogance, smirks, and smugness of this IRS Commissioner.


In reality the IRS is a tax collection agency for the financial owners of the Private Federal Reserve Bank – America Inc. The Corporate Office is the City of London Inc. The mafia took more than one page out of the IRS handbook though one is legal - the other illegal.

Bottomline: The Obama cabal wouldn’t use the powerful as the IRS as a weapon unless he was absolutely sure they had control of it, that they’d continue to have control of it, and that it won’t be turned back against them. The Obama admin. wouldn’t have let the IRS loose on the Tea Party unless they knew that they controlled the IRS and it wouldn’t be used against them. So, either they know the Repubicans would never use the IRS as a weapon, even if they regained power, or they don’t think the Republicans will ever regain power.

Female Genital Mutilation Discovered in Swedish School


Published: 20 Jun 2014 11:03 GMT+02:00
Updated: 20 Jun 2014 11:03 GMT+02:00

TT/The Local/pvs (news@thelocal.se)


Ayaan Hirsi Ali: ‘FGM was done to me at the age of five. Ten years later, even 20… I would not have testified against my parents’

Ayaan Hirsi Ali talks to Alison Roberts about being cut, motherhood and marriage to Niall Ferguson
Published: 14 March 2013

The writer, ex-Muslim, polemicist and former Dutch MP Aayan Hirsi Ali is talking about why no one has been prosecuted in the UK for the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) — despite its illegality for almost 30 years.

1 of 2
Bitter taste: Ayaan Hirsi Ali speaks from experience about FGM

Ayaan Hirsi Ali speaks from experience about FGM

“It was done to me at the age of five, and 10 years later, even 20 years later, I would not have testified against my parents,” she states. “It is a psychological issue. The people who are doing this are fathers, mothers, grandmothers, aunts. No little girl is going to send them to prison. How do you live with that guilt?”

Hirsi Ali has a formidable reputation. Exiled many times over, she is still the subject of an Islamic fatwa, or death edict, as a result of writing the globally controversial Dutch film Submission, whose director Theo van Gogh was murdered by an Islamic militant on an Amsterdam street in 2004. The note pinned to his chest with a knife said Hirsi Ali was next.

She has since won a hatful of European awards for promoting freedom of speech; spoken vehemently and divisively against multiculturalism, and confirmed an apparently Right-of-Centre political identity by marrying Leftie-baiting British historian Niall Ferguson, author of Civilisation and The Ascent of Money. Her svelte beauty is often noted.

Today, at 43, she lives in the US with Ferguson, whom she married in 2011, and their one-year-old son Thomas. But motherhood and a new tenure at Harvard have in no way diminished her desire to provoke. Hirsi Ali backs wholeheartedly the Standard’s campaign against FGM, and the recent pledge of £35 million by the Government to “eradicate the problem within a generation” — but says awareness-raising and throwing money at the issue is not enough.

“The UK is something of an example to the rest of Europe at the moment,” she says. “It is leading on the issue of forced marriages right now, for instance, in terms of legislation and also enforcement. There are some good things. Maybe in the Anglo-Saxon world you sleep for a long time and then wake up and decide to really act, whereas on the Continent they just love to talk about it.

“But the issue with FGM cannot be solved by condemning it — everyone knows it is horrifying, a man-made epidemic and happening right under our noses. What is needed is a mechanism to detect FGM, and that is very, very controversial.”

Bitter taste: Ayaan Hirsi Ali speaks from experience about FGMAli with her husband Niall Ferguson

Ali with her husband Niall Ferguson

Last week, the Standard reported that almost 66,000 women and girls living in the UK had suffered some form of genital cutting, often carried out by untrained family members with knives or razor blades, with a further 30,000 thought to be at risk. Freedom of Information requests revealed that more than 2,100 women had visited hospitals or clinics in London as a result of genital mutilation since 2006, and that more than 700 needed further treatment or surgery. A growing problem, FGM is often carried out on UK-born girls at about the age of five or six, though some are younger; and often happens during school holidays on visits to extended family in African countries where the practice is routine — most commonly, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Nigeria, Eritrea and Sudan.

Hirsi Ali believes the only way to stop FGM is to check at-risk girls. An annual visual examination (“there is no need to touch”) by a female paediatrician or nurse would remove from school-age children the burden of telling a teacher or friend. Such a scheme, she claims, would “take the debate to the next level”.

“A detection mechanism like this would be the biggest deterrent because when the family says ‘Our little girl Fatima or Samira is now five or six, and shouldn’t we have her done?’ they will know that they can’t because in September every year, just as the school holidays end, she will be checked.

“You then need one or two prosecutions to set an example. It is the only model I can think of that will work. As long as there is no systematic control, there is no deterrence.”

But of course such an idea will provoke howls of protest. Surely it’s a gross invasion of the girls’ privacy; victimisation of families and communities; a presumption by the state of guilt rather than innocence; humiliating and unenforceable?

Hirsi Ali says she has heard all this before. “And we have to answer to our consciences. What is worse, the cutting itself or the method of detection? The debate has to happen. MPs and the British public have to be given a choice between two options — do nothing and let them be cut and live with it or have a detection system in place that stops it.

“Education campaigns do not work. Just talking to the mothers and grandmothers about why the practice is harmful is not convincing. They just tell their daughters to grit their teeth … The core of the problem for them is, who is going to marry my daughter if I cannot verify she is a virgin?”

Later Hirsi Ali says FGM is a symptom of the “whole virginity obsession” within largely but not exclusively Muslim communities abroad, and sometimes here. Forced marriage, honour killings and child brides are similar horrors related to a “purity” required in women but not men. “Actually it should be a man’s campaign. Why do they need a virgin? Why do they need a woman whose genitals have been demolished? Is that the only way to express their manhood?”

Hirsi Ali’s past life, her very identity, are themselves matters of some dispute. Born in Somalia, the daughter of a leading figure in the Somalian revolution of the late Eighties, she fled the prospect of an arranged marriage to a man in Canada and instead sought asylum in Holland in 1992. There, she says: “I remember being processed and sent to a clinic because I was a refugee from a certain area, and being X-rayed to check for tuberculosis.”

She became an interpreter for social services, took a degree in political science and rose through the ranks of the Dutch political system; within 12 years of arriving in Europe, she was an MP in the Dutch parliament. Yet two years after Submission and the fatwa, amid questions over her original asylum application, she left Holland for a job at a Right-wing think-tank in Washington. She has since published two memoirs containing fierce criticism of Islam; a New York Times review of the second, Nomad, accused her of “feeding religious bigotry”.

Today Hirsi Ali refuses to talk about her relationship with Ferguson, who has three children with his former wife, British newspaper executive Sue Douglas — other than to say: “It’s fun. We always have fun. We wouldn’t be together if we didn’t.” Press speculation about the couple at the time of their getting together has left a bitter taste, you sense. The 24-hour security she still needs is reportedly paid for in the US by private donors — but must clearly have an effect on the spontaneity of family life.

She had her first child at 41 but says motherhood hasn’t changed the nature of her feminism at all. “The wonderful thing is to enjoy being a mother at this age. I don’t know whether I’d have enjoyed it so much had I been younger. As an older mother you are so much more aware that actually you chose to do this, and in the culture where I come from, it wouldn’t have been a choice but a fact, presented to me, when I was much younger.” Which betrays her non-Western origins more than anything, I think.

“If you’re a [Somali] girl growing up in London, you post your image on Facebook, you have friends and you talk about books and music, you are literally leading the life of the average British girl,” she continues. “And then you become a teenager and your sexuality starts to matter — and you start to become very, very conflicted. Because on the one hand you are aware of yourself as a sexual being, and of television and movies which talk about it in a Western way but on the other you think of yourself as this person who’s had something beautiful and essential taken away from you.”

The physical pain is one thing — but the psychological torment of living with FGM, says Hirsi Ali, speaking from experience, is also ruining the lives of so many girls in London.





adjective: abhorrent
  1. inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant.
    “racial discrimination was abhorrent to us all”

Rape in Egypt: The Muslim Brotherhood ‘Gets Even’


By on June 17, 2014

Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers recently went on a sexual assault and rape spree in Egypt as a way of “getting even” with those women who dared to celebrate the presidential victory of Abdel Fatteh al-Sisi—the former army chief who overthrew Muslim Brotherhood rule in Egypt.

On June 8, when tens of thousands of Egyptians congregated in Tahrir Square to celebrate Sisi’s inauguration, dozens of women were sexually assaulted and many more harassed. According to a statement later released by the Ministry of Interior, seven men between the ages of 15 and 49 were arrested for sexually assaulting “a number of women.”

One 19-year-old female student was especially brutalized—and videotaped as she was stripped naked and sexually assaulted by a throng of men. (I saw the graphic video on YouTube, though it has since been removed; a much less graphic clip of the initial assault appears here.) A gun-waving police officer eventually managed to rescue the woman from her ordeal, though after sustaining injuries himself.

Sexually harassing or raping those supportive of Sisi by way of “retribution” is not uncommon in Egypt. Earlier, a six-year-old boy was raped by a Muslim Brotherhood member who was “angered” at the child for singing praises to Sisi. He lured the boy into a shed, locked the doors, and proceeded to rape him, while saying, “You’re always holding pictures of this Sisi and singing his praises. Come, I’ll humiliate and break you—and your Sisi.”

Although Western media never specify who is behind these sexual assaults—often citing “the mob”—Hala Sarhan, a popular TV host in Egypt alluded to the ultimate source that legitimizes sexual harassment and rape in Egypt, namely, Islamist preachers and leaders:

What was said to these people [rapists] to brainwash them into think that such violations on the person and body of this young girl [the aforementioned rape victim] were permissible? … I’ll tell you. The one in parliament who said this, is the same as the man who did that… And the one who told that girl that she is an infidel, is the same as the one in parliament who said that it’s permissible to marry a 9-year-old girl [based on the prophet of Islam’s example when he married the girl-child Aisha]. The ones who in the mosques told him that they [women] are in the pits of hell and the lures of Satan—adulteresses, that Satan lives in their bodies… This is what they tell them in the mosques! And they’re so upset now [Islamist preachers] because they can no longer continue to preach like this in the mosques! We thank you minister of religious endowments for stopping this mockery! [The new Egyptian government has cracked down on radical preachers.] Before [under Morsi], every guy that yelled and stomped got himself a pulpit to preach such thoughts into the minds of the youth—and then they went out thinking they are doing jihad. You see, they have this thing in their mind that says “If we curse or attack an infidel, that is jihad”…. Concerning the previous cases of sexual harassment, they [Islamist authorities] told people, “Why did she [any violated woman] leave her house in the first place? She deserves what she got!” They told them, “Your sister needs to be circumcised”; told them, “In the house, beat her and discipline her, break her bones; and if she refuses to have sex with you, saying she’s tired or sick, curse her with the angels till the sun rises.” We allowed these people to fill their minds with such ideas!

Such honesty is reminiscent of an Egyptian op-ed that appeared after a young Coptic woman was murdered by a pro-Brotherhood mob because they identified her as a Christian:

Those who killed the young and vulnerable Mary Sameh George, for hanging a cross in her car, are not criminals, but rather wretches who follow those who legalized for them murder, lynching, dismemberment, and the stripping bare of young Christian girls—without every saying “kill.” [Islamic cleric] Yassir Burhami and his colleagues who announce their hate for Christians throughout satellite channels and in mosques—claiming that hatred of Christians is synonymous with love for Allah—they are the true killers who need to be tried and prosecuted.

At any rate, using sexual harassment and rape to force people to comply with Islamist agendas has a long history, especially in Egypt. In 2011, during the “Arab Spring,” when the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists were released from prison, legitimized and eventually rose to power, sexual harassment skyrocketed, as one graph showed. Moreover, UN research done in 2013, when Morsi was president, suggested that 99.3% of Egyptian women had experienced sexual harassment.

Indeed, in February, 2013, hundreds of Egyptian women took to the streets of Tahrir Square to protest this nonstop harassment. They held slogans like “Silence is unacceptable, my anger will be heard,” and “A safe square for all; Down with sexual harassment.” “Marchers also shouted chants against President Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood group from which he hails,” wrote Al Ahram Online.

The response was more sexual harassment and rapes. One woman was gang-raped for approximately 20 minutes and nearly died. And as Hala Sarhan pointed out, elements from the then Islamist-heavy government under Morsi blamed the women themselves, saying that:

women taking part in protests bear the responsibility of being sexually harassed, [and] describing what happens in some demonstrators’ tents as “prostitution.” Major General Adel Afify, member of the committee representing the Salafi Asala Party, criticized female protesters, saying that they “know they are among thugs. They should protect themselves before requesting that the Interior Ministry does so. By getting herself involved in such circumstances, the woman has 100 percent responsibility.”

Likewise, popular Salafi preacher Abu Islam sarcastically blamed the victims:

“They tell you women are a red line. They tell you that naked women [i.e., not wearing veils or hijabs]—who are going to Tahrir Square because they want to be raped—are a red line! And they ask Morsi and the Brotherhood to leave power!” Abu Islam added that these women activists are going to Tahrir Square not to protest but to be sexually abused because they had wanted to be raped. “They have no shame, no fear and not even feminism. Practice your feminism, sheikha! It is a legitimate right for you to be a woman,” he said. “And by the way, 90 percent of them are crusaders [i.e. Christian Copts] and the remaining 10 percent are widows who have no one to control them. You see women talking like monsters,” he added.

The only silver lining in this cloud of Islamist rape that hovers over Egypt is that the differences between Morsi and his Brotherhood government, and Sisi and the post-Brotherhood government, are already apparent. In response to the endemic sexual harassment in Egypt, the new government

passed a law criminalizing all forms of sexual harassment… A new article, which has been issued into power, adds a harsh punishment to those found guilty of unwanted sexual contact…. Other amended laws, under article 306, declare that those found guilty of verbal sexual harassment in a private or public place will be sentenced to a minimum of six months in prison and fined no less than EGP 3,000 ($US 420).

When I recently asked some analyst colleagues in Egypt if Morsi ever took any such measures against sexual harassment, the quip I received most was along the lines of “Take measures? He was the one ordering sexual harassment against his female critics.”

Still, and in keeping with Western MSM journalism, Sisi, who at least appears to be trying to take some measures against sexual harassment, is now being portrayed by the Guardian in a cynical light—while Morsi who did nothing and whose Islamist allies were responsible for inciting violence against women got a free pass—just like the New York Times recently tried to blame Sisi for the plight of Egypt’s religious minorities, without mentioning that it was often Morsi and the Islamists who put them there in the first place.




Tunisian comfort women go to Syria for ‘sex jihad’

Sexual Jihad: “You lie down with the Devil, you wake up in Hell “.


Pregnant with Aids: Tunisan Girl Recounts Her Sex Jihad in Syria

Other interviewed women have told of how they were “fooled,” or how their husbands (they being one of four wives) divorced and sent them to Syria for the sex jihad, with assurances that they would be guaranteed paradise in the afterlife. One 16-year-old explained how her father ordered her to have sex with several jihadi “liberators.”




New Fatwa Permits Rape of Non-Sunni Women in Syria


Tunisian Comfort Women Go To Syria for Sex Jihad


Egyptian wife rape -  Sheikh Yasser Burhami


Would any God/god(s) permit anything so  ugly and rotten to the core? No! These dirty old mullah-men need to be out to pasture by Muslims themselves. How much money do they get from the Muslim Brotherhood to put out such putrid fawa laws (ye olde penal laws) one might wonder. I see bruises on the forehead and I see a self-destructive psychologically deranged and demented individual, which leaves him an easily manipulated tool, by those in even higher postitions who wish to inflict grave harm on the community as a whole, in order to destabilize for the purpose of grabbing land. These salaried mullahs are enemies of the regular working people.

Christians ‘Most Persecuted Group in World’: Muslim Persecution of Christians, February 2014


By on June 23, 2014

Gatestone Institute

The most historic and emblematic sign of Muslim persecution of Christians returned in February: Christians in Raqqa, Syria, under the occupation of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, which has since consolidated more territory), were given the three classic choices of Islam: 1) convert to Islam or 2) pay jizya (tribute or extortion money, via Koran 9:29) and uphold every condition stipulated in the medieval Conditions of Omar—which include heavy restrictions on Christian worship—or 3) the sword.

According to the BBC, ISIL issued a directive:

citing the Islamic concept of “dhimma”, [which] requires Christians in the city to pay tax of around half an ounce (14g) of pure gold in exchange for their safety. It says Christians must not make renovations to churches, display crosses or other religious symbols outside churches, ring church bells or pray in public. Christians must not carry arms, and must follow other rules imposed by ISIS (also known as ISIL) on their daily lives.

The statement said the group had met Christian representatives and offered them three choices—

  • they could convert to Islam,
  • accept ISIS’ conditions, or
  • reject their control and risk being killed.

“If they reject, they are subject to being legitimate targets, and nothing will remain between them and ISIS other than the sword,” the statement said

And a PEW study confirmed that Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world and that their persecution is occurring primarily throughout the Islamic world. In the category on “Countries with Very High Government Restrictions on Religion,” Pew lists 24 countries—20 of which are Islamic and precisely where the overwhelming majority of “the world’s” Christians are actually being persecuted.

February’s roundup of Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes (but is not limited to) the following accounts, listed by theme and country in alphabetical order, not necessarily according to severity.

Attacks on Christian Churches

Nigeria: Among other church-related atrocities, the Islamic terror group, Boko Haram, attacked a church during Sunday services in the Muslim majority northeast of the nation. According to Christian Today, “They locked the doors before the end of the service and shot at the congregation, slitting the throats of those who tried to escape. They also detonated bombs before going on a four hour rampage, burning houses and taking hostages from the village.”

Sudan: “In what Sudanese Christians believe is part of a campaign by Islamist President Omar al-Bashir to rid the country of Christianity,” reported Morning Star News, “bulldozers accompanied by local police and personnel from the National Intelligence and Security Services destroyed the Sudanese Church of Christ building in the Ombada area of Omdurman, across the River Nile from Khartoum.” According to a local Christian: “The government has confiscated the land where the church was built—please pray for the church to get a place for worship. We had not any prior indication from the officials that the church would be destroyed; they have not even warned us.” The only reason officials gave for demolishing the 300-member church was that it was located in a “Muslim area” and so “not wanted there,” reported one church member. The police officer in charge of demolition reportedly said: “We have orders from above to demolish this church building. We do not want any church in this area.”

Zanzibar: Several churches were attacked in the Muslim majority islands. A bomb that was detonated remotely rocked the entrance of Christ Church Cathedral. The day before, Sunday, February 23, another bomb exploded near the door of the Evangelistic Assemblies of God Zanzibar Church, right before the end of service, causing minor injuries to several worshippers. Earlier, a mob invaded the Sunday service of a Pentecostal Evangelism Fellowship of Africa with the intention of killing the senior pastor; after failing to find him, they beat a visiting clergyman. According to local activists, “Additionally at least 20 churches have been looted and either burnt or demolished by mobs in recent months.”

The Slaughter of Christians

Egypt: One Mahmoud Muhammad Ali went on a rampage near Aswan in Upper Egypt, attacking several Christians, including employees of two Coptic-owned pharmacies and two female students who were walking nearby. One woman was stabbed in the neck and killed and another severely wounded. According to the brother of the slain woman, Madline, 30, “He killed her because she is a Christian. There was nothing else. He was targeting Christian pharmacies. He went and tried to attack a Christian, and when he failed, he went to the next Christian pharmacy.” Human rights activists and Copts also warned that authorities and others were trying “to shift blame away from Ali and establish the groundwork for his defense,” namely, that he is “insane or somehow otherwise mentally incompetent to stand trial, allowing him to escape punishment. The tactic has been employed all too frequently in clear-cut cases of violence against Copts. And because of it, the impunity with which people can attack Christians in Egypt without punishment encourages other attacks.”

Kenya: Lawrence Kazungu Kadenge, 60, a church leader in Mombasa, was killed near his church, Glory of God Ministries Church, for reportedly sharing his faith near a mosque where jihadis were being trained. During the slaying of the pastor, a witness heard one of two suspects say, “Make sure you have killed him—he has been promoting his religion near our mosque.” According to another church leader, “We as the pastors in Mombasa are living in fear because pastors are being eliminated one by one. We need prayers that the church will survive these attacks as we are being targeted by the radical Muslims.” And according to a Mombasa police official, “This is not a mosque for prayers but a base for recruiting Muslim youths to engage in terrorist activities.”

Libya: After Ansar al-Sharia—which appears connected to Egypt’s now ousted Muslim Brotherhood—offered a reward to any Benghazi resident who helps round up and execute the nation’s Coptic Christian residents, seven Copts were identified as Christians, forcibly seized from their homes by “unknown gunmen,” taken out and executed some 20 miles west of Benghazi (graphic pictures appear here).A few days later,another Coptic Christian, Salama Fawzi, 24, was shot in the head while unloading food in front of his grocery stand in Benghazi, again, by several “unknown gunmen.” And the day after that,another corpse was found, believed to be that of a Copt—due to the small cross tattooed on his wrist traditionally worn by Egyptian Christians.

Nigeria: Chanting “Allah is great,” reports the AP, “suspected Islamic militants gunned down dozens of Christian villagers and slit the throats of others” in a Saturday night raid on Izghe village in Borno state, a primarily Christian village in a Muslim majority region of the nation. Over 100 were slaughtered in the attack, including an elderly woman. A local farmer who escaped said the attackers, whom authorities suspect are affiliated with Boko Haram, had gone door-to-door looking for those hiding in their houses: “The attackers came around 9:30 pm in six trucks and some motorcycles. They were dressed in military uniform. They asked men to assemble at a place, and began hacking and slaughtering them.” Gunmen also attacked a fishing village on Lake Chad on Saturday, killing an unspecified number of residents. A survivor said several people drowned in the lake while trying to escape the Islamic gunmen. Separately, more “suspected Islamic militants,” reports the Daily Mail, “killed 43 students in a pre-dawn attack Tuesday on a northeast Nigerian college… The terrorists, thought to be from Boko Haram, set a locked hostel on fire, before shooting and slitting the throats of those who tried to climb out the windows. Some were burned alive.”

Pakistan: A 24-year-old Christian husband and father of two was arrested by police on the false charge of theft and, during the all night interrogation process, “tortured to death” at the police station, according to Asia News. Police tried to conceal their crime, insisting that he had committed suicide by hanging himself. But autopsy results revealed that he died from “serious internal injuries.” Afterwards, the Catholic Church of Pakistan and civil society groups staged a protest against police brutality, adding that, while police brutality in Pakistan is widespread, if a Christian is detained, he “usually is treated worse by police or when he is in prison.”


Indonesia: In South Sumatra province, hundreds of armed Muslim men, led by local Islamic leaders, stormed and forcibly occupied two acres of land owned by the small Christian community. The raid was prompted after local Muslims realized that Christians were planning to build a place of worship; days earlier the ceremony of laying the first stone was held, amid protests from local residents. According to Asia News, “The process for building a church in Indonesia—Catholic or Protestant—is quite complicated and may take five to ten years to obtain all permits required by law… permission must be obtained from a number of [Muslim] residents in the area where the building is to be constructed… And even if the permission is granted ‘unspecified reasons’ can come into play that will lead officials to block the projects. Often, this occurs after pressure from the Muslim community or radical Islamic movements.” And in the Indonesian province of Aceh, a new bylaw appeared mandating that Islamic laws (Sharia) be extended to non-Muslims, the majority of whom are Christian. Elements of Sharia had already been in force but were applied only to Muslims. The new behavior-governing bylaw (Qanun Jinayat) was approved by Aceh’s legislative council and signed by Governor Zaini Abdullah, who said “The qanun [law] does indeed oblige everyone in Aceh to follow sharia without exception. It would be unfair if Muslims were punished while non-Muslims were not, just because sharia violations are not stipulated in the Criminal Code.” Since then, non-Muslim women have been harassed by police for not wearing veils, and men for wearing shorts. Three-time violators of the dress rules could be publicly caned.

Iraq: Reflecting the growing lack of religious freedom and pressures to convert to Islam, “the leaders of the Christian churches in Iraq,” reported News VA, “hope that the right to freely choose one’s own religion when they reach adulthood is guaranteed to all citizens. The Christian leaders issued a document that “asked to explicitly guarantee, at a legal level, the right to freely choose one’s religion, also modifying the existing legislation on the civil status of the child with regards to religious matters.”

Lebanon: Foreign al-Qaeda affiliated jihadis recruiting among Lebanon’s Palestinian camps were “planning to start targeting Lebanese Christians with suicide bombings,” said Mahmoud Abdul-Hamid Issa, the former top security official for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in Lebanon. Also, since the proclamation of Lebanon’s independence, the land belonging to Christians has been reduced by half. According to Agenzia Fides, “The drastic decrease in landed properties belonging to Christians … is also connected with the strong emigration tendencies that characterize the Christian portion of the Lebanese population”—Christian emigration being a growing phenomenon in the Islamic world in recent years. And due to several estate policies, “almost all of the lands sold during those years increased from Christian owners to Muslim owners. Several legislative proposals have been presented in parliament to try to block the erosion of the land ownership of Christians in Lebanon.”

Malaysia: A Christian cemetery was attacked and desecrated in the middle of the night by unknown persons in the Muslim majority nation. “Local witnesses said that some gravestones were completely smashed, and some crosses were broken. Flowerpots and other stone markers were also broken. It seems that perpetrators used a heavy tool to do the damage,” reports Asia News: “The cemetery attack is the latest in a series of incidents against the Catholic community in Malaysia, where religious tensions have been on the rise.”

Nigeria: A Muslim man kicked his wife of 16 years out of their home after he learned that she had converted to Christianity and was attending church on Sunday—and the local court agreed with his actions. According to the judge, Alhaji Lawal Munir, “Islamic legal system (Sharia) provided that a mere denouncement [or “renouncement”] of Islam by any of the parties automatically dissolved a marriage.”

Pakistan: After Christians refused to sell their properties to local Muslim businessmen, the Muslims “hatched a plan to drive out Christian families residing there by alleging blasphemy.” Sawan Masih, of the Christian Joseph Colony, was first to be scapegoated. The businessmen put up banners accusing him of blaspheming the Muslim prophet Muhammad and announcements were made in local mosques that “a Christian man had committed blasphemy.” According to the Christian, “They played on religious sentiments of the neighbours… registered a case against me and set the colony [including 200 houses] on fire.” Masih also said the police were involved: “Police caused alarm among the Christians who were advised to leave the colony to save their lives.” And in a note to Agenzia Fides, the Anglican Bishop of Karachi signified the deteriorating condition of non-Muslim minorities in the country: “Religious minorities in Pakistan, and especially Christians, have become the constant target of masses of extremists…. Over the last few years religious minorities have been targeted, their villages burned, accused in false cases of blasphemy, victims of intimidation, forced marriages and forced conversions…. When a Christian is accused of blasphemy, the people of a neighborhood gather to punish the culprit, burning him alive or lynching him. The police and the government have never punished such acts.” The Bishop also pointed to “a new, subtle form of psychological pressure: the extremists target Christians and try to extort money from them by threatening a fatwa against them, using the Islamic religion to blackmail.”

Sudan: Authorities seized a Christian pastor as he was preaching during Sunday service and threatened that he would “face justice” unless he resigned his position. “They arrested me in a very shameful way and threw me in the car,” said the pastor. According to Morning Star News, this move is “part of a government plan to take over properties of the church’s denomination, the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church (SPEC).” Earlier, for example, “plain-clothes police officials raided the offices of the SPEC in Omdurman in what church leaders called a bid to take over the property. Without permission from government authorities, the officers entered the church compound and chased SPEC pastors and others out of the offices, a Christian leader said… Since April 2012, a SPEC compound in Khartoum has been subject to attempted takeovers and attacks by Islamic extremists.”

About this Series

The persecution of Christians in the Islamic world has become endemic. Accordingly, “Muslim Persecution of Christians” was developed to collate some—by no means all—of the instances of persecution that surface each month. It serves two purposes:

1) To document that which the mainstream media does not: the habitual, if not chronic, persecution of Christians.

2) To show that such persecution is not “random,” but systematic and interrelated—that it is rooted in a worldview inspired by Islamic Sharia.

Accordingly, whatever the anecdote of persecution, it typically fits under a specific theme, including hatred for churches and other Christian symbols; apostasy, blasphemy, and proselytism laws that criminalize and sometimes punish with death those who “offend” Islam; sexual abuse of Christian women; forced conversions to Islam; theft and plunder in lieu of jizya (financial tribute expected from non-Muslims); overall expectations for Christians to behave like cowed dhimmis, or second-class, “tolerated” citizens; and simple violence and murder. Sometimes it is a combination thereof.

Because these accounts of persecution span different ethnicities, languages, and locales—from Morocco in the West, to Indonesia in the East—it should be clear that one thing alone binds them: Islam—whether the strict application of Islamic Sharia law, or the supremacist culture born of it.

Previous Reports:



According to the BBC, ISIL issued a directive:

citing the Islamic concept of “dhimma”, [which] requires Christians in the city to

  • pay tax of around half an ounce (14g) of pure gold in exchange for their safety. It says
  • Christians must not make renovations to churches, display crosses or other religious symbols outside churches, ring church bells or pray in public.
  • Christians must not carry arms, and must follow other rules imposed by ISIS (also known as ISIL) on their daily lives.


These Islamic Dhimmi Sharia Laws remind me of the Statutes of Kilkenny Laws or the Penal Laws (Popery Codes} against the Irish Catholic indigents by the English Crown (and their bankers aka adventurers, merchants aka corporatists. Apparently the Norman (and Viking) invaders were supposed to control the “wild Irishrie,” not adopt their language, dress, customs, law, and marry Irish women. So in an attempt to stop the Normans from “going native,” the crown under Edward III promulgated the Statutes of Kilkenny. They were drawnn up at the time because the invaders were becoming more Irish than the Irish themselves which left the English Crown w/o a loyal following. Sharia was of course, prior to the famines, destruction, devastation, and total annilihation of the Irish Catholic people by the english. Did the English via their Orientatist travellers copy the horrific ways of the Islamists against Christians which is demonstrated in what the English did against the Irish Catholics, dunno, but their outcomes were very similar – ethnic cleansing, destabilization, and those loyal to the Koran, Kings and Queens left unscathed – only those who had “aristocratic connections” became rich along with the Crown. (Henry VIII and Elizabeth I were also into destabilization via their Penal Laws.)

When one reads back on history, one finds that only the methodology has changed along with the faces, aristocratic names of companies, banks etc.Why change the inner workings that has been working for thousands of years.

Bottomline: If left alone people tend to become emershed within the culture – only those who would lose from such unification would want to change this peaceful existence.

Americans say the USA should “mind its own business” in foreign affairs reached a 50 yr. high (Obama surveys abysmal)


Obama Hits Record Lows On Foreign Policy Approval
Support for a Rand Paul-like non-interventionist stance now at a half-century high
Obama Hits Record Lows On Foreign Policy Approval

by Steve Watson June 24, 2014

Fresh surveys released today indicate that most Americans have finally realised that the Obama Administration’s foreign policy really doesn’t differ all that much from that of the interventionist Neocons that proceeded it.

A New York Times/CBS News poll finds that 52 percent of Americans do not approve of Obama’s handling of the escalating violence in Iraq. Only 37 percent approve.

“I voted for him because he said, ‘Give me four more years and I will fix everything,’ but nothing is being fixed,” Michelle Roberts, 34, a Democrat rom Salem, Mass., told The New York Times.

The same poll also indicated that 58 percent of Americans disapprove of Obama’s foreign policy in general. That number represents a huge 10 point jump in the last month, and is higher than at any point during his five years in office so far.

The poll also concluded that almost one third of Democrats do not approve of the President’s handling of foreign policy.

A separate Washington Post-ABC News poll also finds that 52 percent disapprove of Obama’s handling of the situation in Iraq, the first time in Obama’s tenure that disapproval over Iraq has outpaced approval.

The survey finds that strong negative sentiment on the matter is now outpacing strong approval by 2 to 1 (34 to 17 percent).

The survey also found that almost two-thirds of the public opposes sending U.S. ground forces to combat ISIS terrorists.

Meanwhile, despite what Dick Cheney would have American’s believe, Rand Paul’s non-interventionist foreign policy is winning over the hearts and minds of Republican voters.

Washington Post writer Aaron Blake, presents a plethora of empirical evidence in a piece today that indicates GOP supporters are tired of America acting as the world’s policeman, and are coming round to the notion that U.S. foreign policy is fomenting extremism in the Middle East.


Blake notes the percentage of Americans saying that the United States should “mind its own business” in foreign affairs reached a half-century high in 2013, with around half — 52 percent in a Pew poll — agreeing with the notion, and only 38 percent disagreeing. infowars.com 


It’s insane that this incompetent, corrupt, lying, snake in the grass, could have some people still supporting him.

DHS: Has Homeland Security Become America’s Standing Army? (National Police Force)



 Obama speaking OPENLY about the need for creating a “Civilian National Security Force” just as powerful as the military:

► Obama arming DHS to the teeth: 450 Million rounds of hollow-point bullets and another 175 million .223 caliber rifle ammo massive ammunition purchase:
(UPDATE: Now up to 2 BILLION rounds… for perspective: we only shot 5.5 million rounds/month during the Iraq war. 2 Billion = 24 year “Iraq War”. Update story: http://bit.ly/Vrc5gf).

► DHS Buys 7000 assault rifles:

► DHS Buys 2500 armored fighting vehicles:

► DHS Buys millions of dollars worth of target practice posters with pictures of armed civilians (including: pregnant women, elderly, children etc.) from a company named “Law Enforcement Training, Inc.”:


Contact your REPS in Congress and demand answers!
202-224-3121 Senate, 202-225-3121 House



MC->Alliant Techsystems – ATK Systems:





Has Homeland Security Become America’s Standing Army?

Posted: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 5:00 am

The third-argest federal agency behind the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense, the DHS — with its 240,000 full-time workers, $61 billion budget and sub-agencies that include the

  • Coast Guard,
  • Customs and Border Protection,
  • Secret Service,
  • Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and the
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) —

has been aptly dubbed a “runaway train.” With good reason, a bipartisan bill to provide greater oversight and accountability into the DHS’ purchasing process has been making its way through Congress.

A better plan would be to abolish the DHS altogether. The menace of a national police force, aka a standing army, vested with so much power cannot be overstated, nor can its danger be ignored. Indeed, as the following list shows, just about every nefarious deed, tactic or thuggish policy advanced by the government today can be traced back to the DHS, its police state mindset, and the billions of dollars it distributes to police agencies in the form of grants.

  • Militarizing police and SWAT teams. The DHS routinely hands out six-figure grants to enable local municipalities to purchase military-style vehicles, as well as a veritable war chest of weaponry, ranging from tactical vests, bomb-disarming robots, assault weapons and combat uniforms. This rise in military equipment purchases funded by the DHS has, according to analysts Andrew Becker and G.W. Schulz, “paralleled an apparent increase in local SWAT teams.”
  • Spying on activists, dissidents and veterans. In 2009, DHS released three infamous reports on right-wing and left-wing “Extremism,” and another entitled Operation Vigilant Eagle, outlining a surveillance program targeting veterans. The reports collectively and broadly define extremists as individuals and groups “that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely.”
  • Stockpiling ammunition. DHS, along with other government agencies, has been stockpiling an alarming amount of ammunition in recent years, which only adds to the discomfort of those already leery of the government. As of 2013, DHS had 260 million rounds of ammo in stock, which averages out to between 1,300 to 1,600 rounds per officer. The U.S. Army, in contrast, has roughly 350 rounds per soldier.
  • Distributing license plate readers. DHS has already distributed more than $50 million in grants to enable local police agencies to acquire license plate readers, which rely on mobile cameras to photograph and identify cars, match them against a national database, and track their movements.
  • Tracking cellphones with Stingray devices. Distributed to local police agencies as a result of grants from the DHS, these Stingray devices enable police to track individuals’ cellphones — and their owners — without a court warrant or court order.
  • Carrying out military drills and lockdowns in American cities. Each year, DHS funds military-style training drills in cities across the country. These Urban Shield exercises, elaborately staged with their own set of professionally trained crisis actors playing the parts of shooters, bystanders and victims, fool law enforcement officials, students, teachers, bystanders and the media into thinking it’s a real crisis.
  • Using the TSA as an advance guard. The TSA now searches a variety of government and private databases, including things like car registrations and employment information, in order to track travelers before they ever get near an airport.
  • Carrying out soft target checkpoints. VIPR task forces, comprised of federal air marshals, surface transportation security inspectors, transportation security officers, behavior detection officers and explosive detection K-9 teams, have laid the groundwork for the government’s effort to secure so-called “soft” targets such as malls, stadiums, bridges, etc.
  • Conducting widespread spying networks using fusion centers. Data collecting agencies spread throughout the country, aided by the National Security Agency, fusions centers — of which there are at least 78 scattered around the U.S. — constantly monitor our communications, collecting and cataloguing everything from our Internet activity and web searches to text messages, phone calls and emails. This data is then fed to government agencies, which are now interconnected: The CIA to the FBI, the FBI to local police.
  • Carrying out Constitution-free border control searches. On orders from the DHS, the government’s efforts along the border have become little more than an exercise in police state power, ranging from aggressive checkpoints to the widespread use of drone technology, often used against American citizens traveling within the country.
  • Funding city-wide surveillance cameras. As Charlie Savage reports for the Boston Globe, the DHS has funneled “millions of dollars to local governments nationwide for purchasing high-tech video camera networks, accelerating the rise of a ‘surveillance society’ in which the sense of freedom that stems from being anonymous in public will be lost.”
  • Utilizing drones and other spybots. The DHS has been at the forefront of funding and deploying surveillance robots and drones for land, sea and air, including robots that resemble fish and tunnel-bots that can travel underground.

It’s not difficult to see why the DHS has been described as a “wasteful, growing, fear-mongering beast.” If it is a beast, however, it is a beast that is accelerating our nation’s transformation into a police state through its establishment of a standing army, aka national police force.

This, too, is nothing new. Historically, as I show in my book “A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State,” the establishment of a national police force has served as a fundamental and final building block for every totalitarian regime that has ever wreaked havoc on humanity, from Hitler’s all-too-real Nazi Germany to George Orwell’s fictional Oceania. Whether fictional or historical, however, the calling cards of these national police agencies remain the same: brutality, inhumanity, corruption, intolerance, rigidity and bureaucracy — in other words, evil.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His latest book, “A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State” (SelectBooks), is available online at www.amazon.com. He can be contacted at johnw@rutherford.org. wmicentral.com

Bush w/ his bipartisan support from the usual crooks…


The United States of SWAT – Federal Agencies

Obama Promised a ‘Civilian National Security Force’ – Today There Are Over 120,000 Armed Federal

Hitler vs


I remember my initial reaction to the term “Homeland” was one of shock….

“An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to insure our domestic security and protect our homeland.”  – Adolph Hitler – when he was lobbying for the German Gestapo.


Everything under the sun in now in the name of our “safety” yet both borders are wide open. Yeah, wide open to any non-citizen who wishes to cross! The airports on the other hand – where actual American citizens travel daily….are getting more and more difficult to cross.

Okay, keep the borders wide open to all and sundry but be fair and give the citizens of the USA the same freedom.

Flu Symptoms Could Prove Deadly To The Taliban Five



Lets first begin with the new CubeSat Technology Tracking

The United States government defines terrorism as “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents”.

Terrorist groups are difficult to identify and track. Unlike military units or agents, a terrorist’s affiliation with a particular country or ideology doesn’t have to be official. Terrorists may operate with or without the knowledge of any official authority.

The anonymity and mobility of terrorists is part of what makes them so dangerous. It’s also difficult to apply political pressure to stop terrorist activities. While one government might be able to gather international support to pressure another government to end hostile activities, there are few political channels a government can pursue to curtail terrorism.

When it comes to keeping tabs on terrorists, the U.S. military is discovering small is beautiful.


The Cube-Sat is smaller than a child's lunchbox

U.S. Special Operations is looking to use mini-satellites to keep tabs on terror suspects.

The military disclosed last month that it had tested a group of small satellites, known as CubeSats.

Space-based trackers are part of the military’s growing emphasis on “high-value target” missions.

The U.S. military is developing a new technology to find and track terror suspects — small satellites, known as CubeSats, which can be quickly and inexpensively built and launched.

“Orbital assets can provide persistent, worldwide coverage — anywhere, anytime,” Wes Ticer, spokesman with the U.S. Special Operations Command at Florida’s MacDill Air Force Base, told Discovery News.

The Special Operations Command is evaluating the results of its CubeSat debut run in December. The miniature satellites, which can fit in the palm of your hand, launched aboard the Space Exploration Technologies’ Falcon 9 rocket that put the company’s first Dragon capsule into orbit.

“This effort was a proof-of-concept technology demonstration,”

NanoTope-Technology Tracking


With the advent of Nano Technology and Radio Isotope advances, scientists have developed a tracking code which is absorbed into the body via transfusions of a nanotope, developed under a top secret defense contract.

The Tracking isopope enters the molecular constitution of the body and is accelerated by natural electrical impulses of the body. This Nanotope Tracking Technology is said to provide an extremely strong signal.

Special Operations (USSOCOM) Command in Tampa Florida has received the tasking to track via recent Nanotope technology five Terrorists recently released from JTF Gitmo Guantanamo Bay. Unfortunately they were among the group treated for severe dehydration due to the Flu via IV re-hydration. Tracking will be accomplished via new Perseus devices recently placed in space.


Smile Boys – You’re on SOC Camera!

Past tests have proven very effective.

If this final test proves successful, the release of more suspected terrorists from Gitmo will be scheduled, after being tagged with the Nanotope. That darned Flu!


This article was first published in the Black Ops Reporter Newsletter 1 June 2014

Visit Chip Tatum’s Website Here Click

Source:Veterans Today


More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CubeSats

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