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Anti-immigration protests grow in Germany


Far-right group Pegida holds ‘Islamisation’ protest, using slogan from 1989 campaign against East German government

Pegida demonstration in Dresden, Germany

Pegida supporters, seen here in Dresden, include neo-Nazi elements as well as ordinary Germans with concerns about immigration. Photograph: Jens Meyer/AP

Its members have been dubbed the “pinstriped Nazis” and they refer to their demonstrations as “evening strolls” through German cities. But on Monday night, an estimated 15,000 people joined Pegida, or Patriotic Europeans Against Islamisation of the West, in a march through Dresden carrying banners bearing slogans such as “Zero tolerance towards criminal asylum seekers”, “Protect our homeland” and “Stop the Islamisation”.

Lutz Bachmann, the head of Pegida, a nascent anti-foreigner campaign group, led the crowds, either waving or draped in German flags, in barking chants of “Wir sind das Volk”, or “We are the people”, the slogan adopted by protesters in the historic “Monday demonstrations” against the East German government in the runup to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Associating themselves with the freedom demonstrations has given Pegida protests an air of moral respectability even though there are hundreds of rightwing extremists in their midst, as well as established groups of hooligans who are known to the police, according to Germany’s federal office for the protection of the constitution.

“The instigators are unmistakably rightwing extremists,” a federal spokesman said.

It was the ninth week in a row that Pegida had taken its protest on to the city’s streets in the eastern German state of Saxony.

Its first march, advertised on Facebook and other social media, attracted just 200 supporters. By last week the figure had risen to 10,000. By Monday night it had grown to an estimated 15,000.

“Muslims are plotting to infect our food chain with their excrement,” said a man in his 60s, who refused to give his name.

Another, a middle-aged woman in a red leather jacket, said she was shocked that “asylum seekers in Germany have expensive mobile phones, while I cannot afford such luxury and others still cannot afford to eat properly”.

While avoiding blatantly racist slogans, some told the Guardian of their angst over the “demise of the West” due to the rise of Islam or voiced their distaste of salafists and homosexuals in the same breath, or decried the recent decision by local politicians to increase the number of homes for asylum seekers. One group, knocking back bottles of the local beer, talked openly of their fears of what they call “fecal jihad”.

Mario Lupo, a 40-year-old tourist from Milan, was among the onlookers sipping glühwein at Germany’s oldest Christmas market, the Striezelmarkt.

“We came here for the romance and joviality of the Christmas markets,” he said. “We expected some light-hearted carousing appropriate to this time of year, but didn’t expect to stumble upon these rabble-rousers and police in riot gear.”

Among the groups taking part, according to the police, were two soccer hooligan organisations already known to the police called “Faust des Ostens” (Fist of the East) and Hooligans Elbflorenz (Florence of the Elbe Hooligans), as well as members of the National Democratic Party (NPD).

Alongside them were old and young men and women, including families with children in pushchairs, many of whom said they had no political affiliation.

At one of two counter-demonstrations taking place elsewhere in the city centre, participants were keen to counteract the negative publicity the city of Dresden – usually better known for its splendid baroque architecture than its politics – has been receiving of late.

Its participants held banners reading “Act against the right” and “Nazis, no thanks”. The leader of the Green party, Cem Özdemir, who took part in the counter-protest, told the Guardian: “Being in a party whose members took part in the 1989 Monday demos, I take great umbrage at the abuse of the slogan used back then, ‘Wir sind das Volk’.

“We need to be permanently vigilant to ensure that Germany stays as open-minded as it had become in recent years and the government needs to ensure that it doesn’t take for granted that the far right will not make ground.”

Pegida’s growing presence has presented politicians with a dilemma over how to uncouple the strong neo-Nazi element believed to form the core of the protests from ordinary Germans with grievances against the government, who make up the bulk of the protesters.

Almost two-thirds of Germans, according to a poll for news magazine Spiegel by the TNS institute, believe that Angela Merkel’s government is not doing enough to address concerns about immigration and asylum seekers, and 34% think Germany is enduring a process of “Islamisation”.

The chancellor had earlier warned that a right to demonstrate did not extend to “rabble-rousing and defamation” against foreigners.

Merkel said that those participating in the protests should “take care not to be exploited” by radical elements trying to tap into fears of a foreigner takeover in Germany.

Led by Bachmann, a 41-year-old butcher’s son who runs a PR agency, Pegida has spawned clones across Germany. Legida is the name of the Leipzig branch, Bogida the Bonn branch, while in Darmstadt it is known as Dagida.

At a recent rally in Dresden, Bachmann’s hometown, he told his followers that while asylum seekers enjoyed luxury accommodation, many impoverished German pensioners were “unable to even afford a single slice of Stollen” (German Christmas cake).

Bachmann, who has a criminal record for burglary, for which he was sentenced to over three years in prison, and a conviction for drug possession, has claimed he is an insignificant part of Pegida.

“I’m just a small cog in a much bigger wheel,” he told the Süddeutsche Zeitung in a rare interview.

But political scientists have said the group’s presentation of itself as a harmless protest movement is what makes it so insidious.

“Something quite new is brewing here,” said Hajo Funke, a researcher into rightwing extremism at the Free University in Berlin. “We haven’t seen rudiments like these of an extreme rightwing inspired mass movement for years”.

Funke said that even the group’s name was incendiary. “It’s nothing short of a veritable call to arms by far-right populists,” he said, suggesting that the message triggered comparisons to Third Reich propaganda.

But across Germany resentment over a sharp rise in the number of refugees seeking political asylum in Germany, many from war-torn countries including Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq, has grown in recent months.

Last Friday, a newly refurbished home for asylum seekers in Nuremberg in southern Germany was badly damaged in an suspected xenophobic arson attack. Anti-foreigner slogans and swastikas were found daubed on the walls.



It looks like Angela Merkel is being placed in a position of hypocrisy especially since she supports the Nazi elements in Ukraine…

One wonders if the German people got to vote on the extra tens of thousands who entered their country this year?

Meet Your Newest Legislator: Citigroup


Meet Your Newest Legislator: Citigroup

Image Credits: Gordon Joly via Fklickr

by Pam Martens: December 16, 2014

Citigroup is the Wall Street mega bank that forced the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999; blew itself up as a result of the repeal in 2008; was propped back up with the largest taxpayer bailout in the history of the world even though it was insolvent and didn’t qualify for a bailout; has now written its own legislation to de-regulate itself; got the President of the United States to lobby for its passage; and received an up vote from both houses of Congress in less than a week.

And there is one more thing you should know at the outset about Citigroup: it didn’t just have a hand in bringing the country to its knees in 2008; it was a key participant in the 1929 collapse under the moniker National City Bank. Both the U.S. Senate’s investigation of the collapse of the financial system in 1929 and the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) that investigated the 2008 collapse cited this bank as a key culprit.

The FCIC wrote:

“…we do not accept the view that regulators lacked the power to protect the financial system. They had ample power in many arenas and they chose not to use it. To give just three examples: the Securities and Exchange Commission could have required more capital and halted risky practices at the big investment banks. It did not. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York and other regulators could have clamped down on Citigroup’s excesses in the run-up to the crisis. They did not. Policy makers and regulators could have stopped the runaway mortgage securitization train. They did not…Too often, they lacked the political will – in a political and ideological environment that constrained it – as well as the fortitude to critically challenge the institutions and the entire system they were entrusted to oversee.”

The words above from the FCIC also perfectly describe what just happened in Congress and the Oval Office. Citigroup snuck its deregulation legislation into the $1.1 trillion Cromnibus spending bill that will keep the government running through next September. (It’s called Cromnibus because it’s part Continuing Resolution or CR and part omnibus spending bill.) Just as the FCIC wrote about the reasons for the financial collapse, Citigroup was able to pass this outrageous deregulation legislation because the majority of Congress and the President “lacked the political will” and the “fortitude to critically challenge the institutions and the entire system they were entrusted to oversee.”

What Citigroup has now done with the willing participation of Congress and the President is to set the country up for the next financial collapse in which it appears destined to play another starring role, seeing that the Fed gave it a failing grade on its stress test this year. The legislation that was just passed by Congress allows Citigroup and other Wall Street banks to keep their riskiest assets – interest rate swaps and other derivatives – in the banking unit that is backstopped with FDIC deposit insurance, which is, in turn, backstopped by the U.S. taxpayer, thus ensuring another bailout of Citigroup if it blows itself up once again from soured derivative bets.

According to Bloomberg data, over the past five years – when Dodd-Frank financial reform was supposed to be making these mega banks safer – Citigroup has increased the notional amount of derivatives on its books by 69 percent. As of this past June, according to Bloomberg, “Citigroup had $62 trillion of open contracts, up from $37 trillion in June 2009.” That’s trillion with a “t.”

How much might Citigroup need from the taxpayer if it blows up again? According to the General Accountability Office, Citigroup received more bailout assistance than any other bank in the last collapse. On October 28, 2008, Citigroup received $25 billion in Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds. Less than a month later it was back with hat in hand and received another $20 billion. But its finances were so shaky that it simultaneously needed another $306 billion in government asset guarantees. And on top of all that, the New York Fed was secretly funneling it over $2 trillion in emergency loans at interest rates frequently below 1 percent.

This is how we described Citigroup’s 2008 meltdown in an article on November 24, 2008:

“Citigroup’s five-day death spiral last week was surreal. I know 20-something  newlyweds who have better financial backup plans than this global banking giant.  On Monday came the Town Hall meeting with employees to announce the sacking of 52,000 workers.  (Aren’t Town Hall meetings supposed to instill confidence?)  On Tuesday came the announcement of Citigroup losing 53 per cent of an internal hedge fund’s money in a month and bringing $17 billion of assets that had been hiding out in the Cayman Islands back onto its balance sheet.  Wednesday brought the cheery news that a law firm was alleging that Citigroup peddled something called the MAT Five Fund as ‘safe’ and ‘secure’ only to watch it lose 80 per cent of its value. On Thursday, Saudi Prince Walid bin Talal, from that visionary country that won’t let women drive cars, stepped forward to reassure us that Citigroup is ‘undervalued’ and he was buying more shares. Not having any Princes of our own, we tend to associate them with fairytales. The next day the stock dropped another 20 percent with 1.02 billion shares changing hands. It closed at $3.77.

“Altogether, the stock lost 60 per cent last week and 87 percent this year.  The company’s market value has now fallen from more than $250 billion in 2006 to $20.5 billion on Friday, November 21, 2008.  That’s $4.5 billion less than Citigroup owes taxpayers from the U.S. Treasury’s bailout program.”

Not everyone has caved under political pressure from Wall Street. Senator Elizabeth Warren delivered three impassioned speeches on the Senate floor last week, culminatingin a Friday speech that many are calling an historic battle cry to a complacent nation. Warren explained how Citigroup pulled off its coup, stating:

“Mr. President, I’m back on the floor to talk about a dangerous provision that was slipped into a must-pass spending bill at the last minute to benefit Wall Street. This provision would repeal a rule called, and I’m quoting the title of the rule, “Prohibition Against Federal Government Bailouts of Swaps Entities.”…

“Mr. President, in recent years, many Wall Street institutions have exerted extraordinary influence in Washington’s corridors of power, but Citigroup has risen above the others. Its grip over economic policymaking in the executive branch is unprecedented. Consider a few examples:

“Three of the last four Treasury Secretaries under Democratic presidents have had close Citigroup ties. The fourth was offered the CEO position at Citigroup, but turned it down.

“The Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve system is a Citigroup alum.

“The Undersecretary for International Affairs at Treasury is a Citigroup alum.

“The U.S. Trade Representative and the person nominated to be his deputy – who is currently an assistant secretary at Treasury – are Citigroup alums.

“A recent chairman of the National Economic Council at the White House was a Citigroup alum.

“Another recent Chairman of the Office of Management and Budget went to Citigroup immediately after leaving the White House.

“Another recent Chairman of the Office of Management and Budget is also a Citi alum — but I’m double counting here because now he’s the Secretary of the Treasury.

“That’s a lot of powerful people, all from one bank. But they aren’t Citigroup’s only source of power.  Over the years, the company has spent millions of dollars on lobbying Congress and funding the political campaigns of its friends in the House and the Senate.

“Citigroup has also spent millions trying to influence the political process in ways that are far more subtle — and hidden from public view. Last year, I wrote Citigroup and other big banks a letter asking them to disclose the amount of shareholder money they have been diverting to think tanks to influence public policy.  Citigroup’s response to my letter? Stonewalling. A year has gone by, and Citigroup didn’t even acknowledge receiving the letter…”

Anticipating public outrage and potential voter backlash in 2016, incoming Majority Leader Mitch McConnell inserted another provision into the Cromnibus that allows individuals to give almost 10 times as much money to political party committees as allowed under current law – ensuring that only the super rich continue to run Washington.

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont was outraged, issuing a press release that stated: “Instead of cracking down on Wall Street CEOs whose greed and illegal behavior plunged the country into a terrible recession, this bill allows too-big-to-fail banks to make the same risky bets on derivatives that led to the largest taxpayer bailout in history and nearly destroyed the economy. Instead of cutting back on the ability of billionaires to buy elections, this bill outrageously gives the wealthy even more power over the political process.”

If all of this is not enough to propel Americans into the streets in mass protests, perhaps the history of how the coddled Citigroup handles the money of its investors and shareholders will stir the pot. Below is just a sampling:

December 11, 2008: SEC forces Citigroup and UBS to buy back $30 billion in auction rate securities that were improperly sold to investors through misleading information.

February 11, 2009: Citigroup agrees to settle lawsuit brought by WorldCom investors for $2.65 billion.

July 29, 2010: SEC settles with Citigroup for $75 million over its misleading statements to investors that it had reduced its exposure to subprime mortgages to $13 billion when in fact the exposure was over $50 billion.

October 19, 2011: SEC agrees to settle with Citigroup for $285 million over claims it misled investors in a $1 billion financial product.  Citigroup had selected approximately half the assets and was betting they would decline in value.

February 9, 2012: Citigroup agrees to pay $2.2 billion as its portion of the nationwide settlement of bank foreclosure fraud.

August 29, 2012: Citigroup agrees to settle a class action lawsuit for $590 million over claims it withheld from shareholders’ knowledge that it had far greater exposure to subprime debt than it was reporting.

July 1, 2013: Citigroup agrees to pay Fannie Mae $968 million for selling it toxic mortgage loans.

September 25, 2013: Citigroup agrees to pay Freddie Mac $395 million to settle claims it sold it toxic mortgages.

December 4, 2013: Citigroup admits to participating in the Yen Libor financial derivatives cartel to the European Commission and accepts a fine of $95 million.

July 14, 2014: The U.S. Department of Justice announces a $7 billion settlement with Citigroup for selling toxic mortgages to investors. Attorney General Eric Holder called the bank’s conduct “egregious,” adding, “As a result of their assurances that toxic financial products were sound, Citigroup was able to expand its market share and increase profits.”




“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”
U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864
(letter to Col. William F. Elkins)

“When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed (Reserve) to conceal its powers but the truth is — the Fed has usurped the government!” - Congressman Louis McFadden  (July 25, 1876 – October 1, 1936)


Who owns or controls Citigroup?

They’re owned by the stockholders since they’re a publicly traded company – about 1/3 of it is owned by the gov’t – due to bailouts. 




Jun 1, 2011 – “The House of Morgan now fell under Rothschild and Rockefeller family control. …. It served as conduit for Eight Families funding of Adolf Hitler- led by the Warburg’s J.The two families control a big chunk of Citigroup as well.”   


German Journalist Returns From Time With ISIS [Al Qaeda] With Chilling Stories

Jürgen Todenhöfer
Jürgen Todenhöfer discussing the capture of Mosul with ISIS fighters FACEBOOK

A 74-year-old German journalist who was granted unprecedented access to the Islamic State (ISIS) has returned after spending 10 days with the terrorist group in the areas the group control in Iraq and Syria.

Jürgen Todenhöfer, who heavily criticised the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, is the first member of the Western media to be granted access. His trip came after seven months of negotiations with the group’s leaders.

Although he has yet to release a summary of the 10 days he spent with ISIS, he has given several interviews to media in which he discussed the group, telling a reporter from CNN: “They are only 1% in the Islamic world, but this 1% movement has the power of a nuclear tsunami.”

Todenhöfer says he spoke to several fighters, ISIS leaders and even child soldiers fighting for the group. He highlighted the importance of not underestimating the forces at the disposal of the group. “I think the Islamic State is a lot more dangerous than Western leaders realize. They believe in what they are fighting for and are preparing the largest religious cleansing campaign the world has ever seen.”

He told CNN: “These are not stupid people. One of the people we met had just finished his law degree. He had great job offers, but he turned them down to go and fight… We met fighters from Europe and the United States. One of them was from New Jersey. Can you imagine a man from New Jersey traveling to fight for the Islamic State?”

In one interview Todenhöfer is seen speaking to an ISIS fighter who was involved in taking Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city. “We killed a score of them so they got terrified and ran away,” the fighter tells him. “We don’t retreat, we only fight and God almighty will victor us [sic]. Those who have reverted from Islam do not have a solid ideology so they ran away. They came to fight for the tyrant, fight for money.”

Todenhöfer told German press that there is an “almost ecstatic enthusiasm” for the jihadist group in the city and one that he has not seen “in any other war zone”. He also said that there was a constant stream of men coming to sign up to fight. “When we stayed at their recruitment house, there were 50 new fighters who came every day. And I just could not believe the glow in their eyes. They felt like they were coming to a promised land, like they were fighting for the right thing.”

One particularly interesting interview is one that Todenhöfer conducted with a German fighter who reportedly has a high-level position in ISIS’s leadership. Todenhöfer questioned him about the beheadings and enslavement that ISIS have become notorious for.

“Slavery absolutely signals progress,” the man replied. “Only ignorant people believe that there is no slavery among the Christians and the Jews. Of course there are women who are forced into prostitution under the worst circumstances. I would say that slavery is a great help to us and we will continue to have slavery and beheadings, it is part of our religion… many slaves have converted to Islam and have then been freed.”

He went on to say that the U.S. is responsible for the beheadings of aid workers and journalists. “People should really think about the case of James Foley. He did not get killed because we started the battle. He got killed because of the ignorance of his government that did not give him any help.”

The fighter also had a stark warning for the West, telling Todenhöfer: “We will conquer Europe one day. It is not a question of if we will conquer Europe, just a matter of when that will happen.”

“Our expansion will be perpetual… And the Europeans need to know that when we come, it will not be in a nice way. It will be with our weapons. And those who do not convert to Islam or pay the Islamic tax will be killed.”



They’re the same killers, yesterday-today and tomorrow, just using a different name…

The message from these political/relgious fanatic serial killers was to instill fear – dunno how the reporter could even talk to them let alone live among them…

.It’s certainly confirmation that the good nun was correct in her summation – I’ll be buying her book: http://mediachecker.wordpress.com/2014/12/24/nun-pleads-for-yazidi-and-christians-raped-sold-killed-by-isisal-qaeda/

A Mix of Beautiful Ancient Chants


Crucem Sanctam Subiit

Chorus: Da pacem, Domine, in diebus nostris
Quia non est alius

Chant of the Templars – Salve Regina

Century 2 – Le chant des premiers chrétiens – La musique ancienne. De l’Antiquité à la Renaissance

Mix of Old Roman Chants – Kyrie eleison



King Alfred – “King of the Saxons” soource

Chants in honour of anglo saxon saints

Alleluia – Chant of the mozarabic tradition combined with an islamic mauritanian Samaa marocain.


Note: Dissatisfaction with the term “Mozarabic chant” has led to the use of several competing names for the music to which it refers. The term Mozarabic refers to the Mozarabs, that is, the Christians of Hispania (modern Spain and Portugal) living under Muslim rule. However, the chant existed before the Muslim occupation began in 711. Visigothic refers to the Visigoths who dominated the Iberian peninsula in the centuries prior to the Muslim invasion and converted from Arian Christianity to Roman Catholic Christianity in 587. However, this Catholic rite existed in Hispania prior to their conversion, and the chant was not limited to the Visigoths, so Old Spanish has been used as an inaccurate alternative. Because the chant was found in Portugal as well as Spain, the terms Hispanic and Old Hispanic have also been used by scholars. Because of the ambiguity and vagueness of the term “Hispanic”, “Mozarabic” is preferred despite its inaccuracy and the confusion it can cause. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

The Mozarabic-Hispania Rite is celebrated in the Corpus Christi Chapel of Toledo Cathedral. daily.




Beginning way back in 2002, we wrote about International A.N.S.W.E.R., a Communist organization that was founded in September 2001 and that organized substantial antiwar demonstrations during the Bush administration. A.N.S.W.E.R. embodied within itself the seeming contradiction between the far left and Islamic extremism: it enthusiastically supported both Kim il Jung and Saddam Hussein, and is directed in part by the Muslim Student Association. Our earliest posts on A.N.S.W.E.R. have been lost in our various database moves; the first one that survives is this brief post from January 2003. At one time I did some research to try to figure out where A.N.S.W.E.R.’s money comes from. From publicly available filings I could deduce that they are supported by a handful of rich benefactors, but I couldn’t identify who they were.

We haven’t paid attention to A.N.S.W.E.R. for a while, but their current web site suggests that the Islamic element has become more pronounced:

A distinguishing feature of the organizing principles and work of the answer coalition, in contrast with the traditional U.S.peace movement was its uncompromising support in defense of the rights of the Palestinian people.

In April 2002, the ANSWER Coalition organized the largest demonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinian people in U.S. history, of more than 100,000 people.

ANSWER, which at its core included a partnership between Arab and non-Arab activists, fought a long and successful battle against excluding the Palestinian struggle for self-determination from the anti-war and peace movement. In the years since, we have mobilized across the country to stop the repeated assaults against and massacres of the people of Gaza.

Most recently ANSWER lead a march of 50,000 people in Washington, D.C. on August 2, 2014 to protest the Israeli massacre against people in Gaza.

ANSWER has mobilized against the illegal coup and UN occupation of Haiti, against the illegal blockade of Cuba, and the illegal ‘regime change’ war on Libya.

We are actively fighting against the ongoing occupation of Afghanistan, the renewed assaults on Iraq and Syria, the drone attacks on Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia, among others.

But that doesn’t mean that A.N.S.W.E.R. has given up on Communism. The front page of its site currently celebrates Barack Obama’s collaboration with the Castro regime with the banner headline “The Cuban Five Are FREE!”

Given all of that, we shouldn’t have been surprised to see that the current demonstrations in New York against the police are being led by the Communist, pro-terrorist International A.N.S.W.E.R. This is from the organization’s Twitter feed:

View image on Twitter

In front of the plaza now to

t powerlineblog.com


New York Mayor Bill De Blasio…

Bill de Blasio is a left-wing extremist who seems to side with every socialist movement that comes along. His fondness for the Sandinistas and “democratic socialism” in the early 90s has been described in detail by the NY Times. For those who aren’t familiar with the term, democratic socialism means the end of market capitalism….

…In August 2013, de Blasio received the endorsement of the billionaire financier George Soros, who contributed the legal limit of $4,950 to the campaign. Soros’ relationship with de Blasio actually dated back to 2011, when Soros had given $400,000 to de Blasio’s Coalition for Accountability in Political Spending…

more: http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=2592

One knows they couldn’t care less about spending so what was the $400,000 Soros gave to de Blasio really about…

ANSWER and Code Pink were in cahoots with other radical groups – some of them went to visit Chavez a while back…

Occupy – Communist – community organizer Lisa Fithian and Valerie Jarrett was the lead in the Occupy Movement – she connects her networks nationwide – then moves down the chain – she also brings in Muslims via Palestinians  : https://www.facebook.com/pages/OWS-Special-Projects-Affinity-Group/414709225270594

Anarchists/handsup: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/12/23/who-started-new-york-s-dead-cops-chant.html

NYU local union: http://nyulocal.com/city/2014/12/05/eric-garner-protests-night-two-photos/

Black Panthers – http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/27/the-28-greatest-moments-from-an-angry-nyc-protest-where-communism-capitalism-and-crazy-all-met/

Hours of Christmas Songs and Carols – Enjoy


Playlist – Mix of Christmas Carols, and Songs to play all day – 2014 :)



The German PEGIDA movement held its largest meeting yet last night to protest what they call the ‘Islamisation of the Western World’, despite stiff opposition from all sections of Germany’s elite including politicians, media, and the arts.

Reuters / Hannibal Hanschke

by OLIVER LANE23 Dec 2014

PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against Islamisation of the West) has grown rapidly since its inception in October, a peaceful ‘strolling’ movement opposing the exceptional violence seen in street battles between Salafist Muslims and ethnic Kurds seen in many German cities this year and enormous immigration. Now on it’s tenth ‘evening stroll’, it has grown from a couple of hundred people, to 15,000 last week, to more than 17,500 last night.

In addition to the hundreds of banners with slogans such as ‘Against Hatred, Violence, and the Quran’, ‘Against Religious Fanaticism’, and ‘No Sharia in Europe’, the thousands attending brought song sheets which had been distributed online and sang favourite Christmas carols.

Despite the essentially ordinary character of many of the people taking to the streets for the peaceful strolls, and the admission by senior government and police figures that a great many of those joining in are families bringing their children, the organisation has come in for stiff criticism and rejection by the heights of the German elite.

Chancellor Merkel has suggested the leadership of PEGIDA have an ulterior motive, despite their focus on non-violent protest and apolitical principles. She even went as far to warn people thinking of going on the weekly stroll to “watch out that they are not instrumentalised by the organisers”. The SPD, Germany’s Labour-party equivalent have gone as far as calling PEGIDA “Nazis in pinstripes”.

This is despite a report by the German police that there are significantly more known troublemakers in the counter-protest movements, than in PEGIDA itself.

It is not only German politics which is putting its weight behind the counter-PEGIDA movement. Apparently dismayed that 17,500 people had turned out in bad weather to sing Christian carols, the Protestant Bishop of Dresden said PEGIDA were trying “to exploit a Christian symbol and a Christian tradition” for political ends.

Germany’s art elite also showed their disapproval last night. The directors of Dresden’s Bavarian State Opera house, outside which the protests take place turned off the lights on the building, cloaking it in darkness during the stroll. Colossal 50-foot banners were draped in front of the building reading “humanity, respect, and diversity”.

No plans have yet been announced by PEGIDA for their next march.



Prince Charles: Christians are ‘deliberately targeted’ and suffering from an ‘organised persecution’ by Islamists in the ME:


I see they’re being called Nazis by the extreme left already – dunno about anyone else but I’m immune to their branding. “When the debate is lost, slander is the tool of the loser.” – Socrates

1,000 Soldiers Deployed on French Streets to Combat Christmas Terror Attacks



by OLIVER LANE24 Dec 2014

More than 1,000 soldiers have been deployed on the streets of France for Christmas after a spate of suspected festive-season terrorist attacks across the nation have left many French citizens critical of the government’s denialism, and fearful of increasing violence.

The move stands in contrast to the official line of the French government that the attacks, in which the assailants were reported in all cases to have shouted the Arabic salutation “Allahu Akbar” as they commenced their rampages, had nothing to do with terrorism, and were completely unrelated. The government has come under fire from opposition parties for its denial of a terrorism link, with French social media users reportedly cheering on the straight-talking rejection by the Front National (FN).

The Times reports the comments of FN deputy leader Florian Philippot which have apparently got social media users excited: “This is obviously terrorism… I wish they would stop playing politics and ideology, telling us that there are systematically isolated acts by disturbed people”. France has the largest Muslim population of any Western European nation, and the FN believes the government is reluctant to say anything that could antagonise the millions of Muslims settled in the country.



Different country! Same memo!

US government has read the same memo!

Related: http://mediachecker.wordpress.com/2014/12/23/france-psychiatric-patient-mows-down-11-people-while-shouting-god-is-greatest/

The Christmas Truce of 1914 – Pinhole of Light Among a Nightmare of Madness


December 24, 2014 (Tony Cartalucci – LD) In the end, we have more in common with the furthest flung foreign common man than the closest corporate-fascist that presumes dominion over our lives.

During the early 1900’s, Europe was locked in the first World War. Millions would perish – tens of thousands in a single day. On one brief occasion, a pinhole of light shined through this utter madness, revealing the truth of this man-made nightmare. The men in the trenches were being driven toward each other, not by some irreconcilable difference they had with one another, but by the greed of those ruling elite residing in their respective homelands.

If only the British and Germans realized it was the greed of their own banking houses and industrialists that had them in the trenches and not some irreconcilable difference amongst themselves…

Knowledge is power, ignorance literally can mean death. When will we start being leaders in our homes, communities, counties, and provinces – driving our own destiny rather than being driven? Shall we look upon the Christmas Truce of 1914 with wonder a century on, or look toward it as evidence something was and still is tragically wrong with human civilization and work this next year with renewed vigor to resolve it?



Archaeologists Have Found Location Where Jesus Christ Taught in Israel

Published on Dec 24, 2014

Archaeologists in Israel believe they may have uncovered the location where Jesus Christ taught and preached. The discovery was made in the ancient town of Magdala — thought to be the hometown of Mary Magdalene — on the western shore of the sea of Galilee. Jesus is believed to have spent most of his life in the area. The Legionaries of Christ, a Catholic organization, bought land in the area, planning to build a hotel. An ancient temple was uncovered among the ruins in 2009.

Five years later, archaeologists are convinced that Jesus taught here, with relics seeming to support that theory. Among the historic treasures are a main hall with an elaborate mosaic floor; a limestone block carved with a menorah, the oldest ever found on stone; and Jewish ritual baths.

Father Juan Solana, founder of the Magdala Center, a spiritual center run by the Legionaries of Christ, said Jesus’ interactions in the area bolster the possibility that he taught at the site.

“Jesus was traveling many times with the boat, the fishermen and for sure I think he taught in that synagogue,” Solana said. “We can see Jesus surrounded by the people sitting on the benches of the synagogue, reading the Torah.”

Some of the artifacts were taken for the pope to see, the archaeologists said.

Work continues at the site, with 12 acres of the ancient city left to excavate.


This wonderful news is just hot off the press. A beautiful Christmas gift.



The maritime horror that has become a centerpiece of the Cuban experience will continue even after President Obama’s overtures to the communist regime, it appears. According to witnesses aboard, the Cuban government sank a boat attempting to reach American shores carrying 32 people, including an 8-year-old child, and some passengers remain missing.


The Miami Herald reports that Masiel González Castellano, a woman who was aboard the boat with her husband and 8-year-old son, told reporters her husband remains missing after the assault. She and all those the government could pick out of the water were arrested, and the men remain under custody. “We were screaming and crying for help as the boat was sinking. But they ignored us. Instead, they continued charging against our boat. Some people dove in the water and others stayed aboard as the boat sank,” she explained. “They knew there were children aboard, but continued to charge against us. They didn’t care.”

The Herald notes that family of Castellano’s husband, Leosbel Díaz Beoto, are continuing their search to find him. An uncle contacted the U.S. Coast Guard, but was told merely that the incident occurred in Cuba and outside their jurisdiction.

In her interview, Castellano described the captain of the boat as being “from Miami,” though he has yet to be identified or accounted for. Should he be a U.S. citizen, there is potential for tension amid newly amicable relations between the White House and Havana. Ramón Saúl Sánchez, the head of the Democracy Movement and organizer of communications with Castellano to reveal this story, noted also that the incident is believed to have happened 22 miles from Cuba’s northern shore, as the group had departed from the town of Matanzas. “[It is one issue] to create such a savage act, a state against civilians, women and children,” he noted, “but another point is that, if they were located 22 miles from Cuba when the incident occurred, they acted within international jurisdiction.” Thus, the act of aggression could have violated international law.
The Cuban government acted this way before in international waters without consequences. In the most notable incident of its kind, the Cuban government drowned 10 children– 37 refugees in total– on the “13th of March” tugboat in 1994. The “tugboat massacre,” as it is known in English, not only resulted in the deaths of dozens of those onboard, but was followed by intense interrogations and potential human rights violations of those who survived:
The men were put into one cell and left there. The women and children were put it another cell, where they were interrogated. Early that evening the women and children were sent home and the men were taken to Villa Marista, Havana‟s State Security headquarters. Some were kept in detention several weeks and released to domiciliary detention. Two were kept for eight months. They were all given psychotropic drugs, visited by psychologists, and subjected to interrogations at all hours with the purpose of making them relay the story as an accident.
The Cuban communist regime has given no indication that it will change its policy regarding refugees in the wake of President Obama’s concessions to the Castro government.
May they RIP. Prayers and Condolences to the families.
Everything Obama touches turns to ashes, so much so, that people are beginning to call him Dr. Death. Obama is a “social democrat” (like de Blasio) which is similar to social fabians. They fundamentally transform countries through reformist and gradualist methods…the “normalized” conditions mentioned is more like the US being changed into a Cuba than the other way around – people are a lot easier to control by fear. (there are a number of fabian – articles posted at this site via search).


Pope Francis drops the ‘G-word’ and rekindles century-old genocide debate


April 13th 2015

Another Sunday sermon, another international uproar. Controversy appears to be becoming a habit for Pope Francis. A week after he accused the world of “standing mute” while Christians were slaughtered, the pope again stirred anger by calling the 1915 killings of up to 1.5 million Armenians by Turks a “genocide,” and not just any genocide but “the first genocide of the 20th century.”

He spoke during a Sunday mass at St. Peter’s Basilica to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the tragedy. “Bishops and priests, religious, women and men, the elderly and even defenseless children and the infirm were murdered.”

Turkey reacted furiously, recalling its ambassador to the Vatican and accusing the pope of spreading “hatred and animosity” with “unfounded allegations.”

Yet, the pope’s remarks weren’t exactly unprecedented. Pope John Paul II said nearly the same thing in 2001, and Francis himself made almost identical comments before becoming pontiff in 2013.

Outrage in Turkey over the “G” word — with reference to the killings that started to unfold in April 1915 amid the chaos of World War I — is nothing new. But experts say the latest furor has as much to do with current events — especially politics inside Turkey — as it does with any lasting debate over early-20th-century history.

In fact, Pope Francis is just the latest in a long line of religious and political leaders to wrestle with what has become one of the world’s most sensitive struggles over nomenclature. American presidents from Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama have walked a tightrope between the weight of historical evidence on one side, and the importance of ties to Turkey on the other. And Turkey itself has been torn over the issue of whether to call the killings “genocide,” with public figures thrown into prison or forced to flee from the country simply for uttering the word.

“It’s become hugely politicized,” says Eugene Rogan, director of Oxford University’s Middle East Center and the author of an acclaimed new book about the fall of the Ottomans. “Turkey is a NATO ally and the Turkish government responds very negatively to anybody raising the question of genocide. So it’s in that context that the furor over the pope’s comments should be viewed.”

“In order to understand Turkey and its denialism, you have to compare it to apartheid in South Africa,” says Taner Akçam, a Turkish professor of history at Clark University. “If Turkey wants to play an important role in the political development in the Middle East, Turkey has to face its own history.”

“No other historical issue causes such anguish in Washington,” Thomas de Waal wrote recently in an article titled “The G-Word: The Armenian Massacre and the Politics 
of Genocide” in Foreign Affairs. “Over the years, the debate has come to center on a single word, ‘genocide,’ a term that has acquired such power that some refuse to utter it aloud, calling it ‘the G-word’ instead. For most Armenians, it seems that no other label could possibly describe the suffering of their people. For the Turkish government, almost any other word would be acceptable.”

A century ago, there was little doubt about the magnitude of the massacre, de Waal writes. In 1914, the quickly crumbling Ottoman Empire sought to recoup some of its recently lost territories by siding with Germany against Russia. Turkish leader Mehmed Talat Pasha “accused Christian Armenians — a population of almost two million, most of whom lived in what is now eastern Turkey — of sympathizing with Russia and thus representing a potential fifth column,” according to de Waal. “Talat ordered the deportation of almost the entire people to the arid deserts of Syria. In the process, at least half of the men were killed by Turkish security forces or marauding Kurdish tribesmen. Women and children survived in greater numbers but endured appalling depredation, abductions, and rape on the long marches. 

“They were essentially death marches,” Rogan tells The Washington Post. Their goal was to decimate the Armenians and prevent them from attaining “a critical demographic mass that might seek independence.”

“That was the logic behind the genocide,” he says. “Then the question was, ‘Who is going to do it?’ because massacring hundreds of thousands of people is horrible, violent work. There is documentation to show that the Ottoman government released prisoners, convicted murderers and created gangs to actually do the butchery. They also sent around propaganda to suggest that the killing of Armenians was part of the overall jihad effort that the sultan had declared at the time of the declaration of war, so that people would essentially be doing religious work in participating in this massacre.”

For decades, the world was too busy with other bloodshed. “The horrors of World War II overtook the horrors of World War I,” Rogan says.

But when the Armenian massacre was mentioned, it was never referred to as “genocide” for an even simpler reason: The word simply didn’t exist.

It wasn’t until after World War II that a Polish-born Jewish lawyer named Raphael Lemkin essentially invented the phrase.

“When Raphael Lemkin was devising the arguments around a new crime called ‘genocide’ after the Jewish holocaust in World War II, he really took the Armenian genocide as his prior example to base the concept on,” Rogan says. “Because of the scale of killing, because of the [Turkish] government’s involvement in how to do this … so it was very much with the Armenian genocide in mind that Lemkin coined the phrase ‘genocide.’”

“Lemkin had a morally courageous vision: to get the concept of genocide enshrined in international law,” de Waal writes. “His tireless lobbying soon paid off: In 1948, just four years after he invented the term, the United Nations adopted the Genocide Convention, a treaty that made the act an international crime.”

But bickering and politicking over the term began almost immediately. “In his uncompromising pursuit of his goal, Lemkin allowed the term ‘genocide’ to be bent by other political agendas,” de Waal writes. “He opposed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted a week after the Genocide Convention, fearing that it would distract the international community from preventing future genocides—the goal that he thought should surpass all others in importance. And he won the Soviet Union’s backing for the convention after ‘political groups’ were excluded from the classes of people it protected.”

America’s stance on the issue was clear — at least at first. In 1951, the United States called the Armenian killings genocide before the International Court of Justice, de Waal writes. And three decades later, Reagan referred to the “genocide of the Armenians” during a Holocaust remembrance speech.

But global politics forced Reagan to reconsider. A series of attacks by Armenian militants — including the 1982 assassination of Kemal Arikan, the Turkish consul general to the United States, in Los Angeles — prompted the president to drop all references to the “genocide.” Turkey was, and still is, an important ally, after all.

A subsequent State Department report titled, “Armenian Terrorism: A Profile,” described the events in 1915 as “ambiguous,” de Waal writes. “The Department of State does not endorse allegations that the Turkish government committed a genocide against the Armenian people,” the report said. “Armenian terrorists use this allegation to justify in part their continuing attacks on Turkish diplomats and installations.”

“From that point on, a new line had been drawn by the executive branch, and the term ‘Armenian genocide’ was outlawed in the White House,” according to de Waal.

Every American president since then has tiptoed around the issue. Before taking office, Obama had no problem calling the 1915 massacre “genocide.” Since his election, however, the president has used another term — Meds Yeghern, or “Great Catastrophe” in Armenian — to describe the death or disappearance of as many as 1.5 million Armenians, a hedging that has drawn rebukes from Armenian American groups.

Part of the problem dates back to the fuzzy definition of the word. Article 2 of the U.N.’s Genocide Convention defines “genocide” as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.”

Turkey claims that the killings were not a targeted campaign to exterminate Armenians but rather one part of a messy civil war. But Akçam and other Turkish scholars have recently shown that to be untrue by unearthing documents linking the government to the genocide, Rogan says.

“There are four main reasons why the Turkish state is so vehement in denying the Armenian genocide,” Akçam says. The first is a fear that admitting to genocide would unleash a flood of compensation claims against the Turkish government.

“Turkey has been sitting on the wealth of these Armenians for a century,” he says. “We reestablished our republic on the wealth of two million Armenians.”

More than money, however, Turkish national identity is at stake. “To call the founding fathers murderers or thieves, this is the most difficult part,” Akçam says, contrasting Turkish reticence with the widespread American acknowledgement of the horrors of slavery or abuse of Native Americans.

In 2005, Turkey’s Nobel Prize-winning novelist, Orhan Pamuk, was charged with “public denigration of Turkish identity” for mentioning the massacre during an interview with a Swiss newspaper. He was forced to flee the country, although the charges were eventually dropped.

Another issue is fear of an “eternal debate” within Turkey. “If you start with Armenians, where are you going to end?” Akçam says, citing atrocities against Greeks, Assyrians, Jews and Alawites.

Finally, there is what Akçam calls “The Pinocchio Effect.”

“Turkey, like Pinocchio, has a very long nose,” he says. “It’s not easy to wake up one morning and say ‘Oh, we lied. We were wrong.’”

Akçam says he applauds Pope Francis for going further than his predecessors and for forcing the issue in Turkey and around the world.

“I congratulate the pope,” he says. “This a courageous movement, and I hope it will be a breakthrough.” Akçam hopes Obama will realize that the choice between morals and international politics is a false one, and that calling the Armenian massacre “genocide” will be better for Turkey and for the region.

“For decades, America has thought it’s better not to get Turkey angry, but it is so short sighted. It is so stupid,” he says. “This pope now has made a bold move.”

Michael E. Miller is a foreign affairs reporter for The Washington Post. He writes for the Morning Mix news blog. Tweet him: @MikeMillerDC http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/04/13/pope-francis-drops-the-g-word-and-rekindles-century-old-genocide-debate/


“Turks Slaughter Christian Greeks”, The Lincoln Daily Star (article), 19 October 1917 .

The (western mongolian) Turks also  targeted all minority groups which were Christian, and killed or displaced millions of Armenians, Ionian and Pontic Greeks as well as Christian Assyrians.

The Pontic Greeks were driven on the same death marches by the Turks, along with the Assyrians, as they lived in more inland areas. The Ionians had the best chance for escape, as they lived on the western coastal region, though many were still slaughtered – even into the 1920s (most notably at the burning/massacre of Smyrna (Izmir to the Turks) in 1922. https://mediachecker.wordpress.com/2013/06/07/the-armenian-genocide/

Unscrupulous Special Interests and Their Vaccine Crusade


April 7, 2015 (F. William Engdahl – NEO) – Polio is something I have more than a passing acquaintance with. Two days before my fifth birthday a medical doctor in Minneapolis diagnosed me with polio. I only learned decades later that it was not polio, poliomyelitis or infantile paralysis as it was also called. It was shortly after World War II. Then a few years later we were presented Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine, and the world believed that because of that vaccine and the Sabin variant, polio had been stamped out. The reality was that polio was not and is not a “virus,” nor did the vaccines of Salk or Sabin eradicate.

The symptoms that were given the name “polio” had dramatically declined several years before the first vaccine and Salk claimed the credit for his vaccine which was released in 1955. The symptoms that got the name polio came from a team at the Rockefeller University in 1910. Those symptoms were listed as fever, severe headache, stiff neck and back, deep muscle pain. Pretty vague.

Many, many things can cause fever and such symptoms in a small child, for example being raped by someone they thought loved them or experiencing other trauma. It has been suggested that there was a major wave of in-family child rapes as soldiers returned from the traumas of their own war experiences in World War II. It was convenient for some to label the upsurge in such symptoms as polio and create a national media scare that was to most Americans in the early 1950’s more terrifying than Joe Stalin and communism. The drug industry got a huge boost and today, even newborns are jabbed multiple times in the first weeks of their fragile lives with concoctions that have been documented not to prevent viral infection but to make weak, sick and in some tragic cases autistic or even dead children.

The Rockefeller University in New York had begun literally playing around with children with the symptoms later formalized as polio as far back as 1910. Simon Flexner, first director of the predecessor to the Rockefeller University, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, had produced the symptoms later named polio. He did that in a rhesus monkey which then transmitted the disease from one animal to another. Flexner was a close friend and advisor of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., son of the founder of the Standard Oil trust.

Albert Sabin, creator of the Sabin polio vaccine had come out of the Rockefeller University. Human experiments with untested versions of the polio vaccines were done on already crippled children in care homes, on children in homes for the mentally insane and on that Rockefeller family plantation for human experiments, Puerto Rico.

Since that time the Rockefellers, some of the world’s most ardent financial backers of eugenics, have been at the center of the developments around what was named polio and its “vaccine.”

Eugenics was a fraudulent social theory that a “better society” could be created by eliminating “undesirable” human blood lines and promoting the desirable types like those of Rockefellers or DuPonts or their likes. To the present day eugenics is the guiding ideology of the very rich, loveless American oligarchs including Bill Gates and David Rockefeller. To this day the major financial backers of the criminal activities of the UN WHO (World Health Organization) and their fraudulent swine flu pandemic scares are the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Gates, GAVI and Murder Inc.

Several years ago, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, along with the World Bank, UNICEF, the WHO and a group of pharmaceutical companies, united all in something called GAVI and set out to bring massive polio vaccination first to India. GAVI: The Vaccine Alliance was founded by the Gates Foundation in 2000 as a “public-private partnership” to unite in assaulting poorer developing countries with the Big Pharma vaccine industry they would otherwise bespared.

In India Gates, Rockefellers and WHO with their Big Pharma partners convinced the Indian government to spend some $8 billion of their scarce funds, along with a tiny amount of “seed” money from GAVI partners, to vaccinate Indian children.

The result?

An article in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics in 2012 concluded, “In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated.” Instead, Gates and Company proclaimed India “polio” free.

They ignored the fact their “polio” vaccines were killing and paralyzing 48,000 Indian children because the WHO definition of polio allowed them the casuistry. NPAFP stands for Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis. The medical-industrial complex are masters at coming up with names.

By calling it non-polio, they defined polio as eradicated in India. But their vaccines are killing and paralyzing tens of thousands of children. So by the WHO semantics the GAVI vaccines did not caused a single case of “polio.” It did cause 48,000 cases of something far deadlier and more damaging, Acute Flaccid Paralysis, a condition the WHO admits is clinically indistinguishable from polio and which occurred in direct proportion to the doses of polio vaccine received.

A similar phenomenon took place at the same time in neighboring Pakistan. In 2011 the Paktstan Tribune reported, “A government inquiry has found that polio vaccines for infants funded by the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunisation are causing deaths and disabilities in regional countries including Pakistan. Geneva-based officials of GAVI, Jeffrey Rowland and Dan Thomas, were contacted by e-mail but they did not respond. “ GAVI spent a mere 7.8% of the total cost of the mass vaccination in Pakistan, of Rs26 billion. The Tribune continued, “Pakistan will be spending Rs24.2 billion from its own resources on the purchase of new and under-used vaccines at much higher cost as compared to their equivalent vaccines.” The Gates-Rockefeller-WHO polio vaccination program in Pakistan killed an estimated 10,000 and crippled tens of thousands more.

Now the focus has moved to another US warzone, Syria.

Polio in Syria?

For two decades Syria has been polio-free. Now, beginning 2013 in the wake of their criminal efforts in Pakistan and India, the WHO has declared the presence of polio outbreaks in Syria and accused President Assad of refusing vaccine teams – the previous ones in Pakistan, laced with CIA agents.

The “polio” spreading in war-ravaged Syria, where the CIA and Pentagon and their assets such as ISIS and CIA-funded opposition have destroyed homes and driven millions into refugee status, is vaccine-caused, just as in India and just as in Pakistan. The polio spreading through Syria is “vaccine-derived polio,” specifically, the same strain of “non-polio acute flaccid paralysis” as in India and Pakistan that coincided with the mass vaccinations with Sabin oral vaccines by GAVI. The vaccine originated from the oral polio vaccine developed by former Rockefeller University researched, Sabin, which contains an attenuated vaccine-virus or active polio virus along with unknown adjuvants or boosters the drug companies prefer not to reveal.

Kindah al-Shammat, Syrian Minister of Social Affairs, said at the time that, “The virus originates in Pakistan and has been brought to Syria by the jihadists who come from Pakistan.”

WHO Rockefeller Tetanus abortions

If this sounds improbable take a close look at a recent expose by a concerned group of Kenyan doctors about a vaccine developed by WHO in conjunction with the Rockefeller and Gates foundations. The Kenya Catholic Doctors Association discovered an antigen that causes miscarriages in a tetanus vaccine that is being administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the World Health Organization and UNICEF. Since 1972 the Rockefeller Foundation has worked in secrecy with the WHO and various pharmaceutical companies to fund a WHO program in “reproductive health.” There they developed an innovative tetanus vaccine.

In the early 1990’s, according to a report from the Global Vaccine Institute, the WHO oversaw massive vaccination campaigns against tetanus in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines. Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization, became suspicious of the motives behind the WHO program. When they tested numerous vials of the vaccine they, like in Kenya today, found they contained the same Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, or HCG. They found that to be very curious in a vaccine designed to protect people against lock-jaw arising from infection with rusty nail wounds. Tetanus is also rather rare, so why a mass vaccination campaign and that for only women of child-bearing age?

HCG is a natural hormone needed to maintain a pregnancy. However, when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier, it stimulated the formation of antibodies against HCG, rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy, a form of concealed abortion.

The pattern is clear. The global agenda of Rockefellers, Gates, Clintons, Bushes and their very rich loveless friends is racist. It calls for elimination of non-white populations, genocide. Their tools of choice include wars everywhere from Afghanistan to Pakistan to Libya to Syria to Ukraine. It includes campaigns of massive select vaccinations in war-torn countries. It includes setting the CIA and Mossad to the job of creating fake Islamic “jihadist” terrorists to kill and main and create the cover for a Washington “war on terror.” Their only problem of late is that these strategies are failing. That’s bad news for the paranoid oligarchs, good news for sane remnants of the human race, human beings.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.  http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2015/04/unscrupulous-special-interests-and.html


Depopulation: Kenyan Bishops Fear Tetanus Vaccine Campaign is Aimed to Sterilize Women

Tetanus vaccines found spiked with sterilization chemical to carry out race-based genocide against Africans


The current Obama administration Science Czar, John Holdren, wrote a book with Paul and Anne Ehrlich (thought leaders in the vaccination industry) in the 1970s called “EcoScience” promoting the depopulation of the planet using vaccinations as a medium for for mass sterilization. If you doubt me, please look it up on Amazon.com (link below) and read the comments from people who have purchased the book and read it. Regarding conspiracy, it is not what I don’t know about the current leadership of our country that scares me. It is what I DO know!… EcoScience on Amazon

Vermont Becomes First to Have Mandatory GMO Labeling


Vermont Becomes First to Have Mandatory GMO Labeling

Image Credits: CT Senate Democrats / Flickr.

by Christina Sarich | Infowars.com | April 24, 2015

After months of consumer and activist comments, picketing at the Attorney General’s Office, and winning a lawsuit against Monsanto who tried to overturn the original law, Vermont has just become the first state to have mandatory GMO labeling.

Vermont became the first state to become GMO-labeled (a step toward becoming GMO-Free) in 2014, but Monsanto, Dow, Bayer and other biotech interests decided that consumers had no rights at the state level to determine what they wanted to eat. Vermont was brave enough to uphold the voted-upon law anyhow, and even put money aside for the legal fight they knew would ensue when the new legislation passed.

On Friday, the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules formally filed with the Secretary of State’s Office to uphold the new GMO labeling rule, which will become effective July 1, 2016.

Attorney General Bill Sorrell said that the formal adoption of the GMO labeling law gives ample time to food manufacturers to change their products or lose an entire state’s business.

I’m proud of Vermont for standing strong against biotech, and we need to do the same now as members of Congress will vote this week on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). If this ‘Nafta-on-steroids” bill wins the vote, then it would take away state’s rights to ban or label GMOs, and all the effort Vermont has put into cleaning up its food supply will have been for naught.

Make sure you call or email Congress today and tell them not to allow the TPP.

This article originally appeared at Natural Society.



The beginning…thanks Vermont.

New York: Four Swedish Cops on Vacation Become Good Samaritans in NY Subway


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Four burly Swedish cops put their New York City vacation on hold to answer the call of duty on a Manhattan subway train last night.

The friends were on their way to see Les Misérables on Broadway, DNA Info reports, and rushed in to stop a brutal assault on a crowded rush-hour 6 train.

‘We came here for vacation. We’ve been here one day. We’re no heroes, just tourists,’ Makrus Åsberg, a 25-year-old officer with the police Uppsala, Sweden, told the New York Post. Mr Asberg, along with Erik Naslund, Samuel Kvarzell and Eric Jansberger, subdued an enraged homeless man who was viciously beating another rider on the train.

The Samaritan Scandinavians stopped the violence and held the attacker until the NYPD could arrive, the Post reports.

Video from the incident shows Kvarzell and Asberg holding the suspect down and trying to calm him down as he screams.

(Excerpt) Read more at dailymail.co.uk



Swedish Countrymen Not Impressed:

Countrymen not impressed by Swedish cops’ subway heroics



NY’ers always make a big deal about Good Samaritans especially if they’re tourists – not necessarily a bad thing…

The Armenian Genocide and my grandmother’s secret


David Kupelian  Published: 21 hours ago

April 23, 2015

‘A distant signal was given – it sounded something like a trumpet …’

Children victims of the Armenian Genocide

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” – Ephesians 6:12

Decades ago when I was very young, my grandmother, Mary Kupelian, told me a haunting story I’ve wondered about ever since.

As I sat in the kitchen of her cozy little home in Bethesda, Maryland, eating her delicious homemade bread and talking about a frequent topic – the Armenian Genocide, which she and my dad (as a little boy) had barely survived – she shared with me the following enigma.

“The Turkish people are very hospitable people,” she said with surprising warmth, seeing as they had murdered her husband and dozens of other members of her extended family, just a few of the 1.5 million Christian Armenians killed by the Turks during the first genocide of the 20th century. Grandmom knew the Turkish people well, not just from having grown up in southern Turkey, but from having returned several times to the “old country” later in life, during more quiescent times.

However, continuing her story, she intimated to me that the Muslim Turks lived under the spell of strange forces.

“They were very hospitable and would invite you in,” she said. “But, if a distant signal was given – it sounded something like a trumpet – then they would instantly change, and would attempt to harm you. Yet if the signal sounded again, they would immediately switch back to normal.”

“Even,” she added by way of illustration, “if they had injured you after the first signal, as soon as the second signal sounded, they would bind up the very wounds they had inflicted on you.”

As I said – a very, very strange tale, with overtones of “The Manchurian Candidate” and its post-hypnotic suggestions (remember the Queen of Diamonds?) triggering murderous, pre-programmed behavior.

An Armenian woman forced to march in the desert carrying her child

That story, so pregnant with hidden significance, has remained gestating in my mind for all these decades since my grandmother matter-of-factly shared it with me over her kitchen table. It has piqued my interest especially in recent years, as I have endeavored in my writing to sort out and make some sense of a world so powerfully controlled by dark forces.

Since today, April 24, 2015, officially marks the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, let’s delve into my grandmother’s mystery story and see where it leads.

First, it’s necessary that I briefly summarize my family’s personal experience during this terrible period.

If you embrace the Islamic religion, you will be saved’

It was 100 years ago, and my dad, just a toddler then, along with his mother and baby sister were among thousands of Armenian Christians being herded into the Syrian Der Zor desert east of Aleppo to die. That’s right, to die. Forced into such a miserable and dangerous trek, the plan was that exposure, hunger, thirst, bandits or marauding soldiers would get the job done, one way or the other. As for my father’s father, a physician, he had already been forced into the Turkish army against his will to head a medical regiment to tend to the Turkish soldiers’ injuries.

“One of my earliest recollections, I was not quite three years old at the time,” my dad told me shortly before he died in 1988, was that “the wagon we were in had tipped over, my hand was broken and bloody, and mother was looking for my infant sister who had rolled away. The next thing I remember after that, mother was on a horse, holding my baby sister, and had me sitting behind her, saying, ‘Hold on tight, or the Turks will get you!’”

The three of them rode off on horseback, ending up in Aleppo, one of the gateways to the desert deportation and certain death. Once there, my always-resourceful grandmother Mary bluffed her way into getting an audience with Aleppo’s governor-general. Seeing as her Armenian doctor husband was in the service of the Turkish army – albeit by force – she played her one and only card, brazenly telling the governor general, “I demand my rights as the wife of a Turkish army officer!”

“What are those rights?”

“I want commissary privileges and two orderlies,” she answered.


By thus boldly deceiving the not-too-bright Turkish politician, Mary avoided the unthinkable, saving not only her own life and those of her son and daughter, but also the lives of her husband’s two brothers, whom she immediately deputized as orderlies. The group then succeeded in sneaking several other family members out of harm’s way, and my grandmother kept them all from starving by obtaining food from the commissary. Thus was my family spared, although my father’s infant sister was unable to survive the harshness of those times and died shortly thereafter. And my grandfather, Simeon Kupelian, was executed along with other Armenian doctors by a squadron of Turkish gunmen.

On finally returning to their beautiful home in Marash in southern Turkey a couple of years later, Mary and son Vahey, who was then about six, found it had been ransacked. Their fine tapestries had been pulled off the walls, ripped, and urinated on. Everything that could be carried out had been stolen, and everything else had been deliberately broken – even every last pane of glass in the French doors was broken, and the drawer handles all destroyed.

Eventually, they escaped – and made their way to America.

Ottoman Armenians are marched to a prison in Kharpert, Armenia, by armed Turkish soldiers in April 1915. Up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed in what is now recognized as the 20th century's first genocide.

That was my father’s side of the family. But on my mother’s side, things were just as bad.

In 1909, my great-grandfather, a Protestant minister named Steelianos Leondiades, was traveling to the major Turkish city of Adana to attend a pastors’ conference. Today, Incirlik Air Base, used by the U.S. Air Force, is five miles east of Adana. But then, under the Ottoman caliph, Abdul-Hamid II, ethnic cleansing was the order of the day. Here’s how my maternal grandmother, Anna Paulson, daughter of Steelianos, told the story:

“Some of the Turkish officers came to the conference room and told all these ministers – there were 70 of them, ministers and laymen and a few wives: ‘If you embrace the Islamic religion you will all be saved. If you don’t, you will all be killed.’”

My great-grandfather, acting as a spokesman for the ministers’ group, asked the Turks for 15 minutes so they could make their decision, according to my grandmother’s account. During that time the ministers and their companions talked, read the Bible to each other, and prayed. In the end, none of them would renounce their Christian faith and convert to Islam.

“And then,” Anna recalled, “they were all killed.

“They were not even buried. They were all thrown down the ravine.”

The only reason we know any details of this particular massacre, she said, is that one victim survived the ordeal.

“One man woke up; he wasn’t dead,” my grandmother said. “He woke up and got up and said, ‘Brethren, brethren, is there anybody alive here? I’m alive, come on, let’s go out together.’ ”

Ultimately, by the grace of God, both sides of my family made it to the Promised Land – America – and eventually my father met and married my mother, and that’s how my brother, sister and I were blessed to come on the scene.

Now, back to my grandmother Mary’s strange story …

A street in the Armenian quarter of Adana left pillaged and destroyed after massacres in 1909

Marauding hordes of ‘Manchurian candidates’

Any thoughtful person, even without any particular knowledge of mind control, hypnosis or brainwashing, could offer a reasonable hypothesis as to what is being described by my grandmother: The actors are clearly people who have somehow been deeply programmed, and the “trumpet-like” signal is a trigger, a post-hypnotic suggestion initiating the pre-programmed behavior.

Interestingly, I mentioned this story to a colleague of mine who lived in a country that once was part of the Ottoman Turkish Empire. His response to my grandmother’s scenario – where on signal, Turks turned on innocent people to kill them, but stopped midstream at the second signal and even resumed their hospitality to the point of patching up any injuries they had caused – was to recall his own time living among a culturally Muslim population whose ancestors had lived for five centuries under Turkish rule.

“The people were extremely hospitable,” he recalled, “but after living in the country for some time, I learned there was another dimension to how they generally perceived foreigners. I had the feeling that some of the most outwardly welcoming people could stab me in the back.”

Encouraged that I might be on to something, I reached out to noted Islam scholar Andrew Bostom for help.

After doing a little research, Andrew called me back and said, enthusiastically, “Your grandmother is right!” The mysterious “trumpet-like signal” was a bugle, he informed me, leading me to a series of books and other contemporaneous genocide reports with additional details. A quick sampling:

There was this New York Times story from Sept. 25, 1915, quoting Dr. M. Simbad Gabriel, head of a U.S.-based Armenian organization:

The doctor said that greed, religion, and politics all combined to induce the Turks to massacre the Armenians. The Government was always behind every massacre, and the people were acting under orders.
“When the bugle blows in the morning,” he said, “Turks rush fiercely to the work of killing the Christians and plundering them of their wealth. When it stops in the evening, or in two or three days, the shooting and stabbing stop just as suddenly then as it began. The people obey their orders like soldiers.”

And there was Simon Payaslian, chair of Armenian Genocide Studies at Clark University:

At Friday prayers in the mosque, Muslims were encouraged to attack Armenians. After prayers let out, a bugle would sound from the minarets for the attack to begin, and then a bugle would sound for the attack to end.

And then there was, contained in Bostom’s own book, “The Legacy of Jihad,” this chilling account by Scottish historian Lord Kinross:

Each operation, between the bugle calls, followed a similar pattern. First the Turkish troops came into a town for the purpose of massacre; then came the Kurdish irregulars and tribesmen for the purpose of plunder. Finally came the holocaust, by fire and destruction, which spread, with the pursuit of the fugitives and mopping-up operations, throughout the lands and villages of the surrounding province. …

Cruelest and most ruinous of all were the massacres of Urfa, where the Armenian Christians numbered a third of the total population … When the bugle blast ended the day’s operations, some three thousand refugees poured into the cathedral, hoping for sanctuary. But the next morning – a Sunday – a fanatic mob swarmed into the church in an orgy of slaughter, rifling its shrines with cries of “Call upon Christ to prove Himself a greater prophet than Mohammed.” Then they amassed a large pile of straw matting, which they spread over the litter of corpses and set alight with thirty cans of petroleum. The woodwork of the gallery where a crowd of women and children crouched, wailing with terror, caught fire, and all perished in the flames.

Punctiliously at three-thirty in the afternoon the bugle blew once more, and the Moslem officials proceeded around the Armenian quarter to proclaim that the massacres were over … the total casualties in the town, including those slaughtered in the cathedral, amounted to eight thousand dead.

Superficially, one might conclude such narratives are depicting normal, albeit horribly brutal, military operations where soldiers are coordinated in their advances and retreats by bugle calls. But there’s much more going on here.

“I’ve read accounts,” Andrew Bostom assured me, “of a call to arms where Muslims would show up at residences – people who lived with neighbors for a decade or more – and engaged in indiscriminate slaughter.”

Really? Living and sharing with your neighbors for years, borrowing humus and olive oil when you ran short – and then suddenly turning on them in a frenzy of “indiscriminate slaughter”? Doesn’t sound exactly normal to me.

A Turkish official teases starving Armenian children by showing them a piece of bread during the Armenian Genocide

Let’s freeze-frame this whole bugle-massacre business for a minute, and shift our focus to another bizarre but disturbingly common phenomenon in today’s Arab-Muslim world: so-called “honor killings.”

A teenage girl – whose father, mother and brothers one would assume share a natural love, affection and protectiveness toward her – is observed walking down the street with a male non-relative, perhaps even holding hands with him.

In response, the girl is stabbed to death by her brother(s), or her mother or father, or all of them together – stabbed not just once, but often dozens of times in an orgy of slaughter, like the most deranged psychopath might commit. This fate is meted out to girls and young women for anything vaguely considered to have brought “shame” or “dishonor” upon a family. The poor girl’s offense could be that she refused to enter into an arranged marriage, or was in a relationship that wasn’t approved of by the family, or had dressed in a way deemed inappropriate. Even flirting, even failing to serve a meal on time, even being a rape victim, all have been the occasions of “honor killings.”

“Amnesty International has reported on one case in which a husband murdered his wife based on a dream that she had betrayed him,” reports National Geographic. “In Turkey, a young woman’s throat was slit in the town square because a love ballad had been dedicated to her over the radio.”

Such monstrous, bizarre and outrageously unjustified and unprovoked murders of innocent girls by their own family members occur at least 5,000 times annually according to the U.N., but that number is considered low due to underreporting. BBC reports that some victim-advocate organizations “suspect that more than 20,000 women are killed worldwide each year” via “honor killings.”

Now, what do the bugle-signaled mass slaughters of the Armenian Genocide and today’s Islamic “honor killings” – and, for that matter, the crucifixions and beheadings and burying-alive of Christian believers by ISIS zombies – have in common?

All demonstrate an extreme level of pre-programmed, murderous conditioning, to be called forth by a post-hypnotic suggestion – a bugle sound, a sister crossing some pre-set behavioral line, an encounter with a Christian holding fast to his or her faith.

How could such “Manchurian Candidate”-like conditioning possibly be accomplished, you might ask? Did somebody send teams of Russian scientists schooled in Pavlovian conditioning over to the Middle East to hypnotize millions of people in giant laboratories?

Of course not. But Pavlov did not invent “Pavlovian conditioning.” He just recognized the pre-existing principle and codified it into a psychological-physiological theory. Cruel, predatory, psychopathic (conscienceless) people have always seemed to understand how to program and control others in this way.

For example, African warlords have been notorious for recruiting and creating (i.e., programming) child soldiers, often turning kidnapped children into the most brutal and unhesitating killers of all. One common conversion technique: Force a child to kill a family member or friend. (“Shoot your friend in the head, or I’ll cut off your hand right now.”) If the child shoots his friend, he’s converted – usually for life, since the searing guilt of what he has done prevents him from ever going back to any other life.

We are now observing ISIS using virtually the same techniques to recruit and condition young children to become murderous jihadists.

A similar technique is common in gang initiations all over America. To join, you must commit a crime (slash a stranger in the face with a knife, even commit murder) before you can become a member – which assures, both legally and psychologically, that there’s almost no way out for you.

It’s doubtful many gang leaders, African warlords or ISIS recruiters have taken a course about hypnosis, brainwashing or “Pavlovian conditioning,” yet the dark knowledge of controlling and programming others is something human predators always figure out and exploit.

What about the recent ISIS conversions from the West – all those young men and women from the U.S. and Europe, persuaded by cool ISIS recruitment websites to leave the freest nations on earth and head to war-torn Syria to become cannon fodder or sex slaves? Such recruiting is not difficult to accomplish.

ISIS is the biggest, “baddest” gang in the world, and gangs appeal strongly to extremely angry, rebellious, and often fatherless, children. Enraged young people who have been abandoned, betrayed or exploited (or who believe they have been), full of fury and desire for vengeance, who have lost everything and feel they have nothing more to lose – such as these are easy prey for recruitment pitches promising fulfillment, identity, “family,” adventure, glory and revenge.

In the case of ISIS, in addition to all the standard benefits of gang membership, recruits are also assured they are the chosen of God, superior to all other people in the world (except fellow Muslim brothers and sisters) and are going to help establish a glorious Islamic paradise here on earth – plus they get to slaughter all the vile infidels who get in their way. (And the males are promised lots of hot women, both now and in the next life.)

You see, whether it’s ISIS, al-Qaida, Boko Haram, the Al Nusra Front or other modern-day jihadists, or their Turkish predecessors in the Ottoman Caliphate a century ago; whether, for that matter, it’s the Christian-hating automatons of North Korea or in other communist nations throughout the world – when it comes to those who persecute Christians, we are looking at people firmly in the grip of exceedingly dark forces. And since darkness cannot stand the light – it burns – they feel compelled to attempt to put it out. Yet they cannot. For although the persecutors enslave, they are the true slaves; though they imprison, they are the real prisoners; though they kill, they are the ones spiritually dying.



So now the whole world is commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Turkish genocide of the Armenians.

Well, except for Turkey. After a century of denial, Turkey has never even acknowledged that this monstrous genocide of a million-and-a-half Christians ever occurred.

Unfortunately, there’s a grave danger in failing to come clean – and that is, the great crime is likely to be repeated.

Adolf HItler

Consider what Adolf Hitler wrote in this Aug. 22, 1939, document, which was entered into evidence in the Nuremberg Trials. After you read his absolutely horrendous plans, pay special attention to the last sentence, in which Hitler reveals why he’s so sure he can get away with committing genocide while pulling off what he calls the “redistribution of the world”:

My decision to attack Poland was arrived at last spring. Originally, I feared that the political constellation would compel me to strike simultaneously at England, Russia, France, and Poland. Even this risk would have had to be taken.

Ever since the autumn of 1938, and because I realized that Japan would not join us unconditionally and that Mussolini is threatened by that nit-wit of a king and the treasonable scoundrel of a crown prince, I decided to go with Stalin.

In the last analysis, there are only three great statesmen in the world, Stalin, I, and Mussolini. Mussolini is the weakest, for he has been unable to break the power of either the crown or the church. Stalin and I are the only ones who envisage the future and nothing but the future. Accordingly, I shall in a few weeks stretch out my hand to Stalin at the common German-Russian frontier and undertake the redistribution of the world with him.

Our strength consists in our speed and in our brutality. Genghis Khan led millions of women and children to slaughter – with premeditation and a happy heart. History sees in him solely the founder of a state. It’s a matter of indifference to me what a weak western European civilization will say about me.

I have issued the command – and I’ll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad – that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death-head formations in readiness – for the present only in the East – with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space (Lebensraum) which we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?

That was 1939. Just a few years earlier, in the early ’30s, much of the world regarded Hitler and his gathering movement as a joke. Some journalists “burst out laughing at his shrill voice and jerky hand movements and refused to take him seriously,” writes Andrew Nagorski in his 2012 book, “Hitlerland: American Eyewitnesses to the Nazi Rise to Power.”

Today we have ISIS, which Barack Obama infamously sized up as the “jayvee team” a few months before it blitzkrieged its way across large parts of the Middle East. ISIS is, in fact, now frequently compared to the Hitler machine of the early 1930s, maniacal and growing, but not yet a massive world power with fearsome weapons.

And just to bring things full circle, consider the primary role model for ISIS. No, it’s not Hitler, even though ISIS and Hitler share an infinite hatred for Jews. Rather, ISIS is emulating the world’s previous Sunni Islamic caliphate – namely, the Turkish Ottoman Empire, whose martyrdom of 1.5 million Armenian Christians is being remembered today.

Armenian looking at the human remains at Der el-Zor, 1916. Photo: Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute

‘We had forgotten theology and the Bible’

Just as there are little-understood mysteries of evil, such as that crystallized in my grandmother’s story, so are there other mysteries – from God – secretly at work in people who are in His grip.

Richard Wurmbrand, the heroic Romanian evangelical pastor, spent 14-and-a-half years in a Romanian prison suffering starvation and torture for the crime of boldly preaching the Gospel of Christ in what was then a brutally repressive communist nation. When, two years after his final release from captivity, Wurmbrand testified in May 1966 before the U.S. Senate’s Internal Security Subcommittee, he stripped to the waist to reveal 18 deep wounds covering his torso, the result of years of unspeakable abuse.

And yet, as Wurmbrand proclaims in his classic book, “Tortured for Christ,” he and his fellow Christian prisoners well understood that the communists, especially those who imprisoned and tortured them, “knew not what they did.” He recognized deeply that his persecutors were all programmed “Manchurian candidates” – brainwashed slaves of “principalities and powers,” of “rulers of the darkness of this world” and “spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Until he died at age 91 in 2001, Wurmbrand’s message, one faithfully carried forward by the international ministry he founded, Voice of the Martyrs, has always been: “Hate the evil systems, but love your persecutors. Love their souls, and try to win them for Christ.”

With striking compassion for his jailers, in “Tortured for Christ” Wurmbrand writes:

The enormous amount of drunkenness in Communist countries exposes the longing for a more meaningful life, which communism cannot give. The average Russian is a deep, big-hearted, generous person. Communism is shallow and superficial. He seeks the deep life and, finding it nowhere else, he seeks it in alcohol. He expresses in alcoholism his horror about the brutal and deceitful life he must live. For a few moments alcohol sets him free, as truth would set him free forever if he could know it.

So genuine was Wurmbrand’s concern for the souls of his tormentors that, over the years, quite a few of them were converted to the Christian faith, ending up in prison with him – and glad for it!

Contemplate, if you can, Wurmbrand’s last act before leaving Romania after years of living 30 feet underground in a communist prison – no sunshine, no fresh air, always hungry, treated brutally and sadistically day after day, year after year.

“In December 1965,” writes Wurmbrand, “my family and I were allowed to leave Romania”:

My last deed before leaving was to go to the grave of the colonel who had given the order for my arrest and who had ordered my years of torture. I placed a flower on his grave. By doing this I dedicated myself to bringing the joys of Christ that I have to the communists who are so empty spiritually.

I hate the communist system but I love the men. I hate the sin but I love the sinner. I love the communists with all of my heart. Communists can kill Christians but they cannot kill their love toward even those who killed them. I have not the slightest bitterness or resentment against the communists or my torturers.

How is such an attitude possible? Says Wurmbrand:

I have seen Christians in communist prisons with fifty pounds of chains on their feet, tortured with red-hot iron pokers, in whose throats spoonfuls of salt had been forced, being kept afterward without water, starving, whipped, suffering from cold – and praying with fervor for the communists. This is humanly inexplicable! It is the love of Christ, which was poured out in our hearts.

Finally, in words reminiscent of some of the early Christian martyrs of the First Century, Richard Wurmbrand shares with the reader the presence of God he experienced in his filthy prison cell:

God is “the Truth.” The Bible is the “truth about the Truth.” Theology is the “truth about the truth about the Truth.” Christian people live in these many truths about the Truth, and, because of them, have not “the Truth.” Hungry, beaten, and drugged, we had forgotten theology and the Bible. We had forgotten the “truths about the Truth,” therefore we lived in “the Truth.” It is written, “The Son of man is coming at an hour when you do not expect Him” (Matthew 24:44). We could not think anymore. In our darkest hours of torture, the Son of Man came to us, making the prison walls shine like diamonds and filling the cells with light. Somewhere, far away, were the torturers below us in the sphere of the body. But the spirit rejoiced in the Lord. We would not have given up this joy for that of kingly palaces.

image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/04/persecution.jpg

The preceding is reprinted from the April issue of WND’s acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled “PERSECUTION RISING: The growing abuse, imprisonment, torture and murder of Christians worldwide.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/04/the-armenian-genocide-and-my-grandmothers-secret/#CIHISPfI5BS3TbUj.99

100,000 March From Hollywood to Turkish Consulate on Anniversary of 1915 Armenian Genocide


Posted 5:55 AM, April 24, 2015, by , , and

Marchers created a mesmerizing blur of brightly colored flags Friday as they walked through the streets west of downtown Los Angeles to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide.

Participants had a common, persistent theme, calling for recognition of the deaths of about 1.2 million Armenians as a genocide. Other estimates range to 1.5 million.

Many held nearly identical azure signs that thanked various countries for recognizing the Armenian genocide. President Obama has not used the word “genocide” in connection with the massacres since coming to office — and his name was greeted with boos at a ceremony before the march.

Many signs voiced forceful messages: “We Demand Justice” and “Turkey Must Pay.”

'The March for Justice stretches for blocks along La Brea Avenue on Friday. (Credit: KTLA)'
'California has the largest population of people of Armenian descent in the U.S., with more than 200,000 in Los Angeles County, according to census data cited by the Los Angeles Times. (Credit: KTLA)'

'Marchers arrived at the Turkish consulate on Wilshire Boulevard near Hancock Park, where they were met by police. (Credit: KTLA)'


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NYC: Thousands Rally In Times Square To Mark 100th Anniversary Of Massacre of Armenians


They Call For US To Declare Killings Genocide

Thousands gather at a rally in Times Square to remember the mass killings of Armenians in 1915 under the Ottoman Empire. (credit: Monica Miller/WCBS 880)

Thousands gather at a rally in Times Square to remember the mass killings of Armenians in 1915 under the Ottoman Empire. (credit: Monica Miller/WCBS 880)

The rally that started early Sunday afternoon drew at least several thousand people. They’re demanding that the U.S. government acknowledge the deaths during World War I as genocide.

The international dispute over the killings focuses on that one word: genocide — and whether it was committed.

Thousands gather at a rally in Times Square to remember the mass killings of Armenians in 1915 under the Ottoman Empire. (credit: Monica Miller/WCBS 880)

Pope Francis recently proclaimed the deaths a “genocide.”

But Turkey denies the Ottoman authorities had attempted to exterminate Armenians. The Turkish government says Muslim Turks died as well as a result of inter-ethnic violence.

Thousands gather at a rally in Times Square to remember the mass killings of Armenians in 1915 under the Ottoman Empire. (credit: Monica Miller/WCBS 880)

People were holding red, blue and orange Armenian flags in the air. Some people held pictures of their family that were killed.

One woman told WCBS 880’s Monica Miller that her great grandmother told her stories about having to climb trees at night to hide from soldiers out of fear that she would be kidnapped or raped. While the story is horrifying, she believes it is an important to pass it down to her children, and she hopes they will pass it down to their grandchildren.

Thousands gather at a rally in Times Square to remember the mass killings of Armenians in 1915 under the Ottoman Empire. (credit: Monica Miller/WCBS 880)

The New York rally is sponsored by the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of America.

(TM and © Copyright 2015 CBS Radio Inc. and its relevant subsidiaries. CBS RADIO and EYE Logo TM and Copyright 2015 CBS Broadcasting Inc. Used under license. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)


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The “Good Morning Baltimore” Riots (Video) – Baltimore Mayor: ‘we gave them space to destroy’


Rioting video set to music from “Hairspray”….


April 27, 2015 | Dylan Beyers

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake blamed the media for blatantly mischaracterizing her words on Monday after she was quoted saying that the city’s police department should “give those who wished to destroy space to do that.”

In a press conference Monday night, Rawlings-Blake blamed the media for portraying her remark as an attempt to incite violence, which she said was not the case. The press conference came amid heavy violence, rioting and looting in the streets of Baltimore in response to the death of Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old black man who died of a spinal injury after being detained by the police.

“The very blatant mischaracterization of my words was not helpful today,” Rawlings-Blake told one reporter who asked if she thought her words encouraged the violence. “I was asked a question about the property damage that was done. In answering that question I made it very clear that we balance a very fine line between giving peaceful protesters a space to protest. What I said is, in doing so, people can hijack that and use that space for bad. I did not say that we were accepting of that. I did not say that we were passive to it. I was just explaining how property damage can happen during a peaceful protest.”
(Excerpt) Read more at politico.com

Baltimore Mayors clearly stated: ‘We gave them space to destroy’… now blames the media.

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