Nov, 2014by Dave Hodges
Part One of this series dealt with the fact that the G20 has declared that your “money” in the bank, is not “money” anymore and is subject to not being covered by the FDIC as it was in the past.
Part two discussed how the theft of your bank account will occur incrementally in order to avoid a violent backlash from the public.
The third part of the series will discuss how the globalists will not stop with the theft of your bank accounts and will quickly include your retirement accounts, your homes and ultimately the globalists will seek to control your one remaining asset, your personal labor.
![Attention Federal Employees: This is man is stealing from you as you read these words.]()
Congress is back in session and what are they talking about?
One of the topics is raising the debt ceiling. The Treasury Department once again is taking federal retirement programs to buy the government more time to increase the nation’s debt ceiling. And why does the government need to raise the debt ceiling?
The debt ceiling must be raised for two reasons,
(1) in order to fund the banker-inspired wars of occupation and,
(2) to continue to fund the largest wealth transfer in history, the bailouts.
And just who is behind this nonsense?
The Banksters from Basel are pulling the strings and Goldman Sachs is executing the plan. Also, the very close friends of Goldman Sachs over at Citigroup now have their henchman in charge of the continuing rape of America’s resources by Wall Street and he is Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.
Normally, the position of the Secretary of the Treasury is held by an alumni of Goldman Sachs (e.g. Hank Paulson). However, the latest Treasury Secretary is from Citibank. Why? Let me be clear, and Lew you can sue me if this not true, it is a fact that Obama appointed one of the criminals who had a major hand in bringing down the economy to run the country’s finances. While at Citigroup, Lew oversaw 113 tax evading accounts in Cayman Island banks.
Based upon Lew’s resume, hedge funds for Citigroup where he lost almost 600 million dollars, one can only assume that is why Obama has appointed Lew to finish the job which will leave you and I with nothing.
I know that some of you would say that “There would be a revolution if the government ever dared to take our retirements. At least the citizens of Greece rioted because they understand what happened to them. Our sheeple still hide behind the security blanket belief that “they would never do that.” Lew was made the Secretary of the Treasury because he would do “that”, he has done “that” and he is going to do “that” to you.
Jack’s Criminal Background
When one wants to commit a murder, one hires a hitman. When one wants to kill the economy of a nation and rape the citizens of that nation of all of its assets, one hires an economic hitman. This is what the globalists have done by going outside the tradition stranglehold of a Goldman Sachs alumni holding the position of the Secretary of the Treasury and they have brought in economic hitman, Jack Lew, from Citigroup. As I have stated, Lew was an overseer of hedge funds. You know, the hedge funds originating from the actual criminals that collapsed the economy in 2008. This is who Obama selected to run the economy. So, why does this bear repeating?
Last year, Lew announced that the government was taking the unprecedented action of avoiding governmental default through the last summer by including tapping into and suspending investments into the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund and halting the daily reinvestment of the government securities (G) fund, the most stable offering in the Thrift Savings Plan‘s portfolio.
That is right my federal Civil Service employee friends, your retirement is in jeopardy!
Grand Theft America
![grand theft america]()
Beginning in 2012, the Federal Reserve began to purchase $40 billion dollars in Mortgage Backed Securities as part of QE3. Isn’t interesting that QE 3 has been tapered and this just happens to coincide with the notice that the G20 has declared that your bank account does not contain any money, which allows them to not compensate you when the banks begin to fail. This G20 action constitutes a form of QE4 by stealth. This undeclared QE4 will lead to a complete asset forfeiture by the general public.
This will be the largest wealth transfer in history.
We have long heard that bankers that have hijacked the government would commence stealing our private wealth through seizing bank account funds and this will be quickly followed by the theft of the pension funds and this is exactly what the chief bankster, Jack Lew, is implementing.
The globalists plan to step up the MERS mortgage fraud as every month. And the seizure of bank accounts will occur incrementally as it has been the case in other countries. Certainly, George Soros money movements away from the American megabanks, over the past year, signals a major reason for concern by American account holders. Soros knows what is coming and now you do too.
Attention Federal Employees
The federal employees G Fund is invested in interest-bearing Treasury securities (i.e. bonds) that make up the public debt. The Civil Service Retirement Fund finances benefit payments under the Civil Service Retirement System and the basic retirement annuity of the Federal Employees’ Retirement System, and those investments are made up of securities also considered part of the public debt. In other words, for you people who have cushy federal government jobs, Lew is telling you that the government controls your retirement.
They own it and they own you.
And you people who thought serving the New World Order was a such a good idea, are you reconsidering your loyalties now?
Military and law enforcement personnel should take note on how you will be treated for your subjugation of the American people.
Grand Theft Kremlin
I laugh at those who think that Putin is somehow independent of the Banksters. Putin is as controlled by the banksters as is President Obama and his intended theft of Russian retirement accounts is living proof of this statement.
Late last year, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev told his finance ministers that the Russian government was “temporarily” seizing $7.6 billion in savings from non-state pension funds while it carries out inspections to insure that the money Russians channel to private pension funds, is safe. To do this, it seized 244 billion rubles (i.e. $7.6 billion) from private, non-governmental pension funds and forcibly, but only “temporarily” place them into the Russian government state pension fund.
Russian authorities claim that they will only hold the retirement money for awhile (i.e. a year) while they check to see that banking institutions are sound. We have passed the previously set year deadline and the Putin still has the Russian retirement money. To you journalists who work such outlets as “Voice of Russia”, Putin just stole your retirements. Aren’t you going to report it? It is hard not believe that this retirement money will not be applied to invading and occupying Ukraine as well as continuing to buy gold in order to purchase Iranian oil.
The Russian government explanation of why they need to seize retirement funds does not even constitute a good cover story. Many analysts state that the “temporary” borrowing of Russian pension funds by the government looks more like a case of government“ confiscation” of these private funds.
Former Russian finance minister, Alexei Kudrin, has stated that if the government is not intent on spending these retirement funds, then why are they banking the retirement money?
Government controlled companies have expressed a negative reaction to the “borrowing” of Russian retirement funds. Most experts agree that the Russian government is making Russia a very unattractive place to invest given this new development. This apparent reckless action by the Russian government makes no sense unless the Russians, like the American bankers are attempting to acquire as many hard assets as possible before the coming collapse of the banks.
Loving Your Enslavement
When the globalists are done stealing all of your hard assets, then they are coming after last remaining asset, namely, your personal labor. According to Obama’s EO 13603, the President, or the head of any federal agency that he shall designate, can conscript “persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation,” in both “peacetime and times of national emergency.” I can hear the Obama supporters now as they will write to me and say, “Obama would never do that, you are drinking from the Kool-Aid”. Well, here it is, you can read it for yourself.
Sec. 502. Consultants. The head of each agency otherwise delegated functions under this order is delegated the authority of the President under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c), to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations. The authority delegated by this section may not be redelegated.
This means that Obama, and his fellow communists, can seize any resource, property, or person at any time for any reason, including being able to force that person to perform assigned labor without being paid.
There is only ONE word for forced, “uncompensated employment”. That word would be “slavery”. Congratulations President Obama, you have effectively repealed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.
Section 601 of the act specifies, in part, how far the government can go in terms of making you their slave.
Sec. 601. Secretary of Labor. (a) The Secretary of Labor, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense and the heads of other agencies, as deemed appropriate by the Secretary of Labor, shall:
(1) collect and maintain data necessary to make a continuing appraisal
of the Nation’s workforce needs for purposes of national defense;
(2) upon request by the Director of Selective Service, and in coordination
with the Secretary of Defense, assist the Director of Selective Service
in development of policies regulating the induction and deferment of
persons for duty in the armed services;
(3) upon request from the head of an agency with authority under this
order, consult with that agency with respect to: (i) the effect of contemplated
actions on labor demand and utilization; (ii) the relation of
labor demand to materials and facilities requirements; and (iii) such other
matters as will assist in making the exercise of priority and allocations
functions consistent with effective utilization and distribution of labor;
(4) upon request from the head of an agency with authority under this
order: (i) formulate plans, programs, and policies for meeting the labor
requirements of actions to be taken for national defense purposes; and
ii) estimate training needs to help address national defense requirements
and promote necessary and appropriate training programs
“to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations”.
This, my fellow Americans, is a civilian conscription and this is why the Secretary of Labor is in charge instead of the head of the Selective Service! Under these provisions, the government believes that they can send you anywhere, to work on anything of their choosing.
If the above section was merely going to be a military draft, then the Secretary of Labor would not have to be involved. However, as you will note the “Secretary of Labor, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense and heads of other agencies, as deemed appropriate by the Secretary of Labor, shall:
“…assist in the development of policies regulating the induction and deferment of persons for duty in the armed services;… formulate plans, programs, and policies for meeting the labor requirements of actions to be taken for national defense purposes; and (ii) estimate training needs to help address national defense requirements and promote necessary and appropriate training programs…”. Refer back to section 502 of sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c); these are the people that the Secretary of the Labor will conscript in order “to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations”.
This, my fellow Americans, is a civilian conscription (i.e. slavery) and this is why the Secretary of Labor is in charge instead of the head of the Selective Service! Under these provisions, the government believes that they can send you anywhere, to work on anything of their choosing.
![fema camp workers]()
For you people who thought serving the New World Order was such a good idea, are you reconsidering your loyalties now? You NSA guys who are spying on us right at precisely this minute, do you think your pensions are safe? To you potbellied perverts from the TSA, do you think your retirement will be there when you are done groping our wives and children on behalf of the globalists who seek to dehumanize the traveling public? How’s that Kool-Aid tasting about now?
The fourth and final part of this series will look at the limited solutions that the general public has at their disposal.
““After WWI, Germany fell into the hands of the German International Bankers. Those bankers bought her and they now own her, lock, stock and barrel. They purchased her industries, they have mortgages on her soil, they control her production; they control all her public utilities. The International German Bankers have subsidized the present government of Germany and they have also supplied every dollar of the money Adolf Hitler has used in his lavish campaign to build up a threat to the government of Bruening. When Bruening fails to obey the orders of the German International Bankers, Hitler is brought forth to scare the Germans into submission. Through the Federal Reserve Board over thirty billions of dollars was pumped into Germany…You have all heard of the spending that has taken place in Germany…modernistic dwellings, her great planetariums, her gymnasiums, her swimming pools, her fine public highways, her perfect factories….All this was done with our money. All this was given to Germany through the Federal Reserve Board. The Federal Reserve Board has pumped so many billions of dollars into Germany that they dare not name the total.” – Rep. Lewis T. McFadden (D PA), Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, 1931, (spoken before Congress eight years before Hitler invaded Poland and duly entered into the Congressional Record.) ((Rep. Louis T. McFadden (R. Pa.) rose from office boy to become cashier and then President of the First National Bank in Canton Ohio. For 12 years he served as Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency, making him one of the foremost financial authorities in America. He fought continuously for fiscal integrity and a return to constitutional government.) ” from http://prof77.wordpress.com/the-20/the-international-bankers-famous-quot…