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Germany: Topless Feminists (FEMEN) Disrupt Christmas Mass to Protest for Abortion


Originally posted on mediachecker:

by Ken Shepherd | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 12/26/13

Did you ever notice how the liberal media can obsess for days over a Koran-burning stunt, but ignore feminist groups that have a serious hatred problem with the Catholic Church? Via Chicks on the Right, we learned that the bratty anti-Catholic leftists of FEMEN have pulled their latest stunt.

A woman with the message “I AM GOD” painted on her body jumped up on the altar and screamed in the middle of a Mass on Christmas at Cologne Cathedral, the home of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cologne and one of the tallest cathedrals in the world.

In their own statement, FEMEN boasted “Josephine foiled Christmas mass in the main cathedral.” As if a woman throwing a momentary screaming fit and getting dragged out somehow expels Christmas from a church. (Video below)

Sextremist of FEMEN Germany Josephine foiled Christmas…

View original 383 more words

Australian couple outraged after their autistic son is shackled to a hospital bed for FOURTEEN days


Heather Mcnab for Daily Mail Australia

Posted on 12/5/2014

  • Bronwyn and Allan Pascoe’s son James was diagnosed with severe autism at the age of two but had manageable levels up until the age of 16
  • After experiencing trauma from losing his baby sister and grandparents, James’s behaviour began to escalate
  • His parents were told their only option was to call the police who would admit James to hospital where he was shackled and sedated
  • The Pascoe’s say this cycle has been repeated over the past two years, fuelling James’s fear and anxiety Despite persistent pleas for funding to keep James at home, receiving the therapy he needs, they say they have been denied support from the Department of Human Service
  • After acting out at a care facility, James was taken to hospital where he has spent the past fortnight strapped to a bed and unable to move
  • Mrs Pascoe has launched a Change.org petition begging Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews to address the needs of people with autism

James Pascoe has severe autism and was apprehended by police at his accommodation centre after acting out and was taken to the Northern Hospital in Epping, where he has been restrained for 14 days

The parents of a young man with severe autism who has been chained to a hospital bed for 14 days claim that healthcare authorities have ignored their pleas for support.

Bronwyn Pascoe’s son James was diagnosed with autism at the age of two, and suffers from high levels of anxiety and trauma, which she said was caused by years of care givers repeatedly ignoring his needs.

James has severe autism and spent his 21st birthday shackled to a hospital bed despite his parent's desperate pleas to healthcare authorities who they say have failed him

James has severe autism and spent his 21st birthday shackled to a hospital bed despite his parent’s desperate pleas to healthcare authorities who they say have failed him

Despite persistent calls by Mrs Pascoe and her husband Allan to the Victorian Department of Human Services about the lack of support and appropriate care options, James was apprehended by police at his accommodation centre and taken to the Northern Hospital in Epping, where he has been restrained for 14 days. 

Mrs Pascoe’s mother had been a role model for James and a care giver who he adored, but passed away from pancreatic cancer when James was 16.

‘When my mum passed away in 2012 James started showing outbursts of behaviour, and wasn’t coping. He withdrew and became depressed and became obsessed with the fact that people died,’ Mrs Pascoe told Daily Mail Australia.

 ‘He kept reliving losing her and was haunted by the fact that his baby sister had died at only a few weeks old, and this developed into real trauma,’ she said. 

James’s sister Jacinta died at only four and half weeks old, an event which still distresses him, and made the deaths of his grandparents more acute and created a fear of hospitals and death.

 James (centre) with his mother Bronwyn (left) and father Allan (right) say their son has deteriorated as a result of ignorance about his condition and a lack of support from the Victorian Department of Human Services

 James (centre) with his mother Bronwyn (left) and father Allan (right) say their son has deteriorated as a result of ignorance about his condition and a lack of support from the Victorian Department of Human Services

More: source

I don’t think it’s a “result of ignorance”. It does looks bad but since he was “acting out” the restraints are to keep him from hurting himself and the hospital personnel. Hospitals have policies on restraints – release every hour or thereabouts.  These patients are already on medication so adding other drugs to sedate isn’t a wise move since it takes time to figure out an increase in dosage or change the old medication to a new drug w/ correct dosage. Until that happens the restraints are necessary and no amount of funding can change it. Very sad.

Midwest Pregnancy Center First to Offer RU-486 Abortion Reversal to Save Babies


Dec 3, 2014 | staff

Dr. Karla Polaschek, FACOG, Medical Director of the Women’s Choice Center and HLI Board Member, saves babies using new hormone treatment protocol.

Area women who change their mind after beginning a medical abortion now have an attempted reversal treatment available that has been successful in saving many babies. On November 17, 2014 the Women’s Choice Center of the Quad-Cities became the first pregnancy center in the Midwest to offer natural progesterone treatments to attempt to reverse RU-486 medical abortions. The treatments are being offered in partnership with Moline OB/GYN Dr. Karla Polaschek, FACOG, Medical Director of the Women’s Choice Center. So far, there have been 58 babies born alive and healthy to mothers treated with this protocol after beginning a medical abortion. In addition, 106 women are expecting delivery of children they first tried to abort. Dr. Karla Polascheck is an obstetrician practicing near Davenport, Iowa, and is a board member of Human Life International.

This hormone treatment protocol was developed by Dr. George Delgado, Medical Director of Culture of Life Family Services, in conjunction with Priests for Life and Cities for Life. Dr. Delgado reports a 60% success rate in attempted abortion pill reversals started within the first 72 hours after taking the first pill. Dr. Polaschek, who also serves on the board of Human Life International introduced WCC’s governing board, Life & Family Educational Trust, to the RU-486 attempted reversal concept. She recommended WCC become a referral site for women attempting to reverse their medical abortions.

According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, nearly half (2,314) of 4,638 abortions recorded in Iowa in 2012 were medical RU-486 abortions. The manufacturer’s label states that RU-486 was developed to end pregnancies up to the gestational age of 7 weeks. Pregnant women are given two drugs and directed to take them three days apart. The first, mifepristone, blocks the hormone progesterone from getting to the growing baby, starving it of the nutrients it needs to survive. The second drug, misoprostol, triggers uterine contractions to expel the dead baby. The medical abortion happens at home, absent medical supervision and has resulted in documented instances of hemorrhaging. Dr. Delgado and Dr. Thomas Hilgers found that women who receive high doses of progesterone shortly after taking the first abortion pill can override the action of the progesterone blocker, and save the pregnancy.

“Time is critical,” says Dr. Polaschek, WCC’s Medical Director. WCC is launching a rapid-response protocol to get women wanting to reverse their medical abortions to their Clinic as quickly as possible, preferably within the first day or hours after the first abortion pill is taken.

Within the first week of offering the treatment protocol, WCC received its first call from the national website/hotline (www.abortionpillreversal.com), which offers referrals to women seeking to reverse their medical abortions. “The potential demand for attempted reversals is great,” says Tyler, a certified counselor who has helped hundreds of post-abortive women along the path to healing. “Regret after an abortion can be devastating. For some, that regret begins immediately after the abortion,” according to Tyler. “Previously, there hasn’t been much hope for turning back once a medical abortion began. Now there is.”

The Women’s Choice Center of the Quad-Cities is a Christian-based 501(c)3 ministry founded in 2002 by the Life and Family Educational Trust. WCC’s walk-in clinic offers free services to women facing unplanned pregnancies, including pregnancy testing, obstetric ultrasound, options counseling and local resource referrals, including adoption referrals.



Saving babies!!! Great news. The population control people aren’t going to like this…heh

VIDEO: Talking Twin Babies

Education Programming 101: Destroy Logic


Saturday, December 06, 2014 by: Natural News Editors


Grammar: the interior construction of language.

Logic: the valid and invalid connections in the course of a formal argument; the method of proper reasoning; the deductive links in a chain, at the end of which appears a conclusion.

Rhetoric: oral and written presentation; the use of language to make a case; the capacity to persuade, even in the face of counter-argument.

Today, the subject matter of the Trivium is not only downplayed. It has been shattered.

This article focuses on the death of logic in schools.

When the intensive handling of ideas is seen as a laughable goal for education, indoctrination is plugged in as the only alternative.

The mind of the student shifts from being an active force to being a container.

The destruction of logic perverts rational thought at its core and inserts ideology masked as insight.

The actual meaning of an idea is firmly placed on the back burner. Instead? Praise or attack the people who forward ideas.

This strategy has gained great prominence.

“The revered Founders of the Republic? Shysters, con men, slaveholders, monopolists who saw rebellion from England as the way to win greater power for themselves, at the expense of everyone else living on American soil.”

Therefore, the argument continues, and this is crucial, the Founders’ IDEAS, as expressed in the Declaration and the Constitution, were rotten to the core. The ideas can be dismissed out of hand as coming from “a bad source.”

Ideas no longer need to be judged on their sense, merit, and alignment with basic principles. Nor are they judged by their position in a well-formed argument. All that is out. Now, you only have to “look to the source” and make ALL your decisions based on “who these people really were who expressed the ideas.”

And since that’s the case, learning to think or reason is unnecessary.

In logic, this used to be called the fallacious ad hominem argument. Now it’s not called anything. It’s praised as the insightful way to do intellectual business.

One by one, core ideas fall to the ax, and finally they cease to exist at all.

(To argue that very bad people have taken over an idea, and therefore the idea itself was never good, is like arguing that, since hijackers took over a plane, the plane was a despicable object altogether and probably deserved to be stolen or blown up.)

You might be surprised by the number of people who believe that the value of an idea depends entirely on who expressed the idea. If the wrong person first expressed it, it was never worthy.

Students with a vast sense of self-entitlement and meaningless self-esteem love this strategy. It allows them to parade around and call the shots and decide which ideas are important and which aren’t, without reflection. They have a scorecard of good guys and bad guys and that’s all they need.

In our teaching institutions, you could look in vain to find courses on the individual, his freedom, his power. That’s gone. It’s no accident that serious training in logic is also gone. And by serious, I mean the application of logic to formal arguments on issues that determine our future.

In many cases, instead, education is about: what group do you belong to? What are the needs of that group? Who is oppressing your group? How can you get government to solve the problem?

If you can educate the young to make snap judgments about core ideas, you eliminate their capacity to reason. You own them.

From that point on, they hold a hostile attitude toward anyone who can discuss and analyze ideas. They look at such people as an entitled and privileged class who is speaking a foreign language.

In order to engage in meaningful debate, people have to be able to recognize a train of thought and follow it. If they can’t, because they were educated not to, where are we? We’re in the dark. We’re living by slogans.

Freedom? Liberty? Collective need? Responsibility? It doesn’t matter what ideas are on the table, because the overwhelming number of people don’t know what an idea is. They don’t know how to walk up to one and look at it from several sides. They don’t know how to trace its implications. They don’t know how to fit that idea alongside its cousins. They don’t see a Whole. They see the ceaseless spinning machinery of an alien process, from which they’ve been excluded.

Then, no matter what shape society takes, it’s a dumb-show, as far the majority of its citizens are concerned.

Who solves that?

The invasive State takes charge. It picks up the pieces of the wreckage it was a key actor in delivering.

The goal of educating citizens about what it means to take part in a Republic has been blunted. This was done, a step at a time, through education.

Dismantling the ability to reason, employ logic, and handle ideas was the prow of that destructive campaign.

Therefore, the people who still know what logic is need to teach it in any way they can.[1]

The first steps are the hardest. But when a student suddenly sees that world open up to him, when the lights go on, when information that was formerly a blur and a blob snaps into place as a recognizably logical (or illogical) sequence, when the student’s aimless wandering mind suddenly focuses with power…when he knows that he knows...the rewards are self-evident.

A dullness becomes bright.



The Difference Between Critical Thinking and Logic

“Those who seek to inculcate “critical thinking skills” give all authority to the questioner. He examines, probes, questions, and so forth, before he settles upon “whatever works for him.” The one with the questions has all the authority — a totally subjective authority.

Logical analysis presupposes that there is such a thing as absolute unchanging truth, and that this truth has authority over us. We are not allowed to tinker with the truth. Instead of teaching skepticism — the belief that there are no unchanging answers — this approach teaches that we are looking for validly derived answers. The reasoner is not at all interested in whatever would work “for him”; he is interested in answers that would be true even if he had never been born. In other words, he is interested in objective truth.” continued: http://www.home-school.com/Articles/critical-thinking-and-logic.php

VIDEO: Marian Anderson


Youtube – Uploaded on Apr 13, 2009

A short film about the life and career of singer Marian Anderson up through 1950. Transferred from original 35mm print. Footage from this subject is available for licensing from http://www.globalimageworks.com

Photograph of Marian Anderson.

“As long as you keep a person down, some part of you has to be down there to hold him down, so it means you cannot soar as you otherwise might” ~~~Marian Anderson ~~~

VIDEO: Shows Dem. Judge Stumbling During Arrest After Drunk Driving Charges Dismissed by Judge Rolando Cantu


Failure to prosecute judge, despite video evidence, reveals stark double standard

Video Shows Dem. Judge Stumbling During Arrest After Drunk Driving Charges Dropped Against Her


Weeks after drunk driving charges were dropped against a South Texas Court of Appeals judge, a County District Attorney is claiming his office failed to receive recently surfaced footage of her field sobriety test, which police say may have led to her successful prosecution.

“McAllen police have released dashcam video from 13th Court Justice of Appeals Nora Longoria’s traffic stop that led to her DWI arrest,” reports Action 4 News.

Last July, Longoria was pulled over driving home after an officer clocked her speeding 69 MPH in a 55-MPH zone.

The newly-surfaced video of her arrest appears to show a drunken Judge Longoria stumbling multiple times. She also appears unable to raise her hands or walk in a straight line as the officer conducting the test requests.

At the time of the event, the arresting officer reportedly noted Longoria smelled of alcohol and was slurring her speech. She additionally failed a breathalizer test, but refused to provide a blood sample, according to Action 4 News.

Longoria also allegedly begged the arresting officer not to book her, saying, “Please let me go home. I live a couple of miles away,” and, “You are going to ruin my life. I worked hard for 25 years to be where I am today.”

Next, Longoria reportedly admitted to driving drunk. Following the arrest, the Valley Morning Star noted that “Once another police officer and a sergeant arrived at the scene, Longoria said she had been having dinner with friends and drank five beers with the last drink being three hours before she got behind the wheel, records show.”


The Star reports that the judge also “refused to let the officers place the handcuffs on her and told the officers that they would have to drag her to the patrol car. The police officers and the sergeant told the judge that if she kept refusing their orders they would charge her with resisting arrest.” Longoria posted bond the next morning and was released the same day, pending B misdemeanor charges.

On November 20, Hidalgo County Court at Law No. 8 Judge Rolando Cantu dismissed the DWI charges against Longoria, marking the case ‘Other; In the Interest of Justice,’” according to The Monitor.

At the time, Hidalgo County District Attorney Rene Guerra claimed there was insufficient evidence to successfully prosecute Longoria. He also claimed to Action 4 News that the damning footage was never shown to his office.


Rather, Guerra “saw video recorded at the police station, which showed a more put together Longoria With that video alone, the case wasn’t strong enough to take to court,” reports the New York Daily News (above).

The democrat judge’s case is reminiscent of Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg’s April 2013 arrest. Lehmberg was filmed by police behaving belligerently, issuing threats to officers and lashing out in fits of rage. Her blood alcohol level was three times the allowable state limit. Unlike Longoria, however, Lehmberg spent 45 days in jail and had her license suspended for 180 days.

The failure to prosecute Judge Longoria is indicative of a double standard which holds public servants above the law. Unlike the judge, everyday citizens caught speeding while driving drunk would likely have the book thrown at them.

No word yet on whether the DA Guerra will attempt to re-open the case in light of the new video evidence.


Obviously she’ll now go to jail which is where she should have gone to begin with…reflects badly on her peer-buddy Judge Ronaldo Cantu.



Nov, 2014by s

Part One of this series dealt with the fact that the G20 has declared that your “money” in the bank, is not “money” anymore and is subject to not being covered by the FDIC as it was in the past.

Part two discussed how the theft of your bank account will occur incrementally in order to avoid a violent backlash from the public.

The third part of the series will discuss how the globalists will not stop with the theft of your bank accounts and will quickly include your retirement accounts, your homes and ultimately the globalists will seek to control your one remaining asset, your personal labor.

Attention Federal Employees: This is man is stealing from you as you read these words.

Congress is back in session and what are they talking about?

One of the topics is raising the debt ceiling. The Treasury Department once again is taking federal retirement programs to buy the government more time to increase the nation’s debt ceiling. And why does the government need to raise the debt ceiling?

The debt ceiling must be raised for two reasons,

(1) in order to fund the banker-inspired wars of occupation and,

(2) to continue to fund the largest wealth transfer in history, the bailouts.

And just who is behind this nonsense?

The Banksters from Basel are pulling the strings and Goldman Sachs is executing the plan. Also, the very close friends of Goldman Sachs over at Citigroup now have their henchman in charge of the continuing rape of America’s resources by Wall Street and he is Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.

Normally, the position of the Secretary of the Treasury is held by an alumni of Goldman  Sachs (e.g. Hank Paulson). However, the latest Treasury Secretary is from Citibank. Why? Let me be clear, and Lew you can sue me if this not true, it is a fact that Obama appointed one of the criminals who had a major hand in bringing down the economy to run the country’s finances. While at Citigroup, Lew oversaw 113 tax evading accounts in Cayman Island banks.

Based upon Lew’s resume, hedge funds for Citigroup where he lost almost 600 million dollars, one can only assume that is why Obama has appointed Lew to finish the job which will leave you and I with nothing.

I know that some of you would say that “There would be a revolution if the government ever dared to take our retirements. At least the citizens of Greece rioted because they understand what happened to them. Our sheeple still hide behind the security blanket belief that “they would never do that.” Lew was made the Secretary of the Treasury because he would do “that”, he has done “that” and he is going to do “that” to you.

Jack’s Criminal Background

When one wants to commit a murder, one hires a hitman. When one wants to kill the economy of a nation and rape the citizens of that nation of all of its assets, one hires an economic hitman. This is what the globalists have done by going outside the tradition stranglehold of a Goldman Sachs alumni holding the position of the Secretary of the Treasury and they have brought in economic hitman, Jack Lew, from Citigroup. As I have stated, Lew was an overseer of hedge funds. You know, the hedge funds originating from the actual criminals that collapsed the economy in 2008. This is who Obama selected to run the economy. So, why does this bear repeating?

Last year, Lew announced that the government was taking the unprecedented action of avoiding governmental default through the last summer by including tapping into and suspending investments into the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund and halting the daily reinvestment of the government securities (G) fund, the most stable offering in the Thrift Savings Plan‘s portfolio.

That is right my federal Civil Service employee friends, your retirement is in jeopardy!

Grand Theft America

grand theft america

Beginning in 2012, the Federal Reserve began to purchase $40 billion dollars in Mortgage Backed Securities as part of QE3. Isn’t interesting that QE 3 has been tapered and this just happens to coincide with the notice that the G20 has declared that your bank account does not contain any money, which allows them to not compensate you when the banks begin to fail. This G20 action constitutes a form of QE4 by stealth.  This undeclared QE4 will lead to a complete asset forfeiture by the general public.

This will be the largest wealth transfer in history.

We have long heard that bankers that have hijacked the government would commence stealing our private wealth through seizing bank account funds and this will be quickly followed by the theft of the pension funds and this is exactly what the chief bankster, Jack Lew, is implementing.

The globalists plan to step up the MERS mortgage fraud as every month. And the seizure of bank accounts will occur incrementally as it has been the case in other countries. Certainly, George Soros  money movements away from the American megabanks, over the past year, signals a major reason for concern by American account holders. Soros knows what is coming and now you do too.

Attention Federal Employees

The federal employees G Fund is invested in interest-bearing Treasury securities (i.e. bonds) that make up the public debt. The Civil Service Retirement Fund finances benefit payments under the Civil Service Retirement System and the basic retirement annuity of the Federal Employees’ Retirement System, and those investments are made up of securities also considered part of the public debt. In other words, for you people who have cushy federal government jobs, Lew is telling you that the government controls your retirement.

They own it and they own you.

And you people who thought serving the New World Order was a such a good idea, are you reconsidering your loyalties now?

Military and law enforcement personnel should take note on how you will be treated for your subjugation of the American people.

Grand Theft Kremlin

I laugh at those who think that Putin is somehow independent of the Banksters. Putin is as controlled by the banksters as is President Obama and his intended theft of Russian retirement accounts is living proof of this statement.

Late last year, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev told his finance ministers that the Russian government was  “temporarily” seizing $7.6 billion in savings from non-state pension funds while it carries out inspections to insure that the money Russians channel to private pension funds, is safe. To do this, it seized 244 billion rubles (i.e. $7.6 billion) from private, non-governmental pension funds and forcibly, but only “temporarily” place them into the Russian government state pension fund.

Russian authorities claim that they will only hold the retirement money for awhile (i.e. a year) while they check to see that banking institutions are sound. We have passed the previously set year deadline and the Putin still has the Russian retirement money. To you journalists who work such outlets as “Voice of Russia”, Putin just stole your retirements. Aren’t you going to report it? It is hard not believe that this retirement money will not be applied to invading and occupying Ukraine as well as continuing to buy gold in order to purchase Iranian oil.

The Russian government explanation of why they need to seize retirement funds does not even constitute a good cover story. Many analysts state that the “temporary” borrowing of Russian pension funds by the government looks more like a case of government“ confiscation” of these private funds.

Former Russian finance minister, Alexei Kudrin, has stated that if the government is not intent on spending these retirement funds, then why are they banking the retirement money?

Government controlled companies have expressed a negative reaction to the “borrowing” of Russian retirement funds. Most experts agree that the Russian government is making Russia a very unattractive place to invest given this new development. This apparent reckless action by the Russian government makes no sense unless the Russians, like the American bankers are attempting to acquire as many hard assets as possible before the coming collapse of the banks.

 Loving Your Enslavement

When the globalists are done stealing all of your hard assets, then they are coming after last remaining asset, namely, your personal labor. According to Obama’s EO 13603, the President, or the head of any federal agency that he shall designate, can conscript “persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation,” in both “peacetime and times of national emergency.”  I can hear the Obama supporters now as they will write to me and say, “Obama would never do that, you are drinking from the Kool-Aid”.  Well, here it is, you can read it for yourself.

Sec. 502.  Consultants.  The head of each agency otherwise delegated functions under this order is delegated the authority of the President under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c), to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations.  The authority delegated by this section may not be redelegated.

This means that Obama, and his fellow communists, can seize any resource, property, or person at any time for any reason, including being able to force that person to perform assigned labor without being paid.

There is only ONE word for forced, “uncompensated employment”. That word would be “slavery”. Congratulations President Obama, you have effectively repealed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.

Section 601 of the act specifies, in part, how far the government can go in terms of making you their slave.

Sec. 601. Secretary of Labor. (a) The Secretary of Labor, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense and the heads of other agencies, as deemed appropriate by the Secretary of Labor, shall:

(1) collect and maintain data necessary to make a continuing appraisal

of the Nation’s workforce needs for purposes of national defense;

(2) upon request by the Director of Selective Service, and in coordination

with the Secretary of Defense, assist the Director of Selective Service

in development of policies regulating the induction and deferment of

persons for duty in the armed services;

(3) upon request from the head of an agency with authority under this

order, consult with that agency with respect to: (i) the effect of contemplated

actions on labor demand and utilization; (ii) the relation of

labor demand to materials and facilities requirements; and (iii) such other

matters as will assist in making the exercise of priority and allocations

functions consistent with effective utilization and distribution of labor;

(4) upon request from the head of an agency with authority under this

order: (i) formulate plans, programs, and policies for meeting the labor

requirements of actions to be taken for national defense purposes; and

ii) estimate training needs to help address national defense requirements

and promote necessary and appropriate training programs

“to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations”.

This, my fellow Americans, is a civilian conscription and this is why the Secretary of Labor is in charge instead of the head of the Selective Service! Under these provisions, the government believes that they can send you anywhere, to work on anything of their choosing.

If the above section was merely going to be a military draft, then the Secretary of Labor would not have to be involved. However, as you will note the “Secretary of Labor, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense and heads of other agencies, as deemed appropriate by the Secretary of Labor, shall:

“…assist in the development of policies regulating the induction and deferment of persons for duty in the armed services;… formulate plans, programs, and policies for meeting the labor requirements of actions to be taken for national defense purposes; and (ii) estimate training needs to help address national defense requirements and promote necessary and appropriate training programs…”.  Refer back to section 502 of sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c);  these are the people that the Secretary of the Labor will conscript in order “to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations”.

This, my fellow Americans, is a civilian conscription (i.e. slavery) and this is why the Secretary of Labor is in charge instead of the head of the Selective Service! Under these provisions, the government believes that they can send you anywhere, to work on anything of their choosing.

fema camp workers


For you people who thought serving the New World Order was such a good idea, are you reconsidering your loyalties now? You NSA guys who are spying on us right at precisely this minute, do you think your pensions are safe? To you potbellied perverts from the TSA, do you think your retirement will be there when you are done groping our wives and children on behalf of the globalists who seek to dehumanize the traveling public? How’s that Kool-Aid tasting about now?

The fourth and final part of this series will look at the limited solutions that the general public has at their disposal.



““After WWI, Germany fell into the hands of the German International Bankers. Those bankers bought her and they now own her, lock, stock and barrel. They purchased her industries, they have mortgages on her soil, they control her production; they control all her public utilities. The International German Bankers have subsidized the present government of Germany and they have also supplied every dollar of the money Adolf Hitler has used in his lavish campaign to build up a threat to the government of Bruening. When Bruening fails to obey the orders of the German International Bankers, Hitler is brought forth to scare the Germans into submission. Through the Federal Reserve Board over thirty billions of dollars was pumped into Germany…You have all heard of the spending that has taken place in Germany…modernistic dwellings, her great planetariums, her gymnasiums, her swimming pools, her fine public highways, her perfect factories….All this was done with our money. All this was given to Germany through the Federal Reserve Board. The Federal Reserve Board has pumped so many billions of dollars into Germany that they dare not name the total.” – Rep. Lewis T. McFadden (D PA), Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, 1931, (spoken before Congress eight years before Hitler invaded Poland and duly entered into the Congressional Record.) ((Rep. Louis T. McFadden (R. Pa.) rose from office boy to become cashier and then President of the First National Bank in Canton Ohio. For 12 years he served as Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency, making him one of the foremost financial authorities in America. He fought continuously for fiscal integrity and a return to constitutional government.) ”   from http://prof77.wordpress.com/the-20/the-international-bankers-famous-quot…

Sweden: Pirate Bay Raided by Police – Currently Offline


BY  – ON DECEMBER 9, 2014

Police in Sweden carried out a raid in Stockholm today, seizing servers, computers, and other equipment. At the same time The Pirate Bay and several other torrent-related sites disappeared offline. Although no official statement has been made, TF sources confirm action against TPB.

For many years The Pirate Bay has been sailing by the seat of its pants so any downtime is met with concern from its millions of users.

This morning, for the first time in months, The Pirate Bay disappeared offline. A number of concerned users emailed TF for information but at that point technical issues seemed the most likely culprit.

However, over in Sweden authorities have just confirmed that local police carried out a raid in Stockholm this morning as part of an operation to protect intellectual property.

“There has been a crackdown on a server room in Greater Stockholm. This is in connection with violations of copyright law,” read a statement from Paul Pintér, police national coordinator for IP enforcement.

Police are staying quiet on the exact location of the operation and the targets involved but the fact that the national police IP chief is involved at this early stage suggests something sizable.

In addition, expert file-sharing case prosecutor Fredrik Ingblad has commented on the raid, further adding weight to the incident.

“There were a number of police officers and digital forensics experts there. This took place during the morning and continued until this afternoon. Several servers and computers were seized, but I cannot say exactly how many,” Ingblad told SR.

Ingblad would not be drawn on any arrests during the operation but TorrentFreak has learned that police may have detained at least one man connected to the site.

While it seems certain that The Pirate Bay has been targeted today, it was not the only casualty. Several other torrent related sites including EZTV, Zoink, Torrage and the Istole tracker are also down.

Update: The Pirate Bay’s forum Suprbay.org is also offline. The same goes for Bayimg.com and Pastebay.net.

Update: According to the police the raid targeted a data center in Nacka which is built into a “mountain.” This suggests that the raid took place at Portlane (pdf).


Piratebay doesn’t have any movies stored at their site – they only link to torrents  therefore its legal. Interesting that this happened less than 48 hrs. AFTER the Sony Hack Sweden hammers the Pirate Bay. Amazing what big business dollars can do, such as, force governments to bypass their own laws thereagain we all know who really runs the governments of the world and how much our vote counts eh…

Depopulation by Government Edict


Originally posted on mediachecker:

- by Deanna Spingola, 29 Jan. 2010

In 1922, Margaret Sanger wrote The Pivot of Civilization with an introduction by eugenicist H. G. Wells. The Rockefeller Foundation “enthusiastically supported the concept of ‘eugenics,’ which encourages the reproductive efforts of those deemed to have ‘good’ genes, while discouraging or stopping procreation by undesirables. But Rockefeller and others were anxious to go even further to mold America’s breeding patterns along evolutionary lines.”1 John D. Rockefeller Jr., per the advice of Raymond B. Fosdick, provided financial backing for Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood movement.2 Sanger, a feminist and birth control activist established the first family planning clinics in New York City. Several U.S. foundations financed eugenic research, including the Carnegie Institution, which funded Davenport’s eugenic studies at Cold Spring Harbor, and the Rockefeller Foundation, which gave grants in the 1930s for eugenic research at the Galton Laboratory at University…

View original 5,581 more words

Video: Jonathon Gruber on Economic Eugenics –“Abortions For Poor People Saves Government Money”

Published on Dec 9, 2014

Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky laid into Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber at today’s OGR Hearing in Congress, exposing him fully as an economic eugenicist.

Massie referred to Gruber’s economic paper on how giving free abortions to the poor would reduce the population burden for the better people, and how he endorses rationing end-of-life care for the poor for the same reason.

He even got Gruber to agree that he was “condescending” to the American people, that he lied to the public for their own good like they were children. Incredible exchange.”


Related – [these people have always name-called the poor (poor because these monsters stole from them) from the Royal Houses – Elizabeth I, William of Orange and so on – then there’s the Rothchilds etc – one only has to think about how they caricatured the Irish for centuries – they were quite open in their disdain until recent times…the digital era]:


more info on Fabian Socialists – Keynes, Welles, Sanger, Besant, Russell, Huxley, Webbs…via search engine here…. also eugenics, depopulation, planned parenthood margaret sanger…(sanger kept in touch w/ the FB’s – think she had an intimate relationship with Wells….

More on dehumanizer Jonathon Gruber and “marginal” children here….

VIDEO: Hitler Finds Out Field Marshal Gruber Spilled the Beans

VIDEO: Brainiac Gruber Lied To Congress About Not Writing Obamacare [Perjury]


A trap was made and this very smart MIT guy fell right into it…

This dope spends years actively helping to craft a lie.
He then tells other people the truth about the lie – on video no less.
Now he lies to Congress about all those times he told the truth about the lie and perjures himself.


I doubt he’d ever survive the real world.

Belgium: Hostage situation in Ghent


Submitted by IWB, on December 15th, 2014

Belgium hostage drama: Police standoff as ‘four armed men take hostage in apartment building’

Four armed men have reportedly taken a hostage leading to a tense standoff with police at an apartment building in Belgium.

Around 30 special police have been called out to the developing situation in Ghent, a city in the north west of the country, this morning.

The Belgium hostage situation comes as the police in Australia continue to deal with a standoff with a suspected gunman in Syndey, who is holding a number of hostages inside a cafe. Follow live coverage of the Sydney siege here.


Ghent Belgium … 4 armed men raided appartement… Possibly hostage. … Special Police deployed… …Updates : helicopter scanning building..

Google translate :dutch to English

Four armed men this morning raided an apartment in Ghent. This was reported to the police. Possibly someone hostage….

Police have set up a safety zone.

The raid happened this morning in an apartment at the Pilorijnstraat, near the Dampoort. “Four armed men invaded an apartment building,” said spokesman Mugica Gonzalez. “They are in the building, but it is not clear what happens inside. We have established a safety zone and asked residents to stay indoors for their own safety. For now, no one evacuated.”

special Intervention
The police are massive site. The local police have deployed some thirty men. The Federal Police has now taken the lead and also the Special Assistance Team is now on site.

There is information that a hostage might be busy, so we err on the side of caution, “said Filip Rasschaert police chief of the local police.

Several members of the special units of the Federal Police are preparing for the moment, but it is not yet clear whether they will also be deployed. The helicopter of the Federal Police provides air support and the area is fully utilized.

Waiting on More


another pic ( same story)

waiting on further info… possible hostage…


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De gijzeling aan op @CNN @cnnbrk

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intervention police blockade pic

Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/breaking-terror-situation-in-ghent-belgium-now/#SGzd4yT5A2FoXeGJ.99

A copycat?

Australia: Hostage Standoff: 5 Escape, Gunman Identified; Demands Islamic State Flag…


Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/15/2014 07:27

The Sydney hostage standoff at the Lindt chocolate store on Martin Place continues well into its 13th hour, where the latest news is that five people have escaped with others still held inside as neighboring blocks remain locked down, authorities said ABC reports. The first three people who fled sprinted out of the Lindt Chocolat Cafe about six hours into the standoff, while two women wearing aprons frantically ran from a side exit and into the arms of heavily-armed SWAT team police officers waiting outside. At the same time, media personalities said they received calls from hostages during the standoff. It remains unclear exactly how many people remain inside the cafe.

Additionally, according to Reuters, Australian police said on Monday they are monitoring alleged demands made on social media by hostages being held in a siege at a Sydney cafe and the “situation is contained in one area”.

More ABC US news | ABC World News

Network 10 reported that two female hostages had called with claims from the gunman that two bombs were planted elsewhere in the city.

Three men and two women, who sprinted from the Lindt Chocolate Cafe, told the media that the man had warned them that two bombs were set to explode in the cafe, and other bombs were planted at two locations in the city.

Social media posts by alleged hostages claimed the gunman wanted to speak directly with Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

“That is forming a part of our tactical response in how to handle this,” Deputy Police Commissioner Catherine Burn said of the reports, declining to comment on any demands from the hostage-taker. She said people should go about their business as normal in Sydney.

Elsewhere, Xinhua reports that the hostage-taker gunman has been identified after five hostages managed to flee the hours-long siege. The Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) reported that the man was known to police, but it has been told not to reveal his name.

The armed man also demanded the delivery of an Islamic State (IS) flag and a conversation with Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

The escapees told Channel 10 TV that the man forced his captives to call him “brother” and would release a hostage if the flag was delivered. That should put the heated discussion about just what flag is being shown in the window, to rest. It would appear that the gunman is at least superficially an ISIS sympathzier, who just couldn’t get his hands on the right flag in advance.

The siege began at 9:40 a.m. local time (2240 GMT), and has involved hundreds of armed police who surrounded the cafe located at the Martin Place in Sydney’s central business district.


The government convened a meeting of the National Security Committee this morning. It has been warning for months that a terror attack could happen in Australia.

“We don’t know whether this is politically motivated, although obviously there are some indications that it could be,” Prime Minister Abbott said in the capital of Canberra.

After the anti-terror raids in September, he said all that was required for a domestic IS-ordered terror attack was a “knife, iPhone and a victim.”

New South Wales police commissioner Andrew Scipione told reporters that the police were doing all they could to resolve the situation peacefully.

“The officers there are well trained. They know what they are doing,” he said, adding that there were tight controls around the location, and the police had not made contact with the gunman.

Scipione said the police still did not know the his motivation and were working to determine where he was from.

Perhaps the best summary of current, very fluid events, comes from the latest headline from Reuters: Sydney gripped by fear.

Finally, in what is said to be an unrelated incident, four gunmen took a man hostage in an apartment in the Belgian city of Ghent on Monday, officials said, adding there was no initial evidence linking the assault to a jihadist organization. Belgian police cordoned off part of the city after the four men were seen entering the building in the Dampoort district, where they took a hostage. “For the time being we have no indication that there is a link to terrorism,” a spokeswoman for state prosecutors said.

According to more recent reports, the Belgian hostage situation appears to have just ended.

As for the Syndey standoff, follow the development with the following live feed.



The hostage videos on youtube have been removed but this is what they said:-


People taking selfies:-


It’s across the street from the Banls. major travel conduits, TV/media… One individual, who ensured we knew he was an Al Qaeda/ISIS mercenary, shuts down a city commerce? These attacks should be examined closely in the context of its ability to menace the entire planet with violence and acts of terrorism with seemingly inexhaustible resources.


“The so-called “Islamic State” – neither “Islamic” nor a “state” – is in reality simply a rebrand of Al Qaeda – Al Qaeda itself the terrorist front created by US and Saudi intelligence agencies as part of another covert, proxy war – then, against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

 As evidence of this “rebrand,” nearly all organizations from North Africa, across the Middle East, and their affiliates in southern Russia, Central Asia, and even China which had previously operated either affiliated to or directly under the banner of Al Qaeda have seamlessly realigned themselves with ISIS. These groups include Libyan terrorist organizations such as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) – both of whom received NATO air cover, weapons, and cash during the West’s 2011 bid to reorder the nation of Libya.”

contin: http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2014/12/americas-terrorist-mercenaries-wreck.html#more

Who Created Cartoon Character “Man Haron Monis” Behind “Sydney Siege” Circus?


December 15, 2014 (Tony Cartalucci – LD)

As predicted, the suspect amid the “Sydney Siege,” has long been on the radar of Australian law enforcement, as well as a frequent visitor to Australia’s court system.

Before that, however, he came to Australia as a political refugee, an opponent of what he called the “Iranian regime,” and was even interviewed by Australia’s ABC network in 2001 as part of an ongoing anti-Iranian propaganda campaign.

It has been revealed that long-time agitator, alias “Man Haron Monis,” also known as “Manteghi Boroujerdi,” was the suspect amid the so-called “Sydney Siege” hostage crisis. Monis/Boroujerdi claims to be a Shia’a religious leader and is often seen in press photos dressed as one.

Despite this, he was at the center of a hostage crisis requesting the flag of the “Islamic State” terrorist organization be delivered to him while claiming association with other ISIS “brothers.”

Neither Islamic nor a state, ISIS is led by US, Israeli, and Saudi-backed Wahabi terrorists, promoting a perversion of Sunni Islam – the bane to both genuine Sunnis and Shia’a worldwide and against which both the nations of Syria and Iran are fighting.

Monis/Boroujerdi rose to infamy amid two notable incidents – one being his involvement in the stabbing death and burning of his ex-wife – the other being his controversial campaign of sending hate-letters to the families of dead Australian soldiers killed during the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. The latter was used extensively to stir up division across the pro and anti-war political divide.

The Australian in a September 2013 article titled, “‘Cleric’ Man Haron Monis punished for offensive letters written to families of dead Diggers,” reported that:

A SELF-styled Muslim cleric has been sentenced to 300 hours of community service for penning “grossly offensive” letters to families of soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

Man Haron Monis, also known as Sheik Haron, was also placed on a two-year good behaviour bond.

So too was his co-accused and partner, 34-year-old Amirah Droudis, who pleaded guilty to one count of aiding and abetting him.

In December of 2013, the Australian Daily Telegraph would report in an article titled, “‘Hate’ sheik Man Horan Monis and girlfriend Amirzh Droudis granted bail on murder charges,” that:

Monis is charged as an accessory before and after the fact to the murder of Noleen Hayson Pal, 30, who was stabbed 18 times and set alight outside a western Sydney unit in April.

Monis/Boroujerdi’s Origins Story 

But before Monis/Boroujerdi’s recent run-ins with the law and his role as chief “Muslim boogeyman” in Australia, he was “Manteghi Boroujerdi,” a “victim” of the “Iranian regime” who was in love with Western society.

Australia’s ABC in its “Religion Report” dated January 31, 2001, introduced Monis/Boroujerdi as follows:

…while in Sydney we talk to Ayatollah Manteghi Boroujerdi, an Iranian cleric espousing a liberal brand of Islam – dangerously liberal, as his views have led to his wife and two daughters being held hostage in Iran.

The interview itself is used as yet another vehicle to carry along Western propaganda long-aimed at Iran. It claims Monis/Boroujerdi’s family is in grave danger and that Monis/Boroujerdi himself would be executed should he ever return to Iran. It quotes Monis/Boroujerdi several times including claims he was formally associated with Iranian intelligence:

In Iran, mostly I have been involved with the Ministry of Intelligence and Security.

And was in contact with the UN regarding security issues in Iran:

…more than four years I have not seen my family, and the Iranian regime doesn’t let them come out. In fact I can say they are hostage; as a hostage the Iranian regime wants to make me silent, because I have some secret information about government, and about their terrorist operations in the war. I sent a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and somebody on behalf of Mr Kofi Anan sent the answer, and they want to do something. I have hope and always I pray and ask God to solve my problem.

At one point during the interview  of AustraliaMonis/Boroujerdi professes his love of, Australia, Canada, the US, and UK claiming:

…we can say Australia, Canada, England, USA, so many western countries, they are religious societies. They don’t say ‘We are religious’, but in fact the spirit of religion, we can see the spirit of religion in these societies. And some other countries in the Middle East, in Asia, they say ‘We are Islamic’ they have a name of Islamic, but in fact they are not religious societies and religious governments. Whenever I walk in the street, whenever I go out in Australia, I feel I am in a real religious society. I don’t want to say it is perfect, we don’t have a perfect society on the earth, but when we compare, if we compare Australia with Iran and other countries in the Middle East, we can say it is heaven.

However, later in 2008, Monis/Boroujerdi’s activities drew the attention of real Shia’a religious leaders in Australia who asked Australian security agents to investigate him. In an Australian article titled, “Call to probe mystery Shia cleric,” it was reported that:

FEDERAL agents have been urged by the nation’s senior Shia leader, Kamal Mousselmani, to investigate an Iranian man purporting to be a prominent Islamic cleric. 

Sheik Mousselmani told The Australian yesterday the mystery cleric – who has been identified as Ayatollah Manteghi Boroujerdi on his website after appearing under the name Sheik Haron – was not a genuine Shia spiritual leader. 

He said there were no ayatollahs – supreme Shia scholars – in Australia and none of his fellow spiritual leaders knew who Ayatollah Boroujerdi or Sheik Haron was. 

“We don’t know him and we have got nothing to do with him,” Sheik Mousselmani said. “The federal police should investigate who he is. It should be their responsibility.”

But it was the Australian media itself who introduced him publicly as an “Ayatollah” and the Australian government that vetted him and allegedly granted him political asylum. He was allegedly in contact with the UN and was used to stir up anti-Iranian sentiment in Australia. It is then highly suspicious that now both the Australian media and the Australian government appear to have no knowledge of who he is or where he came from.

For someone used as part of the West’s anti-Iranian propaganda campaign, and who was granted political asylum into Australia, but who is now supposedly unknown to those who invited him in and used him, there is clearly more to the story of Monis/Boroujerdi – a story that may then offer insight into his latest performance. Perhaps most ironic of all is the fact that the “Iranian regime” he was used to demonize apparently did not kill his wife – instead, he himself is suspected of doing so.

Whatever the case is, Monis/Boroujerdi is certainly no “loan wolf terrorist.” He, at best, is yet another Frankenstein of the establishment run amok after an abortive attempt to cultivate and use him to advance Western foreign and domestic policy. At worse, he is directly involved in an intelligence operation to further inflame division in Australian society and promote the long stalled war in Syria aimed at regime change there, before heading to Iran – the scorn of Monis/Boroujerdi.

An omnipresent all-invasive surveillance state that is constantly “blindsided” by terror attacks carried out by criminals and characters possessing extensive criminal records and who are well-acquainted with that state’s law enforcement, media, and even government, is testament to the fact that such surveillance hasn’t been and never was intended to serve the public’s best interests nor to keep them safe – but rather another system of control and manipulation to allow true dangers to human civilization to endure with impunity.


The article pretty much says it all…

FYI: The term is used today by Salafis to refer to Shia Muslims  who do not recognize Abu Bakr and his successors as having been legitimate rulers (Rashidun) of the early Muslim community.  

Hungary is standing up against being a Western pawn


Posted by F. William Engdahl on November 25, 2014

Hungary is standing up against being a Western pawn

Hungary is standing up against being a Western pawn

We have a crystal clear view now of the plan to subvert any East European government which will not become a pawn for US foreign policy

Next we can expect the National Endowment for Democracy and the usual US Government-backed NGO’s to find an excuse to launch mass opposition protests against Fidesz and Orbán for his unforgivable crime of trying to make Hungary’s energy independent from the US-created insanity in Ukraine.

Victor Orban

Hungary and its populist nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orbán have come into the cross-hairs of Washington’s political elites.

His sin?… not buckling under to the often destructive diktats of the Brussels EU Commission; attempting to define a Hungarian national identity.

But his cardinal sin is his deepening relationship with Russia and his defiance of Washington in signing an agreement with Gazprom for bringing the Russian South Stream gas pipeline into the EU via Hungary.

Orbán has himself undergone a political journey since he was elected as Hungary’s second-youngest Prime Ministers in 1998. Back then he oversaw the entry of Hungary along with Poland and the Czech Republic into NATO over Russia’s protest, and into the EU.

As Prime Minister during far more prosperous economic times in the EU, Orbán cut taxes, abolished university tuition for qualified students, expanded maternity benefits, and attracted German industry with low-cost Hungarian labor.

One of his American “advisers” then was James Denton, linked with the Color Revolution Washington NGO, Freedom House. Orban seemed the darling of Washington’s neo-cons. In 2001 he was given the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute’s Freedom Award.

But in 2010 after six years in the opposition, Orbán returned, this time with a resounding majority for his Fidesz-Hungarian Civic Union Party, Fidesz for short. In fact Fidesz won a 68% supermajority in Parliament, giving it the necessary votes to alter the Constitution and pass new laws, which it did.

Ironically, in a case of the pot calling the kettle black, the United States Obama Administration and the European Parliament for placing too much power in the hands of Fidesz. Orbán was accused by Daniel Cohn-Bendit of the European Greens of making Hungary on the model of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez. He was definitely not playing by the approved Brussels Rulebook for politically submissive EU politicians.

Fidesz began to be demonized in EU media as the Hungarian version of United Russia and Orbán as the Hungarian Putin. That was in 2012. Now it’s getting alarming for the Atlanticists and their EU followers.

What Russia has that Europe wants - gas reserves

Orbán has defied EU demands to stop construction of Russia’s important South Stream gas pipeline. Russia’s South Stream gas pipeline would guarantee EU gas together with German-Russian Nord Stream that could bypass the war in Ukraine — something Washington bitterly opposes for obvious reasons.

Last January, his government announced a € 10 billion deal with the Russian state nuclear energy company to refurbish Hungary’s only nuclear power plant at Paks, originally built during the Soviet era with Russian technology.

That caused some attention in Washington. Similarly when Orban criticized the United States this past summer for failing to ultimately resolve the global financial crisis its banks and its lax regulation caused, and praised China, Turkey and Russia as better models.

He declared in words not too different from what I have often used that Western democracies, “will probably be incapable of maintaining their global competitiveness in the upcoming decades and will instead be scaled down unless they are capable of changing themselves significantly.”

In addition, Orbán’s government managed to free Hungary from decades of devastating IMF bondage. In August 2013, the Hungarian Economic Ministry announced that it had, thanks to a “disciplined budget policy,” repaid the remaining €2.2 billion owed to the IMF. No more onerous IMF-forced state privatizations or conditionalities.

Hungary has climbed out of the IMF debt trap

The head of the Hungarian Central Bank then demanded the IMF close its offices in Budapest. In addition, echoing Iceland, the State Attorney General brought charges against the country’s three previous prime ministers because of the criminal amount of debt into which they plunged the nation.

That’s a precedent that surely causes cold sweat in some capitals of the EU or Washington and Wall Street.

But the real alarm bells rang when Orbán and his Fidesz party approved a go-ahead, together with neighboring Austria, of the South Stream Russian pipeline, ignoring EU claims it violated EU rules.

Orbán proclaimed at a meeting with Germany’s Horst Seehofer in Munich on November 6, “Es lebe die österreichisch-ungarische Energiemonarchie” („The Austro-Hungarian Energy Monarchy Lives.“)

The US elites sounded the alarm immediately. The ultra-establishment New York Times ran a lead editorial, “Hungary’s Dangerous Slide.”

They declared, “The government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary is sliding toward authoritarianism and defying the fundamental values of the European Union — and getting away with it.”

 The Times has led the way on shilling for special interests

The Times revealed the real cause of Washington and Wall Street alarm: “Hungary’s most recent expression of contempt for the European Union is its passage of a law on Monday that clears the way for Russia’s South Stream natural gas pipeline to traverse Hungary.

The new law is in clear violation of the European Parliament’s call in September for member states to cancel South Stream, and of the economic sanctions against Russia imposed by the European Union and the United States after Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

Instead of issuing tepid expressions of concern over antidemocratic policies, the European Union should be moving to sanction Hungary. Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, should exercise his power to force Mr. Navracsics to resign.”

Tibor Navracsics, has just been named the new European Commissioner of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, a post in Brussels that has arguably little to do with gas pipelines.

Next we can expect the National Endowment for Democracy and the usual US Government-backed NGO’s to find an excuse to launch mass opposition protests against Fidesz and Orbán for his unforgivable crime of trying to make Hungary’s energy independent from the US-created insanity in Ukraine.


Related: ‘No Longer Necessary': Hungary Wants to Throw Out IMF

Posted on by

‘No Longer Necessary':  Hungary Wants to Throw Out IMF AFP Hungarian Central Bank Gyorgy Matolcsy: IMF office in Budapest not necessary any longer. A long-running dispute between Hungary and the International Monetary Fund escalated on Monday when the head of … Continue reading

Sydney gunman ID’d as out-on-bail ‘sexual predator’


U.S. Trained ISIS at Secret Jordan Base


Originally posted on mediachecker:

Global Research, June 18, 2014
WND 17 June 2014

Flag_of_Islamic_State_of_Iraq ISIS

JERUSALEM – Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to informed Jordanian officials.

The officials said dozens of ISIS members were trained at the time as part of covert aid to the insurgents targeting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Syria. The officials said the training was not meant to be used for any future campaign in Iraq.

The Jordanian officials said all ISIS members who received U.S. training to fight in Syria were first vetted for any links to extremist groups like al-Qaida.

In February 2012, WND was first to report the U.S., Turkey and Jordan were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s…

View original 870 more words

Blackwater/Academi: The World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army (Globalist Army)


Privatizing the US Military

Posted by Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall on December 11, 2014


Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army by Jeremy Scahill (2008 with 2013 epilogue) is an in-depth examination of the systematic privatization of the US military. In 1988, as Secretary of Defense to Bush senior, Dick Cheney initiated the process of outsourcing military training and security and intelligence roles to private companies. Thanks to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and the Rumsfeld Doctrine, this outsourcing would extend to combat roles during the 2003-2008 occupation of Iraq.

Scahill’s book places special emphasis on the US failure to hold mercenary soldiers accountable for human rights violations. It also highlights the total absence of financial oversight, allowing Blackwater, Halliburton and other private military contractors to bilk taxpayers out of hundreds of billions of dollars. Finally it raises the troubling specter of corporations or even wealthy individuals hiring a standing mercenary army, such as Blackwater, to declare war against sovereign states.

Cheney Downsizes the US Military

Scahill begins by discussing the major downsizing of the US military that began in 1988, even before the fall of the Berlin Wall and break-up of the former Soviet Union. In his first year as Secretary of Defense, Cheney reduced military spending by $10 billion, by canceling expensive weapons systems and decreasing US troop strength from 2.2 to 1.6 million. As the cuts continued, there was a growing tendency to outsource various non-combat functions to private contractors. Clinton continued the trend, when he hired Military Professionals Resources Inc (staffed by retired military officers) to “train” the Croatian military* in their secessionist war against Serb-dominated Yugoslavia.

The Rumsfeld Doctrine

Following George W Bush’s election in 2000, Rumsfeld pursued even more aggressive privatization of the Pentagon bureaucracy. The primary neoconservative rationale for shifting both combat and non-combat duties to private mercenaries was to allow the President to engage in potentially unpopular overseas military interventions.

Other advantages included the ability of private mercenaries to engage in unlawful activities (such as extraordinary rendition**), for which regular forces would be subject to court martial under the Uniform Code of Military Justice – and a massive gravy train of unmonitored, no-bid contracts for wealthy Republican donors. In June 2004, after only fifteen months of US occupation, $9 billion of Iraqi reconstruction funds were unaccounted for.

The Blackwater Lodge and Training Center

Blackwater itself was first formed in 1996. It felled a big hole in training capacity, particularly in the Navy, resulting from Cheney’s extensive DOD cuts. Former Navy SEALS Erik Prince and Al Clark initially established the Blackwater Lodge and Training Center in North Carolina to offer private tactical training to Special Forces and local law enforcement personnel. A long time SEAL trainer, Clark supplied the concept. Prince, who came from a wealthy conservative Christian family, bankrolled it.

In 2002, Blackwater branched out into providing personnel as well as training. Their first contract would be to provide twenty security guards for Kabul’s CIA station in Afghanistan. In 2003, the State Department would award their largest documented (non-classified) contract providing security for US officials in Iraq. This included a $27.7 million no-bid contract to protect Paul Bremer. Bremer, who Bush appointed to run Iraq during the US occupation, quickly became the most hated man in Iraq.

Iraqi Resistance to Occupation

The book provides an interesting historical perspective on the rise of the Iraqi resistance movement in reaction to the virtual takeover of Iraq by US corporate interests. Contrary to the US media portrayal of the Iraqi opposition as al Qaeda terrorists, it was a genuine home grown movement which formed in reaction to Bremer’s refusal to allow free elections and his de-Baathification program. The latter instantly plunged the vast majority of Iraqis into abject misery. In addition to decommissioning 350,000 former Iraqi troops, it also threw hundreds of thousands of doctors, nurses, teachers, government workers out of work (who were required to join the Baath party as a condition of employment). The loss of these front line personnel would result in the total collapse of Iraqi society.

As Scahill carefully documents, the original Iraqi resistance was peaceful and nonviolent until the US military and Blackwater contractors deliberately fired on peaceful civilian protestors.

Blackwater and other mercenaries are typically paid $600-800 a day for mercenaries. This contrasts with an average of $270 a day for active duty GIs.

The Ambush in Fallujah

Blackwater devotes five chapters to the horrific ambush in Fallujah on March 30, 2004, in which a local mob killed, burned and dismembered four Blackwater contractors before hanging them from a bridge. It was this event that would bring Blackwater to world attention, while setting off a chain of events that would compel (due to an overstretched enlisted force) the Pentagon to hire Blackwater and other private security contractors* as mercenary soldiers in Iraq.

At a pay rate of $600-800 a day (in contrast to an average of $270 for active duty GIs), private security companies had no difficulty recruiting mercenaries. In fact, the worse the violence got, the more profits rolled in for Blackwater.

By June 2004, there were 20,000 private mercenaries in Iraq. By the time Rumsfeld resigned in 2006, there was a one to one ratio between troops and mercenary soldiers maintaining the US occupation in Iraq (100,000 mercenaries vs 100,000 troops).

In 2004-2005, the Blackwater role expanded to guarding the US oil industries pipeline in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, to “protecting” FEMA reconstruction contracts in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina and to providing immigration security at the Mexican border. By 2007, Blackwater had 2300 private soldiers fighting in nine countries, as well as a database of 22,000 former troops, special forces operatives and retired law enforcement officers who could be deployed at short notice.

Immunity from Prosecution

As of 2013, when Scahill published the revised edition, no Blackwater contractors had ever been prosecuted for criminal human rights abuses. Under an edict Bremer enacted in 2004, US mercenaries were immune from prosecution under Iraqi law. Prosecuting them in American courts is extremely difficult owing to the difficulty of transporting foreign witnesses to the US. However in October 2014, a Washington DC federal district court found four of them guilty of murder and manslaughter for the 2007 shooting of seventeen civilians in Baghdad.

Erick Prince sold Blackwater in 2010 and it has since merged with its main rival Triple Canopy to form Academi. Although Blackwater was banned from Iraq in 2009,  Academi still provides security for State Department personnel across many countries.They also continue to receive contracts from the Defense Department and US intelligence agencies.

Links to free epub and kindle versions of Blackwater are available at Blackwater the Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army

*In the mid-1990s, the Croatian military was dominated by right-wing Nazi sympathizers similar to those in the present Ukrainian government.
** Extraordinary or irregular rendition is the US sponsored abduction and extrajudicial transfer of a person to countries known to practice torture. It’s also known as torture by proxy.
***Other companies that entered the lucrative mercenary market in 2004 include Control Risks Group, DynCorp, Erinys, Algis, Armor Group, Hart, Kroll and Steele Foundation. British security contractors were also extremely pro-active in Iraq. By October 2006, there were 21,000 British mercenaries in Iraq, in contrast with 7.200 conventional duty troops.


Jeremy Scahill continues down the road as a left winger who casts all blame on right wingers – nevertheless he’s written numerous, well-researched articles on this specific topic. Governments are neither left nor right – history has shown they succumb to the highest bidder.

And it’s becoming even more obvious that Al-Qaeda/ISIS mercenaries and  Blackwater/Academi mercenaries are owned by the Global Mafia which includes the Muslim Brotherhood.

Ireland was a lab experiment for British Imperialism for 800 yrs – read the rudiments of Irish history to get the template. For example, when Drogheda and Wexford refused to surrender during Cromwell’s bloody Irish campaign from 1649-50, he ordered the slaughter of everyone in both towns – 7,000 men, women and children were murdered. There’s a street in Drogheda named after Oliver Cromwell’s work there – it’s called Scarlett Lane for the blood which flowed down its streets. Cromwell is heralded as the father of British democracy! So when they tell you they’re bringing “democracy” to your country sound the alarm.

The Reality

Ireland was/is an agricultural country – there was a potato blight but there was nothing wrong with their dairy, animal, wheat… products. These foods were being shipped out to England and their imperial armies overseas while the indigent Irish starved to death creating a number of famines including the largest they call “The Great Famine” rather than a genocide.

Today is just another chapter, another time, another method, same people, same results.

Note: …don’t blame the regular British people who were brainwashed by cartoons….not unlike today…

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