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“Strange Kind of Music”– Exotic Metal and Beyond




Musician●Mongol Title●Doppler 444 Complete Version(2013年)

World Musiqueより購入
カルト的な人気を誇るシンフォ系プログレバンド「Mongol」(モンゴル)による唯一の作品「Doppler 444」が何とリマスター化のうえ、この2月15日に再発売されました。この手の作品ではお馴染みの「Belle Antique」よりリリース。
この「Mongol」については以前も記事にしましたが、存在自体がほぼ無名のうえに「Doppler 444」制作にあたって何と8年もの月日を費やすなどカルト的な人気を集めるだけの要素をたくさん持っています。しかも、今回のリマスター化&再発売にあたって、1988年2月、吉祥寺「シルバー・エレファント」で行われたライブ音源3曲が追加されたとのこと。これを買わずにいられましょうか。
それにしても、こんな超がつくマイナーな作品を惜しげもなく再発売してしまう「Belle Antique」の太っ腹ぶりには感服の至りです。今後、再々発売があるとはとても思えない珍盤だけに、いまのうちに入手されることを強くお勧めします。とりわけ

Allan Holdsworth好きならマストバイ物件であると断言しま


●Musicians 安本毅 / piano,keyboards 三苫裕文 / guitar,synkorg 天崎直人 / bass 今井澄 / drums,percussions
守屋茂 / guitar on #7~#9
●Numbers 1.  From The Beyond~Dopplre444  2.  Garadama  3.  Hormwards  4.  Driller  5.  Merazoma 6.  Greatful Paradise 7.  Lammy Including Excerpts From Hhai(Live) 8.  Merazoma(Live) 9.  Greatful Dead~Armoire Et Persil(Live)


奇天烈音楽士 2013年3月31日 (日)  プログレ | 固定リンク|コメント (0)|トラックバック (0)

2013年3月30日 (土)

John AbercrombieやMarcus Millerが参加。Urszula Dudziakの「Future Talk」


Musician●Urszula Dudziak(vocal) Title●Future Talk(1979年) ■Amazonより購入
ポーランド出身の女性ボーカリストUrszula Dudziak(ウルスラ・ズティアック)が1979年にリリースした代表作です。彼女はポーランドのジャズ界を代表するミュージシャンというよりも、唯一無二というべき「スキャット・フュージョン」の第一人者といったほうが表現として相応しいかもしれません。天才的とも言えるスキャットヴォイスは、ボーカルというよりも一つの楽器として捉えたほうがすんなりと耳に入ってくるかもしれません。実に独創的でありながら、決して奇をてらった感を受けないのは、夫でありポーランドを代表するジャズヴァイオリニストMichal Urbaniakによるアレンジ力の勝利ではないでしょうか。
彼女のアルバムには毎回大物ミュージシャンがサポートとして参加するのですが、今回は若き天才ベース奏者Marcus Millerとドラム奏者としてBuddy Williamsが参加。強力リズム隊をバックにUrszula Dudziakのスキャットヴォイスが縦横無尽に飛び交います。ほかにはギターにJohn Abercrombieが参加していますが、夫君のアルバム「Fusion Ⅲ」に比べるとギターの存在感は希薄です。

●Musicians Urszula Dudziak / vocal Michal Urbaniak / violin Zbigniew Nmyslowski / sax John Abercrombie  / guitar Calvin Brown / guitar Kenny Kirkland / keyboards Marcus Miller / bass Buddy Williams / drums
●Numbers 1.  Kasia’s Dance 2.  Moontag 3.  Future Talk 4.  Shenkansen 5.  Chorale for One 6.  Klick 7.  Roxanna 8.  Quiet Afternoon 9.  By Myself 10. Cats 11. Double Bounce


奇天烈音楽士 2013年3月30日 (土)  ジャズ・フュージョン | 固定リンク|コメント (2)|トラックバック (0)

2013年3月29日 (金)

Van Halenの初期6作品がリマスター化&ボックスセットに


Musician●Van Halen Title●Van Halen The Studio Albums 1978-1984(2013年) ■Amazonより購入
当欄がわざわざ指摘するまでもなく、我ら中高年の財布を狙う「リマスター化&ボックスセット商法」の勢いが止まるところをしりません。個人的には「またかよ」と思いながらも、やはり気になるものは気になります。この商法、70年代初期のロック作品やジャズの巨匠たちが対象になっていたと思いきや、どんどん年代が近くなってきていて、ついにVan Halenも商法の網にかかることに。
たぶんにDavid Lee Roth復帰と新作リリースで勢いを得てのボックス化であることは容易に想像できますが、実際に聴いてみるとこれが想像以上に出来がいいのです。もちろん6作品ともCDは所有していたのですが、20年以上前というかなり昔の盤で音も平板で実にしょぼかったのでした。2000円以下という値段でこれだけの満足感が得られるのであれば、こうした商法も悪くはありませんね。ちなみにすでにリマスター化された盤をもっている方によると、新規リマスターではないようです。したがって、私のように旧盤のしょぼい音質に甘んじてきた人間以外は購入にあたって注意が必要かもしれません。

●Musicians Edward Van Halen / guitar Alex Van Halen / drums David Lee Roth / vocal Michael Anthony / bass
●Numbers [CD 1] Van Halen(1978年) [CD 2] Van Halen 2(1979年) [CD 3] Woman And Children First(1980年) [CD 4] Fair Warning(1981年) [CD 5] Diver Down(1982年) [CD 6] 1984(1984年)


奇天烈音楽士 2013年3月29日 (金)  ロック | 固定リンク|コメント (0)|トラックバック (0)

2013年3月24日 (日)

仏産ブラックメタルの雄「Deathspell Omega」のEP「Drought」

R0012214 Musician●Deathspell Omega Title●Drought(2013年) ■Amazonより購入
当欄に時折登場させているフランス産ブラックメタルバンド「Deathspell Omega」のEPを入手しましたので軽くご紹介します。実は数年前、突如としてこの「ブラックメタル」という音楽分野に興味をもっていろいろと聴き漁っていたのですが、唯一継続的に聴いているのがこのバンドです。ブラックメタルにしては珍しく楽曲的に予測不能でいながら、なにやら様式美を感じさせる唯一の存在だという理由もありますが、バンドの出自自体も謎のベールに包まれているという独特なキャラ付けも、魅力の一端ではないかと思うのです。

●Musician Deathspell Omega
●Numbers 1.  Salowe Vision 2.  Fiery Serpents 3.  Scorpions & Drought 4.  Sand 5.  Abrasive Swirling Murk 6.  The Crackled Book of Life


奇天烈音楽士 2013年3月24日 (日)  メタル | 固定リンク|コメント (0)|トラックバック (0)

2013年3月23日 (土)

ビルフリが参加。Michael Shrieve「Fascination」


Musician●Michael Shrieve(drums) Title●Fascination(1993年) ■Amazon USAより購入
フリー系音楽で活躍するドラム奏者Michael Shrieve(マイケル・シュリーヴ)が1993年に収録した作品です。参加メンバーにBill Frisell(guitar)とWayne Horvitz(organ)という曲者を招聘したトリオ編成です。奇しくも3人ともシアトル出身ですね。Michael Shrieveは同年にShawn Lane(guitar)とJonas Hellborg(bass)というこれまたワクワクするような面子で「Two Doors」というアルバムをリリースしていますが、このアルバムに収録できなかった音源が同アルバムに収録されています。懐かしい「CMP Records」よりリリース。
この3人が集まるとどちらかと言えばファンキーな作風に仕上がるかと思いきや、フリー系フュージョンというか相変わらずの無国籍系ワールドミュージック風になっています。それにしてFrisellが縦横無尽に暴れること、暴れること。自身のアルバムよりも好き勝手に暴れまくっているという印象です。Wayne Horvitzが全曲ともオルガン、しかもオルガントリオというのは珍しいのではないかと思うのですが、暴れるFrisellを時として煽りつつ、時としてなだめながら、ロック、ジャズ、ワールドミュージックと実に幅広い守備範囲を見せています。とにもかくにもFrisellファンにとってはマストバイ物件ではないかと思われます。

音源は「Two Doors」から。ギターはビルフリではなくShawn Laneです

●Musicians Michael Shrieve / drums Bill Frisell / guitar Wayne Horvitz / oran
●Numbers 1.  Sam The Man 2.  Tell Me Everything 3.  Circus! Circus! 4.  The Glass Tent 5.  Fascination 6.  One Nation, Invisible 7.  The Great Ambassador 8.  Living With The Law 9.  Jig Saw 10. Soundings In Fathoms


奇天烈音楽士 2013年3月23日 (土)  ジャズ・フュージョン | 固定リンク|コメント (2)|トラックバック (0)

2013年3月22日 (金)


R0012222 Musician●五人一首 Title●内視鏡世界(2005年) ■Amazonより購入
カルト的人気を誇るプログレッシヴ系デスメタルバンド「五人一首」(ごにんいっしゅ)に2nd「内視鏡世界」です。2005年リリース。1st「五人一首」からして尋常とは思えない怪奇的な音空間を築き上げた彼らですが、メンバーチェンジのうえにさらにパワーアップしてきました。いわばDream Theaterのような変拍子を多用したプログレ的な音楽に、デスメタルの凶暴性を足したうえに和風テイストをブレンドした音楽が彼らの持ち味ですが、この2ndでは デスの要素がやや減退し、プログレ的な要素が増したように思えます。紅一点フロントガール(?)である松岡あの字(松岡明子)は相変わらずデス声とクリーンヴォイスを巧みに使い分けることで独自の世界を構築していますが、ここではクリーンヴォイスに加えて普通の歌声(?)を新たに加えることで、さらに世界が広がったように思えます。
楽曲の完成度、怪奇さはもとより、各メンバーのテクニックも申し分なく、2ndにしてある意味で完成されたように思えますが、得体の知れない衝撃が伝わってきた1stとの比較では面白味に欠けるのも事実です。こうしたキワモノを売りにするバンドの宿命かもしれませんが、猛毒も何度か打たれることで耐性みたいなものができてしまい、2番が効きにくいということなのかもしれません。ここら辺が唯一無二の存在「五人一首」が寡作である理由の一つとも言えそうです。  ●Musicians 松岡あの字 / vocal,guitar 有我高野山 / bass 百田真史 / piano,synthesizers 高橋史男 / guitar 原島淳一 / drums
●Numbers 1.  常闇回廊 2.  ナレノハテ 3.  斜眼の塔 4.  人媒花 5.  無礙の人 6.  赫い記憶


奇天烈音楽士 2013年3月22日 (金)  メタル | 固定リンク|コメント (0)|トラックバック (0)

2013年3月20日 (水)

豪州出身のテクニカル系ギタリストChris Brooksの1st「The Master Plan」


Musician●Chris Brooks(guitar) Title●The Master Plan(2001年) ■新宿レコードで購入
オーストラリア出身のテクニカル系ギタリストChris Brooks(クリス・ブルックス)による初リーダー作です。2001年リリースですがレコーディング自体は1993年からスタートしていたようです。これは若手ギタリストの常かもしれませんが作曲は当然としてすべての楽器を自身でプレイするという家内制手工業的な作品です。
このギタリスト、日本語版サイトが開設されるなど結構な力の入り具合で前宣伝されていました。実はそれに釣られて買ってしまった記憶があります。内容はというと典型的なハード系フュージョンという感じで楽曲はトニー・マカパインやグレッグ・ハウあたりから強い影響を受けています。時折ネオクラシカルの要素が入ってくるあたりは、初期マカパインのアルバムと錯覚しそうになるほどです。楽曲的にも完成度が高くかなり聴かせるギタリストですが、聴いているとどうしてもマカパインの陰がちらついてしまうのも事実。もうちょっと個性を押し出してもいいのでは、でもかなりの実力はあるので次作に乞うご期待!などと勝手に思っていましたが、2nd「The Axis Of All Things」がリリースされたのが10年後の2011年。この手のミュージシャンの需要がどれほどあるのかはわかりませんが、なかなか厳しい状況であることは確かです。  ●Musician Cris Brooks / all instruments
●Numbers 1.  Kryptica 2.  Inner Light 3.  Crack In The Hourglass 4.  Blue Sky Odyssey 5.  Funksion 6.  Master Plan Suite


2013年3月17日 (日)

Cyril Achardのリーダー作第2弾「In Constancia Contans」

R0012164 Musician●Cyril Achard(guitar) Title●In Constancia Contans(2001年) ■Amazonより購入
フランス出身のテクニカル系ギタリストCyril Achard(シリル・エイチャード、アシャール)が「Cyril Achard’s Morbid Feeling」というユニット名で2001年にリリースした音源です。ソロ転向後、リーダー作としては2枚目になると思われます。このアルバムがリリースされる前にライブ音源がリリースされましたが、いまは廃盤扱いになっているようですね。フィンランドのHM専門レーベル「Lion Music」より。
ソロ第1弾「Confusion」(1997年)は何となく自分のスタイルが確立されていないというか作風に迷いのようなものが感じられましたが、Lion Musicの助けもあってしっかりとした「作品」に仕上がっています。「Dream Theater」あたりを彷彿とさせるプログメタル風の仕上がりになっています。よって、全曲ボーカル入りになります。個人的にはあまりボーカルに興味がないためどちらかというとボーカル無しのほうが好みなのですが、「Dream Theater風によろしく」とオーダーを受けるとこういう仕上がりになるのでしょうか。メンバーはEric Lebailly(drums)、Franck Hermanny(bass)、Patric Peek(vocals)、Jean-Marc Layani(keyboards)。シンフォ系を演出するために鍵盤楽器奏者がいますが、いかんせんほかのメンバーと比較して力量不足の感は否めません。たびたびイライラさせられるのは、鍵盤楽器のせいかと。
と文句ばかり書いていますが、Cyril Achardのギターは相変わらず絶品。Lion Musicということもあってややメタル寄りのプレイが目立ちますが、多くのテクニカル系がはまりやすい「ドヤ顔プレイ」ではなくテクニック一辺倒ではない点が好みです。この人のギターは歌っていますね♪ ●Musicians Cyril Achar / guitar Eric Lebailly / drums Franck Hermanny / bass Patric Peek / vocals Jean-Marc Layani / keyboards
●Numbers 1.  Alone Among My Friends 2.  Fallen From Grace 3.  Empty Vow 4.  Fields Of Graves 5.  Exile Is Over 6.  The Deep One’s 7.  Be My Thing 8.  The Lucky One


2013年3月16日 (土)


R0012160 Musician●堀剛(bass) Title●Intense(?年) ■Yahoo!オークションで入手
日本のベース奏者、堀剛によるライブ音源「Intense」です。録音日時や場所など詳細なクレジットがまったく明記されていないのですが、おそらく1990年代後半のものではないかと思われます。なんで、この盤を入手したかというと寡作のギタリスト、滝野聡が参加しているからです。滝野のリーダー作「TAKINO」「TAKINOⅡ」は少しばかりHoldsworthyが入ったフュージョンアルバムでしたが、このライブ音源はかなりゴリゴリのジャズギターを聴かせています。ライナーにはMark Eganによるかなり熱いメッセージが寄せられているばかりか、何とすべての収録曲を解説するという大出血サービスです。他のミュージシャンのアルバムで曲解説までするミュージシャンに初めて出会いました。
曲は#2「Vincent」のみが堀剛オリジナルで他の曲はカバーです。ハービー・ハンコックの#3「Dolphin Dance」で聴かれる何ともリリカルで美しいプレイは出色の出来です。#4「Elegant People」は言うまでもなくWheather Reportの名曲。本来はギター無しでも成立するのですが、そこに滝野聡が絡んできて面白い仕上がりになっています。滝野聡のギターは先に触れたように完全なジャズギターなので「TAKINO」「TAKINOⅡ」の世界を期待する人は若干戸惑うかもしれません。 ●Musicians 堀剛 / bass 滝野聡 / guitar 松田靖弘 / sax 宇山満隆 / bass
●Numbers 1.  Nothing Personal 2.  Vincent 3.  Dolphin Dance 4.  Elegant People 5.  Rhythm-a-ning


奇天烈音楽士 2013年3月16日 (土)  ジャズベース | 固定リンク|コメント (0)|トラックバック (0)

2013年3月15日 (金)

インド人サックス奏者Rudresh Mahanthappaの新作「Gamak」

R0012172 Musician●Rudresh Mahanthappa(alto sax) Title●Gamak(2013年) ■Amazonより購入
最近はブルックリン派などのジャズ周辺をうろうろとしているのですが、目立つのがアジア系ミュージシャンの活躍です。インド出身のアルトサックス奏者Rudresh Mahanthappa(ルドレシュ・マハンサッパ)もその一人で今後の先鋭的ジャズシーンを牽引していくのではと思わせる存在です。前作「Samdhi」に次ぐACTレーベル第2弾は奇才David Fiuczynskiを迎えた入魂の一作に仕上がっています。2012年4月2日、3日、NYCブルックリンのスタジオで録音されています。メンバーはFrancois Moutin(bass)、Dan Weiss(drums)という思わずほくそ笑んでしまいそうな面子です。
バリバリのインド志向のMahanthappaと東洋音楽に造詣が深いFiuczynskiとが相まみえるとどんな化学融合が起こるか大変に興味深いところですが、期待通りというか期待以上の奇天烈フレーズの連発でこの手の音楽が好きな人にとっては堪らない作品に仕上がっています。Fiuczynskiは例によってフレットレスギターで妙ちくりんなフレーズを繰り出し、Mahanthappaも負けじとばかりに凄まじいブロウで対抗しています。リズム隊も強力過ぎます。もともとACTレーベルの音源は音質が良好なのですが、24ビットのハイクオリティ録音ということで音という音がガンガンと迫ってきます。 ●Musicians Rudresh Mahanthappa / alto sax David Fiuczynski / guitar Francois Moutin / bass Dan Weiss / drums
●Numbers 1.  Waiting is Forbidden 2.  Abhogi 3.  Stay I 4.  We’ll Make More 5.  Are There Clouds In India? 6.  Lots of Interest 7.  F 8.  Copernicus – 19 9.  Wrathful Wisdom 10. Ballad For Troubled Times 11. Majesty of the Blues


2013年3月10日 (日)

北欧のコルトレーン、Jan Garbarekの2nd「Esoteric Circle」

R0012210 Musician●Jan Garbarek(sax) Title●Esoteric Circle(1969年) ■Amazonより購入
ECMの大看板で「北欧のコルトレーン」の異名をもつJan Garbarek(ヤン・ガルバレク)による2枚目のリーダー作です。1969年10月、オスロにて録音。参加メンバーはTerje Rypdal(guitar)、Arild Anderson(bass)、Jon Christensen(drums)という面子です。いうまでもなく全員が後にECM所属になったわけですが、この音源はECM発足前のものです。プロデューサーはジョージ・ラッセルが担当。ジャケット表には「George Russell presents」と大きく印字されていますね。60年代から70年代にかけて多くのジャズアルバムを送り出した「フライング・ダッチマン」からリリースされています。
ECMに籍を置いてからのGarbarekの活躍ぶりに関してはいまさら言及するまでもありません。しかしながら、この盤ではECM特有の叙情性あふれる独特の透明感とはほぼ真逆のサウンドで占められています。Garbarekは後期コルトレーンさながらの野性味あふれる強烈なブロウで叫び続けます。バックを支えるArild AndersonとJon Christensenが刻むリズムはまさに60年代後半から70年代初頭にかけてのジャズロックそのもの。そこにTerje Rypdalの当時から巧いのか下手なのか判然としないスペイシーなギターが絡んできます。作品の完成度に関しては、やや疑問を感じざるを得ませんが、野性味あふれるジャズロックという意味ではなかなかです。
この盤は長らく廃盤状態で入手は困難を極めましたが、ここにきて待望のCD化です。ECMが持つ叙情性を期待して聴くと結構な火傷を負う可能性が大ですが、70年代ジャズロック好きの人にとっては結構ツボにはまりそうです。 ●Musicians Jan Garbarek / sax Terje Rypdal / guitar Arild Anderson / bass Jon Christensen / drums
●Numbers 1.  Traneflight 2.  Rabalder 3.  Esoteric Circle 4.  Vips 5.  SAS 644 6.  Nefertiti 7.  Gee 8.  Karin’s Mode 9.  Breeze Ending


2013年3月 9日 (土)

パキスタンのHoldsworthフォロワーFaraz Anwarによる「Dusk」2nd

R0012200 Musician●Dusk Title●Jahilia(2003年) ■Amazon USAより購入
パキスタン出身のテクニカル系ギタリスト&マルチプレイヤー、Faraz Anwarは2000年にLion Musicからリリースされた「Abstract Point of View」というアルバムでごくごく一部で評判になりましたが、今度は「Dusk」というユニットで勝負をしてきました。楽器はすべてFaraz Anwarによるものだと思われます。録音はパキスタンの首都カラチですが、チェコのEpidemie Recordsというレーベルからリリースされています。
2003年リリースのこのアルバムは「Dusk」名義としては2枚目になるようです。本人名義の「Abstract Point of View」ではDream Theater的なシンフォ系サウンドにHoldsworthyなウネウネサウンドで彩りを加えるというスタイルでしたが、今度は完全なメタルサウンドという変貌ぶり。ハードコアなメタルサウンドをベースにしてBabar Shaikhというボーカルがデス声をガナリ立てます。かと言って完全なデスメタルとは言い難く、時折、鍵盤楽器でメランコリックな色合いを加える一面はゴシックメタル的ですし、#2「Hidden From Senses」などで聴かれる民族音楽的な要素はプログレにも通じるものを感じさせます。これは面白いし抜群のセンスだと思います。もちろん随所で披露されるHoldsworthyなギターソロも健在で、ギター目当ての人にとっても納得のいく仕上がりです。
そう考えていくとデス声が入る意味がよくわからなくなってしまうのですが、これも当時の趨勢だったのでしょうか。クリーンヴォイスでも十分に成立すると思うのですが、何でもかんでもデス声を入れればいいというものではありませんよね。 ●Musicians Faraz Anwar  / all instruments Babar Shaikh / vocal
●Numbers 1.  Attachments 2.  Hidden From Senses 3.  Jahilia Calling 4.  The Subdued Light 5.  Night Bulb Angel 6.  As Pain Becomes Liquid 7.  Decadent Little Girl 8.  Translucence


奇天烈音楽士 2013年3月 9日 (土)  メタル | 固定リンク|コメント (0)|トラックバック (0)

2013年3月 8日 (金)


R0012158 Musician●Reverie Title●Reverie(1979年) ■Amazonより購入
なぜ故に「Reverie」なのかというと、1曲のみですがLarry Coryell(ラリー・コリエル)が参加しているからです。問題のCoryell参加曲は#5「Stop & Be Friend」という曲。実に軽快なリズムに乗ってCoryellが気持ち良さそうにソロを歌い上げています。ちょっとした海外物の刑事ドラマのBGMに使えそうですね。「刑事コジャック」や「警部マックロード」あたりの。若い人たちが好むかどうかはわかりませんが、とにかく格好いいです。
ブラジリアンフュージョンというのは、個人的にはあまり馴染みがなかったのですが、聴くかぎりは普通のジャズフュージョンとあまり変わらないように思えます。確かに随所にボサノヴァ調の展開が盛り込まれているので、なるほどねという感じではあります。CD化にあたって#1「In Every Way」のリミックスバージョンが追加されているそうです。アナログ盤をもっている人も買い足しの価値はあるのではないでしょうか。 ●Musicians Mark Knox / piano,fender-rhodes,synthesizers Jim Miller / drums Gerald Veasley / bass Ed Yellen / sax
Larry Coryell / guitar on Stop & Be Friend Stan Slotter / trumpet,flugelhorn
●Numbers 1.  In Every Way 2.  For You 3.  Indian Summer 4.  Stop & Be Friend 5.  Caribbean 6.  Whatever It Takes 7.  Water Ballet 8.  In Every Way(bonus track)


2013年3月 3日 (日)

フランス産ブラックメタルの最高峰、Deathspell Omegaの「Si Monumentum Requires Circumspice」

R0012186 Musician●Deathspell Omega Title●Si Monumentum Requires Circumspice(2004年) ■Amazonより購入
久しぶりにメタルネタ、しかもブラックメタルです。フランス出身の正体不明のブラックメタルバンド「Deathspell Omega」が2004年にリリースした傑作「Si Monumentum Requires Circumspice」です。ブラックメタルは新教圏、しかもノルウェーやスウェーデンあたりの北欧圏から生まれることが多いのですが、旧教、しかもラテン民族によるブラックメタルということだけで異彩を放っています。また、多くのブラックメタルバンドはメンバーの自己主張がことさら強烈で、そのため犯罪行為を犯したりといかにも物騒な存在なのですが、この「Deathspell Omega」はメンバーの素性すらはっきりとしていないようです。不気味ですね。
2枚目まではごく普通の(?)原初的なブラックメタルサウンドでしたが、このアルバムを契機に音楽性が一変。宗教音楽的な要素と伝統的な(?)ブラックメタルサウンドを融合させるという大胆な試みにチャレンジします。#1「First Prayer」からしていきなり宗教音楽的で荘厳な調べが響きわたり度肝を抜かされます。ただ闇雲にガナリ立てながら疾走するブラックメタルとは完全に一線を画しています。
随所にブラックメタル本来のプリミティブな魅力を十分にふりまきながらも、楽曲のレベルは実にハイクオリティー。この一見矛盾する要素をいとも容易く両立させてしまうあたりに、底知れぬ実力を感じさせます。アルバム全体の構造は前半が絶望感いっぱいのデス声でゴリゴリと押しまくりますが、後半からは中世教会音楽を思わせる静逸で安寧の世界へと移行します。まるでジキルとハイド氏的な緩急のつけ方も、見事のひと言。したがって70分以上にも及ぶ大作ながら僅かながらも飽きさせることはありません。もちろん、かなり体力を消耗することは確かですが。 ●Musician Deathspell Omega
●Numbers 1.   First Prayer 2.   Sola Fide I 3.   Sola Fide II 4.   Second Prayer 5.   Blessed Are the Dead Whiche Dye in the Lorde 6.   Hetoimasi 7.   Third Prayer 8.   Si Monumentum Requires,Circumspice 9.   Odium Nostrum 10.  Jubilate Deo (O Be Joyful in the Lord) 11.  Carnal Malefactor 12.  Drink the Devil’s Blood 13.  Malign Paradigm


奇天烈音楽士 2013年3月 3日 (日)  メタル | 固定リンク|コメント (0)|トラックバック (0)

2013年3月 2日 (土)

Michal Urbaniakの傑作「FusionⅢ」を入手

R0012196 Musician●Michal Urbaniak(violin,violin-syn) Title●FusionⅢ(1975年) ■Amazonより購入
ポーランド出身のジャズヴァイリン奏者Michal Urbaniak(ミハウ・ウルバニャク)が1975年にリリースしたジャズロックの傑作です。「Fusion」名義では3作目になります。Wlodek Gulgowski(keyboards)は不動ですが、リズム隊などはメンバーを一新し、初めてアメリカのミュージシャンと共演しています。Urszula Dudziak(vocal,percussions,synthesizers)、John Abercrombie(guitar)、Wlodek Gulgowski(piano,synthesizers,organ)、Anthony Jackson(bass)、Steve Gadd(drums)、Larry Coryell(guitar)、Joe Caro(guitar)、Gerald Brown(drums)、Bernard Kafka(vocal)という豪華メンバーです。Anthony JacksonとSteve Gaddを確保し、ギターに当時の売れっ子John AbercrombieとLarry Coryellの2人を配しているあたりに不退転の決意が感じられますね。この盤はAbercrombie目当てでアナログ盤を所有していましたが、最近になってCD化されていたことに気がつきました。いい世の中になったものです。
サウンドはというとこれまた典型的な70年代型ジャズロックなのですが、たぶんにマハヴィシュヌ・オーケストラを意識しているように思えます。ただ時折Urszula Dudziakによるファルセットヴォイスが効果的に使われるあたりが非常に特徴的で独自の雰囲気を醸し出しています。とにかく全曲ともド迫力のサウンドには圧倒されます。
お目当ての2人ギタリストですが、John Abercrombieはほぼ全曲に参加しています。時期的にすでにECM所属だったはずですが、ディストーションが激しくかかったロックタッチのギターに圧倒されます。強力リズム隊も圧巻ですね。ECMの「縛り」でなかなかできないことを、ゲスト参加を口実にやりたい放題という感じです。もう1人のギタリストLarry Coryellは#6「Bloody Kishka」1曲のみに参加しています。Coryell自身はイレヴンス・ハウスの頃でしょうか。これまた強烈にディストーションがきいた凄まじい早弾きを披露しています。Larry Coryell自身の意識のなかにもMcLaughlinの存在があったはずで、いつも以上の張り切りようです。気合いが入りまくったギターソロはCoryellファンならずとも必聴です。
ちなみに、Urszula Dudziakのリーダー作でAbercrombieやMarcus Millerらが参加した「Future Talk」も待望のCD化のようで、これまた購入しないといけませんね。 ●Musicians Michal Urbaniak / ioln,violn-synthesizer Urszula Dudziak / vocal,percussions,synthesizers John Abercrombie / guitar Wlodek Gulgowski / el-piano,synthesizers,organ Anthony Jackson / bass Steve Gadd / drums Larry Coryell / guitar on Bloody Kishka Joe Caro / guitar on Gerald Brown / drums Bernard Kafka / vocal on Stretch
●Numbers 1.  Chinatown 2.  Kuyaviak Goes Funky 3.  Roksana 4.  Crazy Kid 5.  Prehistoric Bird 6.  Bloody Kishka 7.  Cameo 8.  Stretch 9.  Metroliner 10. Chinatown (Part II)


2013年3月 1日 (金)


R0012206 Musician●五人一首 Title●五人一首(2000年) ■Amazonより購入

●Musicians 百田真史 / piano,synthesizes 松岡あの字 / guitar,vocal 原島淳一 / drums 藤代竹哉 / guitar 久木元成仁 / bass
●Numbers 1.  狂骨の夢 2.  経文刻印身体 3.  二人遊び 4.  月と半魚人 5.  楼の主


奇天烈音楽士 2013年3月 1日 (金)  メタル | 固定リンク|コメント (0)|トラックバック (0)

mediachecker->love this one!!!


Some I’ve heard before and some I haven’t – go to the site for a proper formation of the videos corresponding with the prose since my time has limits – didn’t get to post them all – also got confused in the middle of posting since I don’t know the language(s) - most of the pieces are are extremely difficult – awesome performances!

“Aramaic Maaloula is gone. That’s it. It’s gone.”


Burnt human remains in the town of Der Athie.

Burnt human remains in the town of Der Athie.

Maaloula Graphic Video uploaded by Terrorists

Warning: Graphic and sectarian orientated video uploaded by terrorists showing the bodies of dead soldiers and protection militias (some    decapitated) who had been trying to defend the town of Maaloula. Click here to view

Arabic original here.

Priest from Maaloula to as-Safir: The Rebels are Burning the Town

by Carmen Joukhadar

“Maaloula cries out for help and there is no one to bring help.” So summarizes the priest of the [Greek Catholic?] parish in Zahle, Fr Fadi Leondios al-Barkeel, the situation in his hometown, which he last visited  in August, before it was subjected to terrorist attacks by Jabhat al-Nusra in the first week of September.

The priest confirms to as-Safir that Jabhar al-Nusra, which has taken control of the region, is burning houses and has set fire to the entire Old City where the Christians live, and that the nuns who were kidnapped by the rebels have been taken to an unknown location.

The priest confirms that the people of Maaloula, the historic Christian town, have taken refuge in Damascus and Zahle, while the Patriarchate in the Syrian capital is undertaking to help them by paying the first three months’ rent for the apartments they rent.

Al-Barkeel states that residents left Maaloula with the clothes on their backs after the rebels surprised them. They had harbored hopes of returning to their homes, “But any dream of return has become impossible after their houses were pillaged and burned.”

He adds with a lump in his throat, “The people of Maaloula only wanted to keep their churches. Historic, Aramaic Maaloula is gone. That’s it. It’s gone.” He affirms that the expulsion of Maaloula’s residents comes within the context of a plan to expell the Christians from the Middle East, drawing attention to the fact that the rebels targeted [the Christian villages of] Sadad, Deir Attiyeh, Nabak and now Maaloula.

The priest relates from those most recently arriving from Maaloula that the rebels swore during their latest attack on the town, “We will burn Maaloula and everything in it.” He reveals that visiting the monasteries has been forbidden since February on account of the presence of rebels in the Safir Hotel [on the hill overlooking the monasteries].

The priest states that during the first assault [in September] there was an attack on the Church of Saint Sergius, whose cross they removed, then attacks on the Church of Saint Barbara and the Monastery of Saint Thekla. He indicates that a large number of historically and religiously significant icons disappeared.

For her part, a woman who arrived in Lebanon from Maaloula two days ago confirms to as-Safir that returning to Maaloula has become an impossible dream for residents of the region, after “Terrorists burned the town.” She states that “In the first assault, the terrorists took control of several homes and destroyed them, just as from the very first day they attacked the churches, destroyed the dome of the Church of Saint Sergius, and destroyed the crosses.” She mentions that when the rebels entered Maaloula they stated that they would not touch holy things, but they defiled the altars in the churches and wreaked destruction.

The woman, who left Maaloula for Damascus after the first assault, tells of the rebels kidnapping her husband and transporting him to an area near the hills outside Ersal, only to release him 52 days later after the payment of a cash ransom.

The woman, who is helping the Archdiocese of Zahle to receive Syrian refugees, relates from residents of her hometown of Maaloula that the latest assault was undertaken by hundreds of terrorists who “Attacked the village and, amidst cries of ‘Allahu Akbar’ also shouted, ‘Where are you, O worshipers of the cross?’”

The woman, who dried her tears more than once as she recalled the fist assault and  the “impossibility” of returning after the rebels took over, states that “Tanks from the Syrian Army also subjected the churches to thermal rockets” and that “What led to the end of the battle after three days was the numerical superiority of the terrorists over the Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces.”

A church source from Maaloula confirms that the city has been subjected to a campaign of desecration, destruction, burning and pillaging, stating that the people of the region had left on September 7, following the first assault.

The church source, located in Lebanon, wonders aloud to as-Safir about the silence of Christian leaders in Lebanon who are close to the Syrian opposition, drawing attention to the fact that “These parties treat what is happening in Maaloula as though it is something that doesn’t concern them.”

He wonders, “Where are George Sabra and Michel Kilo, who presented themselves as representatives of the Christians with the opposition? Why are they silent? What hotel are they staying in today?”

The source points out that Pope Francis raised his voice high when he said, “We will not allow there to be a Middle East empty of Christians,” hoping that church officials will raise their voice more and more , especially after the events in Maaloula.

The source addresses himself to officials in the Church and says, “Don’t speak in our name in Europe and America… Stand beside us in these circumstances… Cry out next to us, don’t cry out abroad, since no one will hear you… Please lift your voice to heaven… We do not need your standing there at feasts and festivals, but rather in this difficult situation that we are suffering through.”

The source confirms that during the first attack, 6 young men were kidnapped and their fate is still unknown today, while three other young men were killed because “they refused to stop being Christians.”

The source regards the attacks on Maaloula as “a reaction to and revenge for the losses suffered by the rebels in a number of regions of Syria, especially in Qalamoun,” noting that “the terrorists who attacked Qalamoun fled from Sadad, Deir Attiyeh and Nabak and came to take revenge.” He adds, “Who do these people want to take revenge on? From the saints? From the historic town? From a region empty of everyone save a few young men remaining to protect homes from robbery?

What is in Maaloula other than history, religion and love? In Maaloula there are no military barracks, missiles or chemical weapons, so what do you want from Maaloula, which was living in peace?”
Recognizing that “Returning won’t happen any time soon,” he speaks bitterly about his hometown that he has lost, “I will return to look for my house, for pictures of members of my family who have died and for my memories. My whole world is there and I will find nothing left of it.”


An Icon depicting St Marina of Antioch slaying a deamon with a hammer while being held in captivity

An Icon depicting St Marina of Antioch slaying a demon with a hammer while being held in captivity

It reminds me of Calvin and his cohorts like Andreas Karlstadt and Huldrych Zwingli burning and destroying the Icons and Cathedrals in the Netherlands. No surprise it’s where the Orange King Billy arose - his trail of blood in Ireland will never be forgotten – his ancestors remain in the thick of  treachery to this very day. This diablo also increased the Freemason Orange Lodges but that’s another story, freemasonry was brought to Ireland around 1507 by Henry VIII under the bloody hands of Oliver Cromwell. It also reminds me of the Turks genocide on the Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks. The question is WHO GETS/GOT ALL THE GOODIES left my our Christian brothers and sisters, especially the LAND which went/goes for pennies after these socalled “revolutions” occurring over the centuries which was/is the whole scheme of things. Think all the “revolutions” over the centuries in Europe alone, never mind the East, for example, who stole the land from the indigent Irish and starved them to death in the millions? French Revolution? Russia - Lenin? Stalin? Mao? And so on…

Maaloula has been burnt to a crisp after all the goodies were removed – it’s now ready for the bankster gangsters to remake it into their own financial image. Soon we’ll be getting revisionist history on the Christians and other minorites in the region which will be rewritten by the conquerors and their very well paid academics which they’ve done successfully over the centuries.

My Christian brothers and sisters who were murdered for just being Christians are Martyrs for Jesu Christo. Please pray for them and all other minorites targeted by these well paid Salafists who mostly murder for the money and not their Allah.

Christians have been under attack for centuries – pray for us Hail Holy Queen of Heaven – O, Salve Regina. Who can say it better than the oly Chants from the Crusaders whose history has been rewritten to suit the workers of diablo which includes many, small c, christian Calvinists including Islam, and of course many secularists!!!!!

By the eighth century, Muslim armies had conquered all of Christian North Africa and Spain. In the eleventh century, the Seljuk Turks conquered Asia Minor (modern Turkey), which had been Christian since the time of St. Paul. The old Roman Empire, known to modern historians as the Byzantine Empire, was reduced to little more than Greece. In desperation, the emperor in Constantinople sent word to the Christians of western Europe asking them to aid their brothers and sisters in the East.

That is what gave birth to the Crusades. They were not the brainchild of an ambitious pope or rapacious knights but a response to more than four centuries of conquests in which Muslims had already captured two-thirds of the old Christian world. At some point, Christianity as a faith and a culture had to defend itself or be subsumed by Islam. The Crusades were that defense – period – no apologies!!!

PS: Some of the pictures in the video are from “Arn: The Knight Templar” and “The Passion of Christ” both on youtube. THis is also a fairly decent channel that deals with history of the Crusade history: youtube.com/watch?v=imTY5izhTDo&list=PL32812E2E69FB2CDF

PPS: Will post on the Holy Crusades soon – time permitting.

City Cites “International Code” in Effort to Evict Off-Grid Woman


Florida resident who generates her own electricity targeted for not being dependent on the state

Paul Joseph Watson Infowars – December 18, 2013

After a Fox affiliate did a feature story on the off-grid lifestyle of a Cape Coral, FL woman she was almost immediately hit with an eviction order from the city which cited “international code” as a reason for turfing the woman out of her own home because she was not dependent on city water or electricity supplies.

Just one day after the feature story about how Robin Speronis was living off’ grid by generating her own power via solar panels and collecting rainwater, city code enforcement officers visited her home to declare it unfit for human habitation. The code enforcers were able to make this determination despite not even venturing inside Speronis’ house.

“There’s a good chance they just looked at the water bill for that address and realized the city monopoly had been thwarted,” reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Despite the fact that Speronis’ home looks the same as every other on her street from the outside, because she is not dependent on government, the state is presumably worried about the threat of a good example and is attempting to evict her from her own fully owned property.

A city code compliance manager told Fox 4 that the eviction notice was issued because the home did not have running water or electricity.

Furthermore, the notice posted to Speronis’ property by city officials cites “international property maintenance code” as a justification for the eviction.

The ‘international property maintenance code’ is a lengthy set of regulations published by the International Code Council which, although not law, are “available for adoption and use by jurisdictions internationally.”

The regulations are another example of how global directives in the spirit of the United Nation’s Agenda 21 are being imposed on Americans outside of the law which eviscerate traditional property rights as defined by constitutional protections.

Agenda 21 demands that member nations adopt “sustainable development” policies that are little more than a disguise for the reintroduction of neo-feudalism and only serve to reduce living standards and quality of life.

In response to the eviction threat, residents rallied in support of Speronis, filing hundreds of complaints with the city council, while attorney Todd Allen said that the city’s powers of eviction were non-existent.

“Cape Coral needs to be afraid of me. I’m not afraid of them,” said Speronis.


That’s one strong woman and she ain’t going nowhere anytime soon.

We’ve got thousands of laws here as it is, laws that no one even know exist, and now they’re citing INTERNATIONAL CODES whatever they are…the UN’s Agenda 21 signed by an elected treasonous SOB. Anyone around the globe interested in getting Agenda 21 aka the Rothchilds and their agents, the Rockefellers, Soros’ et al off their back, concerned about lack of sovereignity/ciricumventing elected government officals and giving the UN this power, need to watch this video and support this woman in any way they can – at least she’s getting a lawyer willing to take her case for free.

If the mafia-government(s) can’t syphon off of you then they want you gone. And what is a “code enforcer”? The video is only a few minutes long – well worth a watch.

The Netherland hierarchy co-instigated this haven of diabolo’ servants: http://mediachecker.wordpress.com/2013/08/17/the-green-agenda-club-of-rome-club-of-budapest-club-of-madrid/

Australia to the UN: No more ”Socialism Masquerading as Environmentalism”…(Agenda 21)


US and Europe trying to cover-up data showing a lack of global warming: http://mediachecker.wordpress.com/2013/09/23/us-and-europe-tried-to-cover-up-data-showing-lack-of-global-warming/

Prince Charles: Christians are ‘deliberately targeted’ and suffering from an ‘organised persecution’ by Islamists in the ME

Prince Charles at Clarence House yesterday. Photo: AFP/Getty Images, via The Telegraph

Prince Charles and Prince Ghazi bin Mohammad of Jordan (right) arrive for a visit to a Syriac Orthodox Church in London (Reuters)

At a Christmas reception for Middle East Christians at Clarence House yesterday, the prince made an impassioned statement on behalf of the persecuted in which he not only pleaded for the victims but named their persecutors:

“I have for some time now been deeply troubled by the growing difficulties faced by Christian communities in various parts of the Middle East,” he said.

“It seems to me that we cannot ignore the fact that Christians in the Middle East are increasingly being deliberately targeted by fundamentalist Islamist militants.”

In a reference to the Christmas story, he added: “Christianity was literally born in the Middle East and we must not forget our Middle Eastern brothers and sisters in Christ.

“Their church communities link us straight back to the early church as I was reminded by hearing Aramaic, our Lord’s own language spoken and sung just a few hours ago.

“Yet today the Middle East and North Africa has the lowest concentration of Christians in the world – just four per cent of the population and it is clear that the Christian population has dropped dramatically over the last century and is falling still further.

“This has an effect on all of us, although of course primarily on those Christians who can no longer continue to live in the Middle East.

“We all lose something immensely and irreplaceably precious when such a rich tradition dating back 2,000 years begins to disappear.”

Speaking personally, he added: “For 20 years I have tried to build bridges between Islam and Christianity and to dispel ignorance and misunderstanding.

“The point though surely is that we have now reached a crisis where the bridges are rapidly being deliberately destroyed by those with a vested interest in doing so.

“This is achieved through intimidation, false accusation and organised persecution including upon Christian communities in the Middle East at the present time.”

Victims and family members of those being ‘attacked’ told the Prince about their experiences in the region.


I thank Prince Charles for giving the persecution of Christians in the ME a world forum.

Egypt Buries the Muslim Brotherhood


December 19, 2013  by

It’s not unusual for the United States and a Muslim country to be on the opposite sides of the War on Terror. It is unusual for a Muslim country to take a stand against terrorism while the United States backs the right of a terrorist group to burn churches, torture opposition members and maintain control of a country with its own nuclear program.

But that’s the strange situation in what Egypt’s public prosecutor has declared “the biggest case of conspiracy in the country’s history.”

The media assumes that the charges accusing Muslim Brotherhood leaders of conspiring with Hamas and Hezbollah, passing state secrets to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and plotting to help foreign terrorists kill Egyptian soldiers is a show being put on for Western audiences. They couldn’t be more wrong.

This isn’t about winning international PR points. It’s about destroying the credibility of the Brotherhood in the eyes of Egyptians and burying it along with what’s left of the Arab Spring in the waters of the Nile.

Obama assumed that cuts to military aid would force Egypt to restore the Muslim Brotherhood to power. He was wrong and the latest round of criminal charges show just how wrong he was.

The charges that the Muslim Brotherhood conspired with Hamas and Hezbollah to unleash a wave of terror against Egypt go to the heart of this struggle between the Egyptian nationalism of the military and the Islamic transnationalism of the Muslim Brotherhood. They paint the Muslim Brotherhood as not merely corrupt or abusive, the way that many tyrannies are, but as a foreign subversive element.

These aren’t merely criminal charges. They are accusations of treason.

There are two narratives of the Arab Spring. In one of them, the people rose up against the tyrants.  In the other an international conspiracy of Western and Muslim countries collaborated with the Muslim Brotherhood to take over Arab countries.

To destroy the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the state has to do more than accuse Morsi of abuses of power; it has to show that he and his organization were illegitimate because they were Un-Egyptian.

That will prove that the differences between Mubarak and Morsi aren’t incidental. Mubarak may have been thuggish and corrupt, but he was an Egyptian patriot. Morsi will be charged with being an Iranian traitor who conspired to take away the Sinai and turn it over to the terrorist proxies of a Shiite state.

The Egyptian public prosecutor’s charges speak of an Iranian conspiracy dating back to 2005 that saw Muslim Brotherhood members being trained by that country’s Revolutionary Guard and by Hezbollah. They allege that the Muslim Brotherhood had been preparing to declare its own separatist Emirate in the Sinai if it could not succeed in bringing Morsi to power.

Egypt had already accused Morsi and other Muslim Brotherhood leaders of being liberated from prison by terrorist infiltrators. It now accuses him of importing foreign terrorists to attack Egyptian soldiers  (which provided him with a pretext for bringing the Egyptian military under control by pushing out Field Marshal Tantawi and putting General Al-Sisi in command of the Egyptian military) and after Sisi’s overthrow of him, to intimidate Egypt into restoring him to power.

It’s all about Iran now. Wildly unpopular for its support of the Syrian government, an Islamic country whose religion the Sunni Muslims of Egypt do not recognize as Islam, it is the perfect target. The Muslim Brotherhood’s collaboration with a Shiite power murdering Sunnis is not just treason; it’s heresy.

But as cleverly convenient as the charges may be, it’s entirely possible that they are also true.

There is little doubt that Morsi conspired with Hamas. There is no reason for him not to have. Hamas is just the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza. And it is exactly this sort of transnational arrangement that makes Arab nationalists distrust the Muslim Brotherhood and its international network.

Morsi and Hamas’ actions after the murder of Egyptian soldiers in the summer of last year strongly suggest that there was coordination. Morsi was quick to exploit the attacks for a domestic power grab and a push into the Sinai and the Army of Islam, which was allegedly responsible for attacking Egypt, has worked together with Hamas and looks a lot like a Hamas effort at plausible deniability.

If there were really any doubt that the Egyptian military believed Hamas was responsible all along, not just when it became politically convenient to level those charges against Morsi, the way that it began treating Hamas even before the overthrow of Morsi should put any doubts to rest. Even before Morsi fell, Hamas had begun complaining that Egypt was treating it worse than Israel.

Hamas had every reason to exploit the Anti-Mubarak protests to help set Muslim Brotherhood members free. And once they were in power, it had every reason to intervene to keep them in power. The more the Egyptian military turned on Hamas, the more it was motivated to help Morsi hold on to power and to restore him to power once he had been overthrown.

Did Hamas really believe that it could work with the Brotherhood to carve out an Emirate in the Sinai? There’s no way to know. Hamas’ ambitions may have been no grander than protecting its smuggling network, but it certainly would have profited from a Muslim Brotherhood terrorist kingdom in the Sinai.

Iran is the joker in the deck. Would the Muslim Brotherhood have continued a conspiracy with Iran even after taking power? Ahmadinejad visited Egypt when the Muslim Brotherhood was in power and though he met with a mixed reception, the visit had the air of a victory lap. Adding to that impression were the Iranian warships passing through the Suez Canal.

The willingness of Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, to draw the bulk of its support from Iran, made it and its allied Muslim Brotherhood franchises vulnerable to charges of Shiite collaboration. Despite Qatar’s infusion of money, Hamas was never able to fully break with Iran even during the Syrian Civil War and before too long came crawling back to Tehran.

And now Hamas’ lust for Iranian money and weapons may end up putting a noose around Morsi’s neck.

The trial of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood’s leaders is Egypt’s opportunity to frame the events of the last few years on their own terms. Egyptians are struggling to come to terms with what happened and they will be told that a foreign conspiracy bringing together Iran, Qatar and the United States took over their country for a little while before being forced out of office by civilian and military patriots.

And strangely enough, it will almost be the truth.


I’m hoping Egypt will start releasing information that will expose Obama’s support for the anti-Egyptian Islamist Jihad. Egypt’s military won’t soon forget their fellow soldiers who were killed by these Obama supported murdering thugs – will follow with interest hoping to see Obama in front of an international tribunal court.

Meanwhile we haven’t forgotten Benghazi…

Italian high court finds ‘romance’ in 60-year-old man’s sex with 11-year-old, overturns sentence


Pietro Lamberti (immagine da Il Quotidiano della Calabria

ROME, Hillary White – December 18, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) –

An Italian high court has dismissed the sentence in a case of pedophilia on the grounds that there was “romance” involved between the 60 year-old social services worker and the 11 year-old girl in his care.

Pietro Lamberti, who works for the social services department of Catanzaro in Calabria in the south, was found in bed with the girl, described as “disadvantaged” in the press, by local police who raided his house in June 2011. The Court of Cassation overturned a five-year sentence for a conviction of sexual violence against a minor.

Italy’s age of consent is 14 and rises to 16 when the older party is judged to be in a position of authority over the child.

The court ruled to overturn the sentence upon hearing claims that the girl was “in love” with the man and pursued him. The case must now return to the local court in Cantazaro for retrial. Police said they had gathered evidence from “hundreds” of wiretaps of telephone conversations.

The court heard that Lamberti had tried to dissuade the girl and refrain from consummating the relationship for fear of impregnating her. He reportedly told her, “This is a secret that we have to bring up to grave.”




Italian court annuls prison sentence for elderly paedophile after 11-year-old victim tells investigators in Catanzaro that she loves him

Local Supreme Court judges sexual abuse to be a ‘romantic relationship’

An Italian appeals court has annulled a five-year prison sentence for a 60-year-old paedophile after it judged his sexual abuse of an 11-year-old girl to be a “romantic relationship”.

According to local media reports, the Corte d’Apello in Catanzaro – a coastal city in the southern Italian province of Calabria – ruled that the pair were in a “real relationship” after the victim told prosecutors she was in love with her abuser.

According to the Italian news website TGCom24, the child is from a disadvantaged background and had been placed into the care of the man – who works for the local social services department.

It is alleged that his sexual abuse of the child was discovered when officers raided a seaside cottage and found the pair naked in bed.

The man was initially sentenced to five years in prison for sexual violence against a minor, as the age of consent in Italy is 14, raising to 16 when one of the participants is in a position of authority or care over the other.

Despite the clarity of this law, the Catanzaro court quashed the original sentence on the grounds of extenuating circumstances after the victim repeatedly told investigators that she loved the defendant.

Following the annulment, the case is due to be sent back to the Catanzaro court for a retrial.


I’m sick to my stomach after reading this verdict. There are lots of rich international pedophilia rings – the judges in this case appear to be a part of them.

Three American Teachers Slaughtered for Christian Faith in Muslim World


by on December 12, 2013

CBN News

Why was Ronald Thomas Smith II, an American teaching at Benghazi’s International School, shot to death last Thursday in Libya, even as he “was looking forward to his first Christmas in the United States with his wife and toddler son”?

Ronald Smith with wife and child

Most Western media and analysts dismiss the killing as a random act of violence incited by a recent al-Qaeda video.

However, by connecting the dots and looking at precedence, it appears that Smith’s Christianity, specifically his talking about it among Muslims, was the motive behind the slaying.

First consider two facts gleaned from the AP report, “American killed in Benghazi remembered as ‘much loved teacher’”: 1) Smith once had plans to attend seminary, a place devoted to preparing Christians to share the Gospel—a crime according to Islamic law (recall the Coptic Christians tortured and killed on the accusation that they were proselytizing in Libya); 2) according to his home church in Texas, “Ronnie’s [Smith’s] greatest desire was for peace and prosperity in Libya and for the people of Libya to have the joy of knowing God through Christ” (emphasis added).

Then there is the fact that Smith was a “much loved teacher”—a phrase that immediately, if not eerily, brings to mind another very similar story of another “much beloved” American teacher who was killed in the Islamic world for talking about Christianity.

On March 1, 2012 in Iraq, Jeremiah Small—described as “beloved teacher and friend”—was shot to death by a student, even “as he [Small] bent his head to pray at the start of a morning class. The 33-year-old teacher from Washington State took bullets to the head and chest and died at the scene.” According to students, “Mr. Jeremiah’s hands were still folded in prayer when he fell.” A day before the shooting “a heated discussion” broke out “during which the pupil threatened to kill the teacher because of conflicting religious views.”

As with Smith, Small was described as a very devoted teacher and friend to his students; and as with Smith, the official story as reported by mainstream media, such as the Wall Street Journal, is that the motive for his murder was a “mystery.”

Jeremiah Small with students

Yet, according to interviews with family and friends, Small “was a devout Christian who frequently praised Christianity and prayed in the classroom, and his friends in Washington said his evangelism is what motivated him to teach in Iraq… but he wasn’t pushy.” Moreover, the father of the student who killed Small, before killing himself, said that Small was trying to convert his son to Christianity and described Christians like the slain American teacher as “more dangerous than al-Qaeda.”

The fact is, Americans attacked and/or murdered for merely talking—or being suspected of talking—about Christianity is not an uncommon phenomenon in the Islamic world.

Thus, a few days after the killing of Jeremiah Small in Iraq, on March 18, 2012, yet another American teacher, Joel Shrum, 29, living in Yemen with his wife and two children, was shot eight times and killed by gunmen and members of  the Supporters of Sharia (which operates a wing in the new Libya created by the U.S.). The group later issued a message saying, “This operation comes as a response to the campaign of Christian proselytizing that the West has launched against Muslims,” calling Shrum “one of the biggest American proselytizers.”

Lest there is still any doubt concerning the violence that often sparks up when Christians, in this case, Americans,  are seen as sharing the Gospel with Muslims, consider the following anecdotes, both from Muslim countries regularly touted for being “moderate”:

In Indonesia, October 2011, after they were accused of proselytizing to Muslims, an American family was attacked by “an enraged mob spurred by a local religious leader”; the Muslim mob set fire to Americans’ property and vehicle: “Only the intervention of police saved the[ir] lives.”

Joel Shrum with wife and sons

In Bangladesh, February 2012, three American Christians were injured by broken glass after their car was attacked by another Muslim mob that suspected they were converting Muslims: at least 200 angry locals chased their car, throwing stones at it.

As for the Obama administration’s response to the murder of Smith, it asked the Libyan government to “thoroughly investigate” the killing—a somewhat pointless request, considering the U.S.-supported Libyan government openly arrests Westerners accused of “proselytizing,” threatening them with the death penalty.

And that’s the point: while Western media and their talking heads habitually dismiss such coldblooded murders as “random” and “mysterious,” incited by al-Qaeda—that one blame-all “terrorist” organization that everything can be heaped upon—the unspoken fact is that these attacks are products of Islamic teachings; in this case, that openly challenging the truths of Islam with another set of truths—such as the Gospel—is strictly forbidden, often on pain of death.


Ceiling Crumbles in Christmas-packed London Theatre; nearly 90 hurt


By Andy Soltis and Post Wires

December 19, 2013 | 4:23pm

The ceiling of a packed London theater collapsed during a performance Thursday night, showering masonry and debris on terrified audience members and sending the more than 700 in attendance racing to escape.

Emergency workers said 81 “walking wounded” audience members were treated at the chaotic Shaftesbury Avenue scene in the heart of the theater district. Seven others were seriously injured and rushed to hospitals in a red double-decker bus that was commandeered by rescue workers.

An injured theatergoer is taken away by emergency workers in London after a collapse at the famed Apollo Theatre.Photo: Reuters

There was no official explanation as to why the plaster ceiling and wooden supports came crashing down, taking part of a balcony with it, during the first act of a performance of “The Curious Incident Of The Dog in the Night-time” at the Apollo Theatre. But the collapse came about an hour after London was hit by a strong thunderstorm.

Audience members said first 40 minutes of the play had passed when they heard a strong “creaking” sound from above. But at first they thought they were witnessing a special effect.

“We thought it was part of the show,” said Amy Lecoz, who was with her two teenagers. “We thought it was part of the show.”

But quickly she realized: “The entire dome fell down on the audience just in front of us.”

“People were screaming,” she said. “I grabbed my kids and ran.”

“I heard somebody on stage say ‘Oh bloody hell’ because they must have seen it,” said another member of the audience, Libby Grundy. Others said actors on stage shouted “Watch out!” when they saw what was happening.

Another theatergoer, Martin Bostock, called the scene “complete chaos.” He said he, too, believed the creaking was part of the show — “then I got hit on the head.”

Several people were temporarily trapped in the rubble but were quickly freed, authorities said.

Passersby said they saw rescue workers escorting audience members covered in blood, dust and debris — some in tears — out of the ornate building.

Audience member Simon Usborne told Sky News said many of the wounded suffered head injuries. “There are a lot of people with blood on their faces,” he said.

“We got out with cuts and bruises,” Bostock said. “I think most people did.”

The accident came during the traditionally busy Christmas period in the West End, when the area is packed with theatergoers.

Witnesses said Shaftesbury Avenue was brought to a standstill. They said the foyer of the nearby Queen’s Theatre, where a performance of “Les Miserables” was going on, was turned into a makeshift hospital.

Matt Tait, an actor who was performing in the play when the collapse occurred, said later via Twitter: “Cast, crew and stage management all safe. Thoughts are with all the audience. Horrific and unbelievable.”

Prime Minister David Cameron also tweeted, saying he was being updated regularly on the crisis. He praised the city’s emergency services — who were on the scene within three minutes — for their “fast work” in helping the injured.


Prayers up.

Putin: I envy Obama, because he can ‘spy’ and get away with it


Published time: December 19, 2013

RIA Novosti / Michail Metcel

RIA Novosti / Michail Metcel

“I envy Obama because he can spy on his allies without any consequences,” said Putin when asked about how his relations had changed with the US following Snowden’s espionage revelations.

During an annual question-and-answer session with journalists,  Putin praised Edward Snowden’s actions, saying that he was  working for a “noble cause.” At the same time he  accepted the importance of espionage programs in the fight  against global terrorism, but said the NSA needed guidelines to  limit its powers.

“There is nothing to be upset about and nothing to be proud  of, spying has always been and is one of the oldest  professions,” said Putin.

Referring to the vast amounts of metadata gathered on citizens by  the NSA, Putin said it is impossible to sift through all of that  information. It is “useless” to look at the analysis of  spy agencies because it is the opinion of analysts and not facts  and as such can be misleading.

“You need to know the people who analyze them, I know, I did  it,” said Putin, harking back to his career as a KGB agent.

The Russian president described Snowden as a “curious  character” and said it was not clear why the former CIA  contractor had decided to blow the whistle on the NSA’s  international espionage program at such a young age.

Russia is not working with Snowden and has not received  classified documents from him, Putin said. The whistleblower has  been allowed to reside in Russia but only on the condition he  does not “engage in anti-American propaganda.”

Snowden fled to Russia from Hong Kong back in June after leaking  a trove of classified information on Washington’s espionage  activities. He disseminated the documents to international media  outlets who published them in articles blowing the whistle on the  NSA’s espionage activities.

The spy revelations triggered massive diplomatic backlash and  have had an adverse effect on the Obama administration’s foreign  policy. Europe in particular reacted angrily after it was found  that the NSA had been monitoring high-ranking political figures,  including German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties and Home  Affairs met Wednesday to discuss what action the EU should take  in the wake of the spy revelations. Glenn Greenwald, the former  Guardian journalist renowned for publishing Edward Snowden’s  leaks, testified at the meeting. Greenwald claimed that the NSA’s  activities had nothing to do with the fight against terrorism and  are instead aimed at the elimination of privacy worldwide.

“What a lot of this spying is about has nothing to do with  terrorism and national security. That is the pretext. It is about  diplomatic manipulation and economic advantage,” said  Greenwald.

In the wake of the spy scandal Washington has defended the NSA,  saying their work has foiled over 50 terror plots in the US and  EU.


There actually are consequences since the USA just lost a huge Boeing order because of Selfie Obama. Anyway insofar as I know Putin isn’t a Bilderberger or Skull and Bone’r - he also knows that the current Ukrainian “revolution” is manufactured. Putin is resisting the shadow world government, and thanks to Snowden, he’ll have lots of information which he’ll release drip by drip when the times are right.

Feminist Mob Invades Catholic Church, Unfurls Pro-Abortion Banner on Altar


by Steven Ertelt | Boloogna, Italy | LifeNews.com | 12/19/13

Pro-abortion feminists are not happy that the European Parliament rejected a bill that would have called abortion a human right. In response, in protest, they invaded a local Catholic church in Italy and unfurled a pro-abortion banner on the church’s altar.

“A group of pro-abortion feminists have invaded the Catholic cathedral in Bologna, Italy, to protest against the rejection by the European Parliament of the pro-abortion Estrela report,” says John Smeaton, the head of the British pro-life group Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. “The protesters unfurled a pro-abortion banner in front of the cathedral’s sanctuary. Cardinal Carlo Caffara, Bologna’s archbishop, had called upon the European Parliament to reject the Estrela report.”

A Catholic blog has more on what happened:

A group of militant feminists profaned the Cathedral of San Petronio in Bologna this past Monday. Masked with hoods that recall  the extreme left-wing Russian Anarchists,  abortion and aberrosexual activists protested against the rejection of the Estrela Report by the European Parliament. Before the altar, the Church opponents unfurled a banner reading: “You Occupy the Counseling Centers – We Fill the Churches” and shouted in chorus: “Get the Church Out of Our Ovaries.”

The radical feminist group unloaded their protest by desecration of the Diocesan Cathedral Church of Bologna. It blames the Church for the rejection of the Estrela Report. The Archbishop of Bologna, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra had asked the MPs ahead of the vote in the European Parliament to vote no.

Claiming that a ban on abortion is misogynistic because women will die from illegal abortions conducted in back rooms is  part of the standard repertoire of the abortion lobby, which has long since been debunked as a propaganda lie. Recently, the militant attacks of fanatical supporters of abortion on Catholic churches accumulate.

For the second time in two months, the European Parliament rejected a report that recommended that EU nations declare abortion to be a human right and to make abortion available within all public health systems of member countries. Adoption of the report would have placed more pressure on pro-life nations like Ireland, Poland and Malta to legalize abortion on demand.

The proposal was rejected in Strasbourg today and instead an alternative report proposed by the European People’s Party was adopted by 334 to 327 votes.



Sooooo these morons desecrete a Catholic Cathedral because the European Parliament rejected abortion as a human right?! Cowards! They’re lucky they didn’t enter my local Church since they’d be thrown out on their ear – though first their faces would be exposed and pictures taken along with the photographer who accompanied them. They wanna protest the Catholic Church then do it outside just like we must do when we’re praying at their baby-murdering butcher clinics. As for whose touching their ovaries - they need a 101 on biology.


….”“It’s Your Body”: No doctor or scientist could agree with this sophomoric statement. Every single part of “your body” contains your DNA. This is why DNA testing is used to determine the identity of victims of fatal circumstances who have been reduced beyond superficial recognition.

At the moment of conception however, an entirely unique human genetic code is present. It is in no shape, form, or way a part of the mother’s body, it is simply residing within it. In fact, evolution necessarily developed mechanisms to protect the developing child from the maternal immune system. Without such a mechanism, the maternal immune system would identify the child as a foreign body and attack it – because it is a foreign body.

Terminating a pregnancy is not removing unwanted features of “your body,” but removing the developing body of another human being.

Abortion is literally killing a genetically unique, living human being.”….

Read more: http://mediachecker.wordpress.com/2013/09/18/abortion-is-killing-science-says-so/

One may attempt to argue ethically or morally that killing a human life in utero
has beneficial social implications (Club of Rome/UN population control), but one cannot argue they are not killing a human life.

Italian President Warns of Violent Unrest in 2014


Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com December 19, 2013

December 19, 2013

President Giorgio Napolitano has warned that Italy faces violent civil unrest in 2014 as anti-EU demonstrations intensify in response to the country’s worsening economy and a total loss of faith in the state.

Image: Italian Riot Police (Wikimedia Commons).

“The crisis affecting the euro zone has put a strain on social cohesion. The most detailed forecasts for 2014 indicate a risk of widespread social tension and unrest: a risk that must been kept in mind and confronted in Italy,” Napolitano said during an address at his presidential palace in Rome, adding that citizens “could get involved in haphazard and even violent protests, in an extreme and unfruitful surge of total opposition to politics and institutions”.

As we reported last week, anti-EU sentiment is now so prevalent amongst Italians that riot police sent to harass protesters in some cities are removing their helmets and joining with the demonstrators.

The country has been rocked with a prolonged “pitchfork” (Forconi) revolt over fuel prices, globalization, soaring unemployment, and the European Union’s draconian austerity measures, with a diverse group of Italians, from farmers to students, coming together under one umbrella.

The Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard notes how, “This is becoming an anti-EU movement. One of the Forconi leaders has just been arrested for climbing up the EU offices in Rome and ripping down Europe’s blue and gold flag.”

Italian youth unemployment is over 40 per cent as the country remains embroiled in a deep recession, while the overall jobless figure hit a record high of 12.5 per cent at the end of October. A staggering 134 retail outlets in Italy are closed every day and business failures are up 10 per cent since last year alone.

Evans-Pritchard also points out that while Napolitano is concerned about the potential for domestic disorder, he offers no solution whatsoever for Italy’s predicament because he remains a vehement supporter of the very same EU-friendly economic policies that got the country into this mess in the first place.

While the threat of violent domestic disorder across the European Union has been voiced by analysts for years, it’s rare for presidents to join the chorus.

The potential for mass civil unrest spilling over borders as a result of a collapse of the euro single currency prompted the Swiss Army last year to mobilize extra troops as a safeguard against the turmoil spreading.


Christmas Flashmobs: British Army surprises shoppers…


“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will.” (Luke 2:14).

Gateshead Metrocentre, UK: British Army Christmas Surprise

Boston, USA: O, Holy night the stars are brightly shining - it is the night of our dear Savior’s birth…

Calgary, Canada: WestJet Christmas Flash Mob

Macy’s – Michigan, USA: Silent night, holy night; All is calm, all is bright; Round yon Virgin Mother and Child; Holy Infant so tender and mild; Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace…

Weinheim, Germany: Hallelujah

Sydney, Australia: All I Want for Christmas

? Niagara Falls Mall, Canada: Hallelujah Chorus (oldie but goodie)

Mendoza, Argentina: Go tell it on the mountain…that Jesus Christ is born!


Cromwell? He was no better than Stalin, insists Putin: Russian leader brands both men as dictators

  • Putin plans to restore  statues of Soviet tyrant and other  Communist leaders more than two decades  after they were toppled

ByPaul Harris  18:41  EST, 19 December 2013

One was a puritan who unseated a monarch in  the name of parliamentary democracy.

The other was a Communist tyrant whose  citizens died by the million during his reign of terror.

But yesterday Russian leader Vladimir Putin  branded both men dictators – and made the extraordinary claim that there was no  real difference between Oliver Cromwell and Joseph Stalin.

Asked which Soviet leader he would most like  to honour with a statue, Putin stunned his audience by comparing Stalin to  Cromwell.

Russian leader Vladimir Putin branded both Stalin and Cromwell dictators
Russian leader Vladimir Putin branded both men dictators

Russian leader Vladimir  Putin has made the  extraordinary claim that there was no real difference between Oliver Cromwell  (left) and Joseph Stalin (right)

‘How in particular is Cromwell so different  from Stalin?’ he asked. ‘Can you tell me? Not in any way at all. From the point  of view of liberals, he is the same bloody dictator.’

Mr Putin was speaking at a press conference  on plans to restore statues of the Soviet tyrant and other Communist leaders  more than two decades after they were toppled.

Russian hardliners want to see a monument to  Stalin brought back to Moscow.

Putin compared the move to the existence of a  statue of Cromwell outside the Houses of Parliament.

Mr Putin was speaking at a press conference on plans to restore statues of the Soviet tyrant and other Communist leaders more than two decades after they were toppled. File pictureMr Putin was speaking at a press conference on plans to  restore statues of the Soviet tyrant and other Communist leaders more than two  decades after they were toppled. File picture


History's hard cases

Of Cromwell – a soldier and statesman  who  signed Charles I’s death warrant before becoming England’s Protector – he said:

‘He was quite a treacherous dude, one has to say.

‘And the role he played for Britain was  ambiguous. But the monument of him stands there – and no one knocks it  down.’

He urged Russians: ‘You know, the point is  not in these symbols.

‘The point is that we should treat each  period of our history with respect.

‘Cromwell lived there some time back. For us,  this is all very raw.

‘So we have to treat each period of our  history with care.’

Although some historians dispute the figures,  it is widely believed that up to 40 million perished under Stalin, half through  starvation or imprisonment, the other half helping to defeat Hitler during the  Second World War.

Around 300,000 are believed to have died  during the English Civil War and during Cromwell’s brutal campaigns in  Ireland.

Putin’s comments came when he was lamenting  the break up of the Soviet Union which he described as ‘a tragedy of the 20th  Century’.

He was talking about plans to restore statues  of the Soviet tyrant and other Communist leaders more than two decades after  they were toppled.

One contentious plan backed by hardliners  would see monuments to Stalin and the feared founder of the Soviet secret  services Felix Dzerzhinsky brought back in Moscow.

Sir William Thornycroft’s statue of Cromwell  stands outside the Commons.

It was erected in 1899 and has divided  opinion, both before and since.

Sir William Thornycroft's statue of Cromwell stands outside the CommonsSir William Thornycroft’s statue of Cromwell stands  outside the Commons

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2526756/Cromwell-He-no-better-Stalin-insists-Putin-Russian-leader-brands-men-dictators.html#ixzz2nzcn8CFP Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Cromwell came to Ireland with a promise to carry on “the great work against the barbarous and blood-thirsty Irish [Catholics].”  He chose an assault on Drogheda, north of Dublin , as a useful lesson to all of Ireland that if they resist his assertion of English control of Ireland there would be an “effusion of blood.” Cromwell carried out his promise, so much so that there’s a street in Drogheda called Scarlett Street, called as such, because Irish blood gushed through the street like torrents of a water overflow. Captured soldiers were sent to Barbados as slaves, and those brought to Dublin as prisoners were assigned backbreaking and dangerous work with scant rations, no shoes, no shelter, and tattered clothes in the freezing cold who rarely survived. The lucky ones were sent to the West Indies. By 1652 Cromwell controlled all of Ireland and passed “The Settling of Ireland Act”. Under this act, the entire Irish nation was deemed guilty of treason… then it got even worse.

This complete conquering of Ireland by the English established two central themes  in future Irish history – subordination of the country to London based governments and sectarian animosity between Catholics and English/Scottish transplanted Protestants. It became a centralised, monarchical, and extremely biased state governed society, much like those in Continental Europe…Anyway, one now knows why there’s a street in Drogheda called Scarlett Street thus named since Cromwell’s murderous onslaught in Drogheda on September 11, 1649.

As for Putin’s statement, a full Irish history of Cromwell’s bloody journey through Ireland unveils many deadly reasons as to why Cromwell was one of the most hated creatures to have ever to set foot in Ireland. The King Billy of Orange a close second.

Bottomline: There’s no difference between Stalin and Cromwell since both were evil blood-thirsty inhumane killing machine dictators. Stalin’s close collaborators called him “Genghis Khan with a telephone”. Genghis Khan killed 11% of the world population of his time. Cromwell killed over one fifth of the Irish population, a lesser known fact is that Cromwell sold tens of thousands of indigent Irish into slavery – “To Hell or Barbados” by Sean O Callaghan….will post on Cromwell shortly.

Stalin: A History Gap Divides Russia From Its Neighbors


James Brooke – Posted April 5th, 2012

In Moscow, adults are snapping up school notebooks for children.

Why? The cover has a heroic image of Stalin.

The Stalin notebook is part of a “Great Names of Russia” series.

On one level, it is depressing that many Russians do not seem to know that “Stalin,” was born Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, a Georgian. (Please see responses below from publishing house Art Director Artyom Belan — jb)

But far more importantly, Russia’s amnesia towards its Stalinist past is dangerous.

Winston Churchill, no friend of his wartime ally, once noted that Stalin dragged Russia from the wooden plow to the H-bomb. Similarly, many Russians prefer to focus on this “positive” of Stalin’s three decades of rule.

As to the sinister side, Stalin’s close collaborators called him: “Genghis Khan with a telephone.”

On May Day, Russian Communist Party supporters will bring out into the daylight their Stalin portraits. This scene from last year’s parade in St. Petersburg. AP Photo:Pavel Golovkin

Those telephone calls led to the deaths of millions of people through executions, famines, and mass jailings. Add to that his criminally poor preparation for the Nazi attack in World War II, a war that cost the lives of almost 15 percent of the Soviet population.

“When children see this magnificent cover with handsome mustachioed Stalin, they perceive him as a hero,” Nikolai Svanidze, a television historian, wrote this week about the Soviet leader in his marshal’s uniform, with military medals covering his chest.

Russia’s denial of its 20th century history is crippling it in its 21st century dealings with its neighbors.

The other evening, I had dinner in Moscow with David Satter, an American historian and author of a new book: “It Was a Long Time Ago, and It Never Happened Anyway: Russia and the Communist Past.”

Acknowledging that many Russians feel nostalgia for the communist social welfare system of the 1970s and 1980s, he told me: “The failure to see the crimes that were committed, and the need for these crimes to be recognized, makes it harder to resist present and future crimes.”

He noted that there is no national museum in Moscow dedicated to educating future generations about the appalling human death toll of the communist era. The one museum in Moscow that does deal with the subject is hidden away, poorly laid out, and, from my impression, largely visited by foreigners. Similarly, of the 8,000 Gulag labor camps that once dotted the Soviet Union, only one, Perm-36, has been retained as a museum.

I visited Perm-36 recently on a cold and bleak day. It is clear that Soviet guards did not need sophisticated torture instruments to control political prisoners. They just used the cold.

Of the 8,000 Stalin era labor camps once scattered across the Soviet Union Perm-36 on the Western edge of Siberia is the only one preserved as a museum. Tourists are rare, which is why I took my own photo. VOA Photo: James Brooke

In the United States, strong domestic groups force larger society to confront unsavory aspects of our history. African Americans forced schools to stop white-washing slavery, a treatment that was common when I was in elementary school in the 1960s. Similarly, Native Americans (Indians) forced their point of view into historical accounts of the United States’ 19th century westward expansion. Japanese Americans won officials apologies – and museums – for the World War II era internment camps.

In contrast, Japan’s World War II wartime atrocities in the Philippines against American citizens (including relatives of mine) are little known in the United States. The American population of the Philippines dispersed decades ago, after full independence was achieved. On nearby Guam, I have seen how “Chamorro” residents teach new generations of islanders about Japanese wartime occupation abuses. But that tropical Western Pacific island is out of sight and out of mind for mainland Americans.

By contrast, the communist death toll in the Soviet Union was, in Satter’s words “a self-inflicted wound.” Inside the borders of modern day Russia, Stalinist atrocities largely involved ethnic Russians killing ethnic Russians.

As a result, Stalinist history is often best chronicled in places where it contributes to nation state building: the Baltic nations, Poland, Western Ukraine, Georgia, Mongolia, and Central Asia.

After 20 years, this history gap leads to Satter’s second point: “It makes it difficult for Russians to understand why their neighbors don’t like them. But maybe, on a more fundamental level, it makes it easier for Russians to behave in the same bullying and imperialistic way they did in the past to the countries which were once part of the Soviet Union.”

It is a short mental step from Russian amnesia about internal Soviet atrocities to Russian denial of external Soviet imperialism. Minds shut even faster when Westerners focus on these twin evils. Russian nationalists are quick to say that Western obsession with Communist era excesses is a Trojan horse for Western wishes to weaken and divide Russia.

In that light, Russia looks like modern Japan, where I worked as a reporter 2001-2006.

A woman holds a portrait of Stalin outside the house where he was born in Gori, Georgia, 80 km west of Tbilisi. Dozens of Georgian communists gathered on March 5 to mark the 59th anniversary of his death. Reuters Photo: David Mdzinarishvili

In Japanese schools, the study of 20th century history oddly stops around 1930 — the buildup to Japan’s military invasion of China and its expansion through Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific. Japan’s 1910 annexation of Korea is dealt with lightly.

As a result, more than two generations after the end of World War II, young Japanese are often surprised by anti-Japanese hostility they encounter on trips to China and South Korea. In Germany, discussing and denouncing the Nazi era has been a national obsession for the generations born after the end of World War II. As a result, Germany’s relations with its neighbors carry little WWII baggage.

Although German soldiers slaughtered millions of Russians during World War II, Germany today enjoys better relations with Russia, than do Britain and the United States, two countries that gave massive material support to Soviet Union during the war.  Full German acknowledgement of the Nazi era has been a building block for today’s good German-Russian relations.

Today, it is inconceivable that bookstores in Berlin would peddle a “Famous Germans” school notebook series with one cover featuring Adolf Hitler. (Actually, he was Austrian).

But this week in downtown Moscow, Artyom Bilan, art director of the Alt publishing company, responded to a reporter’s question about the Stalin notebook with his own question: “Why would we withdraw such a successful product?

Welcome to Perm-36 Memorial Center of Political Repression VOA Photo: Yuli Weeks

Bunks made from timber prisoners cut from the Siberian taiga forest. Radiators were added to barracks in 1950s when Perm-36 housed officials convicted of committing excesses under Stalin. VOA Photo: Yuli Weeks

Rose left by visitor to unheated punishment cell. VOA Photo: Yuli Weeks

James Brooke
James Brooke is the Russia/CIS bureau chief for Voice of America. A lifelong journalist, he covered West Africa, Brazil, the American Rocky Mountain States, Canada, and Japan/Korea for The New York Times. A resident of Moscow since 2006, he was first Bloomberg bureau chief for the region. In 2010, he joined VOA. In addition to writing Russia Watch, his weekly blog, he also does video, radio and web reports from Russia and the former USSR.
Speak to the people in countries that were occupied by Stalin’s Russia and one will find he was as despised as was Cromwell in occupied Ireland. To make him into a hero is pure evil.

Who owns your Congressman? Corporate Sponsors!



Politics is big business, with millions spent each year trying to sway the electoral process.

Which industries, businesses and outside interests have donated the most to which candidates?

How Much Money Are We Talking About?

In short, lots. Here’s a look at what candidates in 2013-2014 have raised for this election cycle:

House Total $289,091,174* Democrats $125,189,570 Republicans $163,856,570

Senate Total $152,410,147* Democrats $81,976,934 Republicans $70,387,430 * Independents not included in party breakdowns Their combined fundraising is $441,501,321. That’s enough to … … pay the average heating bills of every resident of the District of Columbia … pay the average co-pays for 22 million doctor visits … pay the average grocery bill for 400,000 four-person families

Following the Money

Where does all this cash come from?

Here’s a look at which industries have given the most to which parties:

Industry              Amount D R

Retired   $38,883,345 47% 46%

Securities & investment $32,988,928 31% 55%

Lawyers& law firms $24,522,332 68% 28%

Real estate         $18,005,439 41% 53%

Health professionals $16,335,505 39% 55%

Candidate committees $16,214,155 45% 55%

Insurance         $11,989,733 38% 62% Leadership

PACs         $11,491,828 43% 57% Oil & gas          $9,895,507 12% 86%

Business services $8,482,996 48% 44% TV/movies/music         $8,374,264 63% 34% Lobbyists         $8,016,021 49% 50%

Pharmaceutical/health $7,875,015 40% 60%

Public sector unions $7,647,169 52% 5%

Manufacturing/distribution $7,298,056 30% 68%

Building trade unions $6,976,125 57% 11%

Commercial banks $6,887,181 30% 70%

Computers/Internet $6,821,386 53% 36%

Electric utilities $6,631,879 36% 64%

Here’s a look at the 20 businesses and organizations that contributed the most for lobbying efforts in 2013:

Business/organization Lobbying total U.S. Chamber of Commerce $51,955,000

National Assn. of Realtors $25,943,435

Blue Cross/Blue Shield $17,076,780

American Hospital Assn. $14,106,478

Comcast Corp. $13,950,000

General Electric $13,840,000

Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America $13,802,500

American Medical Assn. $13,775,000

National Cable & Telecommunications Assn. $13,270,000

Northrop Grumman $13,200,000

AT&T Inc. $12,300,000

Boeing Co. $11,460,000

Google Inc. $11,460,000

Lockheed Martin $11,117,466

National Assn. of Broadcasters $10,650,000

Exxon Mobil $10,630,000

Verizon Communications $10,143,000

United Technologies $9,980,373

American Chemistry Council $9,490,000

Grocery Manufacturers Assn. $9,350,000

Where It Goes

Here’s a look at some of the Congressional candidates who’ve raised the most money:

House John Boehner, R-Ohio Total: $9,074,336

Top contributing industries (donations to campaign committee, 2013-2014)

Industry               Total      Individuals                   PACs

Retired                $496,367      $496,367         $0

Securities & investment       $441,355      $381,355         $60,000

Oil & gas               $249,189      $164,189         $85,000

Real estate               $200,600      $188,600         $12,000 Electric utilities       $164,000      $75,500         $88,500

Frank Pallone, D-N.J. Total: $3,831,722 Top contributing industries (donations to campaign committee, 2013-2014)

Industry                     Total              Individuals PACs

Health professionals              $249,550              $35,050         $214,500

Pharmaceuticals & health products     $84,000               $6,500          $77,500

Lawyers & law firms               $66,750              $45,250          $21,500

Lobbyists                       $42,550              $40,550           $2,000

TV/movies/music                       $40,800              $15,450          $25,350

Senate Cory Booker, D-N.J. Total: $12,867,688

Top contributing industries (donations to campaign committee, 2009-2014)

Industry              Total       Individuals            PACs

Securities & investment      $1,197,642        $1,197,642      $0

Lawyers & law firms      $1,027,702          $976,207      $51,495

Real estate                $476,450          $471,450      $5,000

TV/movies/music                $366,780          $359,180      $7,600

Miscellaneous finance        $260,250          $260,250      $0

Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. Total: $17,246,609

Top contributing industries (donations to campaign committee, 2009-2014)

Industry              Total       Individuals      PACs

Securities & investment    $1,129,038       $883,538             $245,500

Insurance              $760,525       $311,025             $449,500

Health professionals      $649,025       $413,525             $235,500

Retired                      $644,157       $644,157             $0

Oil & gas              $621,258       $367,259             $253,999

Worth the Money?

With more than $400 million spent in this election cycle on Congressional races, is this a wise investment? Maybe not, when you consider the lack of action lately in Congress. Substantive public laws passed 2013  44 2007  120 Average 1999-2012  70 (mediachecker->we’ve too many laws as it is with Obama making them by executive order, iow, being a dictator. We don’t need more laws – we just need our elected official to watch out for the we the people.







These 6 Corporations Control 90% of the Media in America (the illusion of choice)!


Exposing Media Corporate Sponsorship at CNN…


How many of them arrive in Washington DC as an average wage-earner and leave as a millionaire with a highly lucrative job awaiting them in the Industrial Complex?

Maybe Term limits would bring some control. And at least make them wear uniforms like race car drivers so we know who their Corporate Sponsors are.

Over 60% of the American people today don’t want Obamacare, yet they continue to push it though, have a look at the medical lobbying donations to politicians above. Same goes for the gangster banksters and Obama’s push for the TPP on their behalf, and so on…

And then there’s the Main Stream Media’s Corporate Sponsors!

Exposing Media Corporate Sponsorship at CNN


Former award-winning ex-CNN reporter Amber Lyon shares her experiences at CNN and their acceptance of money to produce fluff pieces on countries, such as, Bahrain and also on extremist terrorist cells. CNN isn’t alone – use search engine here for the hypocrisy and lies within the BBC.


Who owns your Congressman? Corporate Sponsors!


These 6 Corporations Control 90% of the Media in America (the illusion of choice):


NBC correspondent: Obama trying to ‘criminalize journalism’
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/nbc-correspondent-obama-trying-to-criminalize-journalism/#OSAH6aiby9PlbGOF.99

BBC Rides with Al Qaeda in Aleppo, Syria


FYI: CNN is controlled by Time Warner – see “these 6 corporations control 90 percent of the media in America” link above.

Phil Robertson: I Will Not Back Down From Standing on Biblical Principles


by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 12/20/13

After the dustup over controversial comments pro-life Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson made that has caused him to be suspended by A&E, Robertson and his family have released a statement saying they will not back down from Biblical principles.

Robertson discusses in his GQ interview his religious beliefs and about sin, saying, “start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.”

Then, the GQ writer paraphrases Corinthians saying, “don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

Those comments have sparked a national debate and discussion and, today the Robertson family released a statement in response:

We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support.  The family has spent much time in prayer since learning of A&E’s decision.  We want you to know that first and foremost we are a family rooted in our faith in God and our belief that the Bible is His word.  While some of Phil’s unfiltered comments to the reporter were coarse, his beliefs are grounded in the teachings of the Bible. P

hil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Phil would never incite or encourage hate.We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right.We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm.  We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty.   Again, thank you for your continued support of our family.

A+E Networks, parent company of A&E, has released the following statement in response.

“We are extremely disappointed to have read Phil Robertson’s comments in GQ, which are based on his own personal beliefs and are not reflected in the series Duck Dynasty. His personal views in no way reflect those of A+E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community.”

Robertson, who is outspokenly pro-life, has drawn massive support, including from his home state governor, pro-life Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. Jindal issued a statement this morning following the news of Phil Robertson being suspended by A&E from the show.

Governor Jindal said, “Phil Robertson and his family are great citizens of the State of Louisiana. The politically correct crowd is tolerant of all viewpoints, except those they disagree with. I don’t agree with quite a bit of stuff I read in magazine interviews or see on TV. In fact, come to think of it, I find a good bit of it offensive. But I also acknowledge that this is a free country and everyone is entitled to express their views. In fact, I remember when TV networks believed in the First Amendment. It is a messed up situation when Miley Cyrus gets a laugh, and Phil Robertson gets suspended ”

Robertson is very strongly pro-life.

In a video featuring Duck Dynasty’s Robertson, the TV star – in what appears to be a religious sermon – declares his pro-life stance on the issue of abortion.  When discussing the ethics of, and that there’s even a debate on, the issue, he asks, “What in the world happened to us?”

“Listen, from the time you started inside your mother’s womb, Thomas Jefferson had it right, you have the God-given right to life for crying out loud. You’re this long (pointing to his finger). You’re a week old inside your mother. They suck you out of there when you’re about like that (point to finger again). You wouldn’t be here tonight!

“And, when you got to be the size of my thumb, they suck you out. You wouldn’t be here. Then, you grow a little bigger, like my fist – and finally eight, nine months later you come out.


People are so tired of radical groups dictating what we should and shouldn’t discuss or have an opinion on, that they’re not only signing a petition in support of Phil Robertson, but they’re copying their style of life even down to appearence and dress, many of them don’t even support Robertson’s viewpoint(s). The Robertson crew have 12 million viewers who will follow them to another channel so they won’t back down.

Is the Robertson censorship a warning to the Clergy? Our Constitution and Bill of Rights continues to be attacked by Obama and special rights groups.

UPDATE: Gay Group calls for the re-education of Phil Robertson.


It appears that getting Robertson suspended from A&E wasn’t enough – can’t see Robertson going for a marxist type re-education program.

Google reveals sharp rise in requests for removal of political content (Turkey leads the pack)


Annual transparency report has Turkey with most requests

United States asked search giant to remove almost 4,000 items

in New York – Thursday 19 December 2013 11.10 EST

Salesforce: Google + under magnifying glass

Google says it complied with less than one-third of government removal requests. Photograph: Alamy

Google revealed a sharp rise in requests from governments asking for political content to be removed from the web in its latest transparency report published on Thursday.

From January to June the search giant received 3,846 government requests to remove content from its services – a 68% increase over the second half of 2012.

“Over the past four years, one worrying trend has remained consistent: governments continue to ask us to remove political content. Judges have asked us to remove information that’s critical of them, police departments want us to take down videos or blogs that shine a light on their conduct, and local institutions like town councils don’t want people to be able to find information about their decision-making processes,” Susan Infantino, legal director, said in a blogpost.

“These officials often cite defamation, privacy and even copyright laws in attempts to remove political speech from our services. In this particular reporting period, we received 93 requests to take down government criticism and removed content in response to less than one third of them. Four of the requests were submitted as copyright claims,” she said.

Google reported a large increase in requests from Turkey where it received 1,673 requests from the authorities to remove content, nearly a ten-fold increase over the second half of last year. About two-thirds of the total requests – 1,126 – called for the removal of content related to alleged violations of internet law 5651, which censors online speech.

In Russia Google reported a rise in requests after the introduction of a blacklist law last year. The law aimed to crackdown on criminal websites, paedophilia and suicide promotion. But critics charge it has been used to censor political speech online. Google received 257 removal requests during this reporting period, more than double the total number of requests it received in 2012.

In the US Google and its peers are fighting to be allowed to disclose how often they receive legal demands for information from the National Security Agency (NSA). Those requests are made through the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (Fisa) court and the companies are legally barred from disclosing them.

On Wednesday a presidential review panel, looking into the NSA in the wake of whistleblower Edward Snowden’s revelations, suggested tech companies should be allowed to disclose Fisa requests.

“While the information we present in our transparency report is certainly not a comprehensive view of censorship online, it does demonstrate a worrying upward trend in the number of government requests, and underscores the importance of transparency around the processes governing such requests. As we continue to add data, we hope it will become increasingly useful and informative in policy debates and decisions around the world,” said Infantino, the legal director.

From January to June 2013, the following countries made the most requests to remove content:

  • Turkey (1,673 requests for 12,162 items)
  • United States (545 requests for 3,887 items)
  • Brazil (321 requests for 1,635 items)
  • Russia (257 requests for 277 items)
  • India (163 requests for 714 items)

In the US Google received 545 requests for the removal of 3,887 items. Among those requests was one from a local law enforcement official to remove a search result linking to a news article about his record as an officer. Google did not remove the search result.

In the UK Google received 117 requests for 556 items to be removed. One request came from a law firm representing a former member of parliament to remove a preview from Google Books that allegedly defamed the MP by suggesting he was engaged in illegal activity. The preview was removed. Another came from a local government council to remove a blogpost that allegedly defamed the council. Google did not remove the blogpost.


And the lies and censorship continues. The names George Orwell and freemason Joseph Goebbles..


Barack Obama: A Black Wolf in Global Corporate Clothing


Obama’s Eulogy to Nelson Mandela

By Global Research News - Global Research, December 20, 2013
Original: Snoopman news

Amid the propaganda in Barack Obama’s speech at a memorial service for Nelson Mandela in Soweto on December 10, was an encoded signal. Obama’s so-called eulogy was really intended to reaffirm a well-advanced plan to construct a transnational empire.

This article explores how an emergent transnational capitalist class ensured that the South African uprising would result in a false solution that appeared to end apartheid, and why this story has been covered-up by the Global Media Complex.

Obama telling a freedom-themed fable in Soweto
Spooky spin: Obama telling a freedom-themed fable in Soweto

Befriending a legacy of ‘freedom’ in a bank-sponsored sports stadium

At a memorial service held for Nelson Mandela, United States President Barack Hussein Obama said, “We will never see the likes of Nelson Mandela again”.

These spooky words, spoken with an intonation that cringingly mimicked Bill Clinton’s signature oratory, were slipped in among hyper-rhetoric about the efficacy of direct action, well-reasoned arguments and the power of the human spirit.[1]

Mandela, who died on December 5 2013 aged 95, had been leader of the African National Congress (ANC) party, which led a resistance and armed struggle against the racist fascists that ruled South Africa’s apartheid regime from 1948 to 1994.[2] Also known by his Xhosa clan name, Madiba, Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years, from 1963 to 1990, after the CIA assisted in his arrest by passing on his travel plans to the South African Security Service, as James Sanders revealed in his book Apartheid’s Friends: The Rise and Fall of South Africa’s Secret Service (SASS).[3]

In 1994, when Mandela became the first black president of the Republic of South Africa the world hoped that true freedom would come to a people who had been suppressed on the basis of racial prejudice. Tragically, this hope has yet to manifest into reality.

With feigned humility, Obama audaciously asserted, “I will always fall short of Madiba’s example. He makes me want to be a better man.”[4] This emotively loaded line provoked a standing ovation at the packed First National Bank sports stadium in Soweto, Johannesburg. Among those drawn to their feet were former United Nations’ Secretary–General Kofi Atta Annan, and two former Commander-in-Chiefs of the United States, George Walker Bush and William Jefferson Clinton, and former United States’ Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Obama’s categorical assertion that there is never to be someone like Mandela again is spooky, not simply because the Orwellian Obama regime carries out extra-legal executions by drone attacks,[5] and kidnaps ‘enemy combatants’ or ‘enemy belligerents’ for torturing.[6] Neither is it simply because of the US National Security Agencies’[7] mass surveillance technologies,[8] international spy network[9] and its largely hidden collaborations with transnational corporations[10] that investigators such as James Bamford have written about for years, before the brave Edward Snowden became a hunted whistleblower.[11]

What is deeply spooky about Obama saying that the world “will never see the likes of Nelson Mandela again” is that the global news media did not even raise a single metaphorical eyebrow.

This failure occurred because to do otherwise would mean investigating why exactly the man who once wrote a book called The Audacity of Hope made this sweeping assertion, with all its inferred global geographical coverage and permanence.

Obama’s categorical statement is foreboding because it implies that the transnational capitalist class has learned much from suppressing uprisings, regardless of where they spring from, no matter the pigment of their freedom-fighting skins. And, because the Global Media Complex, which is a fraction of the transnational capitalist class,[12] has learned to deploy more sophisticated, Orwellian propaganda since Mandela was initially imprisoned.[13]

C is for Compromise

To understand why Mandela ‘chose’ reconciliation, it is crucial to know about the power structure that underpinned the white Afrikaner elite and the pressures brought to bear on them from the emerging transnational capitalist class.

A white supremacist brotherhood called the Afrikaner Broederbond (Afrikaner Brotherhood), which formed in 1918, controlled the apartheid regime.[14] This secret society was comprised of descendants from mostly Dutch-settlers who were bitter about losing the Second Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902).[15] Modeled on Freemasonry and the Sons of England clubs, the Afrikaner Brotherhood resolved to regain control of the Republic of South Africa from British rule through influence, indoctrination, infiltration, intimidation and intrigue.

To this end, the secret network of the Afrikaner Brotherhood came to occupy key positions of the state apparatus, including parliament, the police, military, judiciary and penal systems, universities, schools, and the state-controlled broadcasting monopoly. The Broeders also held top posts in private sector institutions such as law and accountancy firms, and cartelized industries including banking, mining, and communications.

Under their regime, they spied on native Africans and ‘sympathizers’. The Afrikaner Broederbond covered-up their systematic repression that included kidnapping, beatings, torture, and serial murdering such as ‘disappearing’ people by dropping them from aircraft over the ocean.[16] In addition to this full-spectrum state-sponsored terrorism, the regime isolated the indigenous population into shanty-towns, where most were unemployed or working essentially as low-paid wage slaves.

Amid pressure from a global anti-Apartheid campaign, some in the Afrikaner Broederbond began to realize that ‘the writing was on the wall’. As John Pilger reports in his article “Mandela’s Greatness May be Assured – But Not His Legacy”[17] and in his 1998 documentary Apartheid Did Not Die,[18] the Afrikaner elite pursued a strategy to divide the black resistance in the late 1980s, while Mandela was still behind bars. The Broederbond’s goal was to ensure that they did not go to jail for genocidal crimes, otherwise the Afrikaner Brotherhood would be unable to enjoy their wealth, power and egotistical lifestyles under the façade of a post-political apartheid South Africa.

According to Michael Schmidt in his article “The Dictatorial Roots of Neo-liberal Democracy in South Africa and Chile”, a meeting took place in September 1985 between the African National Congress (ANC) party leadership at its headquarters at Lusaka, and white businessmen and newspaper editors.[19] ANC president Oliver Tambo and the Anglo-American Corporation’s Gavin Reilly lead each side. There was symbolic value in having the head of the Anglo-American Corporation lead the white delegation, because it was primarily the British and American capital class that were moving in to take control of the Republic. To apply pressure to the Broeders, Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank recalled a $500 million loan to South Africa in 1985 and other banks followed suit.[20]

The chairman of the Afrikaner Broederbond, Pieter de Lange, who had met with the ANC’s Thabo Mbeki in New York, urged his fellow Broeder, prime minister P. W. Botha, in mid-1986 to negotiate with the ANC.[21] The same year, the United States joined the economic warfare started by the Chase Manhattan Bank and imposed sanctions against the regime.[22]

In 1987, a meeting took place in Senegal between 17 ANC members and 61 Afrikaner intellectuals, including the leader of the Progressive Federal Party, Frederick van Zyl Slabbert.[23] A dozen other meetings took place between November 1987 and May 1990, at a mansion called Mells Park House, near Bath in western England, as Patti Waldmeir reported in her over-enthusiastically titled 1997 book, Anatomy of a Miracle. At Mells Park House the Afrikaner elite met with an inner circle of the exiled ANC leadership, led by Mbeki, where they discussed a probable transition to a non-apartheid democracy, constitutional protections for whites, and the kind of economic system South Africa might have.[24] (Mbeki would later succeed Mandela as president).

On 5 July 1989, Botha met with Mandela in prison. After Botha suffered a stroke in 1989, F. W. de Klerk speed up the process of secret negotiations with the exiled African National Congress party.[25] This ‘speed politics’ essentially isolated the 3 million members of the newly formed United Democratic Front, whose most famous spokesman was Bishop Desmond Tutu.[26]

As Michael Schmidt points out, against the backdrop of the civil war, there was a sequence to the transformation: “first the spies, then the businessmen, then the commissars, then the intellectuals, then the politicos.”[27]

Few today realize that when Mandela was released from prison, the American establishment was not thrilled. [28] It was not until Mandela gave-up and resigned himself to a decision that had already been arrived at by others while he was still in jail, that he was treated as a darling of American political and media elites (for whom, making-up freedom-themed fables is a sacred daily ritual).

Thabo Mbeki was the one who talked Mandela around to sucking up the big ‘C-word’ of Compromise. If there were a book called the Alphabet of International Affairs with a special edition for the apparent end of apartheid in South Africa, the ‘C-word’ would mean going along with the transnational capitalists’ favoured path of reconciliation.

In 1994, the African National Congress (ANC) gained nominal political power only. Despite promises made by Mandela that the ANC would dismantle the apartheid economy through massive land redistribution, and nationalize “mines, banks and monopoly industries”,[29] the Afrikaner Broederbond were able to maintain their alliances with the power interests of international capital.[30] Cronyism became rampant between the newly wealthy black businessmen, the heads of the ANC, the old wealth among established Broeders and coalitions of transnational capitalists.[31]

Supposed ‘technical’ and ‘administrative’ functions of the economic apparatus were placed in the hands of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group, and the soon-to-be-established World Trade Organization, that together serve the interests of international capital. Land reform became all but impossible without a constitutional change, since a clause had been written into the Republic’s new constitution preventing the redistribution of vast tracts of land held by the white minority population.[32]

Reconciliation meant the Afrikaner Broederbond never faced trial for the atrocities of their apartheid regime.[33] In their 1989 book entitled “A Crime Against Humanity: Analysing the Repression of the Apartheid State”, the Human Rights Committee reported that in just an eight-year period between 1981 and 1989, the genocide meted-out by the Afrikaners took the lives of an estimated 1.5 million people, through military violence and economic repression.[34]

Gallingly, when the authors of The Super-Afrikaners: Inside the Afrikaner Broederbond, Ivor Wilkins and Hans Strydom were investigating the Afrikaner Brotherhood, insiders of this secret society whined that the Freemasons and the Sons of England had used their secret networks to gain and maintain power too.

It is a cliché that the Afrikaners failed to learn deep lessons of the bitter blow dealt to them in the Second Boer War by the coalition mustered by the British Empire. Due to a European Superiority Complex that they had in common with the British ruling class, the Afrikaners lacked compassion toward the native tribes with which they had refused to share land, wealth and power.

Despite the authors of the book The Super-Afrikaners publishing the names of 7,500 of the estimated 17,000 members in 1978, the Broeders were ultimately protected by other powers of the world that were complicit in these crimes against humanity. The world community’s complicity was due to their long-held silence, either because of their ties to the Broederbond’s apartheid regime, or due to submission to stronger capitalist states with such bonds.

In other words, a transnational capitalist class led by the British and Americans, managed the outcome of the South African native uprising, partly so that they would benefit from the outcome. This managed process to a ‘free-market’ neoliberal democracy also prevented the threat of a ‘bad example’, or true political and economic autonomy spreading to other jurisdictions. It also suppressed the danger of justice being served to the perpetrators and igniting the imaginations of oppressed peoples the world-over. Consequently, the propagandist value of western leaders rubbing shoulders with the Global Media Complex’s newly lionized ‘freedom fighter’, Nelson Mandela, was capitalized on to maximum effect!

Unfortunately, when the ANC settled on the reconciliation compromise, most of the global anti-apartheid movement bought into the fanfare. Little did the native bantu resistance movement of South Africa realize how close to real victory they were if they had not let their leaders give into logically fallacious arguments, the lure of centralized power, and fear.

Following Mandela’s death, the former National Chairman of the New Zealand anti-apartheid group, Halt All Racist Tours (HART), that protested against the ‘whites only’ South African Springbok rugby team playing against the New Zealand All Blacks in 1981, weighed in with an opinion piece, “A great man, but not a great president”. In this opinion piece, John Minto argued that Mandela failed to hold fast to the principles laid out in the ANC’s 1956 ‘Freedom Charter’.[35] This charter, which stipulated land redistribution to landless people, living wages, free education, public ownership of the banks and other monopoly industries, and for commerce to serve the needs of the people, was written after 50,000 volunteers scoured the country for the views of oppressed bantu (or native) and Indian populations.[36] “In Mandela’s new South Africa”, wrote Minto, “oppression based on race morphed into discrimination based on social class and life went on as “normal”.”

Unfortunately, the ANC’s negotiator’s fell into a ‘horse-trading trap’ wherein they gave away concessions to control of key institutions, without apparently fully realizing the ramifications, as journalist Naomi Klein reported in her book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. These organizations included: the treasury and the central bank; the pro-globalization, pro-wealthy, job out-sourcing body, the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which was the forerunner to the World Trade Organization (WTO); and even the new parliament (with the clause in the constitution that prevented land redistribution added at a late stage). Evidently, the ANC fell under the spell of Thabo Mbeki, who it appears had fallen for the intoxicating black magic of ‘free-market’ zealotry, which included new wealth and power for elites willing to exploit a naïve base of constituents, while living in England during the neoliberal era of Thatcherism.

As Minto pointed out, John Pilger seems to be the only journalist who took Mandela to task over the reign of the status quo that suited the propertied class. In Pilger’s 1998 documentary Apartheid Did Not Die, Mandela is visibly annoyed with Pilger, who was simply doing his job properly, by challenging South Africa’s president for not doing his job properly. In recalling this documentary, Minto states that Mandela failed as a president (and after) because he refused to confront the continued economic apartheid meted-out to the indigenous and Indian population groups of South Africa under ‘free market’ capitalism.

Spooky Spin: The politics of skin colour performed by a corporate wolf

By imposing neoliberal ‘free market’ economic shock treatments on countries all over the world – including South Africa – a transnational capitalist class has been able to deepen their political control, as Naomi Klein compellingly shows in her book, The Shock Doctrine [37] Their objective in South Africa, as in so many far-flung places, was to keep the mass native populace in a poverty-stricken state, so that they would continue to have only their ‘skins’ to trade for their survival, as Karl Marx could have predicted. Mandela, Mbeki and the rest of the ANC leadership complied, either out of egotistical ambitions for power, or a variation of the Stockholm Syndrome (wherein some appeared to develop an affection for their psychopathic ‘rulers’), or a failure to anticipate the balkanization of the economy by the de Klerk regime and the transnational capitalists.[38] Thus, the native population of South Africa is yet to achieve an end to economic apartheid and therefore a true end to political apartheid, since any group can only control their politics once they gain control over sufficient economic resources – especially land.[39]

Therefore, Obama’s speech was spooky because the US president was able to trade on the colour of his skin when he claimed he drew inspiration from Nelson Mandela as a young man, without the global media missionaries pointing out this audacious manipulation. At the same time, Obama omitted the fact that he is not simply the Commander-in-Chief of a nation, but also of a transnational financial-military empire.[40]

This transnational empire advances the agenda of war on behalf of its core clients, the wealthy owners of vast transnational corporations. The wars that the American government’s Department of ‘Defense’ wages on behalf of its transnational capitalist class clients, are about asserting and maintaining control over the world’s resources, its banking systems, territories and, ultimately, the mass populaces of whole societies.

This permanent war is even waged on a domestic front, as the suppression of the peaceful Occupy Movement by the American state-apparatus demonstrated.[41] So when Obama audaciously said, “There are too many leaders who claim solidarity with Madiba’s struggle for freedom, but do not tolerate dissent from their own people”,[42] the bulk of the applauding crowd unwittingly demonstrated that the global media propaganda system stills holds currency for the more elusive, brazen ‘Transnational Brotherhood’.[43]

Thus, even as Obama was pulling on the heart-strings of the naïve, he was also signaling to ears attuned to such propaganda that as a front-man for the Transnational Brotherhood, he will play his part to ensure that no one ever threatens their domination again. In other words, as Obama was shamelessly encouraging the ‘hope of freedom’, he also offered an encoded commitment to advance ‘the game’ to his fraternal friends in the transnational capitalist class, lest they doubt his solidarity with their global neocolonial project.[44]

It is therefore, crucial to de-indoctrinate those who still believe in the false ‘freedom’ marketed by well-groomed wolf-puppets in corporate clothing such as Obama. Their obliviousness to the hidden mechanisms and objectives underpinning this deceitful hope is keeping us all under the rule of a class of people who have more in common with the Afrikaner Broederbond than they are willing to admit. When, not if, such naïve people en masse correctly see the Transnational Brotherhood as cowards who use subterfuge to hide their crimes against humanity, a long-overdue day of reckoning – the likes of which the world has never seen – will become inevitable.

By day, Snoopman works undercover as an ordinary mortal, editing news at a television station. By night, Snoopman researches the wicked deeds of the powerful, and is Editor-in-Chief at Snoopman News. (See Snoopman News for sourced references)


[1] Barack Obama’s tribute to Nelson Mandela at memorial service – video. (2013, December 10). The Guardian. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2013/dec/10/barack-obama-nelson-mandela-memorial-service-video

[2] Global Research News. Nelson Mandela: Beyond Prisoner, Beyond President. (2013, July 17). Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/nelson-mandela-beyond-prisoner-beyond-president/5342978

[3] Sanders, James (2006). Apartheid’s Friends: The Rise and Fall of South Africa’s Secret Service (SASS). John Murray; Becker, Brian. (2013, July 20). It was the CIA that helped Jail Nelson Mandela. Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/it-was-the-cia-that-helped-jail-nelson-mandela/5343409

[4] Barack Obama’s tribute to Nelson Mandela at memorial service – video. (2013, December 10). The Guardian. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2013/dec/10/barack-obama-nelson-mandela-memorial-service-video

[5] Everest, Larry. (2013, November 5). The Illegality, Illegitimacy and Immorality of U.S. Drone Strikes. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-illegality-illegitimacy-and-immorality-of-u-s-drone-strikes/5356886; Confronting the American People: Thousands of military drones to be deployed over US mainland. Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/confronting-the-american-people-thousands-of-military-drones-to-be-deployed-over-us-mainland/?print=1

[6] Lendman, Stephen. (2013, November 12). America’s Global Gulag: Challenging Wrongful Convictions Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/americas-global-gulag-challenging-wrongful-convictions/5357796?print=1; Lendman, Stephen. (2013, July 19). US Courts Approve Indefinite Detention and Torture. Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-courts-approve-indefinite-detention-and-torture/5343269

[7] World Socialist Web Site. (2013, December 18). “Almost Orwellian”: US Judge indicts NSA spying. Retrieved from http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2013/12/18/pers-d18.html

[8] WashingtonsBlog. (2013, December 18). Former Top NSA Official: “We Are Now In A Police State”. Retrieved from http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2013/12/former-top-nsa-official-now-police-state.html

[9] Burghardt, Tom. (2013, July 13). ECHELON Today: The Evolution of an NSA Black Program. Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/echelon-today-the-evolution-of-an-nsa-black-program

[10] Burghardt, Tom. (2013, November 10). The U.S. Secret State and the Internet: “Dirty Secrets” and “Crypto Wars” from “Clipper Chip” and ECHELON to PRISM. Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-u-s-secret-state-and-the-internet-dirty-secrets-and-crypto-wars-from-clipper-chip-to-prism/5357623;

[11] See for example: Bamford, James. (2002). Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency. New York: Anchor Books; Also: Hager, Nicky (1997, February 1). ECHELON: Exposing the Global Surveillance System. Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/echelon-exposing-the-global-surveillance-system/30532

[12] Carroll, W. K. (2010). The Making of a Transnational Capitalist Class: Corporate Power in the 21stCentury. London: Zed Books.

[13] Gitlin, T. (2003). The Whole World is Watching. Mass Media in Making and Unmaking of the New Left. London, England: University of California Press.

[14] O’ Malley, Padraig. Afrikaner-Broederbond (AB). Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory. Retrieved from http://www.nelsonmandela.org/omalley/index.php/site/q/03lv02424/04lv02730/05lv03188/06lv03190.htm

[15] Wilkins, Ivor & Strydom, Hans. (2013 [1978]). The Super-Afrikaners: Inside the Afrikaner Broederbond.

[16] Human Rights Committee (1989). A Crime Against Humanity – Analysing the Repression of the Apartheid State. South African History Online. Retrieved fromhttp://—-escape_autolink_uri:33a0725279bed363f12f48cc09bf44b5—-

[17] Pilger, John. (2013, July 11). Mandela’s Greatness May be Assured – But Not His Legacy. Retrieved from http://johnpilger.com/articles/mandelas-greatness-may-be-secured-but-not-his-legacy

[18] Pilger, John. (1998). Apartheid Did Not Die. johnpilger.com Retrieved from http://johnpilger.com/videos/apartheid-did-not-die

[19] Schmidt, Michael. (2009, June 30). “The Dictatorial Roots of Neo-liberal Democracy in South Africa and Chile” Alex Constantine’s Anti-Fascist Research Bin. Retrieved from http://alexconstantine.blogspot.co.nz/2009/06/dictatorial-roots-of-neo-liberal.html

[20] Global Research News. Nelson Mandela: Beyond Prisoner, Beyond President. (2013, July 17). Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/nelson-mandela-beyond-prisoner-beyond-president/5342978

[21] Schmidt, Michael. (2009, June 30). “The Dictatorial Roots of Neo-liberal Democracy in South Africa and Chile” Alex Constantine’s Anti-Fascist Research Bin. Retrieved from http://alexconstantine.blogspot.co.nz/2009/06/dictatorial-roots-of-neo-liberal.html

[22] Global Research News. Nelson Mandela: Beyond Prisoner, Beyond President. (2013, July 17). Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/nelson-mandela-beyond-prisoner-beyond-president/5342978

[23] Schmidt, Michael. (2009, June 30). “The Dictatorial Roots of Neo-liberal Democracy in South Africa and Chile” Alex Constantine’s Anti-Fascist Research Bin. Retrieved from http://alexconstantine.blogspot.co.nz/2009/06/dictatorial-roots-of-neo-liberal.html

[24] Waldmeir, Patti. (1997). Anatomy of a Miracle: The End of Apartheid and the Birth of the New South Africa. p.78-79. WW Norton & Company

[25] Schmidt, Michael. (2009, June 30). “The Dictatorial Roots of Neo-liberal Democracy in South Africa and Chile” Alex Constantine’s Anti-Fascist Research Bin. Retrieved from http://alexconstantine.blogspot.co.nz/2009/06/dictatorial-roots-of-neo-liberal.html

[26] Pilger, John. (1998). Apartheid Did Not Die. johnpilger.com Retrieved from http://johnpilger.com/videos/apartheid-did-not-die

[27] Schmidt, Michael. (2009, June 30). “The Dictatorial Roots of Neo-liberal Democracy in South Africa and Chile” Alex Constantine’s Anti-Fascist Research Bin. Retrieved from http://alexconstantine.blogspot.co.nz/2009/06/dictatorial-roots-of-neo-liberal.html

[28] Schechter, Danny. (2013, July 1). Retrieved from How the Western Media Distorts the Historical Legacy of Nelson Mandela http://www.globalresearch.ca/how-the-western-media-distorts-the-historical-legacy-of-nelson-mandela/5341283

[29] Winter, James. (2013, December 8). Mandela’s Dream of Black Power Became a “Neoliberal Nightmare” Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/mandelas-dream-of-black-power-became-a-neoliberal-nightmare/5360825

[30] Pilger, John. (2013, July 11). Mandela’s Greatness May be Assured – But Not His Legacy. Retrieved from http://johnpilger.com/articles/mandelas-greatness-may-be-secured-but-not-his-legacy

[31] Pilger, John. (1998). Apartheid Did Not Die. [Motion Picture]. johnpilger.com Retrieved from http://johnpilger.com/videos/apartheid-did-not-die

[32] Winter, James. (2013, December 8). Mandela’s Dream of Black Power Became a “Neoliberal Nightmare” Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/mandelas-dream-of-black-power-became-a-neoliberal-nightmare/5360825

[33] Pilger, John. (1998). Apartheid Did Not Die. [Motion Picture]. johnpilger.com Retrieved from http://johnpilger.com/videos/apartheid-did-not-die

[34] Human Rights Committee (1989). A Crime Against Humanity – Analysing the Repression of the Apartheid State. South African History Online. Retrieved from http://v1.sahistory.org.za/pages/library-resources/onlinebooks/crime-humanity/apartheid%20repression.htm#anatomy

[35] Minto, John. (2013, December 10). The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved from http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11169600; See also: Patu! Mita, Merata (1983). [Motion Picture]. New Zealand: Awatea Films Production. Retrieved from http://www.nzonscreen.com/title/patu-1983

[36] African National Congress. (2011). Freedom Charter. Retrieved from http://www.anc.org.za/docs.php?t=Freedom%20Charter

[37] Klein, N. (2007). The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Camberwell, Australia: Penguin Books. See Also: Whitecross, M & Winterbottom, A. (Directors) & Eaton, A. (Producer). The Shock Doctrine 2009 [Motion picture]. A Renegade Pictures/Revolution Films Production. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iW1SHPgUAQ

[38] Gowans, Stephen. (2013, December 9). Why the West Loves Mandela and Hates Mugabe. Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/why-the-west-loves-mandela-and-hates-mugabe/5360995; Waldmeir, Patti. (1997). Anatomy of a Miracle: The End of Apartheid and the Birth of the New South Africa. WW Norton & Company

[39] Pilger, John. (1998). Apartheid Did Not Die. johnpilger.com Retrieved from http://johnpilger.com/videos/apartheid-did-not-die; Pilger, John. (2013, July 11). Mandela’s Greatness May be Assured – But Not His Legacy. Retrieved from http://johnpilger.com/articles/mandelas-greatness-may-be-secured-but-not-his-legacy

[40] Jarecki, Eugene (2006). Why We Fight. [Motion Picture]. USA: Sony Pictures Classics; Phillips, Peter & Osborne, Bradley. (2013, September 13). Exposing the Financial Core of the Transnational Capitalist Class http://www.globalresearch.ca/exposing-the-financial-core-of-the-transnational-capitalist-class/5349617; Phillips, Peter & Soeiro, Kimberley. (2012, August 14). The Global 1%: Exposing the Transnational Ruling Class. Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-global-1-exposing-the-transnational-ruling-class; Azikiwe, Abayomi (2013, May 19). Global Research. Retrieved from Africa and U.S. Imperialism: Post-Colonial Crises and the Imperatives of the African Revolution http://www.globalresearch.ca/africa-and-u-s-imperialism-post-colonial-crises-and-the-imperatives-of-the-african-revolution/5335641

[41] Grey, Barry. (2012, December 27). Occupy protests targeted by FBI counterterror units. Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/occupy-protests-targeted-by-fbi-counterterror-units/5316991; Zeese, Kevein & Flowers, Margaret. (2013, July 4). The State of Dissent in America: Flex Your Rights. Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-state-of-dissent-in-america-flex-your-rights/5341616?print=1; Bernstein, Dennis J. & Verheyden-Hilliard, Mara. (2012, December 31). How the FBI Monitored the Occupy Movement. Global Research. Retrieved from http://www.globalresearch.ca/how-the-fbi-monitored-the-occupy-movement/5317536

[42] President Barack Obama. (2013, December 11). Obama: We will never see the likes of Nelson Mandela Again.” Scoop News. Retrieved from http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO1312/S00163/obama-we-will-never-see-the-likes-of-nelson-mandela-again.htm; Barack Obama’s tribute to Nelson Mandela at memorial service – video. (2013, December 10). The Guardian. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2013/dec/10/barack-obama-nelson-mandela-memorial-service-video

[43] Jones, Alex. The Obama Deception: The Mask Comes Off. [Motion Picture]. USA: Alex Jones Productions; Bermas, Jason. (2010). Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined. [Motion Picture]. USA: Alex Jones Productions.

[44] Snoopman. (2013, August 31). A Poorly Understood ‘Bargain’: How Democracy and the 60s Movements became Orphans in the ‘Free Market’ Era. Snoopman News. Retrieved from http://snoopman.net.nz/2013/


Well researched article making it an excellent synopsis for those seeking the ugly underbelly underneath the outer fascade of Global Syndicate.

Snowden, Greenwald, Omidyar – PayPal/e-Bay, and the NSA Documents (follow-up)


The article is a follow-up from this article:  http://mediachecker.wordpress.com/2013/10/18/ebay-founder-to-launch-independent-mass-market-news-venture/


Sibel Edmonds | December 11, 2013

Update 2: Glenn Greenwald Goes on Record: “I Don’t Doubt PayPal Cooperates with NSA!”

Update 1: Verbatim Copy of Mr. Binney’s Statement

The 50,000-pages of documents obtained by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden contain extensive documentation of PayPal Corporation’s partnership and cooperation with the National Security Agency (NSA), according to three NSA veterans. To date, no information has been released as to the extent of the working relationship and cooperation between the two entities- NSA and PayPal Corporation. What’s more, the billionaire owner of PayPal Corporation has entered into a $250 Million business partnership with two journalists-Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, a journalist duo who possess the entire cache of evidence provided by Edward Snowden. Despite earlier pledges by the journalists in question, only one percent (1%) of Snowden’s documents has been released.

BFP was recently contacted by a retired NSA official who claims that the documents obtained by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden contain extensive documentation pertaining to NSA’s partnership with major U.S. financial institutions, including credit card companies and PayPal Corporation. The official, who requested anonymity, also alleges that a deal was made in early June, 2013 between the journalists involved in this recent NSA scandal and U.S. government officials, which was then sealed by secrecy and nondisclosure agreements by all parties involved.

Upon receiving this report BFP contacted three other high-level former NSA officials for additional information and comments.

On December 11, 2013 we contacted Mr. William Binney, a former top official at the National Security Agency (NSA), and asked him to comment on the legitimacy of the above report, and whether he had any knowledge of the partnership and cooperation between NSA and financial institutions such as PayPal. He confirmed the legitimacy of the report and added:

The NSA has had the cooperation of major financial institutions, including credit card companies,  to obtain all financial transactions of these companies’ clients-international and domestic. Further, the NSA not only obtains and stores the financial data of Americans and foreigners, but it also shares them with other government agencies such as the FBI and DEA.

When asked about the apparent conflict of interest and controversy involving the new business venture between the journalists in question and PayPal’s billionaire owner Pierre Omidyar, he had the following statement:

Sunlight, transparency, is the only cure; the only way to bring about needed changes. This is why the public is entitled to have all the evidence and documents. The partnership with PayPal’s owner, thus, the new ownership of Mr. Snowden’s documents by an individual who is implicated in these documents, presents grave concerns and consequences, and a major conflict of interest for transparency, integrity and whistleblowers. 

Russell Tice, a former NSA Intelligence Analyst and Capabilities Operations Officer, also confirmed the report, and stated that based on his knowledge, NSA regularly obtains financial information from major financial institutions, including credit card companies and PayPal. In January 2009, during an interview with Keith Olberman, he stated that information from credit card records and other financial transaction was being collected and stored by NSA (See the interview here).

On December 10, 2013, in an exclusive interview with BFP, Mr. Tice expanded upon the NSA-Financial Institutions collusion:

For NSA, information from financial institutions such as PayPal is equally if not more valuable and sought after than that obtained from social media and other software companies such as Facebook, Microsoft and Google.” He added, “I wouldn’t doubt the existence of evidence and documents implicating corporations such as PayPal within the large cache obtained by Edward Snowden. The partnership and data collection arrangements have existed for many years.”

When asked about his opinion on Glenn Greenwald’s new $250 Million venture partnership with PayPal Corporation’s billionaire owner Pierre Omidyar, multi-million dollar book and movie deals, and recent unexplained immunity from the U.S. government, he stated the following:

“I would be outraged and highly vocal if I were in Edward Snowden’s shoes. For a journalist whom I had placed my trust in to go and withhold documents meant for the public?!  For the journalist to make fortune and fame based on my sacrifices and disclosure?!  Forming a lucrative business partnership with entities who have direct conflicts of interest?! No. That wouldn’t have been acceptable.”

Despite our submitted requests for confirmation, denial or comments, PayPal has refrained from responding to this report and contained allegations.

Other whistleblowers from the intelligence community have also expressed grave concerns over the serious implications of the recent venture partnership between journalist Glenn Greenwald and PayPal owner Pierre Omidyar. Indeed, the journalists in question have decided to hold back the release of the remaining 99% of the whistleblower’s documents, and have been inconsistent and vague as to when and how much they intend to release further documents. Their decision to withhold the majority of the documents appears to coincide with their new $250 million business venture with PayPal’s Omidyar, and recent mega-bucks book and movie deals.

Crytome.Org’s John Young, whom we sought comments from for this news story, considers the claims by these former NSA insiders valid and legitimate:

Government access to financial transactions has always been top priority for all government agencies, worldwide. Nothing is more important to governments than where the money is, especially money for taxation required to avoid death-stake in the heart of governments. So it is consistent that NSA (and other spies) have access to all on- and off-line financial services providers. As you know, financial services are required to cooperate with their governments, perhaps second only to defense industries, perhaps first due to the need to track worldwide arms sales. Control of arms means control of wealth, and nothing is more appreciated by the few wealthy to offload arms cost to millions of taxpayers.

We asked Mr. Young how he viewed the implications of the same billionaire who is allegedly implicated in these documents, buying out the involved reporters (both of them) and getting ownership of the whistleblower’s leaked documents:

Billionaires are as obliged as financial services to cooperate with governments in order to protect their wealth and to guard against excessive taxation, expropriation, confiscation, prosecution, stigmatization and exclusion from government contracts. Cooperation with governments is essential for wealth accumulation, the greater the wealth the greater the cooperation… Whistleblowing on the whistleblowing industry is overdue, but that will take courage and ingenuity to avoid appearing to have been taken over by those expecting to avoid full disclosure.

Here is what WikiLeaks had to say about Pierre Omidyar and his PayPal Corporation’s war on whistleblowers:

“How can you take something seriously when the person behind this platform went along with the financial boycott against WikiLeaks?” Harrison was referring to the decision in December 2010 by PayPal, which is owned by eBay, to suspend WikiLeaks’ donation account and freeze its assets after pressure from the US government. The company’s boycott, combined with similar action taken by Visa and Mastercard, left WikiLeaks facing a funding crisis.

“His excuse is probably that there is nothing he could have done at the time,” Harrison continued. “Well, he is on the board of directors. He can’t shake off responsibility that easily. He didn’t even comment on it. He could have said something like: ‘we were forced to do this, but I am against it’.”

Whistleblower William Russell, who served with the NSA, U.S. Secret Service, and as an officer and transport pilot with the U.S. Marine Corps, had the following reaction to this exploitive PayPal-Journalist-Government collusion:

I completely agree with these whistleblowers. This is a major conflict of interest and highly convoluted. Omidyar has billions at stake if the details of his cooperation with government is ever exposed. So this guy pays $250 million and buys out the 2 journalists who have the entire cache?! Simply outrageous!”

Sibel Edmonds, the founder and director of National Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC) which represents over 150 government national security whistleblowers, states:

We have been told that these journalists have had over one hundred meetings with U.S. government officials in order to clear what “could be” or “could not be” released. That’s a fact, and it is highly disturbing. On one hand they say the government considers these documents and revelations highly classified and stolen property. Yet, we see a mainstream publisher offering millions of dollars to the journalist, and getting a ‘go ahead’ from the US government to publish it. We see a billionaire corporate man, never known for being pro civil liberties or Human Rights, and someone who is implicated in these illegal government activities paying off the journalists and getting ownership of the NSA documents. We see a government sanctioned Hollywood mega-million movie deal. We see lies, inconsistencies, contradictions, censorship, voluntary withholding, exploitation of a whistleblower … This smoke and mirrors filled fakery stinks to high heaven!

As stated by Guardian’s Rusbridger, who recently gave evidence to the British parliamentary committee about stories based on Snowden’s NSA leaks: Greenwald and the Guardian had consulted with government officials and intelligence agencies – including the FBI, GCHQ, the White House and the Cabinet Office – on more than 100 occasions before the publication of stories.

The enormous conflict of interest and ethical impropriety of PayPal owner Omidyar’s business venture with Glenn Greenwald, the journalist in possession of the documents, is not limited to PayPal being directly implicated in documents exposing NSA’s illegal activities and operations. There are other equally disturbing and outrageous facts that put in question the integrity of the journalists, including their sudden enormous gains, wealth, fame, and the apparent government’s consent.

There is documented evidence illustrating Pierre Omidyar’s historical attitude and position on publishers, reporters and whistleblowers who publicize incriminating government documents. Here is one, coming directly from billionaire Omidyar:

That’s right. The above twit was typed by Omidyar’s own fingers on July 16, 2009.

But please don’t be mistaken. Pierre Omidyar doesn’t only talk the talk. No sir, the man actually walks his talk. Slightly over a year after Omidyar made the above statement he engaged in the following action:

NEW YORK: US-based online payment service PayPal has decided to block financial transfers to WikiLeaks after governments around the world initiated legal action against the whistleblower website.

“PayPal has permanently restricted the account used by WikiLeaks due to a violation of the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy, which states that our payment service cannot be used for any activities that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity,” PayPal said in statement released late Friday.

Wikileaks was not the only whistleblower entity to fall victim to PayPal’s war on government whistleblowers’. In 2011, two years after freezing Wikileaks’ account, Omidyar’s PayPal cut off the account for Bradley Manning Support:

Glyn Moody now points us to the news that PayPal has also decided to cut off the group “Courage to Resist,” which was handling funds for Bradley Manning’s defense effort. PayPal admits there’s no legal basis for this. Apparently, the company just doesn’t believe that some people should be allowed a fair trial.

The report also notes that they’ve had a PayPal account in good standing since 2006, with no problems at all. It’s only once they were taking funds for Bradley Manning that PayPal shut them down. This is somewhat horrifying, frankly, and raises serious questions about PayPal as a business worth trusting.

Then, yet another recent example of violations inflicted by PayPal, this time upon Mailpile. Mailpile attempted to create a webmail client that is built with both security and usability in mind to counter government’s intrusions into hosted webmail accounts:

PayPal, for reasons known only to PayPal, has decided to freeze their funds and won’t let Mailpile access the money that people donated PayPal is demanding an insane level of detail into Mailpile’s personal finances and businessEven worse, it seems that the folks at PayPal recognize that it holds power over Mailpile, and seems almost to be lording that power over them

The history of the billionaire’s stand and actions, when it comes to liberties, whistleblowers and freedom of the press, seems to be limited to: opposing, fighting and quashing government whistleblowers at every chance. Simply put, Mr. Omidyar has been consistently maintaining his stand as a billionaire who is pro-government, anti-government whistleblowers, and against transparency.

Omidyar’s pro government and anti-whistleblowers philosophy and principles are shared equally when it comes to his partners and close associates. Here is Mr. Omidyar’s PayPal Partner and close friend- Max Levchin, who says that the NSA isn’t being evil, and that the agency’s violation is for our own good and protection from terrorists:

The NSA is designed to protect us from terrorism, so even if it oversteps its bounds, PayPal co-founder Max Levchin says we shouldn’t hate it. That’s diametrically opposed to the sentiment of many in the tech industry, including Michael Arrington who thinks the NSA’s spying doesn’t stop terrorism — it is terrorism.

“I think it’s ridiculous for a citizen of a country that view his government’s duty to protect me, protect all of us from evil, from harm, from terrorists, from foreign powers meaning ill — to classify a body of government that is designed to figure out what might hit us next and prevent it, throwing them into an evil bucket is just thoughtless.”

Let’s watch Pierre Omidyar’s PayPal partner and close friend in action, shall we?

PayPal Co-Founder Defends NSA SurveillanceThis interview was conducted in the summer of 2013. This was right in the midst of the Edward Snowden and NSA Scandal. This is what Pierre Omidyar and his closest friend and PayPal partner believed then. And this is what they believe now. There has been no change either in Omidyar’s or his partner’s position and belief since. There has been zero indication of either of them seeing the light called civil liberties.

PayPal co-founder Max Levchin is not the only PayPal man who is pro-NSA illegal surveillance and corporate-government partnerships in targeting the population at large. Here are other PayPal Men and former partners who have been directly linked to government spying and surveillance operations, and of course, the CIA:

Palantir Technologies, a Silicon Valley firm, is, according to the tipster, providing the technology that enables the mass-surveillance NSA project known as PRISM.

Palantir (which, at time of writing, had not responded to requests for comment) was founded in 2004 by, among others, venture capitalist Peter Thiel and CEO Alex Karp. It’s a sort of second-party data intelligence company–it’s not a public company, but it was founded with early investment from the CIA and is heavily used by the military and the White House. Karp is an ex-PayPal guy, and leveraged his expertise in security he gained at PayPal (which was constantly fighting off hackers) into his new venture.

Here is more on this CIA Company and its originators, all from PayPal’s early days:

Palantir’s advisors include Condoleezza Rice and former CIA director George Tenet, who says in an interview that “I wish we had a tool of its power” before 9/11. General David Petraeus, the most recent former CIA chief, describes Palantir to FORBES as “a better mousetrap when a better mousetrap was needed” …

We must not forget PayPal’s position and its actual business goals. PayPal is an international e-commerce business allowing payments and money transfers to be made through the Internet. It operates in 190 markets and manages more than 232 million accounts, more than 100 million of them active. PayPal allows customers to send, receive, and hold funds in 26 currencies worldwide. It is subject to the US economic sanction list and subject to other rules and interventions required by US laws or the government. All that, and the fact that PayPal has always been a valuable asset and partner of the U.S. government, even when it comes to operations directed against the people’s rights and privacy.

Remember, NSA wants access to our data. All data. Based on the latest revelations we already know that:

“Companies like Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft — they all get together with the NSA and provide the NSA with direct access to the backends to all of the systems you use to communicate, to store your data, to put things in the cloud, and even just to send birthday wishes and keep a record of your life. And they give the NSA direct access that they don’t need to oversee, so they can’t be held liable for it.”

So far, Greenwald and the rest of the mainstream media have been emphasizing a handful of company names valuable to the NSA as great sources of data gathering on individuals – companies and organizations such as Facebook, Google, Apple, Yahoo and Microsoft. Now think about it, if NSA is that interested in garbage personal details we post on Facebook, how interested would it be in a far more telling database such as PayPal, where it can get all our expenditures, money transfers, payments and donations?

Prior to Snowden revelations we had NSA’s easy access to and control of telecommunication companies such as AT&T and Verizon. Recently, based on less than 1% of Snowden’s documents we became aware of NSA’s incestuous partnership with social media and software companies such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Apple.

We still don’t have access to 99% of Snowden’s NSA documents and revelations. Obviously the 50,000+ page documentations includes many other companies and organizations, including those in possession of the public’s financial transaction data. We are talking credit card companies and other related financial institutions. More importantly, we are talking about one of the world’s largest online money transfer entities, PayPal Corporation.

Thus, we all should be alarmed when we see that those implicated in the whistleblower’s documented evidence are now forming a multi-million dollar business venture with those in possession of that evidence.  We all must question the unexplained changes in the U.S. government’s position on the ownership and publication of these documents. We must all be wary when we see how readily mainstream publishers and Hollywood studios are signing up to publicize these documents and the case with some unexplained immunity. We have to ask ourselves: what has changed? What gives? Only a few months ago there was all this talks about apprehension, jailing, hanging and droning of all parties involved. Only a few months ago the parties involved put on a magnificent show on how they were threatened, endangered, and were going to be persecuted and prosecuted. Then, suddenly, something changed. Something gave. Was it a secret deal struck between the government and the involved parties establishing immunity and support in return for something much more cynical and dark? Was it the involved parties using the cache as a blackmailing tool to secure a $250 million payoff?  Was it a solemn oath to withhold and never release the ‘real’ deal in return for a glamorous life with Hollywood studio deals and multi-million dollar book contracts?

Which one is it? We have no way of knowing, since lips seem to have been sealed, and the release of the ‘real’ documents has been vaguely put on hold for years to come. On the other hand, thanks to some ‘real’ whistleblowers out there, we are getting some information putting this smoke and mirrors filled stage into perspective. Even if so far we have gotten to see only the tip of this convoluted and corrupted iceberg.

# # # #

Sibel Edmonds is the Publisher & Editor of Boiling Frogs Post, the Founder & Director of National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC), and the author of the Memoir Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story. She is the recipient of the 2006 PEN Newman’s Own First Amendment Award for her “commitment to preserving the free flow of information in the United States in a time of growing international isolation and increasing government secrecy” Ms. Edmonds has a MA in Public Policy and International Commerce from George Mason University, a BA in Criminal Justice and Psychology from George Washington University.

William Binney Spent almost 40 years at the NSA but resigned after Sept. 11 over concerns about growing domestic surveillance. He spent time as director of the NSA’s World Geopolitical and Military Analysis Reporting Group and was a senior NSA crypto-mathematician largely responsible for automating the agency’s worldwide eavesdropping network.

Russell Tice is a Former NSA Intelligence Analyst & Capabilities Operations Officer Specializing in Offensive Information Warfare (O-IW). In 2005 Tice helped spark a national controversy over claims that the NSA and the DIA were engaged in unlawful and unconstitutional wiretaps on US citizens, and later admitted that he was one of the sources that were used in the NY Times’ reporting on the wiretap activity in 2005.

William H. Russell served nine years with the U.S. Secret Service as a Computer Systems Analyst, and nine years with NSA, working with and supervising NSA contractors for the installation and testing of computer systems. Mr. Russell also served four years as officer and transport pilot with the U.S. Marine Corps. He attended the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Class of 1957, and is a Graduate of McPherson College, Kansas in Business Administration.

John Young is the founder and publisher of Crytome.Org, the digital library that functions as a repository for information about freedom of speech, cryptography, spying, and surveillance. According to its mission statement, “Cryptome welcomes documents for publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide, in particular material on freedom of expression, privacy, cryptology, dual-use technologies, national security, intelligence, and secret governance—open, secret and classified documents—but not limited to those.”

- See more at: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2013/12/11/bfp-breaking-news-omidyars-paypal-corporation-said-to-be-implicated-in-withheld-nsa-documents/#sthash.Ta18t9HG.dpuf


Whistleblower: Sibel Edmonds (look her up on youtube) -



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