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Smashing Pumpkins: Billy Corgan Responds to Anderson CIA Cooper Hit Piece

Singer issues sharp rebuke in the form of strongly-worded t-shirt
Billy Corgan Responds to Anderson CIA Cooper Hit Piece

Image Credits: dido, Flickr

by Adan Salazar | Infowars.com | November 28, 2014

CNN anchor and former CIA intern Anderson Cooper recently took aim at The Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan for having the audacity to use his celebrity status in the name of good.


On a recent segment of Anderson Cooper 360 (see bottom of article), the Yale alumnus took Corgan to the proverbial woodshed because the 1979 singer dared to appear on the cover of PAWS Chicago magazine, a publication which focuses on trying to reduce the killing rate of homeless animals in the city by promoting pet adoption.

Despite Corgan’s music career being far from over, Cooper told his meager audience it appeared as though the Pumpkins’ singer was becoming out of touch with what it means to be a “rock star”:

“So perhaps Billy Corgan is I don’t know, off his alternative rocker, but I think maybe there’s more to this. Maybe he’s being ironic, or maybe when the cool rock stars start doing less rock starry things, it kind of makes us face our own mortality. See I want R.E.M. to stay just the way I know and love them, I don’t want ‘Everybody Hurts’ to suddenly be used in an Excedrin commercial. I don’t ever want to see a product called Eddie Vedder’s Prune Jam. I want to see neither Stephen Malkmus nor Thom Yorke on the cover of AARP Magazine.” – Pitchfork.com

Corgan, understandably taken aback by the out-of-left-field attack, fired back at the silver-haired propagandist on Twitter, defending his effort to try and help animals and labeling Cooper a “globalist shill.”

Billy Corgan @Billy

@andersoncooper Sorry to disappoint, but when I’m not raising cain for a great organization like @PAWSchicago, I’m still making REAL music. 11:07 PM – 30 Oct 2014

Billy Corgan @Billy

@andersoncooper I realize you’re too busy being a globalist shill to know the difference, but there are those of us who do as we like 11:10 PM – 30 Oct 2014

View image on Twitter

Sarah Petty@SupaFlySarah

Hope everyones rockin the tee at the @SmashingPumpkin‘s concert tonite! With @MrThomandSammi! 9:37 PM – 26 Nov 2014

View image on Twitter


Hey, @andersoncooper, come visit us & see why celebs support @PAWSChicago‘s life-saving work. http://bit.ly/1whrpyi  6:37 PM – 30 Oct 2014


Speaking exclusively to Infowars, Corgan made it clear that Cooper’s attack was a desperate attempt to try and blur the line between right and wrong:

“This piece as ran shows that nothing is sacred, as hacks like that celebrate death on one hand, and create false moralistic narratives on the other. And when you go after people defending the innocent, in this case rescue animals, they create moral equivalents that have nothing [in common] with what most people believe in: which is love as an absolute and truth as a given.”

Given Corgan’s propensity for speaking truth to power, Cooper’s so-called analysis comes off as an underhanded smear attempt, especially in light of the fact that The Smashing Pumpkins are getting set to release their new album Monuments to an Elegy next month.

Corgan, for instance, has been known to give thought-provoking, illusion-shattering interviews to independent media personalities such as Alex Jones.

The fact that Cooper has ignored numerous other celebrities who have also tried to help the organization makes his attack all the more suspicious. But then again the CNN anchor and great-great grandson of robber baron Cornelius “Commodore” Vanderbilt has long been suspected of being a CIA operative.

From a 2006 article on entertainment website Radar Online, entitled Anderson Cooper’s CIA Secret:

“Following his sophomore and junior years at Yale—a well-known recruiting ground for the CIA—Cooper spent his summers interning at the agency’s monolithic headquarters in Langley, Virginia, in a program for students interested in intelligence work. His involvement with the agency ended there, and he chose not to pursue a job with the agency after graduation, according to a CNN spokeswoman, who confirmed details of Cooper’s CIA involvement to Radar.”

“Or did he?” questions Infowars’ Kurt Nimmo. “As revealed during the Church Committee investigation in 1975, the CIA had a long-standing relationship with the corporate media, dubbed ‘Operation Mockingbird’ by Deborah Davis, former Village Voice writer and author of Katherine The Great (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1991). In her book, Davis quotes Philip Graham, the late editor Washington Post, as saying: ‘You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month.’ Of course, Cooper, a bona fide Ritchie Rich, doesn’t need a couple hundred dollars a month, but may be doing the CIA’s work for other reasons, or he may be ‘owned’ by the spook agency, as Frank Wisner and Allen Dulles owned ‘respected members of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles, plus stringers,’ according to a CIA source cited by Davis (see Alex Constantine, Tales from the Crypt: The Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird).”

Indeed, very few, if any, would consider saving pets from certain death a bad thing. Only in the upside down, bizarro world purveyed by leftist, establishment media talking heads like Cooper is taking time out of one’s life to help rescue animals considered “less rock starry,” whatever that means.



Interesting interview.


Smashing Pumpkins – 1979


Preview Smashing Pumpkins New Album – Monuments to an Elegy

Spain: Tens of Thousands of Pro-Lifers Rally to Protest Abortion


3D Ultrasound 29 weeks, A New Conception 3D Ultrasound Studio.wmv

3D Ultrasound 30 weeks Yawning baby A New Conception 3D

by Sarah Zagorski | Madrid, Spain | LifeNews.com | 11/26/14

Last Saturday, tens of thousands of people participated in a demonstration in Madrid protesting their government’s decision to end efforts to ban abortion except for cases of rape and incest. The theme of the pro-life march was “Every Life Matters,” and 500 buses brought people from all over the country to peacefully stand for life.





In September, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, went back on a promise made by his Popular Party to reverse legalized abortion through the first 14 weeks of pregnancy and up to 22 weeks if the baby is found to have “serious deformations.”

In 2010, Socialist leader, Rodriguez Zapatero, worked to pass a law that declared abortion as a “right” and he did all he could to promote abortion. The law also allowed 16- and 17-year old minors to receive abortions without parental consent.

The Popular Party, which usually sides with the Roman Catholic Church on social issues, responded and said, “We will change the current legislation model relating to abortion in order to reinforce the protection of the right to life as well as female minors.” The text went on to say, “Motherhood must be protected and supported. We will defend a law protecting motherhood with measures helping pregnant women, in particular those in difficult situations.”

Demonstrators hold a banner reading 'live and let live' during a march against abortion in Madrid on September 22, 2014. Tens of thousands of Spaniards rallied in Madrid today, threatening to punish the government in elections next year unless it revives a plan to restrict women's access to abortion. Demonstrators of all ages from across the country marched through the capital, whistling angrily as they passed the headquarters of the ruling Popular Party. AFP PHOTO/ DANI POZO

Demonstrators hold a banner reading ‘live and let live’ during a march against abortion in Madrid on September 22, 2014. Tens of thousands of Spaniards rallied in Madrid today, threatening to punish the government in elections next year unless it revives a plan to restrict women’s access to abortion. Demonstrators of all ages from across the country marched through the capital, whistling angrily as they passed the headquarters of the ruling Popular Party. AFP Photo/ Dani Pozo

As LifeNews previously reported, the failure of the pro-life legislation caused Spain’s Justice Minister, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon, to resign from his position. When Mr. Gallardon was asked what he would do next he said, “I’m not leaving to take up any other political post. After being Mayor of Madrid, First Minister of Madrid and now Justice Minister, my political life is over.” The ProLife Alliance has welcomed the minister’s principled resignation but laments the failure to tighten abortion law in Spain.

Anti-abortion supporters take part in a march in Madrid on September 22, 2014. Tens of thousands of Spaniards rallied in Madrid today, threatening to punish the government in elections next year unless it revives a plan to restrict women's access to abortion. Demonstrators of all ages from across the country marched through the capital, whistling angrily as they passed the headquarters of the ruling Popular Party. AFP PHOTO/ DANI POZO

Anti-abortion supporters take part in a march in Madrid on September 22, 2014. Tens of thousands of Spaniards rallied in Madrid today, threatening to punish the government in elections next year unless it revives a plan to restrict women’s access to abortion. Demonstrators of all ages from across the country marched through the capital, whistling angrily as they passed the headquarters of the ruling Popular Party. AFP Photo/ Dani Pozo

Previously, the Justice Minister made pro-life statements and specifically commented on aborting disabled babies. He said “I do not understand why the unborn are unprotected, permitting them to be aborted, because of the fact that they have some kind of handicap or deformity,” he said. “It seems to me to be ethically inconceivable we have lived so long with this legislation, and I think that the same level of protection that is given to an unborn child without any type of handicap or deformity should be given to those that are verified as lacking some of the abilities that other unborn children have.”

Unfortunately, since 1985 Spain’s had over a million abortions and the city of Madrid has become known as the abortion capital since so many women travel there for abortion.



This is wonderful. Well done Spain! :)


Abortion is Killing – Science says so

This is a human being. It has a quantifiable human genetic code
and independent, self-perpetuating cellular metabolic activity that will
continue from the moment of conception to 80 years of age watching
their grandchildren play on their front lawn. Science says so. (Credit:
iStockphoto/Chris Downie) read more:

Viral Video: New Born Baby Does Not Want To Leave Her Mother

Viral Video of Baby in Amniotic Sac – Shows Humanity of Unborn Babies



British Abortion Industry Wants Radical Law Prohibiting Pro-Life Free Speech


by Sarah Zagorski | London, England | LifeNews.com | 11/28/14

According to the BBC, the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) is calling for a law to move pro-life protestors ten metres or 33 feet away from abortion facilities in the United Kingdom.

The BPAS launched a campaign called “Back Off”, which asks the government to create access zones to prevent women from coming in contact with pro-lifers on the sidewalks. This measure would be similar to the “buffer zone” law abortion proponents passed in Massachusetts in 2007.

freespeech2However, earlier this year the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the law because the judges believed it was “inconsistent with the First Amendment,” and it “restricts access to ‘public way[s]’ and ‘sidewalk[s],’ places that have traditionally been open for speech activities.”

In the United Kingdom one of the most prominent pro-life groups is Abort67 and they work through education to help women make an informed decision about abortion. The group utilizes images of aborted babies and presents fetal models to depict various stages of a child’s development in the womb. Although some people think images shouldn’t be used in front of clinics, Ruth Rawlins, the group’s leader, believes women have the right to know everything before having an abortion.

She said: “We’re just here to show the truth, firstly, about abortion, and what abortion does to the pre-born child. The images are disgusting, we don’t like looking at these images, but the reason that they are so offensive can only be because the act of abortion is so offensive. So we’re simply showing the public the service that BPAS are providing.”

She continued, “We’ve said to BPAS before we’ll happily close down the display, never display outside a clinic again if they will show the women the pre-born child before the abortion and the pre-born child, you know, after the abortion. We believe that this will give them an informed choice and then there’s no need for us to stand there.”

One woman named Susan Briggs shared with the BBC the positive impact Abort67 had on her. After speaking with one of their counselors, she decided to keep her baby. Briggs said. “They took me to a coffee shop, they bought me tea and I said I would go home and try to think about it. I tried not to listen to them, but they were praying for me and I was crying and shaking. The way they talked to me gave me faith and their encouragement made me decide to keep the baby.”

Unfortunately, when a woman walks into an abortion facility she may not find out that abortion has risks; or that the life growing with her already has a heartbeat, fingernails and a different genetic code than that of its mother. This is why it is critical that pro-lifers oppose this law and continue sharing with women the truth about abortion in the United Kingdom.



We Kill Children in Abortions, Why Are We Shocked When Hospitals Incinerate Them for Heat?

Are British Doctors Following Belgium in Euthanizing Sick Children?


An informed decision should involve giving those who seek abortion a choice to see an untrasound of their unborn baby.


BREAKING: NYT Reporter Who Published #DarrenWilson Address Calling Cops Nonstop


Follow-up on NYTimes story – initial report below:

November 29, 2014 by


The New York Times journalist who published Darren Wilson’s home address wants police protection and has been calling the police nonstop, Gotnews.com has learned.

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Julie Bosman “keeps calling the 20th District station complaining about people harassing and threatening her,” our source told us. She’s also “complaining about numerous food deliveries being sent to her residence.”

Chicago police department sources alerted Gotnews.com about the glaring double standard on Friday.

Gotnews.com published Julie Bosman’s address in Chicago after she published the address of Officer Darren Wilson and his new wife in a widely criticized move.




Initial report in response to the NYTimes article which printed Officer Darren Wilson’s Address:

Here Are the Addresses of the New York Times Journalists Who Posted Darren Wilson’s Address

Posted 11/26/2014 12:40 am by

It didn’t take long for those in the liberal media to post the address information of vindicated Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. However, to one up them, the addresses of the two journalists who did the posting, Julie Bosman and Campbell Robertson, have also been posted in the media.

Here’s the report (with their addresses) as written up by Charles Johnson of gotnews.com:

New York Times reporters Julie Bosman and Campbell Robertson published the address of Darren Wilson in the New York Times so here are their addresses.

GotNews.com strenuously objects to publishing the addresses of individuals who are being targeted with death threats.

GotNews.com published the address of Ebola patient Nina Pham so that people could avoid going to her Houston apartment.

But it would also be wrong to publish the addresses of journalists without their consent.

It would be wrong, for example, to publish Bosman’s address at

CHICAGO, IL 60660-4204

It would be similarly wrong to publish the address of Robertson, too.

NEW ORLEANS, LA 70119-3203

So why do journalists think they are beyond examination?

How does it advance the story to know where Darren Wilson and his newly wed live?


So why do journalists think they are beyond examination?

How does it advance the story to know where Darren Wilson and his newly wed live?


Good questions. Officer Darren Wilson’ life has been threatened, and these two NYT reporters published his address. Why? I can think of no other reason than to get him killed. They should both be fired!





Ukraine Admits Its Gold Is Gone: “There Is Almost No Gold Left In The Central Bank Vault”



Back in March, at a time when the IMF reported that Ukraine’s official gold holdings as of the end of February, so just as the State Department-facilitated coup against former president Victor Yanukovich was concluding, amounted to 42.3 tonnes or 8% of reserves…

… and notably under the previous “hated” president, Ukraine gold’s reserves had constantly increased hitting a record high just before the presidential coup…

… we reported of a strange incident that took place just after the Ukraine presidential coup, namely that according to at least one source, “in a mysterious operation under the cover of night, Ukraine’s gold reserves were promptly loaded onboard an unmarked plane, which subsequently took the gold to the US.” To wit:

Tonight, around at 2:00 am, an unregistered transport plane took off took off from Boryspil airport. According to Boryspil staff, prior to the plane’s appearance, four trucks and two cargo minibuses arrived at the airport all with their license plates missing. Fifteen people in black uniforms, masks and body armor stepped out, some armed with machine guns. These people loaded the plane with more than forty heavy boxes.

After this, several mysterious men arrived and also entered the plane. The loading was carried out in a hurry. After unloading, the plateless cars immediately left the runway, and the plane took off on an emergency basis.

Airport officials who saw this mysterious “special operation” immediately notified the administration of the airport, which however strongly advised them “not to meddle in other people’s business.”

Later, the editors were called by one of the senior officials of the former Ministry of Income and Fees, who reported that, according to him, tonight on the orders of one of the “new leaders” of Ukraine, all the gold reserves of the Ukraine were taken to the United States.

Needless to say there was no official confirmation of any of this taking place, and in fact our report, in which we mused if the “price of Ukraine’s liberation” was the handover of its gold to the Fed at a time when Germany was actively seeking to repatriate its own physical gold located at the bedrock of the NY Fed, led to the usual mainstream media mockery.

Until now.

In an interview on Ukraine TV, none other than the head of the Ukraine Central Bank made the stunning admission that “in the vaults of the central bank there is almost no gold left. There is a small amount of gold bullion left, but it’s just 1% of reserves.”


As Ukraina further reports, this stunning revelation means that not only has Ukraine been quietly depleting its gold throughout the year, but that the latest official number, according to which Ukraine gold was 8 times greater than the reported 1%, was fabricated, and that the real number is about 90% lower.

According to official statistics the NBU, the amount of gold in the vaults should be eight times more than is actually in stock. At the beginning of this month, the volume of gold was about $ 1 billion, or 8% of the total gold reserves. Now this is just one percent.

Of course, considering the official reserve data at the Central Bank has been clearly fabricated, one wonders just how long ago the actual gold “dmsplacement” took place.

We get some additional information from Rusila:

According to recent data, the value of Ukraine gold should be $988.7 million. That is the value of gold proportion of gold in gold reserves is 8%. If you believe Gontareva, it turns out there is a mere $123.6 million in gold remaining.

The figure is fantastic, considering that the amount of gold at the end of February (when the new authorities have already taken key positions) was $1.8 billion or 12% of the reserves.

In other words, since the beginning of the year gold reserves dropped almost 16 times. Gold stock in February were approximately 21 tons of gold, the presence of which was once proudly reported by Sergei Arbuzov, who led the NBU in 2010-2012. So what happened to 20.8 tons of gold?

Explaining the dramatic reduction in the context of the hryvnia devaluation through gold sales is impossible. After all, 92% of the reserves of the National Bank is in the form of a foreign currency that is much easier to use to maintain hryvnia levels and cover current liabilities. Besides since March the international price of gold has plummeted. Selling ??gold under such circumstances is a crime. In fact it would be more expedient to increase gold reserves through currency conversion in precious metals.

But apparently the result is not due to someone’s negligence or carelessness. The gold reserve has been actively carted out of the country, as a result of the very vague economic and political prospects of Ukraine. Something similar happened to the gold reserves of the USSR – when the Gorbachev elite realized that perestroika is leading the country to the abyss, gold simply disappeared in an unknown direction.

The article’s conclusion:

As history shows, the reduction of the gold reserves in the context of an acute political crisis is usually preceded by the collapse of the state.

Oddly enough there was no official gold reduction just prior to the time when Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland was planning Yanukovich’s ouster, and as shown above, quite the contrary. It is a little more odd that it was during the period when Ukraine was “supported” by its western allies that several billion dollars worth of physical gold – the people’s gold – just “vaporized.”

In any event, now that the disappearance of Ukraine’s gold has been confirmed, perhaps it is time to refresh the “unconfirmed” story that a little after the current Ukraine regime took power the bulk of Ukraine’s gold was taken to the United States.

As of this writing, The NY Fed has still not answered our March request for a comment whether Ukraine’s gold has been redomiciled at the gold vault located some 80 feet below Liberty 33. Zerohedge


God for the Rulers; Paper for the Serfs

Rule of thumb:

Rothchilds = Gold; Rockefellers = Oil; Oppenheimer/Rhodes-De Beers = Diamonds


The people of the US would also like their gold back…Where is the best place to store gold? Leave it in the mountains – aren’t you billionaires supposed to be all about the environment and land conservation?!




“Gold Is A 6,000 Year Old Bubble” – Citi’s Dutch Strategist Throws Up All Over Gold, Days After Dutch Gold Repatriation

Was The Price Of Ukraine’s “Liberation” The Handover Of Its Gold To The Fed?

Ukraine is among top 50 world gold holders

Regime Change in Ukraine and the IMF’s Bitter “Economic Medicine” – more: http://mediachecker.wordpress.com/?s=ukraine

Is The Perfect Storm Coming For Gold?

At least 5 gold mines in Malaysia are under foreign listed companies

Gold in the Egyptian South (Arab Spring – watch your country’s resources)

Top Ten Reasons to Oppose the IMF (cliff notes)

Christine Lagarde – current selected boss

What is the IMF?

Also available as a
pre-formatted flier.
(PDF 35kb)

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were created in 1944 at a conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, and are now based in Washington, DC. The IMF was originally designed to promote international economic cooperation and provide its member countries with short term loans so they could trade with other countries (achieve balance of payments). Since the debt crisis of the 1980’s, the IMF has assumed the role of bailing out countries during financial crises (caused in large part by currency speculation in the global casino economy) with emergency loan packages tied to certain conditions, often referred to as structural adjustment policies (SAPs). The IMF now acts like a global loan shark, exerting enormous leverage over the economies of more than 60 countries. These countries have to follow the IMF’s policies to get loans, international assistance, and even debt relief. Thus, the IMF decides how much debtor countries can spend on education, health care, and environmental protection. The IMF is one of the most powerful institutions on Earth — yet few know how it works.

  1. The IMF has created an immoral system of modern day colonialism that SAPs the poor

    The IMF — along with the WTO and the World Bank — has put the global economy on a path of greater inequality and environmental destruction. The IMF’s and World Bank’s structural adjustment policies (SAPs) ensure debt repayment by requiring countries to cut spending on education and health; eliminate basic food and transportation subsidies; devalue national currencies to make exports cheaper; privatize national assets; and freeze wages. Such belt-tightening measures increase poverty, reduce countries’ ability to develop strong domestic economies and allow multinational corporations to exploit workers and the environment A recent IMF loan package for Argentina, for example, is tied to cuts in doctors’ and teachers’ salaries and decreases in social security payments.. The IMF has made elites from the Global South more accountable to First World elites than their own people, thus undermining the democratic process.

  2. The IMF serves wealthy countries and Wall Street

    Unlike a democratic system in which each member country would have an equal vote, rich countries dominate decision-making in the IMF because voting power is determined by the amount of money that each country pays into the IMF’s quota system. It’s a system of one dollar, one vote. The U.S. is the largest shareholder with a quota of 18 percent. Germany, Japan, France, Great Britain, and the US combined control about 38 percent. The disproportionate amount of power held by wealthy countries means that the interests of bankers, investors and corporations from industrialized countries are put above the needs of the world’s poor majority.

  3. The IMF is imposing a fundamentally flawed development model

    Unlike the path historically followed by the industrialized countries, the IMF forces countries from the Global South to prioritize export production over the development of diversified domestic economies. Nearly 80 percent of all malnourished children in the developing world live in countries where farmers have been forced to shift from food production for local consumption to the production of export crops destined for wealthy countries [mediachecker-read Irish history]. The IMF also requires countries to eliminate assistance to domestic industries while providing benefits for multinational corporations — such as forcibly lowering labor costs. Small businesses and farmers can’t compete. Sweatshop workers in free trade zones set up by the IMF and World Bank earn starvation wages, live in deplorable conditions, and are unable to provide for their families. The cycle of poverty is perpetuated, not eliminated, as governments’ debt to the IMF grows.

  4. The IMF is a secretive institution with no accountability

    The IMF is funded with taxpayer money, yet it operates behind a veil of secrecy. Members of affected communities do not participate in designing loan packages. The IMF works with a select group of central bankers and finance ministers to make polices without input from other government agencies such as health, education and environment departments. The institution has resisted calls for public scrutiny and independent evaluation.

  5. IMF policies promote corporate welfare

    To increase exports, countries are encouraged to give tax breaks and subsidies to export industries. Public assets such as forestland and government utilities (phone, water and electricity companies) are sold off to foreign investors at rock bottom prices. In Guyana, an Asian owned timber company called Barama received a logging concession that was 1.5 times the total amount of land all the indigenous communities were granted. Barama also received a five-year tax holiday. The IMF forced Haiti to open its market to imported, highly subsidized US rice at the same time it prohibited Haiti from subsidizing its own farmers. A US corporation called Early Rice now sells nearly 50 percent of the rice consumed in Haiti.

  6. The IMF hurts workers

    The IMF and World Bank frequently advise countries to attract foreign investors by weakening their labor laws — eliminating collective bargaining laws and suppressing wages, for example. The IMF’s mantra of “labor flexibility” permits corporations to fire at whim and move where wages are cheapest. According to the 1995 UN Trade and Development Report, employers are using this extra “flexibility” in labor laws to shed workers rather than create jobs. In Haiti, the government was told to eliminate a statute in their labor code that mandated increases in the minimum wage when inflation exceeded 10 percent. By the end of 1997, Haiti’s minimum wage was only $2.40 a day. Workers in the U.S. are also hurt by IMF policies because they have to compete with cheap, exploited labor. The IMF’s mismanagement of the Asian financial crisis plunged South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand and other countries into deep depression that created 200 million “newly poor.” The IMF advised countries to “export their way out of the crisis.” Consequently, more than US 12,000 steelworkers were laid off when Asian steel was dumped in the US.

  7. The IMF’s policies hurt women the most

    SAPs make it much more difficult for women to meet their families’ basic needs. When education costs rise due to IMF-imposed fees for the use of public services (so-called “user fees”) girls are the first to be withdrawn from schools. User fees at public clinics and hospitals make healthcare unaffordable to those who need it most. The shift to export agriculture also makes it harder for women to feed their families. Women have become more exploited as government workplace regulations are rolled back and sweatshops abuses increase.

  8. IMF Policies hurt the environment

    IMF loans and bailout packages are paving the way for natural resource exploitation on a staggering scale. [mediachecker-includes gold…] The IMF does not consider the environmental impacts of lending policies, and environmental ministries and groups are not included in policy making. The focus on export growth to earn hard currency to pay back loans has led to an unsustainable liquidation of natural resources. For example, the Ivory Coast’s increased reliance on cocoa exports has led to a loss of two-thirds of the country’s forests.

  9. The IMF bails out rich bankers, creating a moral hazard and greater instability in the global economy

    The IMF routinely pushes countries to deregulate financial systems. The removal of regulations that might limit speculation has greatly increased capital investment in developing country financial markets. More than $1.5 trillion crosses borders every day. Most of this capital is invested short-term, putting countries at the whim of financial speculators. The Mexican 1995 peso crisis was partly a result of these IMF policies. When the bubble popped, the IMF and US government stepped in to prop up interest and exchange rates, using taxpayer money to bail out Wall Street bankers. Such bailouts encourage investors to continue making risky, speculative bets, thereby increasing the instability of national economies. During the bailout of Asian countries, the IMF required governments [mediachecker-government=we the taxpayer aka serfs]to assume the bad debts of private banks, thus making the public pay the costs and draining yet more resources away from social programs.

  10. IMF bailouts deepen, rather then solve, economic crisis

    During financial crises — such as with Mexico in 1995 and South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil, and Russia in 1997 — the IMF stepped in as the lender of last resort. Yet the IMF bailouts in the Asian financial crisis did not stop the financial panic — rather, the crisis deepened and spread to more countries. The policies imposed as conditions of these loans were bad medicine, causing layoffs in the short run and undermining development in the long run. In South Korea, the IMF sparked a recession by raising interest rates, which led to more bankruptcies and unemployment. Under the IMF imposed economic reforms after the peso bailout in 1995, the number of Mexicans living in extreme poverty increased more than 50 percent and the national average minimum wage fell 20 percent. http://www.globalexchange.org/resources/wbimf/oppose



The Fabians, the Round Table, and the Rhodes Scholars


VIDEO – Princes of the Yen: Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy


youtube – published Nov 4, 2014

“Only power that is hidden, is power that endures.”

Central Banks are some of the most secretive and misunderstood institutions in the world. What powers do they wield? Who’s interests do they serve? How do their actions affect our everyday lives?

Set in 20th Century Japan, the documentary explores the role and power of Central Banks, and how they can be used to change a country’s economic, political and social structures.

A documentary based on a book by Professor Richard Werner.

“Mastery of filmmaking. An engaging and dynamic narrative supported by visual aesthetics”

Simeon Roberts – Film Critic, http://filmgods.co.uk/

“Essential viewing if you’ve any interest at all in economics or politics” – Steve Morrissey
Film Reviwer & Critic, http://www.moviesteve.com/review-prin…

“Blows open the widely held consensus that ‘independent’ central banks are a force for economic good.” Josh Ryan-Collins – New Economics Foundation and co-author of “Where Does Money Come From?”

“A fascinating look at the need for better public understanding of just how much money can affect the world we live in.” Ben Dyson – Founder Positive Money & co-author of ‘Modernising Money’

Website: http://princesoftheyen.com/

How central banks create money: http://princesoftheyen.com/central-ba…

Anyone interested in translating please contact us for the .srt file at info@queuepolitely.com or use amara.org



It’s lengthy (01:30 hrs.) but well worth it – can be watched periodically as time permits.


Does it appear familiar?


Today is just another chapter, another time, another method, same people, same results.

Italy: Flu Vaccine Death Toll Rises

Two batches of the drug suspended after three people die within 48 hours of shot

Monday, December 01, 2014
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

NaturalNews) A flu vaccine manufactured by Novartis [mediachecker -> Novartis, Switzerland] is killing people in Italy, with the death toll now rising to 13 people according to a reports from The Age, News.com and WAtoday.com.au. [1] [2] [3]

“The number of people who have died in Italy after being administered a flu vaccine made by Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis has risen to 13,” say reports.

The deaths occurred “within 48 hours of being administered the [vaccine]” and Italian health authorities have issued a partial ban on the vaccination batches believed to be causing the fatalities.

Because flu vaccines are falsely assumed by governments to be 100% safe — despite the mounting evidence of their dangers and the fact that they contain toxic mercury — the global media usually ignores vaccination adverse effects and fatalities. Even this story covering the 13 fatalities dutifully carried a denial from official government health authorities, saying “The Italian Medical Agency (AIFA) has warned against panic and stressed there is not proof yet that it was the vaccine that led to the deaths.”

Natural News Labs confirms mercury in flu shots

A laboratory analysis of flu vaccines that I conducted using ICP-MS instrumentation at the Natural News Forensic Food Labs found flu shots containing 25,000 times the mercury concentration allowed in drinking water by the EPA. [4]

More recent research I conducted in the last few weeks has found extremely high levels of toxic aluminum in vaccines as well. Those data will be published soon here on Natural News.

It is an irrefutable fact that vaccines are intentionally formulated with mercury and aluminum — both toxic metals that compromise human health when injected into the body. Mercury is, of course, a toxic heavy metal linked to birth defects, spontaneous abortions, kidney failure and neurological damage. Aluminum, used as an inflammatory adjuvant in vaccines, is linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia.

The true history of the failure of vaccines is detailed by Dr. Suzanne Humphries in a book and website named Dissolving Illusions. The graphs on this website showing how vaccines usually came along after an infectious disease was also conquered are especially fascinating.

What keeps killing people who receive flu shots and HPV vaccines?

Despite the presence of mercury and aluminum in many vaccines, the quantities of these metals typically used in vaccines are unlikely to cause death within 48 hours after inoculation. When people are killed by flu vaccines, the far more likely explanation is a serious quality control failure during the manufacture of the vaccine which might have introduced unusually high concentrations of toxic metals or deadly viral strains which were not properly inactivated (and thus infected the victims).

Dr. Maurice Hilleman, former Merck virologist, explained many years ago how vaccines often contained “stealth cancer viruses” that caused cancer. As many as 98 million Americans were injected with cancer-causing viruses during the mass polio vaccination campaigns of the 1960’s and 70’s. This is a fact the CDC used to publicly acknowledge but scrubbed from its website in 2013 in an effort to hide this medical history from the public.

Vaccine manufacturers are granted absolute legal immunity in the United States. No person damaged by vaccines can file suit against vaccine companies in the civil courts. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2011 that the legal immunity granted to vaccine manufacturers overrides the Supreme Court itself, essentially declaring that the United States Constitution was nullified by the unprecedented legal protections granted to vaccine manufacturers.
Vaccine injury program riddled with failures

A recent Associated Press investigation found the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in America to be riddled with outrageous failures and contradictions. As the AP reported on Nov. 21 of this year: [9]

The AP found that the program has heaped additional suffering on thousands of families, including delays that have stretched a decade or more.

The Government Accountability Office’s report noted how a program established a generation ago to help children injured by government-recommended vaccinations such as measles and chicken pox is now dominated by claims filed by adults who received a flu shot. Those cases typically claim that the adult suffered from Guillain-Barre Syndrome, in which the immune system attacks the nerves.

The “vaccine court” currently operating in the United States is explained in more detail in this outstanding video narrated by actor Rob Schneider:

iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/45Sh4vhoy3I?feature=player_embedded” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

Anyone considering a flu shot should think twice about the risk of harm or death associated with such injections. Far safer and more effective strategies for preventing the flu include vitamin D supplementation, boosting immune function with appropriate herbs, increasing intake of vitamin C during winter months, improving restful sleep, increasing zinc uptake and practicing improved personal hygiene (such as washing your hands before touching food you’re about to eat).

Sources for this story include:
[1] http://www.theage.com.au/world/flu-vaccine-d…

[2] http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/italy-will-…

[3] http://www.watoday.com.au/breaking-news-worl…

[4] http://www.naturalnews.com/045418_flu_shots_…

[5] http://www.naturalnews.com/033584_dr_maurice…

[6] http://www.naturalnews.com/032854_sv40_polio…

[7] http://www.naturalnews.com/031484_supreme_co…

[8] http://www.naturalnews.com/042013_vaccines_a…

[9] http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_VA…

[10] http://www.dissolvingillusions.com/graphs/#2

[11] http://drsuzanne.net

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/047841_flu_vaccine_death_toll_Italy.html#ixzz3Ko3kUtVt


Good video:

“In the video above, Dr. Mark Geier explains the fraud behind the flu vaccine. Dr. Geier is NOT anti-vaccine. He is an MD and has a PhD in genetics. He spent 10 years working at the National Institute of Health, and was a professor at John Hopkins University as a geneticist. He is also the author of over 150 peer-reviewed publications.”

Health Impact News Editor

The June 2014 report from the Department of Justice on damages paid by the U.S. Government to vaccine victims was recently published on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources website. There were 120 cases of vaccine injuries decided. 78 cases received compensation, while 42 cases were denied.

Most of the U.S. public is unaware that a U.S. citizen, by law, cannot sue a pharmaceutical company for damages resulting from vaccines. Congress gave them total legal immunity in 1986, and that law was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011. There is a special “vaccine court” called the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that is funded through a tax on vaccines. If you are injured or killed by a vaccine, you must hire an attorney and fight tax-funded government attorneys to seek damages, as you cannot sue the drug manufacturers. As you can see from the report below, it takes years to reach a settlement, with the longest case below being settled after 11 years. Therefore, this report probably only represents a tiny fraction of the actual number of people harmed or killed by vaccines, since it is so difficult to fight the government in court to win a settlement.

As in previous reports, the June 15, 2014, report covering a 3-month period shows that the flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in America. 78 cases were awarded settlements for vaccine injuries, with 55 of the settlements being for the flu shot, including one death. Most of the settlements for injuries due to the flu shot were for Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Other flu vaccine injuries included: Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy, Rheumatoid arthritis, Shingles, Brachial plexus neuropathy, Bell’s Palsy, Brachial neuritis, Transverse myelitis, Lichenoid drug eruption, and Narcolepsy.








Read the full report here from the government website.

Hundreds of People are Afflicted with Guillain-Barré Syndrome Every Year from the Flu Shot

As can be seen in this report and other reports from government payments for vaccine injuries, Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) is the most common side effect and injury due to the flu vaccination.

What is Guillain-Barré Syndrome? Here is the definition the CDC gives:

Read more at: http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/government-pays-damages-to-vaccine-victims-flu-shot-most-dangerous-with-gbs-and-death-settlements/#sthash.aK8Rb220.dpuf

Herbs to treat inflammation: The 10 most powerful natural medicines that really work


NaturalNews) Oftentimes, the knee-jerk reaction of the medical community to inflammation is to dole out drugs to reduce it. In fact, there is a whole classification of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, available by prescription and over-the-counter. NSAIDs are associated with a variety of risks, according to new labeling by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (1), including an increased risk for cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke.

Fortunately, you can use herbs for inflammation instead of dangerous drugs.

#1 Black Pepper
People refer to black pepper as the King of Spices because of its intoxicating, rich aroma and complex flavor. Black pepper owes its distinctive pungent flavor to piperine, which also provides an astonishing anti-inflammatory effect. Piperine inhibits the expression of a gene associated with arthritis and the spread of cancer, MMP13. Even at low doses, piperine reduces inflammation by depressing prostaglandin production. Furthermore, piperine significantly suppresses the perception of pain (2) and arthritis symptoms while decreasing inflammation in joints.

#2 Cardamom
As the Queen of Spices, cardamom also reduces inflammation. Part of the ginger family, cardamom is native to India and Sri Lanka; healers there have used cardamom to reduce inflammation for centuries.

#3 Cayenne
Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin. Exposure to capsaicin causes body tissues to release substance P, which your body usually releases immediately after tissue damage. Capsaicin does not actually damage tissue — this chemical only tricks your body into acting as if damage had occurred.

Repeated exposure of one part of your body to capsaicin will deplete that area of its substance P, which increases tolerance to capsaicin in people who regularly eat hot peppers.

Reducing substance P in one area of your body also decreases your sense of pain in that part. Capsaicin cream products take advantage of this effect to reduce arthritis pain in joints and other sources of chronic pain. Best of all, the capsaicin in cayenne pepper can help protect your stomach (3) from ulcers associated with NSAID use.

#4 Chamomile
Ancient physicians Dioskurides, Galen and Plinius recommended tea to relieve inflammation of the mouth. Chamomile is a sun-loving plant whose flowers smell like fresh apples. Oil distilled from these flowers contain a-bisabolol and chamazulene cyclic sesquiterpenes, which directly reduce inflammation. Chamomile oil also contains bisabolol oxides, farnesene and spiro-ether that have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.

#5 Ginger
Traditional medicine has relied on ginger’s anti-inflammatory powers for centuries. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center (4), there is also evidence that ginger eases pain associated with that classic inflammatory disease, arthritis. Additionally, ginger eases stomach upset, nausea and vomiting.

#6 Turmeric
Turmeric gives curry its flavor and yellow color; food manufacturers also add turmeric to butter and cheese for color. Healers have used turmeric for more than 4,000 years to relieve inflammation, treat digestive problems and fight infections.

The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, is an antioxidant that removes dangerous free radicals from the body. Free radicals cause cell damage that leads to inflammation, including damage to cell membranes, negatively affect DNA and cause cells to die. Additionally, turmeric lowers two types of enzymes known to cause inflammation.

#7 Aloe
Aloe not only reduces inflammation but also eases pain and promotes skin repair and healing. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the anti-inflammatory effects of aloe gel are superior to 1 percent hydrocortisone cream.

#8 Celery seed
Celery seed works to reduce inflammation by acting as a diuretic, which means it helps the body get rid of excess fluid by increasing urine output. Celery seed is especially effective in treating inflammation caused by arthritis and gout, a type of arthritis.

#9 Green tea
Green tea contains polyphenols, micronutrients that work in the body to prevent certain disease mechanisms — such as inflammation — from happening. The main polyphenol in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG. Together, EGCG and the other polyphenols in green tea have anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.

Green tea is especially helpful in reducing inflammation in the digestive tract. This natural herb may reduce gastrointestinal inflammation associated with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Green tea may also help with arthritis by reducing inflammation and slowing down cartilage destruction associated with the disease.

#10 Pomegranate
Pomegranates contain flavonols, a type of antioxidant, which seem especially helpful in reducing inflammation associated with osteoarthritis. In that condition, inflammation contributes to the destruction of cartilage. Pomegranate seems to block the production of an enzyme associated with cartilage destruction.

The next time you struggle with inflammation or the medical conditions caused by inflammation, try using an herbal remedy before resorting to dangerous drugs and chemicals. Herbs are highly effective in reducing inflammation and carry relatively low risks for complications.


1. http://www.fda.gov

2. http://arthritis-research.com

3. http://www.med.nyu.edu

4. http://umm.edu


Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/047842_inflammation_natural_medicine_antioxidants.html#ixzz3KoAymHTx

Tetanus vaccines found spiked with sterilization chemical to carry out race-based genocide against Africans


Race based medical genocide!!!!

Saturday, November 08, 2014
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger


A must watch video:

Deadly chemical weapon which turns a mother’s body against her child…

(NaturalNews) Tetanus vaccines given to millions of young women in Kenya have been confirmed by laboratories to contain a sterilization chemical that causes miscarriages, reports the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, a pro-vaccine organization.

A whopping 2.3 million young girls and women are in the process of being given the vaccine, pushed by UNICEF and the World Health Organization.

“We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen,” Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. “They were all laced with HCG.”

Chemical causes a woman’s body to destroy its own fetus with vaccine-induced antibodies

HCG is a chemical developed by the World Health Organization for sterilization purposes. When injected into the body of a young woman, it causes a pregnancy to be destroyed by the body’s own antibody response to the HCG, resulting in a spontaneous abortion. Its effectiveness lasts for years, causing abortions in women up to three years after the injections.

Dr. Ngare explained “…this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine.”

The Kenyan government, of course, insists the vaccine is perfectly safe. Dr. Tabu of Kenya’s Health Ministry even told the media that because some young women are still having babies, the vaccine therefore must not contain any sterilization agent. However, this claim belies the fact that HCG doesn’t work 100% of the time. It only sterilizes the majority of those injected with it, not all of them.

More importantly, the Kenyan Catholic Church is a pro-vaccine organization. “What reason do the Catholic doctors have for lying?” asked Dr. Ngare as reported in the LifeSiteNews article linked above. “The Catholic Church has been here in Kenya providing health care and vaccinating for 100 years for longer than Kenya has existed as a country.”

In other words, the very group exposing the sterilization agenda of the tetanus vaccines is in fact a pro-vaccination group. Yet even they have now come to realize the horrifying truth: vaccines are the perfect vector for governments to deviously insert covert chemical or viral agents which are never revealed to the public.

The smoking gun: a five-shot course over two years

What really raised red flags about this so-called tetanus vaccine was the highly unusual inoculation schedule. This vaccine demanded five shots over two years — a schedule that isn’t used for tetanus.

“The only time tetanus vaccine has been given in five doses is when it is used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) developed by WHO in 1992.” explained Dr. Ngare.

Furthermore, the vaccine was only being given to women of child-bearing years, not men or women beyond the age of fertility.

As Dr. Ngare explains, the same vaccine sterilization campaign was used in 1993 in Mexico and both Nicaragua and the Philippines in 1994. WHO attempted to bring it to Kenya in the 1990’s, Ngare says, but the effort was stopped by the Catholic Church.

According to Brian Clowes of Human Life International, the United Nations is not refuting the laboratory testing and confirmation of HCG in the vaccines. Instead, it claims some vaccines were “contaminated” in the manufacturing process — an absurd claim that no reasonable person would believe because HCG should never even be anywhere near a vaccine manufacturing operation unless someone put it there deliberately.

LifeSiteNews reports that it:

has obtained a UN report on an August 1992 meeting at its world headquarters in Geneva of 10 scientists from “Australia, Europe, India and the U.S.A” and 10 “women’s health advocates” from around the world, to discuss the use of “fertility regulating vaccines.” It describes the “anti-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin vaccine” as the most advanced.

Read the full report from LifeSiteNews at:

United Nations, WHO and UNICEF all engaged in vaccination genocide

You will not see this news reported by any mainstream media outlet in the United States. All truth about vaccines is censored, even if the truth is that the United Nations is deliberately engaged in a campaign of vaccine genocide against people of Africa.

What is happening in Kenya is a crime against humanity, and it is a crime committed with deliberate racial discrimination. Normally, the liberal media in the United States would be all over a story involving racial discrimination and genocide — or even a single police shooting of a black teenager — but because this genocide is being committed with vaccines, the entire mainstream media excuses it. Apparently, medical crimes against black people are perfectly acceptable to the liberal media as long as vaccines are used as the weapon.

As this story clearly demonstrates, “vaccine violence” is very real in our world. Vaccines are the perfect weapon for population control for several reasons:

1) Nobody really knows what’s in them.
2) They can be easily spiked with hidden chemicals.
3) They can be administered under the cover of “public health.”
4) All governments and establishment media will deliberately collaborate with the genocide in order to protect vaccines from being recognized as medical weapons against women.

Thus, vaccines can be routinely used to inject populations with birth control chemicals or even stealth cancer viruses. In fact, this is exactly what happened to as many as 98 million Americans during the mass polio vaccinations of the 1960’s and 70’s. The CDC even documented the “accidental” injection of millions of Americans with the cancer-causing SV40 simian virus, but the agency scrubbed all that history from its website in 2013.

In Kenya today, government authorities also claim the sterilization chemical was an “accidental” contamination. That’s the excuse that can always be used as a cover story in weaponized vaccination schemes, where governments deliberately taint vaccines with known chemicals that end life, promote cancer or cause spontaneous abortions.

Vaccines as weapons = Medical crimes against humanity

The deliberate adding of HCG to vaccines without full disclosure to the population is a heinous violation of human rights and human dignity. Here are just a few of the crimes now being committed against humanity under the guise of vaccinations:

CRIME #1) No informed consent. None of these women in Kenya were told the truth that they were being injected with a sterilization chemical designed to cause infertility.

CRIME #2) Race-based genocide. The targeting of Kenyan women with this vaccine is a deliberate selection based on their race. By any reasonable standard, this would be called a racially-motivated hate crime resulting in genocide.

CRIME #3) The deliberate killing of a human being. The spontaneous abortions caused by these HCG-spiked vaccines results in the ending of a human life inside the mother’s body. These killings take place without the consent or permission of the mother, nor any opportunity for defense of the life of the unborn child.

CRIME #4) Violation of Geneva Convention limitations on medical experimentation. All these Kenyan women injected with this vaccine are being used as human guinea pigs in a covert, criminal medical experiment. None of these women voluntarily signed up for this medical experiment, nor were they even informed. This is a medical crime against human beings.

CRIME #5) Crimes against women. Only women were selected for this targeted sterilization vaccine effort, proving that this is not only a race-based crime but also a gender-based crime against women.

If you add all this up, you’ve got weaponized vaccines being intentionally spiked with a known sterilization chemical developed by the WHO, then deployed in a racially-motivated genocidal manner that targets women to be used in an illegal medical experiment administered via vaccine inoculations.

When administered via vaccines, genocide and murder are apparently not news

Yet, despite all this, the mainstream media is perfectly okay with this activity. The World Health Organizations endorses it. The United Nations organizes it. Governments help fund it. Vaccine-pushing scientists excuse it. Media outlets cover it up and censor the story, hoping you don’t read Natural News or Life Site News to learn the truth.

When pharmacies in your neighborhood push flu shots and other vaccines, they don’t tell you they are part of a branch of medicine steeped in genocide, racially-motivated hate crimes and a medical war on women. They don’t tell you that flu shots still contain toxic mercury at concentrations 100 times the mercury found in ocean fish. They don’t tell you anything about what’s in those vaccines for the same reason that women in Kenya are never told what’s in them, either.

Vaccines are the perfect weapons against women and children

The truth is that vaccines are easily deployed as weapons against humanity under the false cover story that they are saving humanity. What better way to pursue deliberate chemically-induced population control than to convince people they are being injected “for their own good?”

This is precisely why Bill Gates famously said:

The world today has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.

Why would Bill Gates be talking about vaccines REDUCING human population if vaccines didn’t secretly contain sterilization agents? Remember, Gates is the same person who has funded all sorts of sterilization technologies including one that blasts men’s scrotums with high-intensity sound waves to make them infertile.

Top tools for human depopulation

Gates is part of a covert medical cabal that believes aggressive human depopulation is urgently necessary to save the planet. This group, which includes many scientists and virologists, believe that the most effective tools for human depopulation are:

1) Vaccines which are covertly spiked with sterilization chemicals.
2) Genetically engineered viruses with a high mortality rate, possibly engineered to target specific races and genetic profiles.

For example, Dr. Charles Arntzen, head of The Biodesign Institute for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology recently joked about using an engineered virus to cull the human population, saying “That’s the answer! Go out and use genetic engineering to create a better virus. (laughter) Twenty-five percent of the population is supposed to go in Contagion.”

As I wrote on October 22, 2014, many virologists believe humans are nothing more than a “parasite” to be consumed by viruses which are the planet’s “immune response” to human overpopulation. Here’s a passage from the book “The Hot Zone” by Richard Preston, summarizing the way these scientists think:

…the earth is mounting an immune response against the human species. It is beginning to react to the human parasite, the flooding infection of people, the dead spots of concrete all over the planet, the cancerous rot-outs in Europe, Japan and the United States, thick with replicating primates [i.e. humans], the colonies enlarging and spreading and threatening to shock the biosphere with mass extinctions.

Perhaps the biosphere does not “like” the idea of five billion humans. Or it could also be said that the extreme amplification of the human race, which has occurred only in the past hundred years or so, has suddenly produced a very large quantity of meat, which is sitting everywhere in the biosphere and may not be able to defend itself against a life form that might want to consume it…

The earth’s immune system, so to speak, has recognized the presence of the human species and is starting to kick in. The earth is attempting to rid itself of an infection by the human parasite.

What’s extraordinary in all this — both with vaccines and viruses engineered as weapons — is how the most influential people in the scientific community have come to view humanity as an enemy to be destroyed via tools of medicine and science. Frighteningly, modern medical science has the tools to carry out its genocidal assaults on humankind through “accidental” releases of deadly viruses or “accidental” contamination of vaccines with sterilization chemicals.

The evidence of deliberate sterilization chemicals in United Nations vaccines raises the obvious question: Was the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa also intentional? And what else might scientists, vaccine pushers, world health authorities and governments have in mind for human depopulation in the years ahead?

Is there already something in the food supply that causes sterilization? The answer is a definite YES, and just like the pandemic viruses, it too is genetically engineered.

The five vectors for destroying humanity

These are the vectors for the science-based genocidal assault on humanity:

1) Vaccines
2) Viruses
3) Food
4) Water
5) Chemtrails (i.e. atmospheric deployment of chemicals)

All five of these vectors present “opportunities” for genocidal scientists to achieve their goal of human sterilization and depopulation. That is precisely why anyone who wishes to survive the great human culling now under way must take extraordinary steps to isolate themselves from institutionally-produced food, water and medicine. The only safe food, water and medicine is that which was produced independently and far outside the control of Big Food, Big Ag and Big Pharma.

Don’t drink the city water without filtering it first, and read my laboratory testing results for all popular water filters at www.WaterFilterLabs.com

Don’t eat factory-produced food. Don’t allow yourself to be injected with weaponized vaccines. Don’t take Big Pharma’s deadly medicines. Be smart by being skeptical about the claimed “safety” of all those things created by institutions and authorities that quite literally want to kill off a significant percentage of the existing world population.

If you’re smart and resourceful, you might just survive this great human culling. On the other hand, those who anxiously line up to be injected with the seasonal flu shots are all admitting they are too stupid and gullible to last long in a world where “science” has declared a covert war on human life.

Sources for this article include:
[1] http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/a-mass-ster…
[2] http://www.naturalnews.com/041345_cdc_polio_…
[3] http://www.naturalnews.com/047358_ebola_outb…
[4] http://www.naturalnews.com/029911_vaccines_b…
[5] http://www.naturalnews.com/046347_ebola_vacc…

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/047571_vaccines_sterilization_genocide.html#ixzz3KoDVumDZ


Depopulation: Kenyan Bishops Fear Tetanus Vaccine Campaign is Aimed to Sterilize Women

Who Put Bill Gates In Charge of the World?

Depopulation by Government Edict

French Jihadists in Syria write home: ‘My iPod is broken. I want to come back’


French jihadists complain about the cold, not knowing how to fight and how their iPods are running out


2:39PM GMT 02 Dec 2014

Letters from French jihadists home to their parents have revealed the misery, boredom and fear suffered by Islamist recruits as the gloss fades from their big adventure.

Western fighters in Syria

Western fighters in Syria

In a series of letters seen by Le Figaro newspaper, some of the 376 French currently fighting in Syria have begged for advice on how to return. Others have complained that, rather than participating in a noble battle, they have been acting as jihadi dogsbodies.

“I’ve basically done nothing except hand out clothes and food,” wrote one, who wants to return from Aleppo. “I also help clean weapons and transport dead bodies from the front. Winter’s arrived here. It’s begun to get really hard.”

Another writes: “I’m fed up. They make me do the washing up.”

One Frenchman whinged that he wanted to come home because he was missing the comforts of life in France.

“I’m fed up. My iPod doesn’t work any more here. I have to come back.”

A third wrote fearfully: “They want to send me to the front, but I don’t know how to fight.”

Others were concerned, more prosaically, about the nationality of their baby, which was born in Syria and so not recognised by the French state.

And Le Figaro said that, among Islamist commanders, it had been noticed that some of the French were beginning to want to leave. One Frenchman was rumoured to have been beheaded when he explained to the emir that he wanted to follow his friend who had already left.

“Everyone knows that, the longer these people stay there, the worse it will be because having watched or committed attrocities, they become ticking time bombs,” said one lawyer, quoted in Le Figaro.

“But, when it comes to having a discussion about whether France is ready to accept repentants, no politician is willing to take the risk. Imagine if one of these ex-jihadis is involved subsequently in an attack?”

A group of lawyers in France are acting on behalf of the families of the young people to try and persuade the state to allow the jihadis to return. They told the newspaper that they are trying to make discreet contact with the anti-terrorist police, the directors of internal security and the office of the interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve.

The lawyers said that nothing is ever agreed in advance, on behalf of the jihadis – and the advice is always: “Present yourself at the French consulat in Istanbul or Erbil (in Iraq). And then we will see.”

Of the approximately 100 jihadists who have returned to France, 76 are in prison.

And the report said that Britain was known as the global leader in reforming jihadists – so much so that some within the French system were asking to be seconded to MI5 – “famed for their art of debriefing”.

“Within the secret services, it’s said that British jihadis are more interesting because they have a higher intellectual level than their French colleagues, who are more often donkeys,” one expert told the paper.

The story of the French jihadis has parallels with that of an Indian man who spent six months fighting alongside Isis in Iraq, before becoming disillusioned with his job cleaning toilets, and returning to Mumbai.

Majeed, 23, was one of four young Muslim men from Kalyan, a city east of Mumbai, known to have journeyed to the Middle East to join the extremist outfit.

“There was neither a holy war nor any of the preachings in the holy book were followed,” Majeed is quoted as saying during his interrogation. Islamic State “fighters raped many women there,” he reportedly said.



Frenchman Quits ISIS Because He Couldn’t Handle Its Smoking Ban (not satire)


French right of return for  traitors?  Open caskets… No, but France is right and should leave them there – to stew in their own juice – so to speak.

Four young Christians beheaded in Iraq, Turkey’s PM tells pope Islamophbia to blame for ISIS


ANKARA, TURKEY – NOVEMBER 28: Pope Francis is welcomed by Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan at the presidential palace in Ankara November 28, 2014. Pope Francis arrived in Turkey on Friday at a sensitive moment for the Muslim nation, as it cares for 1.6 million refugees and faces the continued threat of the Islamic State group who have been advancing into areas near Turkey’s southern border. (Photo by Gokhan Tan/Getty Images)

Lisa Daftari December 2, 2014 via freerepublic

Pope Francis traveled on his first trip to Turkey over the weekend attempting to reach out to the Muslim community, warning that the Islamic State is a major threat to Christians in the Middle East and calling on moderate Muslims to join in constructive dialogue and solidarity with the rest of the world.

Instead, Turkish President Recept Tayyp Erdogan, who had a message of his own for the Pope, greeted him at his $600 million palace and blamed the rise of ISIS and the recent violence in Syria and Iraq, including beheadings, enslavements, and the wholesale ethnic cleansing of the region’s Yazidis and Christians, on the “rise of Islamophobia,” in the West

Things were bad in Baghdad, there were bombs and shootings and our people were being killed, so many of our people fled back to Nineveh, their traditional home. It was safer, but then one day, ISIS – Islamic State. They came in and they hounded all of them out. They killed huge numbers, they chopped their children in half, they chopped their heads off, and they moved north and it was so terrible what happenedCanon Andrew White

The young children, all under age 15, were approached by ISIS members who threatened to kill them if they refused to convert to Islam and to declare allegiance to the Prophet Mohammad.

ISIS has displaced a quarter million Christians just in northern Iraq. This is a significant part of the vibrant 1.5 million Christian population before the war. …

contin: http://www.lisadaftari.com/pope-isis-persecution-erdogan-blames-islamophobia/


Turkey continues to support the sins of their past…one can believe Erdogan, or documentated history and our own  eyes…

Turkey [Constantinople] Armenian Genocide 1915.



The Armenian Genocide (Warning: gruesome pictures)

The Persistance of Islamic Slavery

Nurse May Have Killed Almost 100 Patients, Some Because She Found Them “Annoying”


Italian nurse Daniela Poggiali arrives escorted by policemen at the courthouse of Ravenna on October 13, 2014. (Photo: AFP/Fabrizio Zani)

by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 12/3/14

Daniela Poggiali, an Italian nurse, was arrested in October for allegedly killing up to 38 patients because she found them or their relatives annoying. Now, new reports indicate the number of patients Poggiali killed may have been as high as 96.

One of her victims, Rosa Calderoni, brought her crimes to light after she died from an injection of potassium. Officials suspect that Ms. Poggiali may have killed two more patients on the same day of Calderoni’s death.

danielapoggialiUnder Italian law, killing a patient through direct euthanasia with an overdose of drugs is illegal. Not that it would make it any better, but Ms. Poggiali didn’t claim that she killed her patients because she saw that they were in pain or were suffering. She simply didn’t want to deal with them anymore and killing was a quick fix.

Poggiali has denied killing anyone and insists she’s being framed but investigators said they found pictures of Poggiali posing with patients who had just died.

Here’s the latest:

Almost 100 deaths occurred under the watch of an Italian nurse accused of murdering dozens of patients, health officials said.

Police were initially investigating 38 suspect deaths at a hospital in Lugo di Romagna, near Ravenna, after an autopsy found poison in the system of an elderly woman in the care of Daniela Poggiali, a 42-year-old nurse from the nearby town of Faenza.

Detectives have now extended their probe to as many as 96 deaths that occurred during Poggiali’s shifts in a 12 months period.

The developments came after health officials released patient mortality figures for each of the 39 nurses in service at the Umberto I hospital from April 2013 to April 2014.

Investigators in charge of the probe have described the results, which revealed Poggiali topped the list by a large margin, as “worrying”,  Ansa news agency reported.

Fifty patients died in her direct care in the period under consideration – almost three times more than those who passed under the watch of the nurse with the second highest patient mortally rate (17), according to Ravenna’s Local Health Agency Unit (Ausl). Another 46 patients died under the supervision of colleagues she was aiding or in beds she had otherwise access to during her shifts.

The nurse was fired earlier this year after sickening photos of her posing with thumbs up near an apparently deceased woman emerged.

Lead prosecutor, Alessandron Mancini said that Ms. Poggiali seemed “unperturbed” when she was arrested. He also said that police found a disturbing “selfie” of Ms. Poggiali’s phone showing her giving a thumbs-up in front of a deceased patient.

It was reported in the Italian paper, Corrieredella Sera, that colleagues of Ms. Poggiali overheard her saying things like, “Leave it to me, I’ll quiet them” and was known to be cynical and a vindictive nurse.

Mancini said, “I can assure you in that all my professional years of seeing shocking photos, there were few such as these.” He also said that homicide will be difficult to prove since potassium chloride is hard to detect after a few days in the bloodstream.

Additionally, Ms. Poggiali would deliberately give laxatives to patients at the end of the day so that other nurses would have to deal with the effects and she would sedate patients who complained about their treatment. It seems like Ms. Poggiali believed she had the right to do away with inconvenient or difficult patients.

Unfortunately, similar ideology to that of Ms. Poggiali is not unheard of in the medical community. Take, for example, infamous bioethics professor, Peter Singer, who believes medical professionals should be permitted to lethally inject Alzheimer’s “non-persons”, even if they never asked to be killed.

As Bobby Schindler, the brother of Terri Schiavo, explains in his article, Yes, We Have a Culture ofDeath, there are many examples of life threatening prejudices plaguing the disability community and those who are medically vulnerable.

Schindler writes, “Tragically, too many of us today have become disconnected and desensitized to our own dignity and intrinsic worth. It seems we no longer know how to love, and we place more significance and value on what a person can or cannot do, instead of understanding the value and dignity of the human person, simply because they are human.”

While some prejudices might seem “kinder” than Ms. Poggiali’s reasoning, they all lead down the same path; killing people because they are inconvenient or unwanted.


Hillary Clinton [Admirer of Margaret Sanger] Speaks to Half Empty Hall at Georgetown University


by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 12/3/14

If she decides to seek the Democratic nomination for president, Hillary Clinton all but has the nomination locked up. But convincing Americans to support her pro-abortion bid may be another question.

Today, Clinton is expected to give a speech at Georgetown University, an oration at a Catholic institution at a time when Catholics are soured on the pro-abortion policies of President Barack Obama. But the reception for Clinton was less than stellar — with even mainstream media reporters noting the lack of attendance and a half empty lecture hall.

As Dana Milbank of the Washington Post tweeted:

Pictures from Milbank and another reporter tell the tale, along with a video below. They could spell trouble for Clinton, who says she admires Planned Parenthood abortion business founder Margaret Sanger.

View image on Twitter

View from balcony as Hillary Clinton speaks at Georgetown Univ. in DC.



Obama’s attorney general pick wants to throw the book at convicted Hillary Clinton bundler


As she faces confirmation battle, U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch’s hard line could help with Republicans

Yahoo News

Loretta Lynch and Sant Singh Chatwal. (AP Photo/Getty Images)

The U.S. attorney nominated by President Barack Obama to be his next attorney general is asking a federal judge to impose a stiff prison term of up to four and a half years on a former Hillary Clinton fundraiser convicted of making more than $180,000 in illegal campaign contributions.

The request by Loretta Lynch, the U.S. attorney in Brooklyn, to reject leniency for wealthy hotelier Sant Singh Chatwal and have him sent to federal prison is the latest example of the tough stance Justice Department prosecutors are taking with those convicted of making so-called conduit contributions — campaign cash that is falsely reported as being made in the name of others.

But the court filing by Lynch’s office this week also comes at a time when she is facing a potentially tough grilling from Republican lawmakers on her nomination to succeed Attorney General Eric Holder. “It won’t hurt for Loretta Lynch to be sending a major Democratic fundraiser to prison right before her confirmation hearing for attorney general,” said Brett Kappel, a Washington campaign-finance lawyer who closely tracks federal election law enforcement.

Chatwal, 70, is an immigrant from India who is chairman of the $1.5 billion Hampshire Hotels & Resorts empire, which owns luxury hotels around the world. He has long been close to both Bill and Hillary Clinton; he raised more than $100,000 for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign and, according to his lawyer’s own filings in his case, was a founder of the Clinton Global Initiative, a charitable arm of the former first couple’s foundation. He once accompanied Bill Clinton on a trip to India.  

In April, Chatwal pleaded guilty to violating federal election law by illegally raising funds for Hillary Clinton and two other federal candidates through the use of straw donors. He also pleaded guilty to witness tampering after he was caught on tape coaching one of those donors, who turned out to be a government informant, to lie to investigators.

Chatwal’s case has gotten some attention because of his blunt words — caught on tape by the wired informant — about the role of big money in politics, and why fundraisers such as himself give so much cash in the first place. “Without [money] nobody will ever talk to you,” Chatwal told the informant, according to court filings. “That’s the only way to buy them, get into the system.”

In a recent court filing, Chatwal’s lawyer, Jonathan Sack, said his client “comes before this court humbled — filled with remorse and shame for what he has done.” But Sack asked that the court show leniency for Chatwal and not send him to prison, citing a long history of humanitarian causes, including his work with Bill Clinton and relief efforts in India.

But Lynch’s prosecutors took a hard line, saying he should receive an enhanced prison sentence of between 46 and 57 months because of his efforts to obstruct justice. “The evidence in this case reveals a man who believes that either the rules do not apply to him or that they can be subverted in pursuit of his own ends,” Lynch wrote in a court filing cosigned by Jack Smith, chief of the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Section.

There is no evidence in the case that Hillary Clinton or any of her campaign team were aware of Chatwal’s illegal contributions. But he is the latest in a series of fundraisers from her 2008 campaign — seven all told — who have been prosecuted for illegal campaign contributions, a record that has been attributed by campaign finance experts to the then senator’s heavy reliance on wealthy “bundlers” to raise cash for her run against Barack Obama.



So this is why Hillary Clinton had a ‘sit down’ with Obama recently! You know she has the goods on him…will be interesting to see what happens.


“Without the contributions “nobody will even talk to you,” Chatwal said. “That’s the only way to buy them, get into the system.” Welcome to the ugly truth of American politik.  More on the backstory here: “Hillary For President” Fundraiser Busted For Illegal Campaign Contributions


Cop choked Garner to death for selling untaxed cigarettes

The Grand Jury decision not to indict an NYPD officer for choking Eric Garner to death is a shocking travesty of justice, but why were police harassing Garner in the first place?

The answer; He violated New York City’s ridiculous cigarette tax laws. Eric Garner was summarily executed for avoiding taxes.

Garner was tackled by several cops and put in an illegal chokehold by Officer Daniel Pantaleo during an incident in Staten Island earlier this summer. Video footage clearly shows that Garner was not resisting arrest and was not acting aggressively towards the officers. The 43-year-old father of six begged for his life, telling officers he couldn’t breathe, before dying moments later in what the medical examiner’s office ruled a homicide caused by the chokehold.

Garner was choked to death for the crime of selling untaxed cigarettes, so-called “loosies”. His fatal encounter with the NYPD would not even have occurred if not for New York’s punitively insane cigarette tax, which levies an additional state tax of $4.35 per pack in addition to a further city tax of $1.50 per pack, driving an underground economy which accounts for over half of all cigarettes consumed in New York State.

Cigarette smuggling has increased 59 per cent since 2006 in response to a 190 percent hike in cigarette tax during that same period.

“Garner chose to participate in the booming underground cigarette market as a smuggler. Since 2009, he had been arrested eight times for selling loosies, which are popular among people who can’t afford a full pack because of the excessive taxes,” writes Lawrence J. McQuillan, noting that NYPD chief Philip Banks issued an order to crack down on vendors of smuggled cigarettes just days before Garner died.

In November 2013, Mayor Michael Bloomberg signed a bill which increased “enforcement on vendors who attempt to evade taxes.”

“These events confirm that police are ultimately the enforcers of the tax code, and every vote for higher taxes gives police increased authority to exert more force on citizens in more situations. Higher excise taxes inevitably lead to more violent clashes between police and smugglers,” concludes McQuillan.

The responsibility for Garner’s death should not be shifted away from Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who clearly should have been put on trial for manslaughter, but the entire situation would not have arose in the first place if not for New York’s obsession with high taxes.

Many reacted to the non-indictment on Twitter by referring to the tax issue.



Cops have been abusing people of all races globally, and with increased frequency for the last 15 years, don’t believe this is a hate crime though do think that the internationalist shadow government are desperate for a race war in this country. Eric’s death (May he R.I.P.) was a totally needless death in which the lives of the police were obviously not threatened. I’ll wait for the grand jury evidence before commenting any further.

If they want to riot I’d be okay with it (unlike the Brown-Ferguson case) – just hope they do it somewhere close to Ex-Mayor Bloombergs residence.



WATCH: Innocent girl gets taken down by Tucson Police Officer

A Photo: Checkpoint Cops Point Guns at Americans’ Heads

Wis. First to Require Independent Investigation of Police-involved Deaths

DHS: Has Homeland Security Become America’s Standing Army? (National Police Force)

Reporter detained by Capitol Hill police for trying to ask EPA chief a question

The United States of SWAT – Federal Agencies

Senator Ron Paul Warned Against Arming the BLM 17 years ago

Firearms and Arrest Authority of Federal Agencies

SWAT Team Refuses Public Records Request, Says ‘We’re Not a Government Agency’

PS: Who Owns the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)?  The I.R.S. is owned by entities outside our country, and by its operation is a collection agency for the Federal Reserve and the C.I.A. As you may know, the Federal Reserve is not a governmental agency, but it is a private bank that lends our government money. Our tax money is collected by the I.R.S. and sent directly to the Federal Reserve banking system. Bloomberg’ crap law has the cops working for the IRS which led to the needless death of this young man – all the while we’ve got real crime going on in the streets.

Who Owns the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ?


Originally posted on mediachecker:

by TheEditor • September 2, 2011

You might think that the I.R.S. is owned by our government. A branch that collects taxes from the citizens in order to fund our government. If you think that, you would be wrong.

The I.R.S. is owned by entities outside our country, and by its operation is a collection agency for the Federal IRS I.R.S. BanksReserve and the C.I.A. As you may know, the Federal Reserve is not a governmental agency, but it is a private bank that lends our government money. Our tax money is collected by the I.R.S. and sent directly to the Federal Reserve banking system.

Our government is financed much in the same way as you might finance your home. The politicians spend so much money that there is no way that the taxes collected would be enough to pay for all their activities. So, they borrow money from the banking…

View original 490 more words

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies


The final section of Peter Jackson’s Tolkien trilogy rounds off the story of Bilbo Baggins with the monumental confrontation its title suggests

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies world premiere – in pictures

Ian McKellen, Luke Evans, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Definitely the last time … Ian McKellen and Luke Evans in The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, the final part of the Tolkien adaptation. Photograph: Mark Pokorny/AP

Shortly after the climactic battle scene of this final instalment of Peter Jackson’s Hobbit series gets underway, an outsize troll-like monstrosity with a pointed stone headpiece runs full tilt into a fortress wall, making a breach through which a bunch of orcs and other malevolent nasties can pour through. The troll, or whatever it is, lies full length on the ground, stunned; entirely disregarded as its compadres swarm past. Well, I can sympathise entirely; I reeled out of the cinema in bit of a daze myself after this extended dose of Jackson’s patented ye olde Middle Earth cranium-smashing.

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies promises to be the New Zealand director’s final excursion into Tolkien territory, and for that some praise is due, for staying the course if nothing else. The first Lord of the Rings film, The Fellowship of the Ring, was released almost exactly 13 years ago, in 2001, and the six instalments of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies make up a remarkably homogenous body of work. Like Agatha Christie’s detective novels, there would appear little in the way of aesthetic – as opposed to technological – progression; having set the tone so definitively at the outset, each film delivered exactly what it promised.

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies – Official Main Trailer [HD]

That’s not to say Jackson’s achievement hasn’t been impressive: the epic potential of The Lord of the Rings was perhaps simple enough to spot, but a monumental effort to pull off. Applying the same thunderous template to the chirpy Hobbit, however, required adroit footwork to avoid the feeling that the whole thing had been padded out. Well, the pace doesn’t flag in this final section, even if it’s shorter by almost 20 minutes than either of its two predecessors; however, the late-breaking change of title (from the considerably more fey There and Back Again) tells you that heading towards some sort of monumental showdown is this film’s central preoccupation.

The Battle of the Five Armies picks up where Desolation of Smaug leaves off, practically in mid-sentence. The dragon is hurtling down towards the watery hovels of Laketown, Thorin Oakenshield is getting a little twitchy down in the treasure hoard, and Gandalf is swinging gently in the breeze in an iron cage in Sauron’s ruined castle. Almost immediately, we are plunged into a hellstorm of grandiose proportions, as Smaug lays down an impressively methodical carpet-fire-breathing assault, laying waste to Laketown and forcing the inhabitants to flee, until taken out by iron-arrowed Bard the Bowman (Luke Evans). Thorin (played by Richard Armitage), meanwhile, is succumbing to what is fetchingly termed “dragon sickness” – a saucer-eyed hunger for gold that causes him to lose his Braveheart-ish dignity and sense of honour. Another of the myriad concurrent plot strands sees Cate Blanchett, Christopher Lee and Hugo Weaving turn up like some kind of smocked-and-gowned superhero team to see off Sauron, with director Jackson indulging in unexpectedly trippy Doctor Who-ish visuals.

The Hobbit Battle of the Five Armies film still

As for Bilbo Baggins – well, he doesn’t have a whole lot to do. Martin Freeman is as likeably careworn as ever in the part, but as Jackson shuffles and prods events towards the gargantuan confrontation signalled from the outset, it is evident that Thorin is the film’s pivotal character, and the one with the most repeatedly inspected “journey”. Bilbo has a couple of errands to run, a ring to fiddle about with, but not much else – and certainly not much in the way of fighting. Jackson, for understandable reasons, has concentrated his cinematic fire on the clang of swordplay and the roar of battle; this consigns Bilbo to a peripheral role throughout. Of course, and I don’t think this is too much of a spoiler, his return to the Shire is calibrated for maximum heartstring-tugging, as well as one or two bits of business to close the loop to the Lord of the Rings movies.

Be that as it may, this film is a fitting cap to an extended series that, if nothing else, has transformed Tolkien’s place in the wider culture. His books were once strictly for spotty teen nerds (I think we’ve all been there), and while The Battle of the Five Armies is unlikely to repeat the Oscar sweep that greeted the conclusion of Jackson’s first Tolkien trilogy, in truth it is just as enjoyable as each of the five films that came before it. Jackson may or may not be resigned to the fact that, unless something very dramatic emerges, they will be his principal cinematic legacy – his pre-Rings eccentricity having been thoroughly eclipsed – but at least he can take a bit of time off. He’s earned it.


More Middle Earth? What’s not to like…can’t wait to see it!

Flashback: Sen. Rand Paul To Hillary Clinton – I Would Have Fired You


Youtube – published on Jan 23, 2013 – explosive confrontation between Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the Benghazi cover up hearings. In the Benghazi attacks on the U.S. consulate in Libya, Ambassador Chris Stevens and several others were killed. It has been alleged that the State Department and Obama reelection campaign did a coverup on what really happened. [Blamed it on a youtube video]. This is Rand Paul’s questioning of Hillary Clinton over the alleged cover up and alleged missteps. Also touches on the covert gun-running operation…she denies everything – of course. Can’t wait for her to enter the ring…

Lest we forget…

Rand Paul for President!

Update: Topless pro-abort fined $1,500 after jumping on altar during Cologne Cathedral’s Christmas Eve Mass


Thaddeus Baklinski – December 5, 2014

Featured Image

Cologne’s famed Cathedral of St. Peter seen towering over the old town from the Rhine river.   pic credit: shutterstock.com

The topless protester with the notorious feminist group Femen who disrupted Christmas Eve Mass in Cologne, Germany, last year by jumping on top of the altar with the words “I am God” scrawled across her torso, stood trial on Wednesday in the western German city, charged with “disturbance of the free practice of religion.”

While Josephine Witt faced up to three years in jail, in the end she was fined the equivalent of about 1,500 USD.

“This was a particularly serious disturbance of a church service and we very much appreciate that the court sent a clear signal,” Cologne Cathedral provost Norbert Feldhoff said, according to NBC News.

“Altar boys and children in our choir were traumatized. Many visiting parents complained about the psychological effects on their children. One of the altar boys stayed away from church service for two to three weeks,” he continued. “This isn’t just about the Catholic Church, it’s about free practice of religion in its widest sense, it’s about living together peacefully.”

After the disturbance, Cardinal Joachim Meisner, the then-Archbishop of Cologne who was celebrating the Mass, told the worshippers, “I’m 80 years old. I’ve lived through so much. First the Nazi period, then the entire Communist period. Something like this can’t shock me after that.”

According to Femen’s website at the time, the act was a protest “against the Vatican propaganda about criminalization of abortion.”

In a bizarre and disjointed post about the incident, Femen wrote: “Europe, wake up, you have to be an idiot to take seriously these sermons parody inquisitors (sic). Everything smells of rot should be buried immediately (sic)! Long live woman! Long live the science! My pussy my rules! I AM GOD!”

The group warned the Catholic Church of “further retribution” if Witt is not released. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” they wrote.

Following the incident, even leftist leaders condemned Witt’s actions. “The action by Femen in Cologne cathedral was disrespectful and an unnecessary disturbance of worshippers during a service,” said Volker Beck, religion spokesperson for the left-wing Green Party.

Femen, whose slogan is, “Our mission is protest, our weapons are bare breasts,” was founded in Ukraine in 2008 by Viktor Svyatski, who said in a documentary that he started the group as a way “to get girls.”

The group, no longer headed by Svyatski, has since relocated to Paris after Ukraine police launched an official investigation following the discovery of weapons and explosives at Femen’s Kyiv offices.

Femen has made a name for itself around the world for staging a series of obscene topless protests, including attacking Belgian Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard with water, parading topless in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican, protesting against government plans in Ukraine to outlaw abortion in some circumstances, and chainsawing Orthodox crosses in the wake of the conviction of a Russian punk band for desecration of Moscow’s Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.



These “FEMEN-ISTS” used their breasts as tools while their MALE leader used weapons and explosives. What a bunch of idiots.

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